The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, July 02, 1799, Image 3

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™ bad. £ c 'kth. noftor, it might h*ve j i«nted him from fo u mins to convince the *nrld he was in the iaft ftage of he hydrophobia. It is very common for people . this feafon of the year, to -omplain of the heat of the gather, and to enqu.te the ie i-ht of the theatre* ; rhere ■J whether it proceeds from a hoke of the fun, or from what ,v(?r other caufe, moral or phy i:al, I cannot determine, but it s very obvious that from fome •aufe his fyftem has taken a very mufual tone, and it is my con ned opinion, that bliftering , abfolutely require, and that t ought to be placed right upon he feat of the underftanding (if hit epithet can be applied to uni) in order to bring away all hat morbid excrefcene which as accumulated in fucli abund nce as to affeef his fanity, ’herefore blifter him ; for God ,ke dear IJ.l J . blifler him ! If that dll not do, we mull pronounce im irreurab’e, for it is ulually ie lall application in drfperate afes* A Friend to the Old Women, * The Louifville term for ther ometer. (JT A piece, under the fignature 1“ CASCA," is received , but me 100 late Jor publication in this ys paper. It will be duly attend to in our next, ! i IrT The Ptv. Mr. Roth well 'll breach in the Slate Tloufe. on IS DAY NEXT. Jdy 2, 1799. London, April ?j, mH of a letter from col . Wil liams, dated March * 7 . I have juft time to tell you, at a fecoud battle took place i the 26th, at Stockach, in ‘iicli the French have been fe rely beaten; as they have alfo h by general Hotze, near I! Ikirch. In this I itter aflion f rcnc h have loft 4000 men. P the m oming 0 f the 26th, h waggons of their wounded, rn containing 7 or 8 meo( ar . P at L'ndau, The lofs has, t'V- een c °nfide>able on M r ' d * s > ‘bough the number r L*** greater than I L T he L Frenr L. in confe-j r eof ‘hevia ory of general I IT’ are lofting the Rhine: f f Cat Palpitation at Bre- L X * „^ ave *ime to fay p more. 7 Vwcaftle paper 0 p I «. contains the following 12"- j? ave jua Icarnf, that lived Jq a ? ?U^ral ve^€ l who I’ f o nc }® r^ on Thurf |l!i?en n ?^ er^am * has bro7 i 4 bn . he Frcnch |d°to^re' 1 Hoi-! habitants of tbit dlftreffed coun try had rifen on /he remainder, jwhorn ibty had entirely malfi ■cred, and 2 1 length refeued felvcs from £he fangs of /heir unprincipled opprellors." BOSTON, 7 tine 8. Ext rail of a letter from Rotterdam y to a refpeHable gentleman here , dated April 2 8. “ The French have been fe verely beaten in Italy as well as ! Germany. The emperor of Ruffia has laid an embargo upon all the veftels of Hamburgh in his dominions, and has made a demand on that city of 60 mil lions of marks banco; which, if not paid, he threatens to fend an army to Lubec, and take the city. This is confidered a poli tical manoeuvre, which will com pel the king of Pruftia to declare on one fide or the other." It is proper for us to fay, that capf. Pepper, who lift the Texel the 2d May, was not informed of any diftuibanccs having oc curred in Holland. The Dutch dcct was ftill in the Texel, and in no preparation for Tea. The Conflitution, capt. Tal bot, of 44 guns, we learn will be ready for Tea by the 24th infl. Her lately paid off feamen are re-entering daily. The Merrimack, capt. Brown, of 24 guns, has failed for the Weft-Indies. The line of battle fhip to be built in this town is to be a 74. We can affure the public its conflitution will immediately commence; The Boflon frigate is almoft completely rigged. She bids I fair to do honor to her name- I fake. j A naval hofpital is to be erect ed on one of the iflands in our harbor. Gen. Lincoln has been down to fix on a fpot fuitable for rhs benevolent purpofe. The United States frigate gen. Greene, of 32 guns, cap:. Perry, has failed from New-Port for the Havannah, where Ihe will hoift the broad pendant. new*york7 7 Mn5 11. ExtraHof a letter from M, Bundle , to a refpeftabk merchant in Bal timorc, dated “ Cape F rancois, April 28 ' “ Every thing has been ami [ cably fettled here towards adjuft- 1 jing differences between France ,and the United States; and it is 1 the rnoft fincere wifh of every one here that the trade with the United States will foon be re newed. The privateers are all ; recalled, and thdfe American veftels which were brought in as prizes, and on which fentences j had been palled, have been re-1 leafed; and we are pleafed with the flattering hopes th .tourin tercourfc with your country will loon be recommenced." BALTIMORE, June 4. ( ’ Yeftcrday the United States jfloop of war Maryland, was launched from her ways at Mr. Price's fhip yard, FeliY Point, Savannah, 7^28. w learn by a letter from St. Mary’s, dated 17th June, to a gentleman in this place, that the Indians a»c dilcontented with the boundary line now running by the Spanilh and American governments. An Indian chief had arrived and delivered a talk to Janus Seagrove, efq. and in formed him that, unlcfs he rc j turned with fatisfaftory infor mation on this head, the confe quenccs would be ferious. Mr. Seagrove gave him the bed advice and information in his power, and recommended their fuller ing the line in the mean time to be uin, alluring them that no injury was intended by the go vernment of the United States, to whom he would immediately tranfmit their ta’k. It is hoped that no ill conlequcnces will take place, as the Chief Teemed to depart well plealed with the ex planations made to him tor the fatisfaftion of the Chiefs of the n as ion. r Richmond, (Vir.) April 25, ’99 To the Republicans throughout the United States % proposals For publifhing, by fubfeription, A NATIONAL MAGAZINE; 1 O R, A Political, Biographical and Hlftorical REPOSITORY. CONDITIONS. The period* of publication to be ferni-quartcrly, , II Each number to contain q*) nftnvo : uages of letter prcfi printing, upon large i ifinc paper, ncutly execu ed on an entire | new type, fewed and glcwed under a thick ' | blue covet. HI. I*ricc to Subfcflben 4 dollars a year, two dollars to b« paid in advance on the receipt of the firfl: number, and two dol lars on the receipt of the fifth number. iV". To each four numbers, which will make a volume of 400 agei, will lie added a t;.lc page, and a table of contend. To THE PUBLIC, THE ohjeCl of this publication is to ccllcß, preferve , and diffemi natc the mof valuable productions of , the Republican pen, in all parts of the Union; the extreme nccejfity for fuck a publication, and the beneficial ejfefts which might re full from it , if well conduced) will be readily allowed. The American people have long enough been impo/ed upon by the pretended impartiality of printers; it is all ddufion ; every party will have its printer , as well as every 1 ftCl its preacher ; and it is as in congruous for a puh'icatxon to be alternately breathing the fpirit 0/ two parties, or for afarfon to preach to his audience chrifUanity in the morning , and paganifm in the even ing ; inconjijlent as for a chief magif rate to name an ambaffador to fettle a difpuit with a foreign nation , and immediately to violate the laws of civility , and moke moc k:ry of religion , by heaping upon the fame nation and its rebi ejenta tives, the vllejl philippics , fcurrility, and abufe, in a proclamation for a day of fafing and prayer : — Every . Editor who is Capable of faring 1 above the flattery of villainy , and the adulation of folly, has too much at flake in the coni eft of liberty i again)} flavery , virtue again ft vice, and truth agai nfl. fophiftry , to admit of impartiality. In the profecution of the plan of this work , it will be necej/ary ta take )o much of a retro/pctlive view of the affairs of the United States , and introduce fuck documents as will lend to elucidate and exptfe the ori gin, frngrefs, and a'arming influ ence of that fyftem of iniquity and robbery, bribery and opprejfion B hypocrify, and mjuftice t which may be traced from the attempt of Alex ander Hamilton , to palm upon the convention a monarchical conftitu tion, through the corrupted mazes of funding and banking, flock jobbings and )'peculating fyjlems, down to the alien and fedition laws % /landing army and navy of the prcfrnt day. It is difficult , mpur/uing a courfe of fcrutiny mte the meajures of go vernment, and de/lgns of men in office, to draw a line of demarka tion between legal plunder and per sonal villainy . public rapine , and private intrigue; whenever the nature of enquiry will admit of it B ferjonal weakneft and folly ought to be lightly touched , but when an officer of government , connefting fullic fraud with private vice, at the fame lime , is wallowing in the lap of infamy and revelling in the peculation o) the national ireafury # the regard for per [oral char oiler ought to be Jacriftced to public juf iice. Being pofjefftd of the plan and principles on which the national i magazine will be conducted, it only remains for the people to be informed |of the particular matter which it I will contain , to enable them to deter -1 mine whether they will or will not give it their Jupfort. VIEW of the WORK. TRIUNE Dedication; firft, to the Republican* throughout the United State*; fcco ui, to John Aran*, elq. prefident of th e United Stare* ; and third, to the Arif* tocrats gene ally ; Declaration ol Inde-* pcndence ; Conftitution of the Ui'i cd State* ; Refolu f ions and Addrefs ol (he Legiftaturc of Virginia ; Resolution* of the Leg llaiure o‘ Kentucky, Mr, George Nithoia*’* defence of them, in a Letter to hi* friend ; Plan of a Conftitution pre ferred to the Convention, by Alexander Hamilton ; a definition ol parries, or po litical eflcft* ol the paper fyftem con-* ft icrcd ; a review of the revenue f'ftem adopted hy (he firft Gongrcf*, and an ex amination of its pernici ms effect*, in thirteen letters ro a friend, bv a citizen, laid to be Mr. Fir die* ; the Conlntutioo ol’ the “ felt-creatcd” fodety, or the order of the Cincinnati ; K«trac\* from Mr. Adam’* Defence ; from Mr. Gallatin’* 1 Sketches of the Finances ol the Unred 1 State*; fr. m an Addrefs of Mr. ]■ hn Page, of Rofewell, to his conlti’utnt* ; bom Mr. Calendar’* Sketches of the Hif tory of the United State*, Annual Regif ter, and Halory if >79% in which he handle* v i h as much delicacy at they defrrve, many of the blunders, incoo* latencies, and en rmiiits of government, James Lyonu (Yt Suhfcriptions for the work , will be received at the Office of the Louifville Gazelle. July 2, 1799. BLANK DEEDS Of CONVEYANCE, For Sale, at the Office oj Ike • ifvillt Gazette, April 2.