The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, June 11, 1799, Image 3

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;,Uf ia'd the igth inflant, L French had been Foldkirch on the »B th inflant, with treat /laughter, alter having made r-Hated attacks on the formidable plums of the Auflnans at that The late ft and mojl pofitive ac counts /coin, Tyrol) doted on the \,l c f March, minion that the f, J ( nch hod made attempts on the t k t i .3 th and 1 6th cf March , to tnlcr % the Tyrol, near Martins bridge, but were repidfed by the . nilili a and defenders of the country, and loft 15 00 and wound ed. and two generals. 1 he frontier places near Engadm were flrongly fortified , and the people ready to tije en iti ’•(!£•• The I ate ll letters from Vienna fays, that an appeal will he Jhortly made, by the Emperor , to all his j I hereditary fabjeSs , and that a new ' lew is to take place of 118,000 I vun; it is alfo /aid, that the Em- j I few, Paid, intend > (0 go to the I army if Italy in the month of June. [ PARIS , March 21. I By an amte of the 18 ih infant, ' I the directory his altered the edift of { I the 12 th Ventofe, 1797, concerning] I the navigation of neutral vejfeh , j I laden with goods. belonging to the I enemies oj the republic , f jar as it ; mrefpecls American vffcls, namely I “ that American vejfels jhall , with I regard to the role d’equippage, j mbe fuhjeft to no other regulation but ' Mihofe which are enjoined to all neu mtral powers by the regulation of Hof 1774, article 12th, and by the moth article of the regulations of the i IK6OA July, 1788/' H Gen Scherer has taken the com mmand of the amies of Italy , as memmander in chief % H —— I BOSTON, May j, I In the fhip Eliza, from Cal- Hcutfa, came palfengcrs hon. col. minzee, lieutenant Manfal, and ■icutenant Stuart and lady. On 1 ■hepaffage (lopped at the Cape 5 Bt Good Mope where had oc-' ■u'reda very deftruaive FIRE Hn which public property, to the ■mount or 300,000!. (terling, ■as been deft.oyed. It confided ■ naval and military (lores, and W lc buildings in which they were ■obtained. Two bundled horfes ■ere burnt ro death. The fire ■mmenced juft after the dif ■mge of the evening gun ; and ■ as occafioned by the lodging *■ the wad on the top of one [ ■'- puolic (lores. ■ May 11, , ■ is morning about five tni ?Btes pad two, a fire took in tm t ne ont buildings in the vici ■ ,V , 0 which 1, ■ n r of three hours «■ l r thirteen dwelling n ■A v ’ s » a number of other i ln §* > hehdes damaging ■ ' hi° lives, we are happy :i ien n iT Ce ; Werel al though V Bflam °k r S Werc Enveloped ni ■re f CS ‘ befGre the cohabitants A WC\ VVCre , wake «ed. Mr. ft hoilfts, 15 ° ft nme in ten of Mav 15. | The Conltimton, cant. Ni- 1 cholfon, has cap ured a Fienrh privateer fchooner of 8 guns ;; which Qie has with her. So lay s * 1 the paper. I he Menirnack,capt. B'own, of 24 guns, has arrived in the out harbor, fiom the Wed-In dies. In a poftferpt to our lad Cen tinel, we mentioned the confla gration on Satuiday morning lad. The lofs i« edimated at 1 30,000 dollars. NEW-YORK, May 27. Jnterefting Information. Extraft of a letter from Bour dcaux, dated March 10, 1799, to a relpe&ab’e merchant in this city. " 1 cannot do ft this I Her, with out informing you , that the //up jPi gov, , capt. Gretri y bound to China , j and brought into II Orient Ia [I No vember, having on board 160,000 dollars , has been liberated by the tribunal of commerce . together with all her money, except a'out 37,000 which were not properly carried on 'the bills of lading , not being fpeci \fied on who/e account they were I flipped i this valuable prize having been made by two French friga es, 1 her releaff is conftdered as indi af-ive of this government to renew negoci ation with America " [ 1 The letter further mentions , 1 “ that I'alleyrand has J Emitted a lengthy memorial to t e directory , in which he ft, ongly recommends the : expediency of laying ajids ad ill w Hand animofity towards America , and of adjufiing matters with us as fpccdily and amicably as they can ; and further propo Vi, that an am bnffador extraordinary be inftantly difpatched to America, to endeavor to fettle the differences exiflmg be tween the two republicsT This informati.n comas from a \fowce tor rejpeclable to adm to/ us jau 'henijeity. Having bee 1 filed jin their threats, they now mean to 1 employ the mo e dangerous weapon jof infinuation and intrigue. How happy are we that a man of Mr Adams s penetration and firmnejs , | is at the head of public a/fairs % IMPORTANT. Extra£l of a letter from Anniatto Bay, Jamaica, dated Sunday evening, 2 ( zd Apiii, received! per (hip Charles, to a gentie m.m in Philadelphia, “ S nee writing the foregoing, an exprefs arrived at the hiy, from Kmgflon, brings a pro lani 'tion by the king , doctoring S'. Domingo | independant ‘, and perm t'ing Bri tijh veffeis to trade there , to and ftom Jamaica , ." PHILADELPHIA . May 25. An exprefs boat from Cope Fran cois is arrived in the Delaware Capt. Yard of this city has a 1 r ved in her , intrufted [as we are inform ed) with difpatches f*om gen. Pouf faint and Dr, Stevens , [agent for the United States j to the American . government • I CIURLF.STOV, June 4. Frigate J)HN ADAM 9. i Yedaday morning anatterrmt ;was made to launch this vcffel, when after running about thiity yard , (he ftopned. Another exert on was made in the after noon, but without effeft. It is expc&ed th y will be more fortunate in a third trial which will take place this day, LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY , June 11, 1709. The circuit court of the Uni ted States, held at Phi adclphia, have confented to a new trial being had for John Fries, which will take pi ce in 061 next. Died, on Fiiday night lad, ■in the 57:h year of his age, Mr. William A/que , of Louifvife, an old veteran in the caufe of liberty, and a trrm fuppoitcr ol the independence of America, and late a door-keeper in the houfe of representatives of tins date He has left a dilconfolate widow, a (on, and an amiable daughter, to lament his lols. It is hoped the lon will emulate the virtues of his father, when ever the caufe of hbeity calls for his (upport. Died, on TuefcLy I. ft, the 4th of June, in the 21 (I year of his age, Mr. R üben Herrings after a lot g and painful illnefs. For the Louifuillc Gazette ♦ An OBSERVER of “ The OB SERVER” continued . WHEN" the 0 /cover fir ft began h s elfays, it was generally thought he meant to prove th »t popular governments were liable II innovation from the reftlefs dilpofition of party demagogues. How far he has (ucrced d, the readers of your impartial gazette will judge. As to his dealing! “ the rubbifh out of the way"! in No. 3, mod people thinks he has flew the wav himfelf, and h;th not yet taken the right! track. But let us take a turn vviih him in his vagaries. Hej talks of rnflamm to v produc tions ? Is it not time when we lee the ve y palladium of Ame rican liberty ; the brighted gem | in the conftitution : that is, the privilege of Ip aking and wri ting, circumlcnbed Co anfwcr the partial views, and lingular purpoies of a few ? Is it nor lime, I fay, to be lerious when loin parers teem with hireling productions ; when monarchy and arillociacy are fupported f or at tempted to be hippo ttdj by provrfional expe6fa't- ? a great many of than peurile enough God knows. He alio obferves, that differ ent mould or foil dilFer in their produ6lion. I a:ree with the gentleman; and if we may judge Irom or by this criterion, we (hi ! n rt hclitate to fay, that the 'banks of Avernus or Cocytus, famous for a luxurient growth ot aconi c hemlock, and night Ih'de. fumifhed nouiifhment to j his baneful oblervations * or may be die Harper—ien air, of South-Carohna But, to pro ceed Handing armies in time of peace, in all ages, has produced revolutions unfavorable to the liberties of mankind. Popular governments may for a (hort Ipacc of time miftake the true point of national advantage ; but like the pendulum of a<lock, will vibrate in eafy fucceftion, until the true ohjeft of the na tional good is obiained. Not lb the encroachments of prero gative. Thole in power trna cioufty hold what they obtain, and Icduloufly grafp for more. We may flatter ourlelves, that what of our piivileges we gh’O up this year, will be reflored to us next. Obfervations on titnci pad wiil not juft fy fuch hopes. The (landing army of England in the reign of Charles 11. only amoun cd to 7000; it is now nearly ioo,o< o; and a marine, the cxpence of which the nation never contemplates the p y ments. The celelva f ed Montcfque, fpcekmg of the Enghfti confii tuiion and government ; fiy% it will perifti wh< never the legif lative part of the government becomes moe coirupt than the execu'ive. Upon the fame principle fays he, Pome, Sparta and Canhagr has per.(bed. and England will penfh, &c. &r. No government ever did or ever will long furvive bribery, corruption, and penal ftatutes, profenbing the liberty of and the free exercife of the prefs, 1 In thefe things has not » n* land taken the lead ; witnels the mil lions annual y expended for fccret feivices ; witnefs the riot a6ls, and fedition bil s. Thefe things national dicon ; tent; and in fuch a na ion, | [landing a»mies and fed tion I laws are neceftary, to awe the fubje 6l and collect the revenue* In ri country like that, the ruing j principle is fear. But God for bid we fhould ever find the ruling principe in an American I befoul to Sc fear. No; let vir- I tue, and the love of our coun try, guided by the principles of our ineftimable conftituiion, ever be an American's ftimulus, guide and glory. Then ftidi wo keep clear of ihat rock Bbtifh policy is pr cipitating us on ; and live to enjoy (hole bleftings oir fore fathers nob y contefted for. R. WANTED , A few lb>. of HO G S BRISTLE S, For uhich a generous price mil be g'.ven, by Andrew Burns. June 11. BLANK DEEDS For Sale , at this Office .