The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, May 07, 1799, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. t i TUESDAY, M a y 7, 1709* fNo. 16. VoL. I.J il i__ t - ' REASON AND TRUTHIMPARUAL GUIDE 'THE WAT. ' ■ " ■ ■ ■ —■■■■■—— ■ ■ ■ ■■ i»,m——i. ■■■■■— 11 .1 ■ —■■■■. ” "" ' -r 11,111 ■- I-- -I «TT _ I - : Tnbliflied every Tucfday, by AMBROSHDAY, ai three doiiais pci ami. pa) able half yearly in advance. — - ~ ——Ml—’“I 1 .IM-Trx.lf m.j————m in flWIn ■mihTi i mmn.m,, ■ 1 1 *—■ 111 n .11 —■ . j>aa. L A W s OP THE STATE of GEORGIA. A" ACT to regulate the General EkHions «» ihis / ]ate > f nd J° a P'j point the muting of the General h the Senate and lime of Representatives of the Slate of Georgia, General A JemUy met, and by the authority off he fame, That all elections for members to repici.nt this B ,rt in the General Allcmbly thereof, and for reprel«ntatives in Congreft, fliall be held at the court houfe or plicc appoint for bolding the fupeiior courts ia the refpe&ive counties, ana the electors thereat fhall vote viva voce. It fliall be the duty of any three or more of the magiflrates of each county not being candi dates, to prsfide and make returns of all eleflions forfena tors and reprefentatives in me General Aflembiy, and reprefen tatives in Congrefs; and the fheriff of each county or hE deputy is required to attend at fuch elections (or the purpofe of enforcing the order? of the pre fidmgtnaglfoutcs and preferviag good oider. That the general election (lull be held annually on the firll Monday in October; and the time for receiving the votes (hall be from fix o’clock in the morning till (even in the afternoon ; and when any doubts (hall aiife with rcfpedl to the qualification of the voters, the following oath {hall be ad miniftcrcd : “ I A. 13. do fo lemnly Iwear or affirm (as the cale may be j that I have attain ed to tke age of 21 years, have have paid all legal taxes which have been required of me, and which I have had an opportunity °‘ paying agreeably to law, have tedded fix months within the * Gm Y> an d that I am a citizen ol the United States and an in «auUant of this date,” An ’ be it farther enacted , That 1 1 “ , ; 1J magiflrates c * at fuch elections {Trail mj ‘*. ea fraudulent return, or they either of them while luperin -8 tng at (uch ele6fioti, or any Jri idate (hall influence or en eavor influence or perfuade n J voter no: to vote as he fir ft t 0r intended, 01 fhall any undue means to obtain , they lha;l forfeit dUI '! C 11,ft °Tence, one hundred lO be by in- S“°. n * any court having SS°si/ h '" o,i “ d if ” fed F- 1 r ,0 t rever difqyiali fon oF h crvin 5 111 £ Ee commif diddte ttaU K Ce t , ; a"dlfacan r ■*'* he thereby :acapa- j citated horn ferving in the po( lor place for which he may hi jelcfted. That if any pc; Ton 01 ’perfons whatfoever, fliall on any day appointed for holding lucly elections prefume to violate thty freedom of fuch eleftion by any aneff, menace or threat, or atv tempt to overawe, affright or force any per Ton to vote, or oiler any bribe, to induce him to vote contrary to his inclination, or fliall after the laid eleftion is over, menace or defpirefully ufe, abufe or inlult any per'on be caufc he hath not voted as he or they might have wilhed him, every per (on fo offending upon , (affluent proof of fuch violence! or abufe, menacing or threaten ing, before any jullice of the peace, fhall fee bound over to the fuperior court, himfelf in one hundred dollar 5, and two feou* ritics in fijty dollars each, to be of good behaviour and abide the (entence of faid court, where il the offender or offenders are convidled of fuch off uce as aforefaid, then he or they fhall > ✓ refpeftively for each offence, forfeit a fum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and be committed co gaol without bail or m iinpnze till the fame be paid, wh ch faid fine fo impofed, fliall be veco-j vered by writ of Jcire facias or; ca, fa, iftued and figned by the | clerk of the faid court, under 1 md by virtue of the fentence oi j the fame : and the fhciilf eft the j county is hereby requi ed to levy £uch writ forthwi h. That no civil ofheer fhall exe cute any writ or civil procefsi whatfoever, upon the body cd any perfon qualified to vote at} any eleftion as aforefaid. either 011 his journey to, or return from, or during his flay there upon that account, under a pc -1 nalty not exceeding five hundred dollars: Provided . he fhall not be more than four days onftfts journey go ngto, returning from and flay at the place lor holding faid election to he recovered of and from the officer who (ball ferve any proc Is or an eft as aforefaid, after (uch manner and form, and to be difpofed of as j herein before dire died ; and all j fuch writs or civil proceff, exe cuted on the body of any p«r -| lon cither going to, or returning Irom the place where fuch elec tion is appointed, within the j time before limited, he being | qualified to vote thereat are j hereby declared null and void. | That at the genual eleftion which (hail be he'd for members ; of the Geneial Adembly on the fir ft Monday in Oft )ber, one thoufand eight bundled, and at every fecoad geneial election thereafter, the cleflors at fuch ele&ion, fhall v»te for members to reprefent ibis (late in the houfe of reprefentatives of the i United States. That noperfon (hall be defied a rcprefentative in Congiefs who has ROt been an of this Hate three years, next preceding his elcclion, p id his -'tax regu larly during that time, nor 11 all! behold any office of piofit under this date or the United States, duiing the time for which he miy be defied a representative. 1 That the names of> the levc-| ral candidates be kept on fepa , mte papers, and the number and ! names of the voters fli 11 be fca'ed up together with an accu rate date of the pe l under the hands of the prefiding magill rates and tranhnitted by exprefs to his Excellency the Governor within twenty days after doling! the poll at fuch eh chon, who is empowered to draw on the trea fury for payment of Inch ex prefs not exceeding ino dollars per day. That the Governor or Com mander in Chi f for the time being fhall within five days aft* r the cxpiiation of the bud twenty days herein befoie allowed foi making returns, count up the | votes from the feveral counties, : or fuch of them as may hive ; made returns, for each pcrlon, | and immediately thereafter iffue I liis proclamation, dcclaii g the peifons h iving the highed num ber of votes, and qualified as aforclud, to be duly cleclcd to reprefent this date in the houfe j of reprefentativcr oi the United i States, and to grant a certificate ■thereof under the (Teat Seai of I the State, to each of them, Pro vided. no certificate or commif fion dial 1 iffue to or for any fuch perfon fo c!c6fed untd fatisEc tory proof is pioduccd, that the tax of fuch perfon h «s been ie gularly paid as above mentioned and th.t he has actually had die refidence heroin prcTcnbed. That where any two or more an equal and the highed: number of votes jpihe! than tho e duly ciedbed on the general poll, then snd in thai cafe the Governor (hall iffue proclamation directing a kdw cLclion That in cafa any peifon dull ; e’efled, being in th.s fl ite and J O j noticed thereof in manner herein diredled, fhall not within twenty j day*, and if out of this ft ate. within forty days after fuch no | tification, lignify hi s ? acceptance or fhall depait tins life, the v o | vernoror Commander In ‘ hicf, fhall order a new election to be held in like manner as herein pointed out, c That ad writs of eleftions to fill vacancies that may happen for rnembeis of the General ‘ Ifcmfily of th s (late, or houli of reprefentatives of the ! nited States, fhall be direfted to tht julliccs of the inferior courts of the refpeftive counties, who at* hereby required to give public notice thereof, and caule the fame to be bald in manner and form ?.i herein before pointed out. agreeably to Inch writ. n / That the pi eliding i-nagtll rates ;at any clcti on for members of {the Central Allcmbly ot this • ft. te or reprefentatives iu Con grefs, arc liercby empowered and required to appoint the clc-ks t* attend the la deleft ons, whofe duty it lhail be to keep the rolls. And he it further enaH d by the : autho ity afore/aid, That the G. - jneral Allcmbly of thi> ftarc, | lhail from and after the palling of .his aft, meet on the Itrlt Mond yin Nov. annually. David Mel wtth ta, Speaker oj (he Houfe of Reprefcn.ativcs, Robert Walton, Prejidint of the Senate. Affentcd to, Feb. 11, 1799. j amf/j Jackson, Governor, F O R S A L E, At the Oil IGF. nf the LOUISVILLE GAZ . h l'T E, <.ha.fl for Gojh, NH!' pair Gold Ea -R ngs Tm c’vc pair romd Cxjid Wires Si* G''t bfuls to :H 1 the day of the month Si* S : L er U iu>c j ablcs “•ix I’Utcd do. d". T’urcr Sihcr Tea Coddic Ladlss Si< Plated do. do. do. Four pair of Sliver Hoot Hucklel Six pair of Plated Spurs Plated Whi >s Four Thou fan 1 Nf'dlej One grace Fenti Huttons Gotten or Tobacco will ba received in payment for the above Articles, Mi ch 12. , >sB^ removed . LUCKY E 3 CA P E T 'J j ILL cover ih r. Sen for, at the ftah’e VV l)t VS.lif'i’s, fmn mi’ii ictuiv I, ni! lie, iii th* County oi J Ae - on, ■ n the Su . a: .ah roati. Thit bruriul full-blooded Arabian .{ , r Te LUCKV KSC iPE, lately o a Ncw-Y rk. Ha will cover in the ollov*it;g tenns, v z. Six Dollar* ,*ach, ■he Scalan en ing‘he laft of tuna Lucky ECcupe a beautnul dark bay, riig fi « . eai s o.d, near y fifecn hands ard rin half high *, be very AraUable, ard v»i 11 wiili )ut • oi. if product as g U'd limk as any turf Horlc ever im orted. * J. Re«v«s. April 16. BEAM IC DEE D S 0/ CONVEYANCE , For Sale, at the Office of the Lou*, ifvilk Gazette, April i.