The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, April 30, 1799, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. TUESDAY, Apr i t 30, [No. 15. ~ ' REASON AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUIDE THE IV AY. " : —Publifhed every Tuclday, by AMBROSE DAY, at three dollars per ann. payable half yearly in advance. - —.—. ———— ■ ■ —■ * ~ . , — " ■ ■ -- -* - --- - - . .1- IT* A W S OF THE 5X T 0F t act for the better protection 4 * ' an d fecurity 0] orphans and their nft'i'l enaCled by the Senate, and 15 Houfe of Reprejentatives of ihe Slate of Georgia , in General /{trembly nut, and by the authority of the fame, it is hereby enaHed , That horn and after the palling of this a a, it (ball be the duty of the clerks of the court of or* dinar} in the rePpedive counties, to enter into a book to be kept for that purpose, the names of all the executors, adminiftratois , and guardians, which may have been, or Ihall in future be ap pointed in the feveral counties, together with the names of their fecurities, which book (hall at all times be fubjeft to the exam ination of the inferior court, and of fuch other perfon or penons as may he inlc?efted therein. And be it further enaHed , That all guardians, executors and ad miniftrators heretofore appoint ed, and which (hall hereafter be appointed, (hall at the next in ferior court after the expiration of nine months in the refpe£live counties Tfer the pacing of this aft, exhibit an account on oath of all the eflate of fuch orphan ordeceafed perfon, which he or they ihall have received to be entered by the clerk of the court of otdmary in a book to be kept for that pmpofe only : and when fuch court ihall know or be in formed that any fuch guardian, executor or adminiilrator, (hail wade or in any manner mifman age the eflate of fuch orphan, or dcceafed perfon, or does not take due caie of the education and maintenance of fuch orphan according to his, her or their cir cumllances, or where fuch guar dian, executor or adminiftrator, or his, her or their fecurities, are hkely to become infolvent; fuch court may make fuch order for tae better managing fuch eflate, and educating and maintaining g™ or Phan as they fhall think jfd k it further enafod. That “ Huh be the duty of all guar lanS executors and adrniniilra- to render a full and correa ccount of the ftatc and condi on of fuch eftates as they may to „ ave ln thcir pofleffion, m «-K*V \ e re *P e &‘ v e counties an • lC j feverally be accotlnlfh n year > which of thp I 1 Conta * n a ftatement the eftates cedinVf ecem hcr pre }eaily at the court aforefaid examihe the accounts of fuch guardians, executors and adminiflrators fo to beexhibited; and fhall direft procefs to iftuc returnable to the next court againft all guardians, executors and adminiflrators, then failing to appear and render fuch ac count, whether he, (he or they be refident in the fame or any other county : and fhall alfo en quire into the abufes or mifman agernent of all guardians, exe cutors and adminiflrators, and whether they or their fecurities arc likely to become infolvent or not, and thereupon to proceed according to the powers herein before given by this a6l. Pro vided, that nothing herein con tained fhall be conflrued to re flrain the faid inferior courts from enquiring as often as they fhall think proper into the abufes and mifmanagement of guar dians, executors and adminiflra tors, but they may exercife fuch powers at any time when it fhall appear neceflary. And be it further enaHed , That all guardians fhall be allowed in their account to charge all rea fonable difburfenients and ex pences fui table to the circum flances oF the orphan committed to his care. And where it fhall appear to the court that the an nual profits of the eflate of any orphan is not fufficient for the education and maintenance of fuch orphan, it fhall be the duty of fuch court, forthwith to bind out the* faid orphan, for the whole or fuch part of the time of fuch orphan's minority as to them feem heft ; and the perfon to whom fuch orphan fhall be bound, fhall undertake to clothe and maintain fuch apprentice in fuch manner as the faid court may dircQ, and fhail caufe fuch apprentice to be taught to read and write the Englifh language and the ufual rules of aiuhmetic, and in all cafes where it fhall ap pear to the court that any perfon to whom any orphan fhall be bound in manner aforelaid, fhall mifufe or ill-treat fuch orphan, or fhall fail to comply with tire condition on which fuch orphan was bound, it fhall be the duty of the faid court on due notice and proof thereof, to take the faid orphan out of the pofTeflion of fuch perfon and bind him or her to Tome other perfon. And he it Jurther enaHed, That when any guardian, executor or adminiftrator chargeable with the eflate of any orphan, or de ceased perfon, to him, her or them committed fhall die fo chargeable, his, her or their ex ecutors or adminiflrators fhall be compelable tc pay cut of his, her dr their eflate fo much as (hall appear, to be due to the eflate of fuch orphan, or dc ceafed perfon before any other debtof luch teflatoror imeftate. David Meri wether, Speaker oj the Houfe of Repre/entativesi Robert Walton, Prefident of the Senate . Afiented to, Feb. 18, 1799. James Jackson, Governor. FOR SALE, At the OFFICE of the LOUISVILLE GAZ ETTE, chtaji for Cofx, NINE pair Gold Ear-Rings Twelve pair round Gold Wires Six G’H Seals lo tell the day of the month Six Silver Bottle Table* Sit Plated do., do. Three Silver Tea Caddie Ladles Six Plated do, do. do. Four pair of Silver Boot Buckled Six pair ol Plated Spurs Plated Whins Four Thoufand Needles One grocc large Pearl Buttons Cotton or Tobacco will be received in payment for the above Articles. March 12. TO BE SOLD, Cheap for Cafh or Produce, SEVEN nundred and ninety-two Acres ol Oak and Hickory LAND, third quality, lying on the Eight Mile Branch, on the new road leading from Louifvillt to Savannah • thirty Acres of the laid Land is c'ca'-ed, an.l under good fence. For fur ‘.hrr particulars, enquire at ibis Office, or ol the SuUlcribcr, Arthur Claik. April 25, WANTED TO PURCHASE IMMEDIATELY, A NEGRO WENCH, Tor which the Co/h will be paid. For further particulars, enquire at ,Jhis Office . April 23. FOR SALE, A HOUSE and LOT, with a STORE adjoining, near the Marke;, with a Kitchen, Stable, and an excellent well ol water. It has five fire places, and is forty two by twenty feet, with a SHED twelve feet wide. a t s o, A two Pory HOUSE and LOT, with a Kitchen, Stable, Garden, and a good fpring near the Houfe. Conditions, one half cafh ; the remainder on a credit of fix months. Jofeph Chairs. February 19. REMOVED. LUCKY ESCAPE WILL cover this seafnn, at the liable of George Wilfon’s, feven miles below in the County of Jeficr fon, on the Savannah road. That beautiful full-blooded Arabian Horfe LUCKY ESCAPE, lately brought from New-York. He will cover cn the foilowmg terms, viz. Six Dollars each, the Scafon ending thelaft of June. Lucky Efcapc is a beautiful dark bay, rifi-ig five years old, nearly fifteen hand* and an hall high *, he is very tractable, and will with out doubt produce as good flock as any ' turf Horfe cm inserted. J. Reeves. April 16,' ■■ i, r, notice. TUGSLEY & DEVEAUX Inform their Friend* and the Public, that they have received by ihc way of Au« gufta, a FRESH Aflbrtmcnt of MEDICINE, Suitable to the Practice ; and alTar* them, that the drifted attention will be paid to all Orders, &c. April 23. Notice is hereby given, TO the Citizen* of Ltmifville, and they adjacent vicinities, ,i iat t h e Subfonber will open Schorl on MONDAY, the 29th inlhur, in the Houle formerly oc copied by Mr. IVFMurray ; where he will teach the Englifh Tongue, agreeable to Dr. Louth’s Etlay, ard the renowned Mr. Sheridan’* Rhc.oiical Grammar. Alfo, Writing, Arithmetic, and Book Keeping, Geometry and Navigation, with many other ufeful Part* ot the Mathematic*; a* alfo of Aftronomy, &rc. Term*, One Dollar per month, or Ten Dol.ars per annum. in fummer, ten, two intcrmiiiion ; winter, eight, ouc iuitrnnflion, William M‘Kain; April 23. N O T I cHET* AI.L Prrfors are hereby forwarred from trading for either of Two NOTES of HAND, given by the Subfcribcr, to Mathias Dolton ; one for One Bundled and Forty Dollar*, and the other for One dred and Thirty Dollar*, at the condition* for which 1 give the laid Note* for, has failed. I fact Rawls. April iff. N O T I C E. ALL thefe indebted to the Eftate of lohn Ca lhoum, dcreafed, are re queued to come forward and fettle their Account* ; elfo aU thole to whom the faid EUate is anywife indebted, arc requeued to bring forward their Demand* regularly attefled, to receive payment of John Burton, adminijlrator . February 19. , FOR SALE, Cheap for Cajh, ROSE and London Duffil Blankets Bath Coaling Keu Flannel* Clouded, Striped and Yellow Nankeeni Thickfer* Black, Blue and Pink Durants Camlet* Calicoes and Chintzes Tamboured, Sprigged and Striped Plain |4« conet and Bock Muftm Muffin Handkerchiefs Gingham* Pocket Handkerchiefs Mull net* R bband*, Sewing Silk and Twill V\ Lite and Coloured Thread Shoe Thread jri/li J.’nen 4-4 wide Hutnhums Oznabu tgi Men and Youth’s Cotton and Worflcd Hole Federal Heady Reckoners Spelling Book* A v iriefy of fmall Hiflorics aid Song Book# Looking Glafles □idling Combs Pen Knives K nives and Forks Table Spoons Bridle Hit* Cotton Card* No. 10 Jamaica and Well India Rum Apple Brandy Hyfon Tea , Chocolate Coffee Sugar Pepper and Spice Copperas Snuff Befl Riffle C tin Powder Shot allotted * 1 Salt Pound Pins Sciflors Nceile* f Writing Paper. Alfo, a large alforrmcnt cf Qjiecnnrsre, Ue gcihtr with a vatict/of «*:her articles. John 13 lair. February 26,