The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, July 09, 1799, Image 4

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TO B E S 0L D a :»nH LOT, filtrated near ih* p. c Ifre-Ho fr, L nifv illc. ccntairt'ig :> oo A Oven ml Hake Home, Garden and ~ ja>pioveii>ei»ii; an c* .client fituatton f r ,r . . C tid'ition*, one part rain, the oilie trn ror err iir, wifh approved (counties Tor fir (her | ar titulars, ap, !y at the Union, Louitvlile. May 14. T O B E SOL D, Cheap for Ca/hProduce, SEVEN Hundred and ninety-two A ff p * of O k and Ilickorv 1 A ND, third , quality, lybg on tfr F’gh f iVIi e Branch, on the new mad leading from Lnuilvil.e ro Savannah ; thirty Ancs of the laid Lind is cleared, an I under good fence. For tur ther rartirularr, erquirc at this Olfice, or of the Sublcriber, Arthur Claik. April 23. MANUS LEMLE Hbs removed hit Dry Cord Store, to the Houle formerly occupied bv Thomas Collier li C >. as a Dry G«od Store : Where he has for Sale, cheap for ca/h or produce^ A hondfomc Aflortmtnt of r>RY GOODS. AH kinds of Patent Medicines and Ciockery Ware, &c. ALSO, Ju/l received and for fak , A colledion of RELIGIOUS BOOKS, &c. See. yu-tt 4. Z. LAMA R, HAS FOR SALE, At his STORE, Muiket Square, Cheap for Ca/h, TONDON D . HP B’anWts t White, Klu- amt Green Plain* \Vhite and Red Flannel* C a*«"C' So er fine R. >ad Cl ihl Sero-'d do, do. Hhrl< Buff ai d Grey Cafllmeref F .(liionablc Swandown and CaflimCrt Veft Sha'-e? Mnrf'illfi, pan* nnd Jennet do. Cb-uciedand Si*k N nkrem H 'vul H'bhi ard De unm Vc! veret», Corduroys atul Thkkfetl B iik, B u- and Fit It Durants C li< o- s a d Chin' zei Taolv'ted, fuigged, (Wiped and plain ] rni’rt and H k Mudin M ji in ih w i an I Handkerchief* H rk an f1 c net C :v itr and Cotton Cumbficks B irk M'k H tulkerr hull ft * buns and Fenrt n* S 5' wing Silk and T wilt 1 XI.MVt D'ar '‘kin G ovei 1 r - (h Linen 3-4 and 4-4 wid« v i,j;p an ■ Hruwn Sheetings Oz ‘nbu gt M"t ♦, W mm* and Youths Cotton tied WmCxl H T« Men*, Women* anti Youths Shoes Indies Morocco S nd«ls Mens and Womens c arfe and fine Hats Bibles, Teftainents and Spelling Books Federal Ready Reckoners D Aiooanes, and a variety of finall flifto* riel I k p wder, and be ft Dutch Quill* Violins Looking Glafiii | \ 1 ry Con»bs R rrs C >fes Gi‘t anti rimed Button* 1 %*rp- and Imall do. Pen K.niv«* H \\\a and Forks T ib'e S pi’Ons Trp vk and C' eft Locks Sa ! Me a d Briule Buckles 5 umh Irons and Br die Hits hho- Knives, Ta ks, Awl Blades f. ctn a d G ; nblei» Cotton Ca cl', No. 10 Ji aic 1 an<l Wrft-lndia Rum C ,» line and Peach 1 amiy T rmiiff? I,n d Malaga Wines H 1 a d Gin Bohca l ea S' *ir p rer and Spice ft Imftot’c ano Copperas 4 6 ’ 8 t anti 10.1. Nails Fi'fl R'rie Gunpowder bar Lead and Shot n (Fried ALSO, An * fl'r’mer * o! P A TEN T MEDICINE and QUF ENS-WaUE, ttge her with a vr.m y of o.hcr arlKict, 100 numerous to infetr. A,nl 16, , WALTER ROBINSON His received firm Cbarlellon, 1 Gene ral AtTortment of SPRING GOODS, Which he will feil low for f alb, at hip Store, near the Market, in the Reel Houle, where Mr. Jofcph Cbaire foimetly lived. IRISH LINENS, 3*4 and 4-4 wide White and Brown Sheeting A handfomc tfioritnent of Calicoel Oznaburg* Colton and Thread Hofe, fine & eosrfe Ladiea and Childrens Morocco Shoes an 1 Slipper* Men*, Womens and Children* coarfe and fine Han Twilled, plain and colored Nankeen* Marfcille* 5c Muflinct Waiftsaat Shapes Corded Dimitic* Silks and Silk Handkerchief* Tambcrcd, ftriped, fprigged, plain Ji* conet and Book Mollin Muflin Shawl*and Handkerchief*, Book and Jaconet Genllcincn* fine Neck Handkerchief* Velvet and Corduroy, twilled and plain Sewing Silk and Twdt Ribbon* and Tape* Ladies long and fhort Kid Globes Mere Buckfkin and Btaver do. Writir.g Paper, fine and coarfc Durants of all color* Camblct* Ccffic, Chocolate and Tea Sugar, white and brown MoiafTci Copperas, Allum and Brimftone Hum, Braudy, Wioc and Whiiky Weeding Hoe* and Grubbing do. Broad and Club Axes 46. 6d. Bd. tod. and 2od. Nail* Pa ent Medic oe and Glauber Saltl Pewter Plate* and Porringer! Spoon*. large and fmali Frying Pan* Spades Ch'lTel* of all fizc* F'lca of different kiadi Knives and Fotks Cuttcau and Pi,u Kuivci Thimbles Beads and Neck Lace* Effence of Peppermint Wool and Cotton Cards, No. 9, 9 & 10 Bed Tick'ng and Check* Gun Locks and Flints Ppt * G afa, 8 by 10 PrufTun Blue Spirit* Turpentine London bottled Porter Ginghams Whi;c *nd colored Thread Hor e Whips Pins of all fize* Ivory and Horn Hair Combi Humhum* Gunpowder Lead and Shot Ink Powder Bridle Bits and Sadlery Shncmaket’a Tool* Bible* and Teftament* Spelling Bocks and Primmer* White Chapel Needle* Locking GiafTe* Shaving Boxes, Razor* and Cafe* Speftaclcs Cikc Blacking Plated, Gilt and Common Button* Coffee Mill* Drawing Koive* Hand Saws and Hammer! Curry Comb* Stock and Pad Lock* Tin Ware of all kinds Earthen Ware Pepper, Allfpice, Nutmegs, Cloves, 1 Cinnamon and Ginger Decanters, Tumblets, Giaffes and Sail Seller 1 A L SO, A fmali ftock of Woollen Good* Broad Cloth* Cafijmercs Swandown* Drab* and Coating* Dufiil and Bnflol Blankets, with z variety of other Article*, too lediou* to mention, April 23, NOTICE. ALL Pert'ors are hereby L-rwarre ' 0 0"n tr:ding for c tner of Two NOTES jl ijANO, given by the Sublcr.bcr, to tfatlii. sI) >l;on; 0..e f r On? HtmdreH and F.rty I) -llar», and the oil er for One Hun dred and Tnirly Dollars, ai 'he roniihio for which 1 give the laid Notts for, lias failed. Ifaac Rawls. April 18. N O T i c E. \LL thefe indebted to the Eflate of John Calhoon, dcccafed, are re quefted to conic forward and fettle their Accounts ; alfo all thole to whom the laid Ellate is anywile indebted, are requeued to bring forward their Demands regularly attefted, to receive payment rf John Burton, adminijlrator, February 19. Forty Dollars Reward . STOLEN FROM the Subfcribers planta tion,) cn Big Creek, on Tuef day, the i Bth infant, a dark bay Mare, 4 years old, about fourteen and an half hands high, branded on the mounting Jhoulder and buttock, TM, joined together ; foe has a fmall flar in her for ehe ad, and one hind foot half white. Whoi vc r wi I deliver the /aid Mare, or give in formation, jo that the Owner may get her again, Jhall receive Twenty Dollars reward, and Forty Dollars on detedion of the thi /. Thomas Mountain. Jeff erf on County, June 25, 1799. Wafhington Superior Court, September Term, 1798. , Andrew Hemphill,”') vs. V Fureclofare, James Hemphill, J UPON the petition of Andrew Hemphill, praying the fore clofure of the equity of redemption , in and to the following trad of land, fituate , tying and being in the coun ty of Wafhington, bounded by John Foreman, John Rogers, and all other fidcs by vacant land; and ( containing two hundred eighty feven and an half acres, which trad of land was mortgaged to the [aid An drew Hemphill, by the [aid James Hemphill, for the fccurity of one hundred and thirty Jeven pounds, feventeen /hillings and three pence, on the 1 6th day of March, in the year of cur Lord one thoufandfeven hundred and ninety-three, Upon motion of Mr, Caldwell , attorney for the plaintiff, it is or dered, that the principle inter eft and j cofl be paid into this court, within j twelve months from this time , other- j wife the equity of redemption will 1 be forever foreclofed, and that a\ copy of this rule be jerved upon the ! faid James Hemphill, or puhlifhed , nine months in one of the Gazettes ( ej this State , before the expiration j of the faid nine months, agreeable to an afl of the Irgfaiurc in fuck cafes made and provided, A true copy from the minutes, J. Williams, deputy clerk. WANTED TO MIRE, Bv the Month or Yen r, A NEGRO MAN. Enquire at this OjSct, , January 30. To be fold, at nubile auftion On TUESDAY , ’ ~The 6th Augufl next, In the lown of Wamfb jrongh, Buvke County, 150 Acres of L A N D, Belonging to the Eftate of J AM|J M c Qo itn, lying on M‘Bcen Creek, adjoining lands of Thos. Miller. Com ilium, Caih. By order of C< urt, Daniel M'Murphy, admr. Juris 18. FOR SALE, At the 01 x-ICE r>f the LOUISVILLE GAZ . ETI E, chcajt for Cnjh, NINE pair Gold Ear-Rings Twelve pair round Gold Wires Si* G'lt Seals to tell the day of the month Six Silver Bottle Table* Six Plated do. do. Three Silver Tea Caddie Ladle* Six Plated do. do, do. Four pair of Silver Boot Bucklci Six pair of Plated Spurs Plated Whirs Four Thoufand Needles One grocc large Pearl Buttons Cotton or Tobacco will bo received in payment for the above Articles. March 12. FOR SALE, At the U NlO N, Loui/ville, A quantity of prims Northward Cheefe, Pilot Bread; and Philadelphia Beer, In Bottles. LIKEWISE, Spanifh Scgars, and | Of the bell quality. I June 18. JOHN BLAIK, Has Jor Sale, at his Store , cheap I Jor Cajh % The following Articles, viz. I IRISH Linen 4-4 wide I Brown Sheeting I OznaVmigs I Brown Linen I Ti klenburgs I Hmnhums I Colored and plain Nankeens I Tamboured, Striped, Sprigged and Plals I J conet ard Book M'iflin I Muflin Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Bock I and Jaconet I Gentlemen* Neck Handkerchiefs anJCta* ■ vats I Calicoes and Chintzes I Pocket Handkerchiefs I Black, Blue and Pink Durants I R.bbands, Ferretings and Tape* ■ , Sewing Silk and Twift I Mens, Womens and Youth’s Cotton ini fl Worfted Hofe fl Ladies Shoes fl Ginghams I Mmchcfter Mvflin I Bibles and Tellaments I Dilworth’s and Webfter’s Sf*lli r S Bo r « B Federal Ready Reckoners B Writing Paper fl G It f-nd Plated Buttons H Large and finall do. H Tea Canmfier* H Pen K dves Knives and Forks H Table Spoons Tea Spoons I k Pots Scillors, fmall and large Gimblcts j Needles and Pins j Thimbles j Cot ton Cards No. to ; Jamaica and Weft-India Run 1 Tenerife Wine I Apple Brandy ! Sugar and MolafTes I Hy ton Tea Coffee and Chocolate j Kaiiins Pepper and Spice ! Copperas 1 Beit Rifle GunPowdcr Shot aliened Backing Balls H Salt. At?o, ■ A quantity of MEDICINES, vi*» ■ Efleuee of Peppermint H Jrllop and Rhubarb H Britifh Oil H Tartar Calomel. rn ih, a large and general ™° rt ™,’ ?v B together with a vH '‘ ' B , eitier articles, 100 tedious l* B June 4. |