The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, June 04, 1799, Image 2

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6. On the 2nth of December tbe troops of the Emperor (hall Manheim. Phillipfburg, UIm # Inzold ■ and Wurtfburg. and re- Aore th-m to the fovercigns to whom they appertain. The artllterv. ammunition, and pro vifions belonging ro the Emperor in thefe places, (ball at the fame time be removed. The troops of the Etnpemr and the artillery ammunition and provifions appertaining to his imnciial rmj'‘fly (hall be removed to Mentz in fiuch a manner, that this operation (hall be terminated by the 30th of December. 8. On the 10th of December, the French troops (hall blockade Mentz, hut leave the communi cation open to the Aufliian troops. 9. Before the Bth of Decem ber, the pVnipotentiaries of the Emperor fhall declare to the Empire, that it is the intention of fiovereign to evacuate the te r rifory and the fortrclfies of the Empire. 10. The plenipotentiaries of the Emperor (hall take care to procure the fiurrendcr of Mentz to the French troops on the part of ihceleftorof Mentz and the Empire during the negociations fo that the French uoops may be in the city on the 30th of December ; and fhould the elec lor of Mentz or the Empire re fute their content, the French Republic (hall compel them to it by force. 11. The French generals in the vicinity of Ehrenbrcitftein, fhall afford to the Auftiitn troops, which evacuate that every affiffanre on their march ; and fhall furnifh the Andrian generals with horfes, carriages, and every thing nccefi fiuy for the conveyance of artil lery, ammunition or provifions. 1 2 . The Fiench and Gifialpine tioops fhil ", bv the 30th of Dc cemhrr, eva uate Pa ma-Nuoxa, Oloppo, Porto I egnago, Verona and the two Cafflcs, and Venice and the Venetian territory to the line of demarcation. 13. The commander in chief of the troops of the Emperor in Paly, and the commander in chief of the French troops, (hall, take all the ncceffary mcafures to feruie the execution of the 6< h article of the treaty of Campo Formio, Thefe two generals Aral! alfo provide for the removal of all ohflacles, which may ob flruft the taking polleflion, by 1 the Imperial troops, on the flipulated 30th of December, of the territories and fortreffes, of which poffeffion is -to be given them accoiding to the fiaid ar- j tide, a? d the sth article of the annexed feoct convention, 14. Should magazines of waihk'* ft ores and p»ovifions apoert.lining to the French Re public. remain h thefe te-iitorics ami for.reffes at the time they are taken pofleflion by the ‘ troops of his imperial majefty, all neccffiry protccliou anu affiflance fhall be granted for the removal of finch magazines. Given and figned at Rafladt, the iff Dec. 1797, (l ith Frimairej 6th year of the French Republic. BUONAPARTE. Louts Cobcntzd. Count Bailie de la 7 cur. Count Meervdt . Thedeputaticr of the Empire, affonifhed at the rapid march cf the Fiench, was unable to reco ver from its furprifie, when the governor of Phillipfburg trans mitted to the members the fium mons of gen. Bcrnadottc, to furrender up that place. The an Twer was, that he ought to defend his fortrefs until he re ceived new inftruEEons, All the deputies are picking up their effefts, and count dc Lchrb :ch quits this place this night or to-morrow. The French column which eroded the P hine at Man hcim, and took poffeffion of it; has continued its march with the fame rapidity by the way ol Hu bclber and Hui bron. This march is made for the purpefe of anticipating the Aufttians, and forming a line along thfc Ncckar. LONDOM, March 5, The Morning Chronicle fays, “ there was a very general re port in circulation yeflerday, that 22 French tranfports had 1 landed a number of troops in Ireland. We believe there is no foundation whatever for this ■ rumour.” March 9. It is faid that capt, Loring, againff whofe conduft the Ame rican government has complain , ed, has been recalled to Europe. March 15. Mr. Grenviile has been re ceived with great lefpeEt and attention at Berlin ; and on the evening of tbe departure of Mr. , Mafon, the meffenger, from Berlin, on the 28th ult Mr. Grenville dined with the king of Pruliia, and a fiele£l parly. The following is an ex ra£t of the defenfive treaty concluded on the 23d Dec. 1798, between Ruflia and the Foitc ; “ Both parties guarantee the 'empires of each other, and the polfcffions thereto belonging. “ In cafe of hoftiities by tea and land againff cither of the cont*a6ling powers, they are to fly to the aid of the party 1 attacked, with irrn, arms or money, or whatever the circum ftances may require, to be aftci-1 wards arranged between the par ties; and the choice of men. 'money, Ac to depend on th? party attacked. The affill ancc I in men to be wuthin three months after the requifition, and in money from the commencement of hoftilitics, and to continue at ffated periods duiing the con tinuance of the war.” Both parties agree to invite 3 > the kings of England, Piuflia, » and other powers to accede to this treaty. The third battalion of the frfl regiment of guards, who , were difembarked on Friday . at Portfmouth, from Ireland, ma died into town yeflerday morning. Wc learn that the United Infbmen taken up on Sunday night, were a committee from a very numerous gang of the fame • deferiprion of perfons now in London, whole objcdl was to endeavor to extend a fyflem of rebellion, by forming different bodies of IriGhmen, w r ho were to have their regular meetings, , sfter the plans laid down by the | conefponding focieties, March 17. It is laid that Dumourlcr has . i made his peace by fome projeds | for an attack on Ireland, and that he is actually in Rrefl. French and Dutch Fleets, -Advice was yeflerday received . at the admiralty, that a confi . derable convoy, with navsl and , other flores, and having on board , u large body of troops, had ar , rived at Breil from Bouideaux. ( • even Irigatcs, and feventy gun . vclfels at Havre, liave been dif mantled, and the crews conveyed to Brefl. 1 he numerous priva teers of Cherbourgh have expe , ricnced the like fate, and the • hfhermen along the entire of the , coafl of Normandy and Brittany ! have been put in requisition. üßrcft \ eet thus recruited, and 5 now in every refpedl ready for 1 lea, conlifls in the outward road of hx flips of 110 gups, and nine two dickers; and in the inner road there are twelve fliips of the line nearly equipped for lervicc. In confluence of this intelligence, orders were yefter day iilued from the admiralty • for reinforcing the fquadron of I admiral Kingfmil!, and to expe dite as much as poffible the equipment of the feveral fliips 1 preparing at Portfmouth, Ac. ; for (ea. I he Dutch marine, by un common exertions, has not only : repaired the lodes which it fuf tained in the a£bon of the mh of October, but obtained a jincre formidable appointment jthan it has known during the war. 1 he fleet in the Texel is in readinefs for Tea, .March 18, A veffel arrived at Falmouth, brings letters from Minorca, dated the 10th February, which (fate, that they are conllantly in expeftation of being attacked by an expedition fitted cut from Carthagena, faid to comprife 15,000 men, March 27. The gazette of laft night con tains a notification that, the king has been pleafed to caufe * it to be fignified by the right honorable lord Grenville, his inajefty s principal fecretary of Rate for foreign affairs, to tl miniflers of neutral powers tend- 1 1 , mg at thu court, that the nrccf > (arymeafures having been taken by his majeftj's command f o ' ; fhe blockade of the ports of if,. > United Piorinres, the faid por," ’ a,e declared to be in a llateVf , blockade, and that all V tffc' s ’ which may attempt to enter a„v of them after this notice, will 1 be dealt with according t 0 principles of the law of nation i and to the flipulations of f u * c jJ : treaties fubfifling between his i majefty and foreign powers, 3S * ma 7 contain provifions appli ca . : hie to the cafes of towns, pl ace i or ports in a ftate of blockade. The above notification proves * rumour of the Dutch Ceet having put to Tea was u n . founded ; but affords at the fame time an equally flrong p roo f that it is about ready for failing evidently deflined to co-operate with the Bred fleet, as we Hated (omc days ago, Befides the (hips they have repaired, the Dutch have nine fhips of the line almcft ie rt dy for launching, but their arfenals being exhaufled, they want fupplies of all kinds, and this the blockade will prevent th em from receiving except at a ruinous cxpence, A cartel arrived atDoverfrom Gravelincs, has brought over 61 matters and mates of merchants jVelfels, but no journals were allowed to be taken on board, ; It is faid, however, that mimf ters have received feme few papers up to the 22d infl. which Ip ak in a flight manner of ihc ■ advanced guard of Mefiena's 1 army, having received a check, I but they confideicd it of little : con Toque nee, and the next day she again advanced. The paf * fengeis concur in faying that there was no news at Grave'incs. It was undeiflood to be the plan of Jonrdon to prefs by hilly marches to the lake of Conftance j to fjpport Mefiena's army, PLYMOUTH, (Evg.) March j, Ihe Bretagne, French prize, which arrived here yefierday, Tent in by the Tartar privateer, of Jerley, was one of a fleet of 100 fail bound from L'Oiient to Brefl, laden with provifions for the fleet and army equipping at that port ; the Tartar captu red four others of the fleet, which fhe fent to ferfey. but it is feared that the remainder aie arrived fafe at Breft, DUBLIN, March if. Yefierday at a poll afiembly, the corporation of the city of Dublin, refolvedto infliufttheir reprefematives to bring in a lav/ (purfuant to the refoluticns moved by Mr. GifFard at laft Michaelmas aflemblv) to exclude United Irilhrnen and rebels from the excrcife of the elective fran chife, BOSTON, May 8. Surinam Fleet . An exprefs arrived in town on Monday night Lom Norwich*