The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, June 11, 1799, Image 2

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Late European Intelligence, Received by a vcffcl On m Hamburgh, arrived at Cbarlcfton, CONST AN TIVOPLE, Feh r 'ia r \ 2 1. Tlv Reis Effendi has received accounts thu the Britifh fquad ron Rationed before Alexandria, h »s raptured nine French fhipi of war viz two of the line, th frigates, and four (mailer vc nr is. The Soanifh ambaflador has li!m f elf to obtain the en a gement of the French rh ru<* des affiirs, but was am fw'*red by an order to quit Con flantinople. FLOR Merck 10. Fivi i Vccrhi\ is r ot yet taken by the French. A part of Fa labria is already d. In *li * city of Naples all is quiet, bur in 'he neighboring rou try tio’ihles flill prevail. The N ca po hm, or Pa*thempran Repub- i lie, is divided into eleven de-, putments. The number of Jb'iifh troops that arrived at Palermo in Sicily from Gibral tar is eflinated at 7000 men. Some Ruffian and Tuikilh (hips hgm to blockade Ancona.’ b»o n Venice a great many of n /uiiiian troops have fuddcnly maiched to jo»n the army of I>goona and Verona, The F.ngh h fake a number ofveffels Tom before Genoa, where trade i- now totally flopped The B »ririi p ivateer, the lord Nel-' lo , has brought up at once th ■ce prizes at Leghorn. he colors of the former Piedinontefe t oops, who are n uv in French fet vice, bear the fII >wing iufrripdon : liberty , fubordi nation, obedience. MILAN. March 12. There is a report, that general Bunn rpaite,with 16 000 French, and a f r flronger corps of Arabs, h-«s ntered jerufalern andplant ed ihe tree of liberty there, LUC RvR, March 18. 1 he I 1 icnch h ive gained new advantages in the country of the Onions, (GiaiTuindten) near *he borders of Tyrol. Our dir tb>ry has yefterday publifh e r the f blowing letter of genc r I Malf na, to the dire&ory of | the H dvetic Kepuhli ', dated head-qu irtcrs. at Chur (Choire) 23d Ventofe. or 13th March, “ Citiz ns D re Hors, “ I I 1 ve flic honor to inform you th it the Auflrians were ti-it more fo'tunate in the vallies <■( Lnga »in, than in thofe of the 1 lime, grp ably to the re po - s, uhi h I have jufl now r-r iv d the e were on the cven jn r of the Vcntofe. 3,600 d u*Li ms of different regiments rn ! * prifoners in the valley of B » den, (imong whom a lieute r nt-ro ! onel, two majors, and ten odicers were found. Gen, Laudua efcaped through the woods, but is purfued. There* were alfo in this vicinity two I cannon taken, befidcs a greatj deal of warlike ammunition and; provifions. The refult of the capture of Bunden, as far as itj is known, is a lofs on the Auf trian fide of 10,000 men in kil led, wounded and prifoners, and their magazines of ammu nition and provifions. We have 1 already taken 36 pieces of can-' non, and above twenty (land ards, part of which belonged to the troops of Bunden. I haften, ; citizens diredlors, to acquaint you with thefe new events. M ASSEN A.” The foregoing account was publifhed by the French mini! ters at Rafladt, In a letter of citizen Laudier, gen. MafTena's adjutant, dated 28th Ventofc, (14'h March) at Choire head quarters, is the following ac count : “ You have doubtlefs, my dear friend, received the letter | which I wrote you a few days ago, and wherein I informed you of our fiifi vidluiics in the Grifon country. Cur vi£toiics arc now complete; the whole country is our's. Of all the Auflrians who had been there, very few efcapcd. We have made 11 or 12,000 prifoneis, and taken feveral imperial fland ards, befides ten ot the milita of the Grifons; more of them would have been taken, had they not been thrown away in precipices.’* I No more /ufliians are now feen in the country of the Gri fons, excepting thofe who fled into the mountains; but they will ba obliged to (urrender, thiough want of fubfiftence. General Calla Bianca having advanced from (he Valteline, took pollefiTion of the Engadin and the heights, which feparate the country of the Grilons from I Tyrol. By the capture of the 1 G i(on country, the theatre of war has been removed from Switzerland and the republican rench and Italian armies, on the ( bine and the Danube, will thus elfed a jun6fcion, VIE N N 2O. 1 he i\ulfi m army, under the command of general Rofenberg, has broke up its encampments, 1 near St. Potten, in order to join the Aullrian army in Italy. They marched in eight columns of 1000 men each. The Em pero-, and a great concourfe of people, went to Schoenbrun, to 1 lee them pafs, Yefierday a courier arrived from the Ruffian general Cuch akolF, at Corfu, with the news, that the combined fleet of Ruf fians and I urks had bombarded the iHand of Vide, and deftioy ed the place, after which they landed a number of troops, and attacked Salvador, and Icvcial other fortified places, which they took by fto m. On the iScii of February they fummon ed the French commander to furender the whole ifland of j Corfu. The articles of capitu lation were figned the firfl of j March, The French were to jdeliver up all the artillery and .ammunition, and have liberty to return to Toulon, on condi tion of not ferving againll the combined powers during 18 : months. The lofs of the Ruf -1 bans and Turks was very incon fiderable. On the ift inftant, the French garrifon laid down ; their arms. When they went away from tile foit, the Ruffian commandant had great trouble to reftrain the Turks fiom giv ing way to their fury. Alter the capture of Corfu, the com bined Ruffian and Tuikiffi fleet, with the land troops on board, arc to aft in Italy. Their ope rations there are now greatly facilitated by the capture of; Corfu ; fcvcral divifions have : already landed at Serigaglia. r i he French made an attempt to take Civiti Vecchia by ftorm, but were repulfed. All the Ruffian auxiliary troops are dellined for Italy,, whither feveral French Auflrian regiments are marching in great hade. The Pmffian general Suwarrow is expefted here hour ly ; his equippage has already ■ arrived. It is now laid, that PafTawan Oglou his received orders from the Porte, to march | with a ftrong body of troops againfl the French in Italy, 1 'SWITZERLAND, March 20. | General Auffenberg paffed on the 14th infl. through Enrich to j Fiance. The war council of ! Hunden was, on the 15th, car ried through ihe city to the caflle 1 of Afburg. At Choire, a pro | vifory municipality has been ap pointed, and on the 12th, the tree of liberty was planted. ! Meafures are already taken to form primary affemblies, and and proceed to eleftions of civil officers, and of deputies to the Helvetic legiflature, which now meets at Lucerne, On hearing the French viftories in Grau bundten, the city of Herne was idum nated ; fome difeontented people, however, threw Hones at the windows of thole houfes, , which were chie y didinguiffied ; hy their illumination. The Swifs direftory has given to the! i entire difpofition of the French government, their own guard, and that of the legiflative body making above 15,000 men. 1 he j Swifs direftory decreed that gen. 1 M ilFena, and the French army undei him, had, by their vifto ries in the Grifon country, de rived well of the Helvetic Re -1 public. I UPPER RHINE, March 23. A tavern-keeper at Orenburg gave occafion to a great alarm at Strafburg. He affined the chief of a French battalion, whole head-quarters were at Oifenburg, that the AuftrLns were advancing in full force, and that Auftian patroles had been ften at half an hour's dif tanre irom OfFenburg As it was a di hcult matter to enquire immediately into the truth of this alleriion, expiefles were i n , ftantly difpatched from Off cn burg to Strafburg, and other places; and while it was believed that the Andrians were ap, preaching, a report was fpread. that the centre of Jourdan’s army was on the 14th, 15th and 16th, beaten by the archduke Charles, and this news was like wife communicated by expreffes Gen. Chateauneuf Randon then publifbed a proclamation at Strasburg, wherein he faid, “ it is reported that the enemy ; 8 approaching to attack Straf burg." The national guards of the Upper and Lower Rhino departments were put in requi, 1 dtion, and flocked in heaps t 0 Strasburg. Other conjeftures were alfo entertained relpefting the above falfe alarm, How |Cvcr, accoiding to the lateft ac counts as far as the 20th inftanf, no battle has yet taken place between gen. jourdan Sc Prince | Chailes, although fuch an event is daily looked for. FRANKFORT, March 23. The Pruflian cabinet is ftill difpoled for peace, and deter mined to maintain its peaceable attitudes, unlefs it fhould be compelled by the violation of treaties to take hoftile meafures. The king of Pruflia is expetfed at Calfei towards the latter end of May. HAMBURGH , April u The tateft letters received by ik loft pofi from Strut gar d, and Rap tadt , of the 24 th, and from Brand fort oj the 26/ h March , mention, that there had been a general en gagement between the archduke Chailes, and gen. Jourdan on the 2 ty? oj March , in which general Lt/cbvre , with 6000 men, were made pr Ijoners ; the following an the letters which contain the news: u March 24th,— The late falje report of a general abiion having been fought between the archduke and general Jourdan , is probably the cau/e why the new which arrivedytflerday , of Prince j Charles having defeated general i Jourdan on the 21//, at P/ullen j dorf and made general Lfehvre, a prif ner , with 6000 men , is net generally believed , tko* it is entiled to credit/* Frankfort, 26th March.—i*' have juft now received accounts fron the armies , which f peak of a hatlt having actually taken place hetwett the archduke and general Jourdan, but it is impojftble at prefent teg v ' any detailed accounts thereof. 0 n the 2oi h inflant , there were at Um, a brijk cannonade m * r,: neighbourhood of Wald fee Pfudlendorf A report from Sir v burgh f of the French having buf the city of Bergcnz , and pf (j them fives at Liddan . deferves M credit , bccauje , by lettersfrom B- '