The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, April 30, 1799, Image 4

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elegant lines. T VIIA T tndrr tagtr joy, Invade M\ hren ■? when you appear ; Eliza. you my foul employ. With all that's (wed, with aV that's dear. When you your lovely mind reveal, A fo/tnefs jkals through every fart, My reafon fails, and footi I feel A fume thing melting at myhtait. Alternate pnffions wildly rife, I [well with hope —IJamt with fear ; My fluttering foul fprings to my eyes, In hopes to tell the /lory there, 7hen take the heart that mufl he thine , Eliza, fee it kindly usd, So dear an inmate who'd rrfign, That thought the gift would he abus'd. From the Carolina Gazette. ODE TO A CRICKET. j LITTLE guf/l, with blythefome note, That warblefl by my taper*s light, Come and tune thy merry throat, Welcome vijilant ot night . Here enjoy ei calm retreat, In my chimney fafely dwell, No rude hand thy haunt /hall heat, Or chafe thee from thy lonely cel. Come recount me all thy woes, While around us fighs the gale ; Or, rejoic'd to find repofe, Charm me with thy merry tale. Say what paffion moves thy hrca/l: Docs fame/ fume employ thy cart ? Perhaps with love thou art opprejl, A mournful viftim to dcfpair . Shelter'd fiom the wintry ivind. Live and fing, and banifh care ; Here afylum thou /halt find, Sympathy has brought thee here, PftOPpSALS for Pubijhing, by Subscription, a NEIVS• PAPER, entitled, the LOUISVILLE GAZETTp. I. Tht LOUISVILLE GAZETTE fiatt h neatly printed, on a demyJi.ce, (</ •which this is ei fpetimen ) and delivered to Sul Jr tbits in sown every ‘ Turfduy , anil to dijlant Sufjlrib rs iy the rnoji fptedy roweJanet, Jl. Price to Sulferiherthree dollars per annum, payable half yearly in advance 111, Advert ijementt Inter ted on ria/onahle terms. IV, E/fiys, Ar hi let of Intelligence, and Co mmunications of an inter efling nature, will he thankfully received, and Jin illy attended to. To Tun public; fV the advice of a nvmh/r of tefpedable pen* t!emen of this town, the Ld tor jubmits the above to the /subtu eye • Pledges himfe ftv adopt n line of conduit, which, be thinks cann r t fail to fecurt him the approbation of all—•that he is determined to adhre to the (triftelt imfanhlity, The LOUISVILLE GAZETTE flail ever be Open to al pat *vj —;nfiutttced by none. He wit! conflantly endeavor to prefent his read ers <1 tilth the iiitejl and mofi authenticated Foreign and Dcmeji.c Intelligence, It will be his farti cu.'ar Juiiy to ter tier it a yfeful and entertaining t, e*' • A* I h pcs by his affinity and J}, id at tent to- to •:/! jto meet with the patronage of " • P T: . J j ed’ty 0 f a paper, on th i prifv/ed, mu s to every c Irn.s thr r/• ,J mi a relit" „ y /'■ Lvuij i ... • he p ,slu ge>c rai. hr remains 14 , then h. Hent au pus l ..., jam. vy ~i la n ‘ u s~ Lor SLc, ci th* Office. ■ OEORCI A. | By his Excellency JAMES JACKSON, Governor and' Commander in Chief of the i Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof* A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS la and by an aft, entitled “ an aft, explanatory of that pari ot the Charter of the Uni vcrfilyof Gcorg'a, relative to the board j of v filore; and to empower the Sma- 1 tus slcadetnicus, to decide on a proper place for the feat of that inltitution, | palled the fixth day of February, in the prefent year, one thouland fevcu hundred and ninety-nine, it is enaded, ‘‘ that in virtue of tbeir fcvcral officea, according to the true intent and meaning of the laid Charter ; the Governor, the fudges of the Superior Courts, the PrcGdent of the Senate, and the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefcntativcs, do and of right ought now to conftitutc the board of vifitoru, and a part ot the *Se* natus Academicus of the faid univer fuy.” udnd whereas* in and by a refolution of both brancheo of the legiflaturc, at their lad felTioo, the Governor ia au thorifed aad empowered to iflue h'B pro claraatioo, requiring the members of the Senatus Academicus of the Umveifity of the State of Georgia, to convene at Lomfville, at the mod convenient time in his judgment, between the terms ot the Superior Cours, in the prefent year, to take under their coiifideration, and adopt fuch mcafures as may belt promote the ohjeft of that inft.tution. 1 HAVE THEREFORE thought fit to iflue this my Prrdamauon, re quiring the attendance as well of the members of the faid board of vifilora, as of the merabets of the board of truf tcea of the faid univerfity, at the State | Houfe, in Louiftrille, on Tutfday, the fecond day of July next, then and there to form the Senatus Academicus, and. ■ proceed on the important duliee uf the ioditut’OQ accordingly. Given under my hand, and the | Great Seal of the faid S?ate, at the Slate Houfe, in Louilvilie, this eighteenth day of Match, in the year cf our Lord one ihoufand feven hundred aud rinety-nir.e, and in the tweoiy third year ot American Inde pendence. JAMES JACKSON. By the Governor, Horatio Marbury, Deputy ScUry. God fave the Slate. GEORGIA. By his Excellency J A M E S JACKSON, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the General AJfembly of this Slate, pa fad an all an the fixtCiuth day of February infant , entitled “ ar. aft u to compel all officers, civil and “ military , to take and fubferine “ an oath to fupport the confhiution “ thereof," in the words following, to wit: “ Whereas, it is ncccjfary that all officers, civil and military, u ithm this State , Jhould be bound to /up port and maintain the confutation of llme. * a the» .Tore ena6led, that • < vy oJicer, civil and mill ry, holding any ofacc under the \ authority of this State, by commif J fan or ctherwife, /hall take‘and I juhfcrihe the following oath, before ! the clerk of Hie. fupenor or inferior • courts, oj the county in which he * may re fide; or if a [late officer be/ore his Excellency the Governor % \ [or the time being, to wit: “/, A . \B. do jolcmnly /wear, or affirm , • (fli the cafe may he) that 1 will bear true faith and allegiance , to the State of Georgia; and to the ut mofl of my power and ability, cbfierve, conform to, fupport and defend the confutation thereof; I without any refervation , or tquivo -1 coLotz whatfoever, the confu tation o) the United States —So help | mo God.” “ And be it further enafted, a// o/ficers who are nozo in commiffion, dm/ or military, except fuch fiate officers as have been defi ed by the General nfjcmhly , at this prefent fiffwn, and have been du } y qualified before his Excellency the Governor, [half within the term of fix month, take and fuhfcnhc the ojorefaid oath, in manner and form aforefaii, which Jhall be made cf record by the officer he/ore whom it is token; and in cafe of refvfal or ntglefi of any officer , his officeJhall be confidered null and void; and his Excellency the Governor , is hereby authorifed and required , to Jill up fuch vacancy, in the fame manner as i) it had been made by death, refig nation or removal from the dijlnfi ; and in cafe any Jheriff. clerk of the fuperior or inferior court, or any other officer having office or trufl under the authority of thisflaUyJhall ncglcfi or refufe to take the afore- / aid oath, in manner and form | aforefaid, within the term of fix months . their afi or afis as they ap pertain to the faid office, Jhall be ■ confidered null and void" I have therefore , thought fit, to I ijfiue this . my proclamation, notifying i and requiring all officers, civil and ! military, within this fiate, compre hended in the )aid afi , to conform thereto, by appearing before the pro per officer . and taking the faid oath, within the period thereby limited, as they wi : l anfwer the contrary at their peril. Given under my hand , and the Great Seal ofi the faid State, at the State-Houfie, in Louifville, this eighteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thoufand Jevcn hundred and ninety nine, and in the twenty third year oj American Independence. JAMES JACKSON. By the Governor, John Mi lton, Secretary, God fave the State. LEARNED PIG W1 L L be exhibited in Waftiington, Wilkes County, from the 14th to die j2lft of May. Thofe Perfons | who wifti to behold die furpriz ing fagaci/y of ibis creature, may idien have an opportunity of I gratifying /heir curiofity. The piice of admittance is ? Haifa Dollar for grown perfon.% I and half price for children, * April 16. WALTER ROBINSON Has received fir m Cha.lefton, « Gx* ral Affortmc-nt of SPRING GOO D S t Which he will fell low for Caflj, ai Store, near the Market, in the r! * Houfe, where Mr. Jofeph Cha ri formerly lived. TRISH LINENS. 3-4 an d JL White and Brown Sheeting v A handfomc allortmcnt of Calicoes Oznabu r gs Cotton and Thread Hofc, fine & C na:(.. Ladies and Childrens Morocco Shr/ and Slippers Mens. Womcm and Childrens C oa-~ and fine Hate Twilled, plain and colored Nankeens Marfeilles k Mufl'nct Waulroat Shanes Corded Dimities Silks and Silk Handkerchiefs I ambored, ftriped, fprigged, plain Ja conet and Book Muflin Muflin Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Book and Jaconet Gentlemens fine Neck Handkerchief (Velvet and Corduroy, twilled and nlaio Sewing Silk and Twifl Ribbons and Tapes Lad ies long and fhort Kid Glovco Mens Buckfkin and Beaver do. f Writing Paper, fine and coarfe Durants of all colors Cambleta 1 Ccffec, Chocolate and Tea i Sugar, white and brown Mohffcl Copperas, Allum and Briroftone ( Rum, Brandy, Wine and Whilky I Weeding Hoes and Grubbing do, I Broad and Club Axes 4 d. 6d. Bd. lod. and aod. Nails Patent Me diene and Glauber Salt! f Pewter Plates and Porringer* Spoons, large and froall Frying Pans Spades Chiflels of all Cze* I Files of different kind* j Knives and Forks Cuttcau and Pen Knives Thimbles Beads and Neck Lacei Effcncc of Peppermint Wool and Cotton Cards, No. f, p & JO Bed Ticking and Check* Guo Locks and Flints Pipes Glafs, 8 by to Pruffian Blue Spirit* Turpentine London bottled Porter Ginghams White and colored Thread Boric Whips Pins of all fizes Ivory and Horn Hair Combi Humbums Gunpowder Lead and Shot Ink Powder Bridle Bits and Sadlcry Shoemaker's Tools Bibles and Teftaments Spelling Bocks and Primmer! White Chapel Needles Looking Glades Shaving Boxes, Razors and Cafe* Spectacles Cake Blacking Plated, Gilt and Common Button# Coffee Mi’ls , Drawing Knives Hand Sawi aod Hammer* Curry Combi Stock and Pad Locks Tin Ware of all kind* Earthen Ware Pepper, Allfpice, Nutmegs, Clov«, Cinnamon and Ginger Decanters, Tumblers, Glades and Si-1 Sellers ALSO, A fmall dock of Woollen Goods Broad Cloths Callimcres Swandowns Drab* and Coatings Duflil and Briflol Blankets, with * variety of other Articles, too ted^ 1 i to mention. 1 April 23.