The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, June 04, 1799, Image 1

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TxIE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. , TUESDAY, June 4, 1799. [No. 20. V'ot. I-J _— - REASON AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL UUiPE THE WAY. LOUISVILLE Pulli'htd every Tuelday, by AMBROSE DAY, at 3 dollars per ann. payable half yearly. neW -york. .. e i,a!on tm raa ihrm.jh th.J ■„ on Th«M»T l,a - ,ni lookI ook 3 ,U / n I Lh of the coffee-hoofen, terrify* .’"V foeflatno.. and 5 percent, zen ,A The n-oeffiry of I war, a lonz " T j hloodr was tcho " l from . tlc l t- ftoent toh * brother, and f.ngunury ~,-nce zrlnned a b.deo.ia fm.le, _ The rcoort w>» really alarming ! That the French had focceeded in ac quiring the polWßon and dom non of .V Ocean, and had expelled every A ~te from it, mud be mortifying to ua a I and gire birth to very dif.greeahle feelings in onr b.eafla. Dear ft* .ccept our compliment, of eondolance on tHa tru'y mournfol cafion. The prtrr artifice of elcamncenng ntoaum Fpread the direful tale, and endeavored to varn'to it the co,our of probability ; but the narration enn tradia« truth. Ibe enptora were Fad to hate divided the cargo, and to hive brought r cn (hire ; ha it »fl w 1 kn wn i that the ve(T I failed in baHaft from th e pnrt; but fuch » tnlTng incoofiftenry ought to be overlooked, leaf! the cleaion barometer fhould he retarded from riling to that height, which the fervid rara of the fac£,uinary tale was likely *o ra fir it. Patriotic Regiftcr. PHILADELPHIA, April z 6 Soon after the arrival of the late vef {ch from Eu op-, it was mentioned by a federalift in office, tbit it was probable there was fome agreement between the Ruffians, Au-'iria n B sod French, about tbe defirutß•"m of Tctk'°y. It app-mp of the French diretiory of the 16th of February, that they bad ordrred “ repr fals” upon Turkey, for declirng war aga nft France, and for drawing the Marines ao-l other of Barhary alfi) info that war. We may from thTc c*rr6t by the fprmg (hips, aa account of s fcrioui attack upon the Turkifh empire. Aurora. Tranjlated from “ The Reading Adler,” or Eagle of April 23. “ Reading, April 22, 1799. " On Saturday afrernoci. laft, the troups who were font to feize upon fnme people in Northampton, cal ed iofur* g ns, on their return from that expe d tion arrived in this towrj, Bn d laft n ght and this morning they all. except the ars, marched for their refpeitive homei. r It is an old proverb;, but certainly * true one, ,s that in every fold, be it R r «t or foull, there may he found rot kQ ee P Dif happened here. Thia arm f WSB l™al 1 yet it vvas no' wbhouf n ro.ten members, and fome extremely * amon g the whole, there were ‘t t, at ric 'eded captain Montgomery* s f 0 ' P °f La.i ader horl ; out & T. ’ ifl , the y bo?(ted thernf- .<B. it wis ' f tr3 J e t 0 catc h rebels ana ' n f B t^em r fa Ut becaure th{ 7 carried their trade ar ag to enter the houfea and ibufc L' ta . ble *" d uxoffending citizens, in a ar’y F l^C m and cow cam-? 5 f ° r '“TP I '* * P”t of them 0 my priuting offiec on Saturday of fan? 35 ot xharaaec defirouy Uppomng the hvy and the fecurity . lT a u We ° :t Z?D ’ but lik ' a han tb. J l, . robbt '* and »;’affi nB ; they tore d ■ l it: °P «<> forcibly capfL "y f '°' n m r l'°xfc before thj ’to c Ctr:a ' n > ordered b ° mm 3 c o r pJ. He pob-,*c matke[°h° P 'r a l ° ,Blce me to the Wwlaffir. ° ‘ 4e | 3nd « ‘ oa luC but b:ck, and they proceeded toob y bis nrdcri accordingly, and c .aiitly would have fulfi led them cssttlv, had not fome of capt Leipet’a troop of Philadclph a interfered* re preached them for rheir illegal and tyrannical conduit, in cc.nfequence of which only a parr of Hie fentence ot capt. ivfomg -raery [/ix laches'] waa in flidr 4 “ 1 nefc, my d j ar reUow'ci zens, 2rc the friends of good oid-.r, ih>'« ib the mode of ccuduA which they pu (ue. whole mouths are always full of a regard for the laws, and who have called forth to fupporf the government and ! fupprcfij infu region, but vbo it ib evi dent wou'd much ra her crea e one. So much for the prd nr, but f>on mo'e, from Jac b Schneider M April 27. PreparaMrna are mak ng at No?w’ch in C for ba Id ng a Hoop ot war for ihe fedcfal vernm nt, un ’er the tgen y of Mr J (eph Howicnd 1 She will mount 18 guns, and is to be commanded by rep . DdV d Jewitt. In the But fli floup of war Camilla, capt, Lark ns, v/ iich fail d from Chettcr a tew days pa(f, r »r Jamaica, went p f ledgers, gen Maitiar d, col. Nighting ale, with their fui c. May 1. We a c happy to be able to u form the public, from undoubted au hor'tj, that ilie awards of the rommifho iers for carrying n o (ffect t# n y fi ft article of the truly of fviendlh p I m ’8 and nav gitiou, between his Ci.boic M;ijelly and the (Jniied States, for com pentagon to the ci izens of the United States for vtff | d end Cargoes tak u du ring the late war be-wcca Spain and trance, whiih have been e*h b: ed all the Royal Trcafu y, ?t Madrid, hive been hon )f«b y pai 1, 20 wc.i pr nc pjl ai i miereft, agretab y to the tenor of ihe laid awaids. May 10; LaO: evening the trial of John Fries doled, af er the unremit ting attention of the court and ju*y, for nine dap. Mr. Sirgrcaves, a fli flint to Mr. Rawlc, op°ned tne caufe lor the p'olecution, explaining the nature of the 2d ad of the 2d at tide of the confti ution, which defines treafon in thele words : “ Treafon the United States fh .11 confift only in levying war aorainll hem. o ./ 0 o * . in to their enemies giving them aid and comfort No perlan (h ill be couvifted ol tiealon unlels on the* teflirnony of two witnefles to the la ne overt ad, or on confelT an in open couit." After which he introduced to the ju; y the weight of teftimony wh ch they had to p oduce, in order fo prove the pnloner guilty of that part of the definition, of “ levying war." Twenty wiinelfes w-erc examined on the part of .he U- ited States, and four on the pait of the po lo ne. Mr. attorney for the diflrid cf p nnlylvania, after a fhort introduhtion read a gieat number of quotations from law books of eminence in lupport of the profecution, after which Mr. Dallas in a fpeech of fevtn . hours and an half, produced 1 his quotations in behalf of the 3 prisoner, and commenced on the j evidence. He was followed by F Mr. William Ewing, another f counsel for the prifoner, who principally went on the fame ground. . Mr Sitgreaves anfwcred to . the observations of the two latter 1 gentlemen, in an addrefs of up j wards of fix hours. He was followed by Mr. Lewis, counfcl for the pnToner, who in the cou.le of h:s obhrvations made Tome remarks on a fcandalous, calu nniatingalt ick made on him in a public new(paper printed in this citv f during the pending of the prefent awful verdiCt; imputing to him the influence of gold in the caufe he had un dertaken. He obferved, it mufl be very well k own that I he prifoner's would not admit (fab ibe from him ; he would publicly declare that neither he nor his colleagues, had received any thing or even a prom fe, for undeitaki g defence of £:s unhappy client. Mr. Lewis (poke near fix hours. Mr, Rawle clofed the pTcad ings in an addiefsof about four I hours, in which he examined the cafe both as to law and tei tnnonv* Judge Peters, in a charge to the jury, examined fome of the refeiences alluded to by the bar, and was fohowed by a full exa mination both on the evidence and law on this important caufe, i by Judge licdcll, the preGdmg judge. The court adjourned ’till 10 o'clock, and the jury reti ed. At 10 o'clock the court met,' the names of the Jury being called ov r t the p doner was defired to hold up his hand, when the jury, by their fo t- I man, Mr. Wynkoop, delivered m their verdift * ; guiiry.” B A LTI vlO i< E, May *, Ship Ocean . It gives us great plcafuro to, announce the per left fafety of j the (hip Ocean, capt, Kemp, and ciew. She was left at Lai Vera Cruz on die Bth of Apri', not having had a fight with, or feen a French privateer, Com the day file left New-York. How. fuch fhameful accounts come before the publ c, it is to be hoped will be a fubje£l of en quisy, by the fiicnas of capt. Kemp and h:s crew, who mud have futFered the mofl painful | fenfations. .. CHA.RLESI' ~ N, May 20 The packet Ycalrnan h^s [ brought upwards of 1000 fhcets : of copp°r for the frigate build i ing in this place. Major Genera! Pinckney re • turned to this city on Friday i, lall, from a tour to the Southern : frontier of the United States. May 25. i On Tuefday la ft, col. Scnf palled a boat through the double lock of the Santee Canal, at Biggin Bafon, which has fifteen feet fall ; the locks were filled w t!i water in twelve minutes, I he digging of the canal is now frnilhed from one end to the oth-r, and it will be in a fitua tion to pals boats from the S in tee to the Cooper river in a fho.t time. Late European Intelligence ♦ RASTA nr, March 7 . On the 3d every thing was Hid in a quiet fl ,te at the Auf t'ian head-quarters at Frierlberg, but on the 4th, a confiderablc train of artillery palled by Augf burgh, on its way to Dim, Highly Important. The contents of the conven tion of the ill of December, » 7 q 7 , and the ferret articles of the treaty of Cnmpo Formio, have now been made public. This convention is to the fol lowing purport : For the execution of the treaty of (,'oTipo Forrnio, and the annexed convention, the plenipotentiaries of his majefly the Empeior, King of Boh rnia and Hungary, and the plenipo tentiaries of ihe French Kcpub lic, with the Fiench general ap pointed to carry the provifions I of th • fam : into execution, have | agreed t-*, and reciprocally gu»r -j anteed the following ar ides: 1. The Poops of the Fm peror, and King of Bdiem a I and Hungary, and the troops |of the Empi c in his pay, (ball | eva ( uatc the territor. of the >■ tn pre by the 25th of December, j ai d withdraw into the lured tary Bates of hi. majelly, and the river Inn. 2. The contingent of the Fm peror (had retire over the river Lech, and not be employed in 'the to treflcs of the Empire. 3. The troops of the ganifon of M ntz (hall not amount on the 25‘h of December, to more than 15 000 men. 4 On ifie lame d iy ibe Frendi I army fhall evacuate the Venetian territory, of which the Emperor fhall take podeffion, 5. Fifteen lb uland French troops fhall rein tin in the Did I Venetian territory, as well to jgarrifon th different for tic lies as to maintain Older.