The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, June 04, 1799, Image 3

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v ri n« information of the failing V the Sornnam fleet, confiding o °[ bet *«n 7 o and 3o richly hdfn American vcfle.s , and c ,he arrival at Norwich of one of “ Thofe velfcls having been a long tune detained, great anxielv for their fate has been entertained. We arc told that policies on them have been Titled in the town to the amount ot 400,000 dollars. tf£W-YORK> May 13. Copt. Alien , of the brig James, a rivedyeflerday, Sailed from St Thomas on the 21 fl of March; and cn that day , joined a fled of 35 foil of American vejfeh from the ' windward, under convoy of the frigates United Stales, commodore Barry, and the Confl.tuticn , com modore Nicholfon, Commodore Barry bad taken in charge three . french fhooner privateers, and a foop which he had captured, | J Captain Allen ms informed, that a few days before, commodore Barry had recaptured an Enghfh packet, which had been taken by the French privateer Democrat, of 14 guns, and 12b men, f .om Guada loupe. 1 The mode in which the Democrat j took the packet is Jomewhat fingJar. It is thus: Jhe, regardle/s of the packet s guns, ran along fide with out firing a /hot, and after feveral\ mfaccefjul attempts at lajl hoarded j the packet, and took pofpjfion of her . The above packet was from one of the windward i/lands, was cap tured off Guadeloupe, and fnt into Dominico . Jhe brig Union , , has ar rived at Bopn , in 42 days from Dublin, The Infh and London trade flips for America , were to jail in three days after the Union , under convoy. Flax-feed was quick at 7 guineas , A letter received by a gentleman in this city, from his corre/pondent 1 a htiand, dated the 23 d of March, 'forms, that a fleet of 18 fail of tat line and fme vejfeh of [mailer force, w lh 40,000 troops onboard, were lying at Brefl with their an c 01 5 a-tiip, th'tr dejhnqiion un nom. an con/equence of which the Bntifh mini [lev had given di rrflions to the lord lieutenant of Ire- T d ' i 0 h°ld the military of that Mgdom in readinejs . May 17. nptain Richards, from Curra- C l a ' m f°rmsus, there are feveral lenc privateers from Curracoa, the ijland of Gonaives ; V a Frenchprivateer of u> Iy Jailed io days before him, the ■ p M oj which informed capt. R.' f. ht to cruife on this kff T n . f lcf,ards < further in hi , n a H S ° Vernor Curracoa i rt f t Ued , a Proclamationthe pur , „ yhtchu, that all American if the ,y/ n l fo ee leagues to Pay daft gP i - - Af ’¥,/Vm La Vera Cruz O ’ • informs, that a Spanifh fleet of two [ail of the line , and fevered frigates, [jailed from Vera Cruz for the Ha vmnah, where they have arrived, having on board 30,000.000 dol lars. May 18. A gentleman who arrived here cn Thurjday la [from New-0 deans, informs us, that on the 22 d of April, a company cf fevtnty Ame rican troops under the command of capt, Chamber, pajjed through that place for Mobille, to take pffejfion ' of the lines, | Mr, El icot, the United States jnrvey or-general, left He w-Or leans a few days before . Ex trad of a letter from St. Pierre Martinique, to a gentleman in Norfolk, (Vir.) dated the 19th of March, “ Admiral Harvey in the Prince ,of Wales of 98 guns, and Vengeance of 74 guns , bejides frigates , in ! confequcnce of advice from lord St. Vincent , [per a /chooner arrived 6 days Jincefro.n Gibraltar ) embarked upwards of 400 foldiers at Fort Royal, and proceed immediately to fouthward ; they are now at Court \land Lay, Tobago . It is {aid that I a Spanifh fleet of merchantmen with a convoy , are expefted cn the Main , and that the admiral is watching them, as their route is between To bago and Tr inidad. The Ameri- I can cruizers are very aliive , end | 1 have retaken fcveral veffels of their countryJ* ummmaammmmtmmummmpeum w iwwan—— LOUISVILLE, j TUESDAY , June 4, 1799. Married, on Wednesday Lift, j the 29th of May, Mr. Manus Ltmle, merchant, of Louifville, to the amiable Mifs Polly Hinds , cldcfl daughter of Mr. David Hinds, of EOBngham County. For the Louifville Gazette ♦ To the Author of the “ Cenfor .” S I R, I HAVE read wiih the great- i eft pleafuie, your Cenfor, No 11,‘ which appeared in the State Gazette and Louifville Journal, and am happy to, that wherever I have heard it Ipoken . of or commented upon, the! highefl encomiums have been! given to the Author , and an ardent defire expreffed that it would be continued. J hope fir, for the fake of the caufe in whxh you have fo honorably engaged, that you will continue vour labours for the benefit of your fellow ci izens. Su h pieces as the Get for are vety much wanted at thepreient time, to enlighten our fellow-chizens, and to counteract the infiduous infmuations which are con inu ally coming out in theanftocra tic papers, which teems with nothing but eulogiurns on m'>-, narchy, and extolling the Hii-| tifh govern merit, as if they would , wifh to bring us into that abject : ftatc of vaflalrge we certainly 0 Aiould have been in, had not , our fore-fathers nobly fought - tor their independence. No » thinj: could have happened more - opportunely than the appearance of the laft Ccnfor , at the very time which it came out; as it is ? in the fulled extent a refutation » to an infamous piece, which ap peared the week before, cal cd • u The Objerver” a work calcu ( la ted “ to lull us into a decnl/ul t fecurity ” and make us the objefts 1 of its tyranny. lam fure eveiy American Republican mufl feet f themfelves indebted to you for [ your patriotic exertionin their caufe; and likewife to the fdi . tors of the State Gazette, for i making their paper the vehicle of fuch ufeful information ; and none more grateful for your fer • J - vices, than Sir, your humble fervant, PIER. Frovi the Carolina Gazette, Thefollowinglettcr,addreircd to the Editors of the City and Carolina Gazettes, will fhew the circumftances under which the brig Abigail, of Philadel phia, arrived laft Thurfday in our harbour : “ Off Charkjlon Bar , May 8. " The brig Abigail, rapt. John j, Thompfon, and of whicli I am part owner, failed from the Havanna on the 17th ultimo, bound to Cam peachy, and was the following morning, within 8 or 10 leagues of the [port of her departure, captured I three privateers of New-Pro vidence, wtio took every one out of the vcfffel, except the I captain, a young boy, and my- I lelf, and put two prize-mafters jand fix men on board, ordering us for New-Providence. We proceeded on our way thither, until Thurfday evening laft, when the captain and myfelf planned the re-capture of the veffcl, which we accomplished in one hour after. “ Our reaions were, our bet ter right to our own property, and their alfurance of condem nation in cafe of fafe arrival, The obfervations of the captains of the privateers were, “ Well JJiexv them the Jh rt way to New j Providence ) and condemn the damn d drogers.” We, however, have (hewn them the Jliort way to Charltjlony where wc are fare ol not being condemned Wc are informed, that Mon day, the 3d ot June, istheday appointed for the launch of the Frigate ; flic is to be called the John Adams ; her head, which is laid to be a great likenels of the Prefident of the United Slates, arrived from Philadel phia lome days ago, and is now on the frigate ; it is from themafterly chilfcl of Mr. Rulh, of that city, whofe elegant pio jdu&ions have long fince placed I him at the head of his profelfion. * ! BLANK. DEEDS for Sale, at this Office* I M'Vi, 1 8 From the TIMES, SAYS Paddy to Cathlin, “ VR never agree To Union, of no fort, excepting with thee!* u Oh! Fa trick , my dcareft, I've o/h7nes been tod. That the genfl* fl of lovers when married wi l [cold ; *Squire Bull, and my Mijlrfs good /oriune attends: H hen their quarrels are over, they'll ki/s and be friends " tranlnimmmammMk. smemamSm r—§ JOHN BLAIR, Has for Sale, al his Store , cheap Jor Ca The following Articles, viz. IRISH Linen 4-4 wide Brown Sheeting Uzna’u'gi Hr'wn Linen Ti klenhurg* H umhurni Colored and plain Karkeen* ; T 'mbuored, Striped, Sprigged and Plain j icontt and 801 k Mnflin Mulliti Shawls and Hludkerch'efs, Back and Gentlcmtns Neck Handkerchiefs and Cra* vaf 1 Calic cs *nd Chintzes Po ket H n ’kerchiels H a k, Blue and Pink Durant* Riab.nds, Ferre trigs and Tape* Sewing Silk nnd Tvull Men, Womens and YoutVs Cotton end Woilled Hofe Ladies Shoes I Ginghams M mcheftir Mnflin [ Hii»lei nr d Telement* Dilwnnh’s and Wfl.fte.’s Spelling Book* federal Rcidv Reckoners \V fill ig Paoar G It and PisteH Button* Large and (mail do. T ea Cannitiers Pen L. iyes K.uive' and FOl ks Table Spoon* * j lea Spoon* ; Sailors, fmalland larg; j Ink Pot, b Giinblet, j Needle, and Pin* } I fh rribles Cotton Card* N"*. 10 1 Jamaica and Weft India Rum fciieriflV V\ in* -Apple Brandy j Sugar a id Molafle* Hyton Te* Coffee and C.Vcolate Rcafon* j Pepper and Spire Coppeas Reft Riffle G un Powder Shot all r'rd Blacking Ball, Salt ALSO, A quantify of Patent Medicine,, via, Rficnee of Peoparmint Jillnp and Rhubarb rtriti/h Oil Tar tar Calomtle. lVuh ) a large and gen« f al aflortment cf Oaecnsware, together »i h a variety of toiher articles, too tedious to mention. June 4. MANUS LEM L E, Has removed his Dry Good Store, to (he Houfe formerly occupied bv Thomas Collier &c Co. as a Dry Good Store: Where he has for fak, cheap for cajh or produce, A hondfome Aflortmcnt of DRY GOODS . LIK.EW ISE, All kinds of Patent Medicines and Ciockery Ware, See. . ALSO, Juft received and for fa'e, A colieaion of RELIGIOUS BOOKS, &c. &c. 7 MU 4. SHERIFFS* BLANK DEEDS, For Sa.k,. at.tUi Office. '* a, ' « *