The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, April 30, 1799, Image 2

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LONDON 1 , February 2. We laft night received Paris journals up to the 26th ultimo, incluhve. They do not flatc, as our readers will fee from the cxtra&s wc have made, that their army has aflually taken poffef fion of Naples, but wc under hand that minifters have received later advices, which date that they arc maflcrs of the city. February 4. We underfland that miniders nave received information, that the rabble of Naples, as foon as they taw their majedies embark on board the Vanguard, role into infurre&ion aiyd committed the mo(l diabolical excefles both murder and pillage. Numbers of the nobility were madacred, even one of the king's children, it is faid was trampled to death by the mob at the place of em barkation. Many of the prin cipal palaces and hotels of the nobility were plundered, and the city continued in the utmod di (order. The Vanguard, with the royal family on board, after fufTering a fevcrc florm, had arrived at the bay of Palermo, February 5. Yoflcrday arrived a mail fiom Dublin, bat it brings no intel ligence of linking importance. Mr. Pitt's avowed determination to keep in view the objeft of an union between the two countries, has excited con(iderable heat and violence. The anti-unionifts view it as a declaration which it is neceflary for them to meet by conduct cxprelTive of their determination always to refill fuch a meafure, jealous that this avowal Ihould be a fled upon at fomc moment when oppofi tion is difperfed or allecp, it feems (o be the defign to bring forward fome propofal to draw from miniller a recantation of his fentiments. Such is the ill-humour of fomc that a Ihort money bill is talked of. Dublin is pcrfeflly tranquil. One hundred and thirty-five members of the houfe of com mons prefented themfelves at the levee of the fpeaker, and thus teflified their approbation of his conduft on the quedion, and gavethis unequivocal pledge of co-operation with him. 9 February 6. The jacobin writers feem to blame the king of Naples for having fo quickly departed for Sicily, They think perhaps that he Ihould have waited till the French had obtained polfef felfion of his capital, and have conlcquently relied on republican juflice and generojity • February 7. Letters from the county of Cork give the mod alarming ac counts of the Hate of that part o( lidand. r Timber is every night cut down for the manu facture of pikes ; the peafantry i neglect their ufual indudry, and ( frequent aflemblages, even in the I day time, are obferved in the wedern parts of that county. It was even reported yederday, that a rebel camp had been formed in the neighborhood of Ooncraile, no later than lad Monday. Some neutral (hips have ani ved in England within the lad two or three days, which failed from Holland without their car goes, in confcqucnce of a general rumour that prevailed there, that an embargo was about to be laid in all the ports of that republic, February 8. Four Irilh mails arrived yef terday. We are obliged to pod pone their contents till to-mor row. The fpirit of the people declares itfelf more decifivcly every day againd the union. In the court of chancery, the bar would not plead before the late prime ferjeant, and the noble lord broke up the court. There has been a dreadful dorm in Dublin Bay, in which feveral veffels and a number of lives had been loft; SALEM, March 26. Captain Mugford arrived yef terday from Bilboa. On his paflage out was attacked by a privateer of 12 guns and 80 men, which he beat off, though he had only 6 gum and 12 men, and had afterwards the pleafurc to learn, that he had killed a few of her men, and (battered her mafts fo that (he was obliged to get new ones. Capt, M. return ed home with 16 guns and 30 men. Americans bound to Bil boa mud expeft to go through fire as well as water. March 29. The Prefidcnt of the United States has recently come to a f determination to raifo the 25 additional regiments which a lace law of Congrcfs provifionally authorized him to do, and the officers will be immediately ap pointed. It feems that an ap prehenfion of imminent danger hasopeiated upon the Prefrtlent's mity!, and determined him to this meafure. We are told there is rcafon to believe that the French have determined on an invafion of fome of the fouthern dates. NEW.YORK, April 8. Another naval exploit. By capt. Doak, of the fchoo ner Indudry, 16 days from St. we are informed, that a French letter of marque fchoo ner of 6 guns, had arrived there, prize to the frigate Infurgente, (aid to bo valued at £'.10,000. Capt. Doak was on board of the prize. PHILADELPHIA, April 4. The Britidi (hip of war Ca milla, capt. Larkins, dire£l from Plymouth in England, arrived in the Delaware on Tuefday. In this (hip is arrived gen. Mait land, who commanded the Bri tilh forces on the evacuation of < St, Domingo, Several IJnglidl < officers have arrived in his fuite-. Various conjectures have ari fen on his arrival at this time and place. The general's aid-de camp or fccretary arrived in town on Tuefday evening, and it is laid delivered difpatches to Mr. Liflon. Yefterday morning reports were circulated with afliduity, by feveral peilons whofe politics arc well known to be in ftriCt confonance with the Britifli, that the Spanifh monarch had agreed to accept of Portugal upon its conquell by the French, and that in lieu thereof, the French were to be put in poffeflion of Louiliana and the Floridas. We have received the Madrid Royal Gazette , down to the 15th of January, from which we fhall lay before our readers feve ral important extrafts, with as little delay as poffible. The following are the prominent fea tures of the prefent interefting and authentic advices: Buonaparte and hia army, triumphant in Egyt. The foundation of a new city has been laid in Egypt, in a com manding duration, it is called Buonapartropolis, The affairs of Italy, favorable to freedom. General Moreau at the head of an army of obfervation, was encamped with 200,000 men on the Po, between Verona and Leguano* The Neapolitan and Sardini an monarchies, no longer exift. Malta has been reinforced 1 and provifioned. Peace concluded between the German Empire, and the French Republic. Paflawan Oglou, vi&orious. ! Portugal, threatened with in vafion; The late hour at which we reeeived thefe papers, not per mitting us to give lengthy ex- trafts this day—we have given the above features of the advi ces, and fhall give cxtrafts with out delay. This morning the fix troops of horfe of this city, marched out towards the feat of infur reftionin Northampton county. The general fets out to-morrow. The hon. Robert Goodloe Bar per has, it is faid, offered his Cervices as a volunteer in the ex pidition, and is to aft as an aid de-camp to gen, Macpherfon. BALTIMORE, April u On Satuiday arrived the fch. Hebe, capt, Hubbard, 79 days from Leghorn. We learn by this arrival, that notwithftanding the afljflance given by admiral Nelfon to the Neapolitan king, he has been obliged by the French army to retire to the Ifland of 'Sicily, leaving the Frenchmen in complete poilel fion of his dominions on the continent. We have alfo learnt by the fame arrival, that the king of Sardinia has been difpofTcfTed of his domipious on the conti nent, and that his majeßv h> been fent to Paris, for what pu/ pofe we know not. The above mentioned vcffcl had touched at Algiers on her paffage home where the learnt that the French conful was held in the bonds of Havcry, in confequence 0 f declaration of war againft t jj e French Republic by the Alcr c ! rincs. The general Leghorn was, that Buonaparte was in quiet poffeffion of £p Vnf Aprils m We hear that lieutenant Phh lip Edwards, is ordered on the recruiting fervice, and that he will open a rendezvous the «n -fuing week in this city, f or the enliftment of marines. NORFOLK, April 8; The fchooner ConcluCon Jubal Harrington, mailer, in paffing thro* Hampton Roads from Boflon to this port, was fired on by the Britilh frigate Cleopatra. After a fecond (hot, a boat was fent off to know why the Conclufion had not hoilled her colors in honor of his Bri tannic majefty's fhip. By this, citizens, you may learn how far Biitilh friendlhip extends ; and fhould the detail be doubted, apply at the Eagle tavern, where the circumftances will beattefted by the captain and pallengcrs of the Conclufion. CHARLESTON, April 18. By the late, arrivals from the Havanna, we learn, that fome time in the latter end of March, : the fhip Ocean, of New-York, mounting 22 guns, and manned with 83 men, was captured after a bloody engagement, by three French privateers ; one a fchoo ner, formerly a Providence pri vateer, mounting 16 guns; the others, fchooners, carrying 10 and 8 guns; they carried her by boarding. The account received in the Havanna, which wasge- i nerally credited, (aid that 78 . men of the Ocean's crew were killed. She was from New- York, bound to the Havanna, ; with a very valuable cargo on board, belonging to Mr. Cram mond of New-York, The pri vateers carried her into a bay to windward of the Matanzas, in the ifland of Cuba. Capt, Grice, from Gibraltar, informs, that when he failed, the Britifh fleet dill continued to blockade Cadiz. Lord St. Vincent was at Gibraltar, A New-York paper of the 6th inflant, received hereyeflerday, a gentleman inform? us, contains a paragraph, mentioning the capture of a French privateer 0: 16 guns, by the United States fhip Montezuma ; the prisoners it was faid, were fent to Curra* coa. Captain Brown, of the fhip Union, of New-Yoik, has been driven afhore on Hatteras rocks; while the fhip was in that fitu ' tion, three or four d£ad bodies j were difeovered floating by ['* fhip, and the quarter deck d :