The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, June 18, 1799, Image 4

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F O R S A I. F., A,A, OrUC.K °f l*>LOUl ! L TTEy chtafi for r*Jh, ’ : r G'’ld Fa r -R M g* \ 1 -rive pair round G Id Wires ?■»<*• i' fceali’o tell »he day of the month 5 % $4 rr H >t tic 1 Able s 5 :X do. ‘1 ’• *7 ( , r ,, Si! ver Tea Caddie Ladles Si< Plated do. do. do. Knur pair of Sdve' Root Buckle* S'v r.iir > f Plated Spurs Plated Whioj Four Tl.onfmd Needles One groce large Pearl Button* Cotfon or Tobacco will J )C received in payment for the above Articles. Mitch 12. T O B E 8.0 LO, AHOIISF. and LOT, ft mated near the Coffee Houle, LottU’villc. containing a good Oven and Hake H<»u'e, Garden a’ <• other impiovcnictits \ an excellent liiuukion for trade. Conditions, one part cufh, the ° ] rr trade nr credit, with approved feeuntie*. For further parliculai», apply ul th« L nion, Luuifvil'c. May 14. TO B E SOL D, Cheap for Ca/hProduce SEVEN Hundred and ninety.two Acre* ol Oak and Hickory 1 AND, third quality, lying on the Fight Mi e Branch, on the new road leading from L'mifvilte to Savannah* thirty Acres of the laid Land is cleared, and under good fence, for fur ther canicular.*, enquire at this Office, or of ihs Sublcribcr. Aitbur Cliik. April 23. Z. LAMA R, II AS FOR SALE, At his STORE, Market Square, Cheap Jur Ca/h, hr ONDON Duffil Blanket* 1| j White, Bins and Green Plain* White and Red Flannel* Rath C ating* Superfine Broad Cloths Second do, do. Black Buff and Grey CafTTirtere* Falhinnubl* Swandown ami C-ifllmcre Vefl Shape* Marfnllcs, Je.,n» and Jennet do. Clouded and Siik Nankeen* Royal Kibbi and Denimin* Velverets, Corduroys and Ttrickfcts Black, Blue and Pink Durants Calicoes ai d Chintzes lanborrd, fprigged, friped and plain J tconet and Bm k Mull;n Muffin Shawls ami Handkerchief* H ink an I J icanct Ciavats ami Cotton Cambrkk* R'uck Silk Hundkerchicls Ribbon* and Ferreting* S'wing bilk an f 1 will Men* Dear Skin Gloves Jrilh Linen, 3-4 suui 4-4 wide White and Brown Sheering* Ozrtaburgs Men*, Women* and Youth* Cotton and Worfted Hofe Menr, Womens ami Youths Shoe* Ladies Morocco Sandals Mens and Womens ccur fir and fine Hats Bibles, Tcftainrnt* and Spelling Books Federal Ready Reckoners Dictionaries, an.l a variety of fmall Hifto* rits I ik Powder, and bell Dutch Quill* Violins Looking GluHc* Ivory Combs R .z or* arid Cafe* Gi t and Fluted Button* Large and faiall do. Fen Knives Knives and Fork* Tab’e Spoon* Trunk and Chcft Lock* Sa Idle and Bridle Buckle* Stirrup Iron* and Bridle Bit* Shoe K.r.ives, Ta ks. Awl Blade* Pi; ccrs iv'd Gimblets Colton Cards, No. 10 Jamaica ar. 1 Wcft-lndln Runt Cognise and Peach Prantly Tmeriffe ano Malaga Wine* Holland Gin Bohra Tea Sugar Pauper and Spice H'imftone and Copperat 4d. 6f. Bd. ami to t. Nails Reft Rifle Gunpowder Bur Lead and Shot affnrted ALSO, An Aflortmcnt of patent medicine and QUEEN S-W AR K, together with a variety ot other articles, tuo nunieioiiJ to infer*. Aj n! 16. ; a>:u°>l R m L e I j removed I : D'y O d Sme,»» the' “ H .j, r.v -riv orcppied I- D'ornas j c; llicr <U C>.a* a Dry Store: j [ Where he has /nr Jalr, cheap for ca/li or produce, A ha ml feme Aftortmcnf of DRY GO I) S. L I K F. W I S E, All bin<]s of Patent Medicines and Crockery Ware, See, ALSO, Juft, received and for fat, A collodion of RELIGIOUS BOOKS, &c. &c. y*".< 1. JoII N BLA I R, j Has Jur Sale , at his Store , cheap for Ca/h } The following Articles, viz. THIS 11 Linen 4-4 wide t Brown Sheeting Oznakurg* Brown Linen Ti klenburgs Hu mini ais Colored and plain Nankeen* Tamboured, Striped, Sprigged and Plait Jaconet ai d Book MuHin MuHin Shawl* and Handkerchief*, Hook and Jaconer Gentlemens Keck Handkerchiefs and Cra vat* Calicoes and Chintzes Pocket Handkerchief* Black, Blue and firk Duranr* Ribbands, Ferre ing* and tape* Sewing Silk and Twift Mens, Womens and Youth 1 * Cotton and Worfted Hofe Ladies Shoes Girg! ams Minchcfter Mi flin Biolcs nnd Tellamcnt* Dilworth’s and Wehftcr’s Spelling Bock* Federal Ready Reckoner* Writing Paper G hand Plated Button* l arge and final! do, I ea CanniUcrs Pen K fives | Knives and Fork* Table Spoons lea Spoons Ink Pot* Scillors, fmall and large G i iii hi c t s Needles and Pins 1 tumble * Cotton Cards No. to Jamaica and Well India Rum IcncrifTs Wine Apple Brandy Sugar and MolalTc* H v ion Tc » CofTee and Chocolate Railin* Pcj-per and Spice Copperas Bell Rifle Gunpowder Shot all ;rted Blacking Balls Salt. ALSO, 4 quantity of MEDICINES, viz. of Jallop nnd Khuourb riritilli Oil Tartar Calome’. IVith a large and general afTurtrrent rf Qjieen*ware, togch-r with a variety of tuber articles, too tedious ic mention, junc 4. FOR SALE, A HOUSE and LOT, with a STORE t\ adjoining, near the Market, with a Kitchen, Stable, nnd an excellent well of water. It has five fire place*, and is forty two by twenty I'cct, with a SHED twelve iect wide. ALSO, A tw'o fiery HOUSE and LOT, with a Kitchen, Stable, Garden, and a good Ipring near the Houfe. Condi rions, one half calh ; the remainder on a credit of fix months, jofeph Chairs. February 19. NOTICE. ALL thofc indebted to the Eflafe o( John Galhoon, deceafed, are re quelled to cornc forward and fettle their Account* ; alfo all thole to whom the laid Eftatt i* anywile indebted, are requefted to bring forward their Demand* regularly ' attefted, to r f ceive payment of John Burton, adminijlraior, February ig. WALTER. RGEIK3OM Hus rccc.ved item C ar! ton, r<il A of SPR J N G GOOD S. Which he will fell low for Ca(h, at, his •St or.*, near the Masker, in the Red Houfe, Whose Mr, J Jislp h Chairs formerly lived. TT KISH LINLNH, 3-4 and 4-4 wide jl. Wh fe and Brown Sheeting A handfome a ortmenl of Ca icoel Ozoabu pa | GOUOO aud Thread Hofe, fine & coarfe Ladies ar. .1 Childrens Morocco Shoes an 1 ol'ppers Mens, Wo-rnen* cud Childrens ccarfe and fine Ida s 1 Twllicd', plain and colored Nankeena | Marfciilcs & Mnfl net Waiftcost Shapes | Corded ca | and Sdk Handkerchiefs Tambored, (iriped, fprigged, plain J«* conet and Book Mtifhn Muflin Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Book and Jaconet Gentlemens fine Neck Handkerchief* Ve vet and Corduroy, twilled and p.ain Sewing Silk and 'Twill Ribbons and Tapes Ladies long and fhort Kid Gh v;s Mens Ducklkin and Beaver do. Wilting Paper, fine and coaifc Durants of a;l coots Carnbletß Ccffcc, Chocolate and Tea Sugar, white and brown Moit IDs Copperas, Ailntn and Bnmflone Rum, Brandy, WioC and Whifky Wecd r.g Hoea and Grubbing do. Broad and Club Axes 6d 81. iod. and zod. Nails Pi en* A/edic ne and Glauber Saltl P.wtcr Plates and Pornngcri Spoona. large and fm;li Fiying Pang Spades ChiiTHfl o f all fizei I* ilea of different kind* Knlvefl and Fcka Cuttcau and Pen Knives Thimbl s Beads aud Neck Laces Eflence cf Peppermint Wool and Cotton Cards, No. 8, 9 & 10 Bed rickng and Checks Gnu Locks and Flints ip?'* G'afs, 8 by 10 Pruflun B uc Spirits Tuipentine London buttled Porter Ginghams White rod colored Thread Hur'c Whips PTs of all fizes Ivory and Hor» Hair Combi Hum hums Gunpowder Lead and Shot luk Powder Bridle Bits and Sadlery ShocmtkePa fools Bibles and Teftam.ntg Spelling Bocks and Primmcri White Chapel Needles Looking GlaiTes Shaving Boxes, Razors and Cafes ‘■''pr&aclcs Cake Blacking P at”d, G it aud Common Buttons Coffee Mills Drawing Knives Hand Saws and Hammer* Curry C. mbs Stock and Pad Locks Pin Ware of all kinds Earthen Ware Pepper, A Ifpiee, Nutmegs, Coves, Cinnamon and Ginger Decanters, Tumblers, Glaffea and Silt Sellers also, A fmalt flock of Woollen Gcods Broad Clbths Caffhnmfl Swandowni Drab* a*nd Coatings Duffii and Bntiol Blankets, with a variety of other Articles, too ledioui to rnetuibn. April 23V '* % r-J \\r. ' • i o F n r G l ,\J ,v;! ! y,.f„ .!« <W T . ' W,M • LJ »k 1- i- L• k f // f \ ,‘.: L "-‘y./ J JJJ 'l'm, \XT HERRAS Vv m. Founts, r cn ... , l] vV app.Jf .l -o ne for let’c.s c.f‘ at ‘ h nitration on tr.c htLile « f Seth p,, Ur ! t . htc cf this Cowmv, (Jecfalcd ; thcfe ! therefore to cite and admonilh all (infiular the Kindred and Cr>d.«o r ,\,r 1 r«: 1 detested,' to be and appear ar ‘ C Office, on or before ihe =4 h dav of'i/ next, to Ihctr eaufe, if mv they ■' ' why letters of adminiftration Ihowld ro granted him. 11 ; Given under my hard, this 24th day c f Mty, 17C9, and in the tW(M ,, w third year of the American Lh, fendfncc. , i Bv Wm. M Dow- GEORGIA,/ tit, Clerk rf the ijjrfin Ccun'y. V Cou, tof Ordinary Wm. M-Dowell. ( ol ,i.c n „, } i) J J 1 ft non. j %T HER E A 0 Richard Rowell sad VV Martha Rowell hath applied to me for letters < i adminiftration on th« r.latc of Elijah Grout, lat« of tl.;j County, deceafcd ; thcfe aic therefore to ci:e and admonifh all and Angular ifc e kindred at d ct editor* of the fa id deceafcd to/be and appear at my office, on or befo e the 24'h day < f June next, to fhew cauf? if any they have, why letters of adniinif. tration fhould not be granted them. Given under my hand, this 24th day of May, 1799, and in the twenty* third year of ilic American IcJ.j* pendence* NOTICE. PUGSLEY & DEVEAUX Ffurm their Friends ami the Public, that they have received by the way cf Au* gufta, a FRESH Aifortment of MEDICINE, Suitable to the Pratftice ; and aAVe them, that the ftritftell attention will bi paid to all Orders, &rc« Aoril 23. N OTIC E, AI.L Perfons are hereby forwarred from tr ding for either of Two NOTES ot WAND, given by the Subfcribcr, ta vlathFs Dolton; one ft.r One Hundred and F-rty Dollars, and the other for One Hun* bred and Thirty Dollars, as the condition for which I give the fuid Notes for, has tailed. Ifaac Rawls, April 18. EBENEZAR JENCKES RefpeSifully informs bis F'icnls in paitirulae x arid the public, in general) that he has lately re • ceixtd from C\arleflon , AN EXTENSIVE SUPPLY OP Dry Goods and Gioceries, Which renders his prefent Affortmert as confide as rjJJercil for sale here , and which he wdi sel> low for Cajh or Produce ; the following At • tides form part of hit Ajfortment : l OUPtRFiNE Second and other Brosi k 3 Cloths kerfeymercs and Swandown filaftic Cloths and Cuffi mere* Negro tit th and Flannels Green and Olive Veivcrcts Do do. Corduroys A handfome AlVortmcnt of MuHin* Six dt z»n of Muflin Handkerchiefs A handfome AfTortireut of Calicoes Four pieces of Curtain Calicoes Twelve pieces of Linen S x pieces of Humhnms Six pieces of aflbrtecl Durants Two pieces of Hath Coating Brown Holland Worftcdand Citron Hoff Clouded a;id Striped Narkecns Marfcillcs, Dimity and Jean WafUcoSl Pattern! Silk, Twift and Threads sffoi ted Tapes and prrretiings A gcretal AfTortment cf Ribbons ; Ladies Kidfkiti and Silk Gloves VVonlcd do. do. Four dozen of Mens Fine Rats Four dozen of Ladies Fine do. Six dozen of Mens Stockings Three dozen of Ladies do, ; Three doze.' of Ladies Bonnet* | Two dozen of Mens Cravats 1 Six gnee of fmall Buttons j Twn dozen of large fine Mens Shoe* 1 Thiee d.'.zcn of Ivory Combs i Three dozen of Blankets ■ Four F's- of colored Thread i Four lbs. of fine do. _ * Two dozen of Cotton Cards, cf 1 kind Fifty lbs* r w 'er and Shot Saddle T t Snuff knivci . < F Muflard St I B'xe» Hai' Pow r arm Playing Cards M«v» r ,i d’e* a d Bridles Sugt Goffet and Chocolate* If- 1 * r J zi*