The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, June 11, 1799, Image 4

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iTty W>. M !)VA’. "ftl., */ /i.' C,«rr 0/ Ordinary cf the County of J Jf<n,M. WHEREAS Wm. f mntain, fen. hath :i j.ilicil • - me lor letien ofrvlrui* *u ir. lion on ,*t Edate of Seih F untain, 1 lie < f t'.«* Con ty, (lec* afed: thcie arc ihe -r ie ti ere and .ufnvmfh all ami j f**o .\<\r fbe incited and Ced ion i>{ (he / : d dc.-cHfed, 'o be and appear at niv Office, on or Ik fore 11; c :4 1’ <l:t T ‘ f J ,irle n~xt, to Ihc-v caufe, if ;ny they can, whv r ■ ten of aJmi Miration lliould not b* g ..ated him Ciivrn under my liiru! t thit 24th day ®f ; k liy 17,9, and in «hc twenty 11 1 ■r i year of lhe Amciitan lade j e ibtnce. aßy Wm. M Dow* G E O R 0 I A,/ ill, Clvk of the JJf ’l 6 * Ejoun y. y Court of ’J r dinar y t V. .a. MDo WELL, i of the County of J J>fJtnon, WHEREAS Richard Rowell and MaMlia Howell ha h a plied to me for leiie > of m mimflralion on the e ‘a!' of Elijah Grout, lal« of this C tim'y, (iccc’J cd I ilirie a e therefore I • 1 e an• 1 adn.o ifh al and finaular il-e kin red a d neci ton of ’he f.iid deccafcd, I I.'c inda|'|fue tmy office, <n or be»o»« the 24 Ii day « f June nex , to fhrw caufe, it ; n hev li.iv-, why Jcne, tof adminif* ; li't.t lon (h ’UId not be granted them. Gi en under ny hand, this 24111 day i' l VLy, 1799, a"d in I we tty jliird veir .-i the American Inde pendence. NO TICE. PUGSLEY& DEVEAUX I foi-,n their Fnenoi and i!-c Public, that the have rceived by ihc way of An* guOn, a FRESH /illbrtincnt of MEDICINE, Suitable to the Practice ; and cfitire then, hat *hc llriclell attention will be piid u all Onlei 1, Sic. * -il 2' ? ) . N O TI C F. AL f. F -i fori ire hereby fc rwnrred from u cCng tor c ti’er c.fTwu NOTES ci d AND, given b» (he SuTcnbcr, to Matlii s D h 1 ; iitf r On? Hundred and F r s L) i'ur , a d he « tber for One Hun dred nll T,i 1 Dollar*, ai he commit* * #. ulmh 1 ihc l:d>s HoU» Ir, has tailed Ifaac Rawls. / ril 18. EBEN'EZ \R JEnCKES Jief’tc:fuly in'ram 1 his pi ten Is in /ia>/i uar t i.ruJ the public m gtmrul that he has lately it ten ed J>o>n C har/.jhn AM KXTF.NSIVIC SUPPLY OP Drv Goods and G ocefies, lVh:n 1 s hn prr/ent sljfu'tm r.t as C'.mplrte tii offered /v sale h >e and which he will seil to 10 Jor Cajb 0 Pi nice ; hi following A/• f \ ts f ilm ya t of hit nffot tmtnt : SU 1’ Ki' Nt. oeconu ami other Rioad ; Cl thr K; 1 le\ intie» and S wat H'w n l.’.iaft c Ci tfis and C Hi 1 ere* h>'rgi o Ci th .»■ d Fia nrli (">ll en •<ini O 1 eVelvcrcts I) 1 »l". C ■ d rovj A haidluinr A Hbrlii en’of Mufliri Si ii-z 11 1 Miifl nH n. knc oifs A Innbiomr AHort>< e 1 ot Cahcue* F * i icccs « 1 Curf tin Caltcoc* Twelvepifcerof Linen S x pie les ot Humhmrs Js: . , Icc * 5 o. alb tied Durant j T >0 pircev of Ra il Coaling How Hi ;h ml Vv or lied a C fin H fe Cl( n ea d N rk:en* Marleillrs, Dimity an 1 Jean Waidcoat Pa 11 e r 111 Silk, I .iff and Thread* Tf itcd T pr* and F <er ing\ Age r 1 /ifT> tiiien i f R bbuns i- tuie K.i tk.ii and Si k Glovti VV orlleu d . do. Foin ot y.e < f Me- s Fine Hat* F nr 111 jr.n of Ladle* Fie do. S i dozen u( Mr ns S inr. ngj T nrer tl 11 of Ladies ro, tit cr - o/e ot Ladies Bonnets 1 WOli zen I Mr IS Oral at s k gr if of fnall Bur ors y w ' d z-a . t la or fne Mens Shoes erd z-n f I ry Cmubi 1 lire d zen of h lanlie s Four lbs o' c lorru Ihi cad F or lbs. f fi edn 'J w * d zen 01 cOl ton Cards, rf the beft kini FiT v 11”, of p vv er and Shot S-.dleTi.ks Sniff K ives and F rks FAuflard S off B 'XfS F iir Pnw 'er and Pi yin;; Cnr;l* Mens Sa dVsa d Bridles C. ffe and Ctioccluie. 'January WALTER P.OBIXSON [l.s received from Charicflon, a Gene ral Afiortnaenr of SPRING GOODS , Which he will fell low for ( afh, at h’e 8 cr-, near the Market, in the Red Houle, wlierc Mr. Jofcph Chairs formerly lived, TT RISH LINENS, and 4-4 wide JL Wh re an.! Brown Sheeting A handlorOe a iorimeut of Calicoti Oznahu-gs Gorton and 1 bread Hofe, fine 8c coarfe Lidied anti Childrens Morocco Shoes and Slippers Mens. Women* and Children* cnarfe and tine Ha s Twilled, plain and colored Marfeilhs fc Mjjf] net Waiftsoat Shape* Corded Dimit cs Silks and Silk Handkerchiefs lanaboral, flripcd, forigged, plain Ja cOD'-f and Book Mulhn Muflin Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Book and Jaconet Ge ntlemeno fine Handkerchiefs Ve'vct and Corduroy, twilled and plain Sewing Silk and I w It Ribbona and Tapes Ladies long and ftiort Rid G!i ves Mens BuikHcin and Beaver do. Writing Taper, fine audeoarfe Duranis of a>l co ors Cam bids CcfF. c, Chocolate and Tea ' Sugar, white and brown M m (Tea Copper.s. Allnm and Brimdone Rum, Brandy, Wine and Whifky Weeding Hoes and Grubbing do. I Bread uni Club Axes 4<l 6i 81. 10J. and 2od. Nails Pa en; Medic ne and Glauber Salts P-wter Hates and Porringers Spoons, large and fmsll Frying Pans 8 p ides ClulTelgof all fizrs F its of d fferent k odl Knives end Foiks Cutteau and Pm Knives Thimbles Beads and Neck Laces LlTmce of P.pperm nt Wool*nd Cotton Cards. No. 8, 9 & IO Bed Ticking and Checks Gun Lucks and Films Pp s G af% 8 by 10 Pi uflun B ue Sp nts TutpfDtine L >ndon botlied Porter Ginghams Wore and colored Thread Hor e Whips P ns of all lizei Ivory and lloro Hair Comb* Humhums Gunpowder L,-*d rnd Shot Ink Powder Br d!c Bits and Sadlery Shoemaker** Tools B blf*9 and TeHarruo's Sp clllng 80. kj and Primmers White Chapel Needles Lo king G.alTea Shaving Boxes, Razors and Cafe* Sp daclcs C.kc Blacking Patt-d, G it and Common Button! Coffee Mdl§ Drawing Knives Hand Saw* and Hammer* Curry Combi block and Pad Lot !o Tin Ware of all kind* I' anlicn Ware Pepper, AHfpice, Nn m gs, C oves, Cinnamon and Ginger Decanters, Tumblers, G afTeaand Salt Sellers also, A fmall dock of WoulUc G s odi Broad Cloihs Cfllli mere* Swandowos Drabs and Coatings Duffil and Bnfto! B'anketi, with a variety of other Articles, top tedious lo mention. dfrU 23. FOR SAL E, ,</ tit Office tf til I.OUI'VIU. E GAZ h TT £, cbtup for CnJbj yi v <F! pair G'ld Far-Rirgj T*e!v; pair round O dd Wire? Six G It Seals ;o tell the day of the month S.x B iiiie i able* Six Plated do. cl. , Fnre- Silver Tea Caddie Ladles Si c Plated do, do. do. Four pair of Stiver Buckles Six pair < f P .ated Spurs Plated Whi' s Four Tl’oufand Needle* One grocc laigc Pca<-1 Button* Cotton or Tobacco will be received in payment for the above Articles. Ma th i 2. T o ITe sold, A HOUSE and LOT, flmated rear the C ffee-Hmife, Lmiifville, containing a good Oven and ri >k< Houfe, Garden and ul er imp; ovcnieiits ; an excellent lauatioi for tredr. Condition?, one part cafb, the other tra le or credit, with a-pmved (ecuritiet For further paniculats, apply at the Union, Louifville, May 14, TO HE SO LD, Chciip jor C'-ifh or SEVEN nuiv'rcd -Mid ninety-two Acre* of O R and Hickory 1 AND, third ! quality, lyirg on th<‘ Fight Mi c Branch, <'ii theoicw road leading from L< uifvili* to Savannah j thirty Acie< ol ihc faid Lind is clcl r • d, an: u d*r g> ul fence. For fur* ther particulars, enquire at this Cilice, or of the Sublcriber, Arthur Cliik. /pril 23. Z. L A M A R, HAS FOR SALE , his STORE, Ma ke/ Square, (heap Jor Cajh , LONDON Du fir els White. H m an G.ccu Plains V\ in c ano Keu Flannels Rath C atiiig\ Su; crliiit Brcc.d C! th* Sfco d do. do. Hlack Huff and Grey Cadl Fafhionable Sv.auduwn and Cafilmere Vert Shates . Marfciilei, Jean* and jeanct do. Clouded a d Si k N ink. ens Royal Kibbi aiut Derimmi i V clvere’s, Ct fduroy, ai d ThF kfet* B ack, B ur and Pink Durants Calico s and Chin zcs lanboied, Rugged, Priced and p’ain I conet and K k Muffin Muilin Sh !w's and Ham kerchieft B u>k an.i ]. c >nct C avats and Co*n>n Cambricka Black bilk Handkerdiirls Ribbons and Fcrrptin,.* Sewing Si k an I Twilt Mens Dear Skin G oves It fh Linen, 3-43014-4 widt W hile n Btuwn Slice lings Oznabutgs Mens, VV itits and Youths Cotton and W orfled Hie Mem, Women* r, rul Y uths Shoes L ulics Morocco Srndals Mens and W-imei.s.Ci ai (> ard fine Hats Hiolrt, I cftainenrs and Spelling Bucks Federal Ready Keck' ners Dictionaries, ami a variety of finall Hifto rir s I k Powder, and beff Dutch Quill* Violins Locking Giaffc* Ivory Comb* RiZ rs and C -fes Gilt ard Hated Hn'tcns Large and final I do. Pen Knives Jv ii\ ci and Forks Tab’c S t co: s Trunk and Cbeft Locks Saddle a d Briule Buckles Surrup [rent and Bridle Kir* hoe Knives, Ta ks. Avvi Blade! Pi errs a d G niblets Cotton Card>, No. 10 Janaica and Wcfl-liulia Ru n Cogniac and Pea Ij randy I Tenetiffe and Malaga Wines H rlla' d Gin Bohe-a Ten Sugar P■ per ami Sp’cs Brim (tone and C >ppetas 41.6* Bd. and 10 . Nail* Belt Rifle Gunpowder Bar Ltau and Shot, Tinned ALSO, An i-flortmen! of PATENT MEDICINE uad QJJEENS-WaHH, together with a var cty of other aru.ics, 100 riumtrouj to infen. A r r;i 16. | MAN U S LEM L F. Has removed hi': D>y Good Strr f) (J - Houfe formerly occupied b» *Thon a Collier &r Co. as a Dry Gocd S' ; Where he has for fair, cheap for cafh or produce, A hzndlcAie Affdrtmem fcf DRY GOODS . LIKEWISE, All kinds of Patent Medicines and Crockery Ware, &c. also, Juft received and for fait , A colleftion of RELIGIOUS BOOKS, &c. & c . .7 nit 4, JOHN BLAIR, Has for Sa 'e, at his Store, cheap for Cafh, The following Articles, viz. IT R 1 S H Linen 4-4 wade it Brown Sheeting Oznalurgs Bn-wn Linen Ti klcnburgj H n mini ms Colored and plain Nankeen* Tamboured, Striped, Sprigged and Flaiit J conet and Eo"k M* flin It/u ft in Shawls ami Handkerchiefs, Bock and faenret Gentlemens Neck Handkerchiefs and Cra vats C ilicces 2nd Chintzes Pocket Han; kerch cfs Black, Blue and Fink Durants R bbands, Ferrcings and Tapes vit'g h k and Twift Vlcnj, Womens and Youth's Cotton sr.ti Worfted Hofc Ladies Shoes Ginghams M1 n 1 he ft e r Mi n ts BiMcs ard Tellaments Dil worth’s and Wehftcr’s Spelling Book* he era) Re idy Reckoners W riling Paper G h and Plated Buttons Large and (mail do. T ca Ctnnifiers Pen K lives Knives and Forks Table Spoons Tea Spoi n$ Ink Pots . Scillors, fmall and large : Gimblets j Need cs and Pin* i 1 h mblei J Cotton C .rds No, so : Jam uca and Weft India Rum ■ 1 enerilT- Win* Apple trandy S ugnr a id Molailes j Hvion Tci j Coffee and Chocolate Raiimi Pepper and Spice Coppc as Belt Rifle GanPourdcf Shot all rird B aeking Balls Sait. I ALSO, I A quantity of MEDICINES, viz. K Fflence cf Peppermint I J illnp and Rhubarb I ririfiih 0.1 I Tartar ■ Calomel. ■ With, a large and general cffbrtmeU ft H Queens* arc, toge her v jrh a variety ft I ether aniclcs, too tedious to mention. K June 4, K FOR SAL F, I A HOUSE and LOT, with a STORE ■ C~\ adjoining, near the Market, Vj'" i ■ Kitchen, Stable, and an excellent wed o'. ■ water. It has five fire place', and is t<ri v ■ two by twenty feet, with a SHED t* : ‘ v< B lest wide. B ALSO, ■' A two Oory HOUSE and LOT cvt^ 1 ■» Kitchen, Stable, Garden, and a good ipt r * K* near the Houfe, _ (( Conditions, ope half cafh ; the remain-* 1 HP on a credit of lix months. B [ofeph Chain. B February ig. B NOTICE. ■ \LL thefe indebted to the 2? (< John Calhoon, deceafed, quelted to come forward and fettif Accnun's J alfo ail thrfe to whom Effate is anywife indebted, are to bring f rward their i> mands '^lj attefted, to receive payment of H John Burton, admini/^^’U^ February 19. |