The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, April 16, 1799, Image 1

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THE LGUISVIILE GAZETTE. 'ITT TUESDAY, Apr i t 16, 1799. [No. 13. — ~ AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUIDE THE HOST. ' XoHsVI LLE : —Pubhlhed every 1 uefday, by AMBROSE D'A Y, at three dollars per ami. payable half yearly in advance. LAWS of the GEORGIA. a, *CT for aiding part of Ogle e l Greene, and a fart of Greene io Cglelhorfie. BE it enaded by the Senate and ff M n of Representatives of the S tale of Georgia, in General Aifemblymet, and it is hereby enacted hike authority of the fame. That a line (hall be run. beginning where Oglethorpe county Unices the liver Ogechee ; from thence a lon» the line dividing Wilkes and °Cglethorpe to Armour’s ford on° little river; thence up the faid river to Sill’s fork; from thence a direct line to the Aca demy Meeting-Houfe, and from thence in a llrait line to the mouth of falling creek on the Oconee r:ver. And be it further enafted, That all that part of Oglethorpe fouth and fouth wed of the afore laid line, b: added to Greene, and all that part of Greene lying north of the aforefaid line, be added to Oglethorpe; and that the county furveyor of Oglethorpe be direfted to run the faid lines as Toon as may be. And each of the aforefaid cdunties to pay an equal proportion of the ex pence, David Meriwether, Speaker #/ the Houfe of Repre/entatives: Robert Walton, Prcjidcrtt of the Senate, Aflcntcd to, l eb. 16, 1799. James Jackson, Governor . An ACT to carry into effeft the fixth Jcchon of the third article oj the confutation , and to amend an aS, entitled, «• an aft to carry into effeft the Jixth feftion of the fourth article of the con fusion, teaching the dijirihution of intcflate eflates, directing the manner of granting letters of admini/lration, letters teflamcn iay and marriage licences , and to prevent entails,” h it enacted by the Senate and ~r Q Hou f e °f &pre/enktives of % ,: e ol ' Georgia, in General /f ‘y _ an d by the authority J it fame , it is hereby enafted, of this aa Th af 7 the paffin s . f> the inferior courts ft ch co fty (hall have jurif ar j j" and authority to hear ml r mmc ali fuch caufes, re n rS| Ults an d controrerfies h mentary. which (hall be ,1, { t ki J° !t them touching j ai in' oof ° f and (hall ex- S „ aod take the P roof of P r ? bate thercof ' * nd of adrri " ddcter mme the right P«£ I ftration of o(lates g of do all othe , r n th inteftatC ’ 3nd t 0 granting i ‘T gS to „ uchm g the => ett cis teflameatary, and letters of adminiflration, according to law and right, and (hull appoint its own clerk, who ■ (hall be cornmifTioned by the 1 Governor, and before he enters on the duties of his office, fhall I take an oath well and truly to r perform the duties required of ! him as cleik of the court of I ordinary, to be adminiflered by : one of the judges thereof. ; And be it further enafted, That 1 al! applications for letters of ad -1 miniflration fhall be made to the 1 clerk of fuch court of ordinary, ; who (hall give notice thereof in 1 one of the public gazettes of this flate, and by advertifement at the court houfe of fuch county ar leafl thirty days before the fitting of the faid court of ordi nary* And fuch clerk may at his diferetion grant letters to colleft and take rare of the effefts of the deceafed, until the meeting of fuch court, and the faid court fhall aifo grant fuch letters in all cafes where there fhall be an appeal from the de termination thereof to f ipc rior court, and in either eafe the perfon obtaining fuch temporary letters of adminilbation, fhall give bond and fecurity for the faithful performance of the trufl repofed in fuch perfon or per fons. And be it further enaftsd, That the cleiks of the couns of ordi nary inthefeveral counties, fhall grant marriage licences direfted to any judge, juflice of the in ferior court, jullice of the peace or minilter of the gofpel, to join perforts of lawful age, and au thorifed by the levitical degrees to be joined together in matri mony : and where fuch perfons. intending to marry (bill have the banns of marriage pubhihed three times in fome public place j of wovfliip, it fhall be lawful for fuch judge, juflice of the inferior i court, juflice of the peace or mi aider of the gofpel, being duly certified theieof to marry the perfons whole banns have been fo publifhed. And any perfon marrying any couple without fuch licence or publica tion of fuch banns, fliaii forfeit five hundred dollars , to bo reco vered for the ufe of chc Acade my of the county, by aftion of debt in any court having cogni- ■ zance thereof, in the name of the commiffioners of fuch Academy, And be it further enafted, That the fees of the clerk of the court; of ordinary fhall be the fain® as 1 the fees heretofore allowed to regifters of probates. And be it further tnafted, That; eflates fhall not be entailed. And be it further enafted. That; , fo much o£ the faid recited aft i as comes within tlic puivicw of 'this, lhall be and the fame i> ; hereby repealed. Da VID MK RI WETH F R , Speaker of the Hou/e of Reprefcntatives, Rob ERT W A ETON, Prejideflt of the Senate . Affcnted to, Feb. 16, 1790. James [ackson, Governor. GEORGIA. By his Excellency JAMES JACKSON, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION , WHEREAS in and by »n s£f, entitled “ an aft, explanatory of that part of the Charter of the Uni vttfity of Georgia, relative to the board of v filers } and to empower the Sena tus to decide on a proper place Hr the feat of that tnttriution.” paffed :he fixlh of Fehruarv, in the prefent year, one thoufand Fvcn hundred and niacty"nine, it is enafled, il lh»f in tfi.tuc of their fcvcral offices, according o ttie true intent and meaning of the taid Charter ; toe Governor, the judtiet of the Superior Courts, the b*rc linen t of the Senate, and the Speaker of the H oulc of Reprdentatives, do and of right ought now to conilitute the hoard of vifitors, and a part of the Se n.itus Academical of the U-.d ualver fl: y. ** And whereat) in and by a refohirion of both branches of the legiflature, at their lad feflion, the Governor ia au thor fed afcd empowered to idue hie pro clamation, requiring the members of the Scnotus Academicus of the Univerficy of t ;e State of Georgia, to convene at Louifv’lle, at toe mod convenient time in hia judgment, between the-terms of ihe Superior Courts, in the prefeur year, to take under their cotfiJeraticn, j ana adopt fueh meafures as may belt promote the object of that inft tution. | I HAVE THEREFORE thought I fit to iffue this my Pr clamation, re 'quiring the attendance, as well of the members of the Lid board of v'fitors, ssof the members of the board of truf tecs of the faid univetfiry, a' the Slate j Ht'ufe, in Lou r fvil!e, on Tntfday, the ievond day of July next, then and there Ito form the Sonatas Academicus , and proceed on the important duties of the uHitut on accordingly. Given under my b?nd» and the Grea v . Seal of the faid S are. at the Scare Houfe. in Louifvil'e, this eighteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thoufmd feven hundred and nineiy-nit-C, and in the twen y tnird year ot American prudence. JAMES J ACKSON. By the Governor, Horatio Marbury, Deputy Scchry. God Eve the Stale. FOR SAL E, A HOUSE and LOT, with a STORE c jl adjoining, near the Marker, with * j Kitchen, Stable, and an excellent well o! , water. It has live fixe places, and is fori 1 two by twenty feet, with a SHED twelve 1 ieet wide. ALSO, A two Tory HOUSE and LOT, with a Kitchen, Stable, Garden, and a good Ipring j near the Houfe. ; Condi lion*, one half cafh ; the remainder j a credit of lia months. Jofeph Chairs. February jg. TO BE SOL dT^' At tk- Mat let House , in Louisville* on 'THURSDAY the ’B/4 of April mat, tbi ///•«*•£ ESTRATS, to wit : r SOWS ami ore HARROW, A rctl f.mdccl, with fume Mack I'poti, marked wit* rn under jq 'are in the right ei f , nnd fn’it and \mder keel in the leit ; H VLL EAGLE MARK, it ymri old, hxnds high, branded on the thigh V; hi ln , :-d of SHEEP, marked fveallow fork, a . l l' l lin . (,cr k«l in each ear; a FLACK . 7 year* o’d, 4 feet 7 inches high- W1 ; : , a lc k l 'H ; a DUN COW, V.fcite .c« au >c^- v > Cro p nrd hole in the right ear, aid u. dcr Hope and hole in the left ; one jH A( k COW and CALF, and one while ;COW and CAI F, branded DM ; nrd one | HMh EH. branded RH ; one vhitc STEER, (branded S; two SOWS and three HAR ROWS, marked with a fwnllow fork in the right ear, and half moon in the left. Wm, M‘Cowell, clerk, Febru ry 26. FOR SALE, At the Oil ICE of the LOUISVILLE CA2* I TTE, cheap for C.ff, Nine pair Gild Ear-Rings T A-eirr pair round Gold Wires • 1 Siv G It Se. Is to tell the day of the inon.ll • 1 Six S'Ucr Bailie 1 adlc* Sit Plated do. do. Tin ce Silver Tea Caddie Ladlet 1 Si* Plated do, do. do. Four pair of SiUci Boot Buckle® Six pair of Plated Spins Plated Whi.-s Four Tlioufand Needles One groce large Pearl Button! vSi« dozen fmallcr do, do, March 12. EBENEZAR fENCKES Refpet:f Sly inf'it ms Lis Fticnls in fParticular , utid the public m general, he has lately rgm ceil ed from Charltjion AN EXIKNSIVI SUPPLY OF Dry Goods and G oceiics, Which renders his prefent Affo’tment as compfli as offered for sale y and which he wifi sell low /or Caff or Produce ; the following Ar~ tides fans part of hit S'ffortment : SUP Kp.NL stcm.o aud other BioacJ Cloth* K. -rfe > meres and Swopcb'wn ElafEc Cloths and C ffimere* Neg o Lit t)> and Fla. ncls Green and Oh e Velverct* Do- do. Co'duroyi A handfotr.e AfFo’trrent of Mnflin* -Si d 7. n- t Mtifiin Han 'knd ii f* A hatulfome /Hr ne t o* talicoc® F-mir ,tccs <• f Curl)in Calicos* Twelve pure- of Linen S 1 pieces ol Hurrhums xix juecrj ol ailnrted Da-anti T.vo piece* of Baih Coating Brown H Hand Worfted and C tton Hofe Clouded a d Snipe:! N rkeenc Marfcillej, D miiy and Jean WafflctPtf Paticrrn Silk, T-aiH and Threads affVi ted Tapes and Ferret.i/igs A gci e- I AfTortmcnr ( f R bbon* Ladic Ki fkin and Silk Glove* W or fled do. do. Four dozen c f Mens Fine Rate Four dozen of Ladies Ki: e do, S:x dozen of Mens Stockings Three d- zen of Ladies 00. t hree dozen of Ladie* Bonnets f wo ri' zen of Mens Cravats gr-'ce of fmall Butiers T w > d zen of large fine Mem Shoot Th.eed zen of ry Combs Three d zen of Blanket* Four lbs- of colorca Thread Four lbs. of fi ;e do Two rkzcn of Coiton Cards, of the bill kind Fif v lbs. of Powder and Shot Sid le Tack* Sru.ff (C ives and Forks Muflard Snuff K^xes Hair Powder and pi ymg Card* Mens Sa die*and Bridles bugir, C ffe a d Chocolate, January 22, blank deeds Of CONVEYANCE , For Sale, at the Office of the Low* i/villc Gazette, Aprils*