The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, May 14, 1799, Image 4

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WALTER RODIXSON Has received from C arlefton, a Gene ral Aflortment of SPRING GOODS, Which be will fell low for Tafh, ar h'g iSror*. near the Msiket, in (he Reel j Houfe, "here Mr. Jofeph Chairs forrTiCtly l.ved, j IRISH LINENS, e.4 and 4-4 wide 1 Wh’fe and iirown Sheeting A handforne a ’orlment cf Caiicoel Oz^aturgg Cotton and Thrrad Hof-, fine & rosrfe j Lidiea and Childrens Morocco Shoes and Si’ppcra Mens, Women* and Childrens coaife and fine Ha'g plain and colored Nankeens Mar/cillce & Mufl nct Wailhoat Shapes Corded Dimities Si ka and Sdk Handkrrcli’cfa Tamborcd, ftrlped, fprigged, plain Ji cortf and Book Muffin Muflln Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Book and Jaconet Gentlemens fine Neck Handkerchiefs Velvet acd Cordurry, twilled and plain 1 Sewing Silk and Will Ribhonfl and Tapes I. adieu long nnd fliort Kid Glcvca Mens Euckflcin and Beaver do. Writing Paper, fine audeoatfe Dnrantw of all to’ora Camb'clfl Coffee, Chocolate and Tea Sngir. while and brown Mobiles, Allufn and Brimfionc Rum, Brandy, Wine and Whifky Wctding Hoes and Grubbing do. Broad and Club Axes 4L 6d, Bd. ipd. and sod. Nads Pa ent Medic nc and Glauber Salts Pewter Plates and Porringers Spoons, large and Imili Fiying Pans Spades Chlflcli of all lk:s Files of d flVrcoi kind* Knives and Foiks Cutfcau and Pen Knives Thimbles Beads and Neck Lacta EflVnce cf Peppermint Wool and Colton Cards, No. 8,9 & JO Bed Picking and Checks Cun Locks and Flints Piptfl Glafs, B hy 10 Pruflian Blue Spirits Turpentine London bottled Porter Ginghams Whi:e and colored Thread Hope Whips Puis of oil fizes Ivoty and Horn Halt Combo Humhun.s Gunpowder Lead and Shot Ink Powder Br.dlc Bits and Sadlery Rhccrrakei’s Tools Bibbs and Teltam* ti f a Spelling Bor ks and iVimmera White Chapel Needles Looking Gialfci Shaving Boxes, Razors and Cafes Spectacles Cake Blacking Plated, Out and Coruinon Buttons Coffee Mills Idrawng Knives Hand Sawa and Hammers Curry Combs and Pad Locks Tin Ware of all kiuda Earthen W rt re i'cpper, Allfpice, Nutnrgs, Cloven, Cinnamon ami Omgci Decanters, Tumblers, Giaffca aud Salt Sellers A I. S O, A fmall dock of Woollen Goods I Broad Cloths Cuflimeua SwanJi. was Drabs and Coatings Diiflil aed Bntiol D-auketf, with a variety cf otaer Articles, too tedious to mention. Afril 23. Z. LAM A R, lIA S P 0 S A At ills STORE, Mattel Square, | I Cheap Jor Cafi, Ihe following Articles, viz. j Tf ON DOR Duffil Blankets . JLi White, Hine ami Giccn P.aiflJ Wu'.r and Red Flannel* Hath C iioi'gs i Suj.iifmc broad Cloths Second dn, do. j HI ark Buff and Grey rfaflhnfret ; fafliionabl* b\sundowu and CalHmerc Veft Shapes Marfeiilr*, J:a:n and Jcanet do, | Clnuded and Silk Nankeens , Hoy a) Rihhi and Deminnu . r. verffc, Corduroy t and Tlih kfctj H nek, Blue and Pink Durants Calico's and Chintzes lumbered, f,nigged, friped and p’ain J court and R >ck Muilin Mudin Shawls and Handkerchiefs Hack and Jaconet (. a vats and Cotton Cumbricks Black Silk Handkerchiefs Ribbons and Ferretings Scwi ;i g Si! k. nnd Tvv i Ik Mens Drar Skin Gloves I"*fh Linen, 3-4 an< * 4-4 wide W hite and Brown Sheetings Oznaburgi Mnu, W1 mens and Youths Cotton and Worfird Hofc Men?, Womens and Youths Shoes Ladies Morocco Sandals Mrns and Womens coatfe and fine Hats Bible j, Tcftamrnts and Spelling Books Federal Heady Reckoners Diftionarws, and a variety of fmall Hifto* rirs Ink Powder, and beft Dutch Quills Violins Looking Glafics Ivory Combs Razors and Cafas Gilt and Plated Buttons Large arid linall do. Pen Knives Knives and Forks Pable Spoons Trunk and Chefi Lock* Saddle a: d Bridle Ruckles S'irrup Irons and Bridle Bit* Mme knives, Tac ks, Awl Blades Pincers and Giniblets Cotton Cards, N,o. 10 Jamaica and Weft-lndla Ru a Cogniac and Peach » randy Teneriffe and Malaga Wines Holland Gin Bohea Tea Sugar Pepper and Spies H.imftonc and Copperas ]d. 61 81. and 10 !. Nalls H*H Riil; Gunpowder Bar Lead and Shot a (Ported ALSO, An Aflonmcnt of PATFRT MfcDICIKE and QJJF,KNS-WABK, togeMirr with a variety ol o.hcr articles, too numerous to inlett. Anril 16. WANTED TO HIKE, By the Month or 7*e,ir t A NEGRO MAN. B' at /his OJp:e, yarn ary PROPOSALS For BuOiJling) ly Subft>iptirn y a NEWS 2'APKRy eniit.eJy the LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. I. 'The LOUISnLIE GAZETTE Jhalllt neatly printed, on a<h <ny /tzc, (<f which this is a Jjtecimcn J a ’u{ deliver td to S u lj~ ri/n/s in town every TurfJety, and to dijlent Su ' the »rjl tpcedy conveyance, 2L Erne to Su'feri/rrs—three dollars per annum) payable half yearly in advance . lIT Advert ijcmentt infested on reafonahlc terms , 2h r > Fffaysy Am teles cf TntelUg-nce, and Communications oj an inter efin j native, xusli ic thankjuiiy received , andfniily attended to. To THE PUBLIC. BY the admire of a number 'f reffedlal/t ecu* t.’cmen of this town* the Editor fubmits the above \ to the public eye . Pledges him ef to adopt a line of cinduily which % be think* cannot jail to fesure\ kirn the approbation of ad~~/Lat h is determined: to erdhnt to the Bndeil im . ani iliiy . The' LOUISVILLE GAZETTE flail ever U often j to all parties*—! n fluent ed by none. He nvi’l conjhntly endeavor to prefer/ hr r read ers with the latif and nrofl authenticated I' rdgn and Domefitc Intel, igen e, It will be hi far/i (ular fnAy to re/.det it a ufc ul an i enter tabling pafet. Ant Apes by his of; a:. tty nnd fried at tentr nto bufStef i, to meet ninth the /a.'renage of a genera 'public. 7 hr util'ty rf a paper % on the plan prop-f mufl apf ar obvious to every one. birth theft proj-ff-and n reliance on the inhabitants f Louift i!L\ and t’re public in gene > I rem ins .Vs due re ■ , th*ir tbe. lent A-MBLOSS DAT, La*iji:j an&»>y -if y 9• • *\ By Wm. */t Dr w j i> R ( H Cl A.J f i,1.. Clerk oj tht ! J.f >:> ‘ o’/’i'y. V C,urt oj Ordinary » Wm. Ivl'Dow r.LL. \ of the County </ ) y#rjo«. j Mary Summerlin ha h yY a ipi’pii to me for Inters of admi r»i i.ition on the Kiiate of Owen Summerhn, '.me < f this County, deccafed : ihcic arc theref-re to cite ar,d adtnonifh all and ii’igalr.r the kindred ai d Cred tors of the ibid c'ctcafcd, to be and appear at my Office, on or before the JBth day of May next, to ll:ew caufe, if any they can, why letters of admiuiftraiion ihouldnot be 1 granted her. Given under my hard, this 18th day of A »'iJ, j799* and in the twenty third year cf the .Amciican Inde pendence. N O T \LL thefe indebted to the EOate of John Calhoon, dcceafcd, are re* quelled to come forward and fettle their Accounts ; alfo all tlWe ro whom the laid Kftate is anywile indebted, are requeued to bring f. rward their Demand* regularly acteA'*«i, to receive payment of John Burton, adminijlraior. February 19. TO BE SOLD, Cheap Jor Cafh or Product , (CJ EVEH nundred and rinety-rwo Acres v 3 of Ode and Hickorv LAND, third quality, lying on the Eight Mi e Branch, j ou die new road leading from Louifvilic to Savannah ; thirty Acies of the laid I.and is c cared, an 1 under good fence. For f ur ther 1 articular?, enquire at this Office, or of the Sublciibcr. Arthur Claik, April 23. WANTED TO PURCHASE IMMEDIATELY, A NEG R 0 WENCH, For which the Cafh will he paid. I For further particulars , enquire at this Office • • April 33. F O R S A~L £, A HOUSE and LOT, w : th a STORE adjoining, near ihe Market, with a Kitchen, Stable, and an excellent well of water. It has five fire placer, and is forty l w« by twenty feet, wuh a &HED twelve feet wide. ALSO, A two n ory HOUSE and LOT, with a ! Kitchen, Stable, and a good fpring near the Houfe. Condi tiers, one half cafh ; the remainder on a Credit of fix months. jofeph Chairs, February iq. F OK SALE, j Cheap for Cafh, ROSE and London Duffil Blankets Bath Coating Kca Fsanrels Cbm cd, Striped and Yellow Nankeens Ih ckferj Black, Blue and Pirk Durants Camlets C ilicocs and Chintzes Tamboured, Sprigged and Striped Plain Ja conet and Book Mu Ilia Mull in Handled chiefs Ginghams Packet Handkerchiefs Mullinets R bbt n s, Sewing Silk and Twifi Whi r <- and Coloured Thread Shoe Thread pith Linen 4-4 wide I Humhums | Oz.iabuigJ Men and Youth's Cotton and Worfled Hole ; Federal P.s.iiy Reckoners S riling 80-ks A v ?riery of ( tr) 41 Hifforics and Sorg Books Looking G la lies Drcffing Combs Fen K/ ives Knives and Forks •• Table Spoons Bridle Bits Cotton Cards No. 10 | Jamaica and Weft India Ram Apple Brandy ■ Hyfon Tea Chocolate Coffee Sugar Pepper and Spice Coppei as S n u tf Bell Riffle Gun Powder Shot afforted Writing Paper. Alfa, a la ge r.ffortment cf Qneerswatc, to gether wim a vaticty cf '«!hrr articles. John Blair, February-*6# SHERIFF® SALE. °n the FIRST TUESDAY in June at »hr Court-Houfc, i„ Jackfon Coa-jiv* Will be fold, on the ufual hours, ‘ THE FOLLOWING TRACT of LAND, viz, FIVE hundred Acrej of LAND, 1 v->« on Turkey Creek, whe.eon joVa nendncki, now lives: it being part of a IracT, containing eight thoufand / r , ei granted to J hn Hinfcn. Taken bv E-e* cution as the Fro erty cf Geo. M‘P at the fuit of John Hinson, Conditions, Ca!h. Charles Dougherty, s. j. c April 30. * N 0 TICE. PUGSLEY & DEVEAUX Inform their Friends and the Public thev have received by the way of A u gufta, a FRESH 7 U Alfortment of MEDICINE, Suitable to the Practice ; and dfare them, that the ftriflefl attention will be paid to all Orders, &c, April 23. n o t 1 c £. ALL Perfors arc hereby forwarred fro-n trading for either of Two NOTES jot HAND, given by the Subfcribcr, to Mathias Dolton ; ore for One Hundredai.d j Forty Dollars, and the other for One Hum i dred and Thirty as the conoiiion for which 1 give the L;ic4 Notes for, has failed. ’ I faac Rawls, April iS. f cT r sale, At the 01-FICE of the LOUISVILLE GAZ* EFTEy cheap for Cajhy NINE pair Gold Ear-Rings Twelve pair round Gold Wires Six G'lt Seals to tell the day of »hc mcßlb Six Silver Bottle Tables 1 Sit Plated do, do. Three Silver Tea Caddie Ladles Six Plated do. .do. do. Four pair of Silver Boot Buckles Six pair cf Plated Spurs 1 Plated Whips j Four Thoufand Needles One groce laige Pearl Buttons Cotton or Tobacco will received in payment for the ; above Articles. J March 12. REMOVED, LUCKY ESCA PE WILL cover this Seafon, at the liable of George Wilton’s, feven miles bciow Louifvillc, in the County of Je ffer fon, on the Savannah road. That beautiful full-blooded Arabian Horfe LUCKY ESCAPE, lately brought from New-Y<;rk. He will cover on the following terms, viz. Six Dollars each, the Seafon ending ihc left of June. Lucky Efcape is a beautilul dark bay, riling fi*■ c years old, nearly fif.ecn hands ard an half high ; he is very tractable, and will with* out ooubt produce as good Hock as any turf Horfc ever im i orted. T. Reeves. Anti! 16. LEARNED PIG WI L L be exhibited in Wafhington, Wilkes County, from the 14th to dtf 2ill of May. Thole Perfons who wifh to behold die Turpi 2 ' ing fagaci/y of dais crea/ure, may dien have an opportunity 0l gratifying /heir curiofity. The price of admi/tence i> Haifa Dollar for grown perform and half price for ciiildien. April 16. BLANK DEEDS For Sale, at Office.