The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, May 07, 1799, Image 4

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G E O R C I A. By his Ex dlency JAMES JACKSON, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS in and by an aft, entitled “ an aft, explanatory of iba; pa-t of the Charter of the Uni* verfi y of Georgia, relative to tbe board of v fitorb } and to empower toe Srnu* ties Academicus. to decide on a proper place for the feat of that inftitnt• on, J ' pafT-d the fixth day of February, in tbe pttfent yc,ir, one theufaod Even hundred and ninety-nine, it is enafl,cd, that in virtue of their feveral offices, according to tbe true intent and meaning of the, fa'd Charter ; the Governor, the Judges of the Superior Courts, the Ibcfident of the Senate, and the Speaker of the Houfe of Rcprefcotatlves, do and of right ought now to conllitule the boud of vifilors, and a pot of the Se ** tuilus Academicus of the faid un.ver fity.” And whereat, in and by a reflation of Loth branched of the legiflature, at their lafl feflion, the Governor is au and empowered to iflue hid pro cl&ia/mp, requiring the members of the Senates Academicus of the Univcifity of the State of Georgia, to convene at Louifv lie, at the molt convenient tirxe in liia judgment, between the tcima of the Superior Courts, in the prefent year, to take under their cnnlideration, •nd adopt fuch mrafurta aa may belt promote the objeft of that ind-tution. I HAVE THEREFORE thought fit to iffuc thii my Proclamation, re quiring the attendance, ao well of the members of the fuid be ard of vifhora, aa of the members of the board of trus tees of the find univcifity, at the State Houfe, in Eouifvitle, on Tutfday, the feeond day of July next, then and there ' to torm the S'natus Academicus , and proceed on the important duties of the nil itution accordingly. ' Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of the faid State, at the State Houfe, in Louifvil'c, tkin eighteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one ihouf.ind feven hundred and ftincty-nice, and in the twenty third year ot Ameiican prudence. JAMES JACKSON. Ev the Gover or, .Horatio Mardury, Deputy Sec’ry. God Eve the State. G E O R G I A. By his Excellency | AMES JACKSON, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION . WI I E RE A S the G tntral Affembly of this State, faffed on act on the fixteenth day of Tebruary inj}an\ entitled “ an acl ** to compel all officers, civil and “ military, to take and fubferibe “an oath to [upport the confutation “ thereofin the words following , to zoil : “ Whereas, it is neceffary that all officers, civil and military, within this State, Jhould be hound to fup port and maintain the confutation of the fame. “ Be it therefore enn&ed, that all and every officer, civil and mill- 1 iary, holding any office under ike authority of this State, by commif Jim or ether wife, fh all take and Jubferibe the /oilowing oath, before the clerk of the fuperu r or inferior ; cou r ts t of the county in which he may re fide ; §r if d f&lt officer, , before his Excellency the Govermr. ! for the time being, to wit : “/. A. H. do folemny fwear, or affirm , (r? 5 the cafe may he) that I will hear true, faith and allegiance , to the State of Georgia ; and to the ut mofl of my power and ability , ohferve , conform to, fupport and defend ihc confiitution thereof ; without ary refervation, cr equivo cation whatfeever, end the confu tation of the United Stales —So htlp me God.” " And be it further cnacled, that all officers who are now in \commfjion, civil or military, except fuch f late officers as have been elect ed by the General affembly , at this prefent {effort, and have been duy quad-fed before his Excellency ihc Governor, fhall, within the term of fix month, take and fubfenhe the aforefaid oath, in manner and form aforefaid, which fhall be made of record by the officer before whom it is token ; and in cafe of refufal or neglect of any officer, his office fhall he covfdered null and void; and his Excellency the Governor , is hereby authorifed and required , to fill up fuch vacancy, in the fame manner as if it had been made by death , refig nation or removal from the, dijlnft ; and in cafe any Jheriff, clerk of the faperior or inferior court, cr any other officer having office or trufl under the authority cf this fate, fhall neglect or refufe to take ike afore faid oath, in manner and form , aforefaid, within the term of fix months, their aft or afts as they ap pertain to the / did of fee, fhall be confdered null and void.” I have therefore, thought fit , to iffuc this, my proclamation , notifying and requiring all officers, civil and , military , within this fate , comprc -1 bended in the faid aft, to conform thereto, by appearing before the pro per officer . and taking the faid oath, within the period thereby limited, 1 as they will anfwcr the contrary at their peril , Given under my hand, and | the Great Seal of the faid ' State, at the Siate-lloufe, I in Loui/villc, this eighteen'h ! day of February , in the year of our 1m d one thou fund /even hundred and ninety nine, and in the twenty third year of American Independence. JAMES JACKSON. By the Governor, John Milton, Secretary, God fave the State. LEARNED PIG | WI L L be exhibited in j Wafliington, Wi Ices' County, from the 14th to /he 2HI of May. Thole Pcrlons who wifli to behold the furpriz ing fagaci/y of this creature, may /hen have an oppor/uni/y of ( gratifying /heir cuiiofi/y. : The price of admi//anc« is ] Half a Dollar for grown perlons, and half price ior children, April x 6, I .WALTER ROBINSON Has received from Cbarlcftcn, a C:nc ral Affortment of SPRING GOODS , Which he will fell low for Cadi, at hla Store, rear the Market, in the Red Houfe, where Mr. Jofcph Chairs formerly lived. IRISH LINENS. 3-4 and 4-4 wide Wh’te and Brown Sheeting A handforac a'iorimeai of Ca icoci Ozpabu r gs | Cotton and Thread Hole, fine & coarfc Ladi.saod Childrens Morocco Shoes and Slippers Mens, Womens and Childrens ccatfe and fine Hats Twilled, plain and colored Nankeens Marfeilhe & Mud net Waiftcoat Shapes Corded Drmlt’cs Silks and Sdk Handkerchiefs fambored, ftriped, fprigged, plain Ja conet and Bock Muflin Muflin Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Book and Jaconet 1 Gentlemens fine N ck Handkerchiefs Ve vet and Cordon y, twihed and plain Sewing Silk and Ribbons and Tapes Ladies lomr and fhorl Kid Gloves Mena Buckfkio and Beaver do. Writing Paper, fine and coaife j Durante of all CO.Off | Camhlcts CcfTc, Chocolate and Tea Sugar, while and brown Mjhfles Copperas, Allum and Brimifore Rum, Brandy, Wire and Whifky Weeding Hoes and Grubbing do. Broad and Ciub Axes 4 ( J. 6d. Bd. led. and 2od. Na Is P-rent .Medic nc and Glauber Sain I'ewler Plates and Porriugcri Spoons, large and fmall Frying Pans Spades Chiflels of all fizes Files of d (Trent k’nds Knives and Forks Cuttcau and Pen Knives I'himbles Beads and Neck Laces ElTnce of Peppermint 1 Wool and Cotton Cards, No. J, 9 St 10 Bed Ticking and Checks {Gun Locks and Flints P p a G afs, 8 by 10 PruflDn B.ue Spin's 1 u r peotine London bo:tied Porter Ginghams 1 White and colored Thread 1 Horie Whips | P.ns of all lizes I Ivory and Horn Hair Combs ) Humhums 1 Gunpowder Lead end Shot Ink Powder Br.dic B ts and Sadltry Sbcemakei’s Tools B.blea and Tellamrnts Spalling Borka and Primmer! White Chapel Needles Looking GlafTcs Shaving Boxes, Razors and Cafes bpedacles Cake B'acking, Giit and Common Buttons ( Coffee Mi:!s j Drawing Knives Hand Sasvi and Hammers Curry Combs block and Pad Lo.ks 1 m Ware of all kinds Earthen Ware Pepper, Alifpice, Nutmegs, Coves, Cinnamon aud Ginger Decanters, Tumblers, Q.afTcs and Salt Sellers ALSO, A fmall flock of Woollen Goods Broad Cloths CsfiiTiercs Svvai. downs Diabs and Coatings Duffil and Brirtol Blankets, with a variety of other Articles, too tedious i lo mention, April 23. Z. LAMAR, HAS FOR SALE , his STORE, Marked Square Cheap Jor Ca/h, The following Articles, viz, London Duffii Bian'-.ets White, Blue ami Gtcon Flails White and Red Flannels Bath C atings Superfine Broad Cloths Second do. do. Black Buff and Grey Ca/Jlmerei Falhinnablt Swandown and Cuflimerc Veil Sha< es ' Marfeillei, Jeans and Jeanct do. Clouded and Silk Nankeens Royal Hibbi and Denimmi V ci verets, Corduroy* at d Thickfets Biack, Blue and Pink Durants Calico,s and Chintzes Tamboied, fprigged, ftripid tnd plain J conet and Book Muflin Muflin Shawls and Handkerchiefs* Book and Jacosct C avats and Cotton Cambricks Biack Silk Handkerchiefs Ribbons and Ferretings Sewing Silk and Twill Mens Dear Skin Gloves Irifh Linen, 3-4 and 4-4 wld# White and Browa Shccliig* Ozna burgs Mens, Womens tnd Youths Colton an i Worflrd Hofe Men.*, VVomens and Youths Shoe* l/uiics Morocco Sandals Mens and Womens coarfc ard fine Hats Bibles, Tcflaments and Spelling Books Federal Ready Reckoners Diftiuna riM, and a variety of fmall Hifto* ries I k Powder, and beft Dutch Quill* Violins Looking Glaflc* Ivory Combs R iz its and Cnfe* Gilt and Plated Button* Large and ftnail do. Pen Knives Knives and Fork* lab:c Spoons Trunk an# Chefl Lock* | Saddle and Bridle Buckle* S:frrup Irons and Bridle Bits Shoe Knives, Tacks, Awl Bladfil Pincers and Giniblcts Cotton Card*, No. 10 Jamaica and Weft-ludia Autn Cogniac and Peach randy Teucriffe and Malaga Wine* Holland Gin Bohca Tea S ngar Proper and Sptc® Brimftone and Coppcra* 4 1 61 BJ. and 10 L Nail* Hell Rifle Gunpowder Bar Lead and Shot aliened ALSO, B An/flortment of PATENT MEDICINS B and QUfcIENS-W A RE, together with 1 I variety of other articles, too numerous t» I infert. B April 16. B WANTED TO HIRE, I Bv the Month or Tear, B A NEGRO MAN. I Enquire at this Office, B January 3 n * B PROPOSALS I For Puhlijhing , by Subfcription , a NEWS’ PAPER, entitled, the LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. i I. The LOUISVILLE GAZETTE fallU H neatly printed , on a demy ftzt, fcf which (ha ii BS a jptcimea J and del'vend to in levs every Tu: fday, and to dijlant SubfriLcis by :it mnji fpeedy convey an e. II Pnce to Su!ferilers—three dollars p# annum, payable half ycai ly jn advance m HI. Advert fements info ted on reajwtAlt IP . Ej/iiys, Articles of Intelligence, ‘’* Communications of an int re fling natu e, wi.. thankfully received, andfir idly attended to, To the -PUBLIC. Bi BT the advice of a number of refpeflalt tlonen of this town, the lid:tor fubmits the to the public eye. Pledges himfef to adopt a- ■■ of conduct, which, he thinks cannot jail to ■ him the approbation of all—eh,it he is B * to adhere to the llntfleft impartiality. ! 'Bt LOUIS riLLE GAZETTE fall eve' U to allp.irtiis—infuenced by none. , He •will comjhmtly endeavor to prefent hnM ers with the lateft and mojl authenticated t f - and Domcjlic Intelligence. It will be Ids f- cular fudy to sender it a ufe’ul and cnU’- ’B J paper, . And hopes by his affiduity anuf A ' tent ion to hu/tntfs , to meet with the patron. u a generous public. The utii'ty of u papv - * plan propofed, mufl appear cbn ious to every 1 ’ . fVith thtfe jv of ft.ns, and a rc.* lo ■ inhabitants cf Louifyille, and the public rul, he remains with due rejpecl , i . ■ i » r? servant, AMBROSE V* 1 ' rj Louifville , 'Janatry 22, IJV9* I