The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, July 09, 1799, Image 3

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aments) wHhes for a ? % is .here among unvu.cs j^erhisniulketandknap fmk for 2 o cents pet day, leatc f> and family for a 9 or 12 bS . rur- and all this to I ".' r . /ue the ’injured honor of an “Sn ,*4 7 ">7f L the implicated honor of the b ‘ln- and the tale little better fubflantiated than the tale of the £very kind of faife cou f ering, , very kind of exaggeration is in order to inflame the public mind.* If it is not trea- L I would venture to fay, that 0 ’the friendly aid of France |in om conteft with Britain) we owe and arc indebted for our prefcnt form of government. 1 would alfo venture to fay, that t 0 the victories attendant on the arms of Fiance, do we owe the prefcnt enjoyment of that form of government for the aflertion of fo Godlike a truth, one might even dare to die. It cannot but be difcovered as a plain and Ample pofition, that the prefent European war, is a war carried on—on the part of the combined powers, (piri tual and temporal, again ft the common rights of man : or why fliould the inhabitants of thole countries as foon as conquered, join the ftandards of the con querors by thousands, and fay to their former tyrants and op prcllors, we free, we will be | fv ce as Frenchmen ; thefe are ich which needs no comment. CASCA. * It is w : ll known to thofe ac "amted with diplomatic 5, that it is he incontrovertible right of nations ) accept or reject ambaffadors , with ut giving any otter rcafonfor their wduft on that head, than that they Kn not agreeable. Then why all his ado for nothing. ff laid and Marten's, on the 'fits of embafys and ambajfadors. For lhe LouifviUGazelle. THE mighty Gigantic Tack, n 3o,war( l in your paper f i<'!/ r V' ” nder le J A Friend lo the Old Women," Sc'ihirTf* "r UnC ° n ' tnirlt for getting into aient, ° ns . «ther than not be jy, he has placed himfelf ~ d, nt among two or three * j C ’ after fix da >' s as n w n b ' S ldeas t 0 a focus, lhv . . J ar:cd hns in order to ot h r ' lefd^S i be fnrely can ' ! he , , Vir S inia l a <*) Airman £ j** J anilnd while s veil as th*' not bray d ’ the ' ,) »e taken f mUnUV ’ m ’ sht 'cannot cnH 3 man * but 5 iainof, deavor an 7 longer src la of vi'fu ° n tbe c ' dzens a sa r leen U to ° P l *'*’ ■ 1! "ever he f 7' ? f rear ° n u!hf n , , fo da zzled as to His ren r fv ha< dull lumina'y rcciStof 0 ? "V^fcnfcJf aSOf Lo '-»fville admits cf liV/lc /hf height of ’ t he /hea/i r (perhaps mod of /hem can infonn bi n) has been as hi g h as Augnfta, and on which flage as well as other p’acos) he has a£led /he character of the r . . . . I. Let the degree of heat be wha/ it will, if his accumula/ions are not morbid, /hey care honeft purfui/s, and I would ferioufiy advife him to club his hair, or torn the poin/s of /hofe con duftors /owards his cranium, not Ic/ /he ele&iical fluid all fly off, hut re/ain enough to fpare his hea;/ feme, that he may not at /he hour be/ray his friend. Tha/ effeminacy, &c. has caufed an ex/raordinary ini/abili/y in /his animal, is eviden/ from his /ro/dng in/o this conven/:on, where in /he moment of full ex ci/emen/, /he ftimulan/ quack flew off, and earned fome of /hofe locks from /he forehead of /his grovling fycophan/, that ;migh/ have concealed, much I longer, /he brand of infamy i na/ure hadflrongly maiked upoa it. Bolufes and ca/har/icks, See. ; of bolufes, I have always one or two ready for him, the com pofi/ion of whch he will be be//er able to judge when he receives /hern ; /he ca/har/icks, together wi/h /his compofi/ion, I lhall leave for him to /ake as it fui/s him. £3* The Members of the Union Society , are requr/led to meed on ! Saturday, the 3 \jl of Augufl , in i the Lodge Room , at the Unicn , ; LouifviUe. Chair taken at f even dclock, J u ’y 9- I 1 ~ 1 } J Richmond, (Vir.) April 25, ’99. To the Republicans throughout the United States , PROPOSALS For publifhing, by fubfc.ipticn, A NATIONAL MAGAZINE; o R, A Political, Biographical and H floricsj REPOSITORY. CONDITIONS. I- The period* of publication to be lemi-quarterly. 11. Each number to contain g 6 . Aavn pages of lc*ier pref< printing, upon large fine paper, nearly execu ed on an entire new type, fewed and glcvvcd under a thick , blue cover. | 111. P. ice to Subfcrbcrs 4 dollars a yea* I two dollars 10 be paid in advance on the | receipt of the firft number, and two dol lars on the receipt of the fifdt number. IV. To each four numbers, wh ch will make a volume ol 400 age I }, will tcadded a title pag», and .11 a b I * ot contents. To THE PURLI C. THE Ob'!eel of this publication is to colled, preferve , and diffemi nale the mop, valuable productions of the Republican pen, in all parts of the Union ; the extreme neceffity for fuck a publication, and the beneficial effeds which might re full from it if well conduced, will be readily allowed. The American people have long enough been impofed upon by the pretended impartiality of printers ; \ it is all d'liffief • every party will] have its printer, as zvell as every j {eft its preacher ; and it is as in - ! congruous for a publication to hr j alternately breathing the f pint o/ 1 two parties , or for to preach to his audience chnfiianity in the morning, nc/ paganifm in the even ing ; inconjifient as for a chic/ magi pirate to name an ambafjddor to Jeide a difpute with a foreign nation, flwcf immediately to violate the laws of civility, and make moc kery of religion, by heaping upon the fame nation and its rein efenta tivcs% the vilefi philippics. fcurrility 9 and ahufc % in a proclamation for a day offafiing and prayer:—Every Editor who is capable of faring aoeve the f altery of villainy, end the adulation cf folly , has too much at flake in the conic [I of liberty againJl flavory , virtue againfi vice , and truth againji fophijiry, to admit of impartiality . In the proficulion of the plan of this work, it will be neceffary to take jo much of a rtirofpetlive. view of the affairs of the United Stales , and introduce Inch documents as will tend to elucidate and exp ft. ike. ori gin, prgrefs, and a arming influ ence if that fyfiem of infqm y and robbery , bribery and optreffon * - i ' UJ kypoenfy , and injufticc , rt'/«VA be traced firm the attempt of Alex ander Hamilton , fa palm upon the convention a monarchical confuta tion, through the corrupted mazes of funding and hanking, flock jobbing, and /peculating fife ms, down to the alien and /edition laws, /landing army and navy of the prrfint day. It is dlfji ■ ult, in pur fuing a courfe of fcrukny into the meafurcs of go vernment, and defigns of men im I cjfice, to drew a line if demerka \tim between legal plunder and per ! final villainy , public rapine, and private intrigue; whenever the | nature of enquiry will admit of it, , perfonal weaknejs and folly ought to fie lightly touched , but when an officer of government , connecting public fraud with private vice, at ■ the fame lime, is wallowing in the I lap of infamy and revelling in the \peculadon of the national ircofiry, 1 ! the regard for perfinal character I ought to be fieri feed to public juf \tue. Being of the p'an and principles on which eke national i magazine wil be conducted . it only remains for the people to he informed , of the particular matter which it will contain , to enable them to deter mine whether they wdi or will not give it their fupfort. VIEW of the WORE. j TRHJNS Dedication; fir#, to the* Hub. c ns throughout he Unittd States;, ro John A a “ns, t /q prefident 01 tiic United Stares ; and third, io the A rif. ' tociats gcr e ally ; Declaration of Indc- j ■ pend*nee; Confirution of the Uri cJ j r Stares ; s rnd Addrcfs of th« ■ Legtlla:urt of Virg nia ; Refnluti<'ns of ■ the i.rgi(htur« o: Kentucky, Mr. George jl Nicho s’* defence of them, in a Letter to '•dn l ien i; Plan ol n Coafiitutfon j re lented to the Convex.ion, by Alexander i-Utnil'.o i; a definition ol parties, or pc l lical tfi> <ft» of the paper tshctri con fi etc.! ; arc iew of tre re-erue bltem a-i ■ pted oy The firft Congrcft, and ao e*~ ’,am}nation of its parnkions effetdh, ia , j thirteen iene-s ?o a fn«od, b* a ci'izcn, j faid t > be M , Fincli«» ; the fruiSitunoi ’of the “ folL-crl&lcd” Itc ! «iy, tr iht j°H fr ftf the Cincinnati ; Esfraflj f rnni J N*r. Adam’s Offerer • from Mr. Gflllviir’s i Sketches ol the Finarcei of the tJni ed 1 Mr-to • f r m nn Addrcfs of Mr. J hi | * A i’ f » *T K , 'o I- s contti u-nt ; * fo,n Ga'cndfir’ Skrrc c. or -he Hif tot> of the Unirev. S . tes, Anrtu?l Hrgif. fc '» a,ld H ll(,r v f »79\ ’it which he nnno.n vi h as m :rh ac as tii#y clrrvp, many of the 1» urd-n, ?nc®n* latencies, utiJcn rmities ofg \ rrn i'ent, Jamks Lyon. Suh/cripticns for the xuork% will he r (caved by Ambkosr Day, at the Office of the LouifbilU Guz~ tilt* July 5. WALTER ROBINSON Has received from Charlefton, a Gene ral AfTortmeot of dry goods , Which Lc will fell low for Calh, at h’i Store, near the Market, in the lied Houfe, v\hcrc Mr, Jofcph Chairs formerly lived. TIUSH LINENS. v 4 and 4 - 4 wide il VV h te rod Browu Sheeting A han.’forac a ortmeut of Ca icod Oznaburgs Cotton ai d Thread Hofr, fW & coirfs Ladies and Childrens Morocco Shoes and Slippers Mens, Womens end Childrens craife ciod fine Ha s Twilled, plain and colored Nar keens MarfciHes & Muf] net Watfh at Shapes Corded eg Silks and Silk Handkerchiefs Jambcred, Ifnprd, (~r inged, p’ain conet and Boc k Mull n Muflin Shawls and liaodkercl iefe, Bonk and Jaconet Gentlemens fine Handkercliicfa Velvet and Corduroy, twilled and plain Sewing Silk and ] w It Ribbons and Tapes Ladies long and fhort Ki! G1 ves Mens Buck/kln and Beaver do. Writing paper, fine and eoaif* Duran* % of ail colors Camblets Guff c, Chocolate and Tea Sugar, whuc and brown Moi. Hep Copperas, A Hum nnd n.imftone Rum, Brandy, Wueand Whdky Weed ng Hors and Giubbing no. Bn ad and Club Axes 4 ’i. 6J. 81. fod. tod 20 J. Nads Pa en M rdic ne and G .iubtr Salt! P*wter Mates and P ir ngvrs Spoons, large aud laiiii Frying Pans Spades Gh tide of a’l Hzes Fdra of diffpre..; kinds Knives and Foiks Cutfczu c.iui Pm Knifes Thimbles Beads and Neck Lv'es E (fence of Peppernrvot Wool end Co" ’on C irds No I, 9& JO Bed I kk ng :n 1 Checks Cun Locks and Flints Pp 8 G afs, 8 by 10 PiuflLn Bus fp rir& k uip-n'fne London bntied Porter Ginghams Wm e vnd colored Thread Hor.c Whips P na of all fizes I/i.y a: d Mura Hair Combi Dumb urns Ink Powder , Bridle B *8 and Padlery Shncmukcr’s Tools B’b!r« and Teftamrnrs Spelling Boi Its an.i Primmeffi White Chipel Needhs Ln king GlnfTca Drawing Knives Hand Saw# and Hammer* Curry Combs ALSO, Jujl received , and opening fer fale , A large Quantity of Gunpowder & iihol, affurledt juj O'