The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, April 09, 1799, Image 4

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Aniib of ail X uions attend ! A Prem mm for Genius ( Executive D pavtrnent, Georgia, Lonijville, leb. 23, 1799* The A 6l, entitled “an act for altering the Great Seal of the State of Georgia," palled the Bth cray of February, 1799, being taken up and conhdcr-j cd ; it is OR DERED, That a premium ] of thirty dollars be given for | the be [I drawing of the. device for . the Great Seal of this State , in pur- ! fiance of the fecond ftftion of the fail acl—the device being as follows, to wit: “ On the one fi It, a view of the jra fhore, with a flip bearing the flag of the United States, riding at anchor near a wharf receiving on hoard hog/heads of tobacco, and bales of Cotton, emblematic of the exports of this State—at a fmall difiance a boat landing from the in terior of the State, with hog/heads, , &c. on board, reprefenting her in ternal traffic —in the hack part of the fame fidcy a man in the aft of ploughing, and at a /mall diflance a flock of fheep in different poflures, f hided hy a flourifking tree—the motto on this hide agriculture and commerce, 1799 —that the other contain three pillars , fup porting an arch, with the word confutation j engraven within the fame, tvnble- j viatic of the confutation, [upported j hy the three departments of the go- 1 vernment, viz . the legiflaiive, judi -, dal and executive —the fir ft pillar to have engraven on its hafe wi/dom, the fecond jufllce. and the third mo~ deration ; on the right of the lafl . pillar a man /landing with a drawn fword , reprefenting the aid of the military, in defence of the con ft i- . tution—the motto State of Georgia, 1799" —Provided fuck drawing he led gel in the Executive Office, at Lowfville , on or before the twentieth day of April next; the fine of the Jeal two inches and one quarter in | diameter ; and it is f urther Ordered, that propofols be re ceived at the fame office, until the ( /aid twentieth day of April, for forming, making and engraving the f : me, agreeably to fitch device j and drawing , in a maflerly and workmanlike manner, on or before ! the third day of July next. Bond | and Jo airily to he given for the due , performance of the work , within ; the lime limited, in the fum of two thoufand dollars . The propofols will be fealed up, addreffed to the executive, and marked propofols for forming, making and engraving . the Great Seal of the State of Geer -1 gia The drawings will alfo be fealed up , addreffed inhke manner, and marked drawings for the device of Hie Great Seal, and toil he ex- 1 cmined the twentieth oj Apnl afore- JaiL ■ ( 7he cafh will he paid Jor the drawing, the m meni it is decided on ns the heft iejign, and for the, Sea 1 immediately it is com pleated ' aid delivered if applied for. Taken from the Minutes, TcJ, Thomas Johnson, | Secretary, •. J G E O R O I A. By his Excellency J AM E S JACKSON, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the General Affemhly of this State, \pajfcd an aft on the fixteenth day of 1 1 thruary inflan\ entitled “ an aft “to compel all officers, civil and “ military, to take and fubferihe j “ an oath to fupport the confutation “ thereof," in the words following, to wit: “ Whereas, it is necejfary that all officers, civil and military, within this State , Jhould he bound to flip pant ani maintain the conjlitution of the fame. “ Be it therefore enaded, that all and every officer, civil and mili tary, holding any office under the authority of this Stale , hy commif /ion or ether wife, fhall take and fubferihe the following oath, before the clerk of the fupenor or inferior cowls, of the county in which he may rcftde; or if a ft a f e officer, before his Excellency the Governor, jor the time being , to wit: “/, A. B. do fokmny fw r ar, or affirm , (as the cafe may he) that I will bear true faith and allegiance, to the State cf Georgia ; and to the ut | mo ft of my power and ability , obferve, conform to 9 fupport and ! defend the conjlitution thereof ; I without any refervation , rr equivo -1 cation whatfoever, and the confti • tution of the United States—So help me God." • u And be it further enaded, that all officers who art now in ' commiffton, civil or military, except Jack Jlate of Jiccrs as have been drift ed hy the General affemhly, at this frrfent ft/ft on, and hav: been day qualified before his Excelency the Governor, fhall, within the term of fix month, take and fubferihe the ' ajorefaid oath, in manner and form ajoiefaid, which fhall he made of record by the officer before whin it is taken ; and in cafe of rcfufal or negleft of any officer, his office Jh all he conftdercd null and void; and his | Excellency the Governor, is fur thy author!fed and required, to fill up \fuch vacancy, in the fume manner as | if it had been made hy death, refg nation or removal from the di fir til; \ and in cafe any jhcrifj, clerk cf the fupenor or inferior cc&'l, or any other officer having office or tn/l under the authority of this flute, jh ill negleft or refufe to take the afoir- Jaid oath, in manner and jo m aforefaid , within the term of fix months, their aft or afts as they ap pertain to ike [aid office , JhalL be confidertd null and void." 1 have therefore, thought fit , to iffue this, my proclamation, notifying j and requiring all officers, civil end military , within this (late , compre hended in the /aid aft, to conform t thereto, by appearing before thepro >per officer, and taking the fail oath, within the period thereby limited , as they wi I anfever the contrary at their peril, j Given under my Jmd> mi j the Great Seal of the [aid cS ia'e, at the State-Houfe, in Lomfville, this eighteen'h (ia\> of February , in the year I of our Lord one 'thou[and Jtven hundred and ninety nine, and in the twenty third year oj American Independence. ; JAMES JACKSON. t By the Governor f | John Milton, Secretary* , God Jave the State . . PROPOSALS » ! j For Pul fling, by Subfcription, a NEWS . I PAPER, entitled, the ! LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. ) J I r. The LOUISVILLE GAZETTE /halllt ■ i really printed, on a demy fixt, (rf which this is j a fpecimen) aid delivered to Subfribif s in town every ’ Tuefday, and to dijiant Suff filers by the mojl fpeedy conveyan e. j ! bl. Price to Su/fcribers —three dollars per . annum , payable half yearly in advance . • 111. Advertijcmcntt inferted on reafonahle , terms. . | IV, Effays, Articlet of Intelligence , and > Communications of an intcrefiing nature, will he I thankfully received , andJindly attended to, « To THE PUB L I C. , BT the advice of a number of rcfpcGah/e gen tlemen of this town, the Editor fubmits the above I to the public eye. Pledget himfelf to adopt a line of conduit, which, he thinks cannot jad to fecure ’ him the approbation of all—that he is determined , to adhere to the ftridlclt impartiality. The LOUISVILLE GAZETTE /ball ever be open ' to all parties—imjluertctd by none. , IT will cunflant/y endeavor to prefent his read , ers with the latcfl and moji authenticated Foreign and Domtjhc Intelligence. It will be his parti • ■ cu ar fudy to render it a ufe'ul ein.t entertaining paper. And hopes by his affiduity and ft id at ' tiHtion to hufinefs , to meet with the patronage oj i a generous public. The util'ty of a paper, on the , plan propped, mujl appear obvious to every one. IV’/h thefe projeffr ns, and a reliance on the inhabitants of Lcujfiille, and the public in gene ral, he remains with due refpefd , their obedient i tenant, AMBROSE DAT, Louifville, 'January 22, 1799. LUCKY ESCAPE j WILL cover this Seafon, at the liable ot George Tarvins, five mile*' below JLouifville, in the County of Jcffct fon. That beautiful full-blooded Arabian Horfc LUCK.Y ESCAPE, lately brought t’om Nrw-Ynrk. He will cover on the following terms, viz. Eight Dollars each, the Seafon ending the laft of June Luckv Efcape is a beautiful dark bay, riling five >eats old, nearly fifreen hands and an bt.ll high ; he is very tractable, and will with in t doubt produce as good liock us any turf Horfc ever ira i ot ted. J. Reeves. March 19. Jo be Rented or Leafed , ..fa A TWO STORY J\ dwelling: 9 9 9119 HOUSE, with a CEL- j ■ IAR Alfo, a well ft -5 S 55=11 niflied STORE. Poflef lion v. ill be given ironic-; *GSBSSSSaBSSmm Enquire cf J. G. Pofner, Louif/tlie, Market Square. ! March T 2. EBEXEZARJENCKES IRefpeSrfudy informs bis Friends in particular , arid the public in general, that he has lately re • Ceded from Chari plan , an extensive supply of Dry Goods and Groceries, Which ren ■ let s his prefent Affortm'nt as complete ; ‘ as pfded fr sale here, and which hi will sell 1 low for Cajh or Produce • January J 2. j BLANK DEEDS j Of CONVEYANCE, T/r Sale, at the Office of the Lou i/villc Gazette i 1 April 2« FOR S A L Cheap Jor Ca[h r London d ©i Blanket* White, Blue and G.eca Plains White and Red Flannels Batli Coatings Superfine Rroad Cloth* Second do. do. Black Bull and Grey CafHmeret Fafhionable Swandowa and CafGmc's YsO Shapes ‘ * Marfeiilei, Jean* and Jcanct do. Clouded and Silk Nankeen* Royal Ribbi and Denimmi Velverets, Corduroy* and Thic kfets Black, Blue and Pink Durants Calicoes and Chintzes Tarnboicd, fprigged, rtriped and pl«; 4 Jaconet and Book Muflin Muflin Shawls and Handkerchief* Book and Jaconet C avats and Cotton Cambrick* Black Silk Handkerchief* Ribbons and Ferretings Sewing Silk and Twift Mens Dear Skin Glove* Irifh Linen, 3-4 and 4-4 wide White and Brown Sheetings Oznaburgs Mem, Womens and Youths Colton aci Worf?ed Hofe Mem, W r omens and Youths Shoe* Ladies Morocco Sandals Mors and Womens coarfe and fine Hats Bibles, Tcftaments and Spelling Books l Federal Ready Reckoners Dictionaries, and a variety of fmall Hifto* ries Ink Powder, and beft Dutch Quills Violins Looking Glaflcs Ivory Combs Razors and Cafes Gilt and Plated Button! Large and fmall do, I Pen Knives Knives and Forks Table Spoons Trunk and Chert Lock* Saddle and Bridle Buckle* Stirrup Irons and Bridle Bit* Shoe Knives, Ta ks. Awl Blade! Pincers and Gimblet* Colton Cardf, No. 10 Jamaica and Weft-lndia Rum Cogniac and Peach I randy Tencriffe and Malaga Yliati Holland Gin Bohea Tea Sugar Pepper and Sp*c« Brimftone and Coppera* 4d. 61 81. and rod. Nails Bert Rifle Gunpowder Bar Lead and ShAt aflbitcd ALSO, An A flortment of PATENT MEDICINZ and QHEENS-WaRF, together with » variety of oilier articles, 100 numerous to infer t. Z. LAMAR. January 22. ~F OR SALE, Cheap for Cafk , ROSE and London Dutfil Blankets Bath Coating Keu Fianncls Clouded, Striped and Yellow Nankeens Thckfets Black, Blue and Pink Durants Camlets Calicoes and Chintzes Tamboured, Sprigged and Striped Plain ]a* conct and Book Muflin Muflin Handkerchiefs Ginghams Pocket Handkerchief* Mufllncts Ribbands, Sewing Silk and Twifl White and Coloured Thread Shoe Thread jrifli Linen 4-4 wide 1 Humhum* Oznabvugi Men and Youth’s Cotton and Worrtcd H ole Federal Ready Reckoners Spelling Bock* s A variety of fmall Hirtotics and Song Boom Looking Glafles DrefHng Combs Pen Knives Knivc* and Forks Table Spoons Bii<le Bits Cotton Cards No. 10 ( Jamaica and W«ft*ludia Rum Apple Brandy Kyfoti Tea Chocolate CotTec Sugar Pepper and Spice Copperas Snuff Bert Riffle Gun Powder Shot allortcd S ilt Pound Fins Sciflbrs Needles Writing Paper. . Alf », a large affortment of Queensware, > ac.hcr wilii a vititty cf oihcr arur'ts- John Blair. February