The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, July 16, 1799, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. i. l.] £_ U , 5 SDA Y > Xtt LY. t 6, 1 7 i 9 . [No,«6. • REASON AtiD rRU'TH IMPARTIAL Ui/UJE THE 7r..:\.~ " ' (jEORGI A, LOUISVILLE. 1 aoiiuicd every iueiday, by AMBROSE DAY, at j dollars per ann. payable hall yearly. NEW-YORK, June ig. j \Ve have it through different; channels, that the Breft fleet had | r 3! i e d, but by the Lydia, from | linieiick, we are informed that j lord Bridport miffed tJie enemy | in a fog. We imagine that there, js a large number of troops on j hoard, intended to be dilem-1 barked on fome part of the Into | cal We mod, cordially wifli th?t they may have a fpeedy and a fafe arrival there. This expe dition has been in contemplation for upwards of nine months and the rninifter of the ii-unne, p€i fonaily fuperintended the equip ment. Unprecedented exertions weie made to render the fleet as comnlsat and formidable as pof fihle! Money was bi ought down to Breft by the minifler whofe prefence animated the woikmen and Tailors, and pro duced themoft energetic aftivityv Wc have fome ’eafon to believe, that if the hoflile fleets meet, the French will make good ufe of their land troops, for the pur pofe of boarding the B itifh vef fds. In each inftance, wherein they have tried this experiment, they have been fuccefsful. Since the commencement of the pre fenc war, the Britifh admirals have uniformly endeavored to come to dole aftion, an I to Angle out the veflels inftead of fighting as formerly in a compatl line. L tuen the foldiery are empl yed to board the Fnglifh Hups, the French veffels "will endeavor to grapple with the enemy, and by pouring in their m “ n con flam ly under the great guns of little ufe, I n the IF ft, I pumc war, the Carthaginians; vdl'us being tar faperior to thole | oi tne Romans, and their crews bdter acquain ed with naviga dm, of which the Romans were at 1 Jat hrne ignorant; (hey bore Uj V ) t 0 !^ e Larthagenians, l s . n . aibe ß tbe >r Blips io thole of i l “ eu an'agonills. file Africans, although maf p ' a the naval knowledge ? 1 da X■ wer e difconcerted Y that naval manoeuvre ; they ; ■an (heir decks converted into o es . lv 'icreo i the fuperior cou a,nd. braver V of the Romans ca,r,e d the vifiory. Should the French evade their fo !i UeiS 3nd reach ‘he Irifh ? “molefled. they will In / e u efFea a landing there. havewcfeen.what 800 smi i-K nJer li,,nibert efFeaed, army of l? Üble and dela T> an ciDturf , * OOO men had to f,o m t r cm - This refulled people affo U T!i nan . Ce Which the lulh Uov d them - The nh e ° manry and P ea > ate Q ow more difaffeaed jto their government than ever. ; r l he treacherous defigns of Pitt i have changed fafl friends into ! bitter enem es. No meafures j of government could have been | more fortunate or better timed jfor ills United Irifhmen, than ! theattetnpt to provincialize their, j country. The murders com-'j knitted by Britilh, Heflianandj Welch favages will not, nor' cannot be forgotten by the fur vivors. The ruins of burnt vil ages and the afhcs of the cotf tages wi!l tlimulaie the houfelcfs] ( fu'deters to feek for vengeance. I ! A French army will be recog-j ■ nn:ed as a band of f iviours; they ! ! will be received with open arms, i •• L 9 | ant be joined by thousands.: j Liberty and independence will j . be the glorious objedl to be con-1 tended for, and may that being | whxU crow ned die arms of Ame rica and France with fuccehq | over the fume enemy and fight- 1 ing for the fame enufe, lead on I the French and Irifli heroes to I complete vidlory. The rulhlefs Britons vvdl then | be expelled from a country,! where they have alas! but too: long exercifed an intolerable! tyranny, The wretched and j Aiuly c ntcrnpudde royal ft 3 of ; this country, dread fach an'i % # 1 event, but ntnher their execra tions nor their malice can ore* 1 vent its accompli Ament, We believe the federal ids are fin cere in their wi flies for the j deftruclion of republicanifm in ; ranee as well as in America. Liberty is to them a phantom,! and by no man is congenial with ' • their love fo r a ft rung and abfo-1 ; lute government, find ar to thofe i |of Ruflia and Pruflia, which; have their warmeft approbation. | Wou d to God that Torn: propi tious blafls, would 11 nv ii ern Co the hofpitable fhores of Ruf-, ! fia. where (hey m ght enjoy the ' ■ difcipline of the roof, u ’ the i op ration of the bell of laws or j rcti e to that delightful retieat \ Siberia. ; It has been afTerted that the j ; conflitution of Grcat-Britaia is j the mofl perfect in exiUence. j A conflitution which empowers the royal to create the ariAccra- ; tic branch of the leg fla f me,! who return the majority cf the j ! houfe of commons, all of whom | I may become the (ervants of the j crown, by accepting the places and penfions which it bellows to reward and to return its fupport j ers. A conflitution which au-! thorifes the king whether r^ue, 1 fool, or madman to declare war or to make peace, and which exprefsly ftipuiates that the fovereign mull be confidcrecl as a fupernatural being, a foie of beneficent deity that is incapa ble oi doing wrong. Such Ame ricans is flic form of govern ment fo enrhufiaftically admired by a well known chara&er, why not then adopt here this work of wildom, and gratify the feel iings of a man who wifhcs to become the monarch of Ame rica. Richmond, (Vir) Aprd 25, *99 To lilt Republicans throughout Lkt United Stales % proposals For publifhmg, by fubfciiption, A A 1 A FIONA L MA G A ZINE ; u R, , A Political, B’ograplil. al and H.ftorical R E POSITOR Y. CONDITIONS. I. Ihe periods of j übiic.ri n to br > U mi-CJM n ie: !y . j II dt'.r h nun ber to rrrrain fiavj , pages of ic ? cr j cf printing, ijjvu lm e> I fine reply f*e<u cd rn mi cti ■-j J new ly. c, fewrd and Ja.wd u. ctr a thick ■ • b!' c rnvr 1 . ‘ l.i. P •ce to .r<'.r'.l ,/ *rT. 4IP t - a yecu j J two tirll r to 1 e j’ui 1 ; n ad\te om the | | »c cn, t cf -he fvft j.u:; ber. and two (Ul i J< is r,j 1 e re-ci r of ibe Timber. • IV. To c.udi lour nnmbc;s, \v!»’• clt wdl 1 make a \ ol 400 wi 1 1 ead-cJ I;• tide ) r-g ,a. d table of co tents. To THE P u U L I C. TlT’.' object of this puhication iis to collect , prrftrvt , an I diffemi nale the nvji valuable frcduftions of i 1 the Rebuhl'.can pm. in a l parts of i l ( 1 \theU ion ; the extreme neccjfity /or /uch a publication , and the henefici.l efeels which might refit from it. if well conduced, will he readily allowed. The American people have long : enough been impof d upon by the '■pretended impartiality of printers ;j jit is all d lufion ; every pa r ty will ■ ! hare its printer, as welt as every ; j /eft its preacher ; and it is as in ! congruous for a pub ication to he ' a'lernrtely breathing the Joint of two p irtin or jor c par/on to preach 0 his audience ch » ifliunity in the morning , and'paganifm in the even i ing ; it is inconjijlent as for a chief migt/Irate to name an ambaffador to Jeide a difpuic with a / reign \ nation, and immediate y fo violate I the law -of civihtw and make moc kery of reVgion t by heaping upon tie /ame nation and its reb~<e/enta Lives , the vilejl philippics, f curnlit)\ and ahufe , in a proclamation for a ! day of /of ing andpraver:—Every Editor who is capable of faring above the fattery of villainy, and the adulation of jolly , has too much at fake in the ccntef of liberty i againf favery, virtue again f vice. | and truth againf fophifry , to admit ! of impartiality . | In the profecution of the plan 0/ j this work , it will he ntccfjary to lake fo much of a retro/pelive view of t it affairs of the United States , , and introduce fu:h documents as will lend to elucidate and expose the ori~ V n > P]'\V' f f • and a arming influ ence (j that fy/lem cf iniquity and robbery , bribe) y and opprefjion, hypocrify, mid injuflice, which may be traced from the attempt of Alex ander Hamilton, to palm vpon the convention a monarchical confuta tion, through the corrupted mazes of funding and banking, floi kjobbing, and Jpecu’a'mg fvjlems, down to the alien and fedition laws f /landing army and navy of the prefnt day.° It is difficult , in purfuing a courfe of fervimy i nto the meafures of go vernment, and def/gns of men in r ffice, t) draw a line of demarka li n between legal plunder and per fond villainy , public rapine , and private intrigue; whenever the nature of enquiry will admit cf it, per fond wcuknef and folly ought to be lightly touched , but when ail cffic r of government , connefling | pn'lie /rani with private vice, at j the [ wie lime , is wallowing m the \ lap of infamy and revelling in the I peeuhion of the na'tonal reafury p the regard for pn/o al character ought to be Jacrifued to public juj- Li.e, Be ; ng p ffejfd of the pian and principles on which the national magaz a wil he conducted it only rcu ans hr the pa pie to be informed \of the particular matter whuh U will contain, t> enable them to deter mine wild her they w.ll or will not give it their Jap port. VIEW of the WORK. TRIUM!: D*(Hcition; fuf), to the Repub c ns hreunhnut In* United State*; Iron, lo John A ams, rfq. prcTilrnt of h. .i:a fs ; ; > d ih id, to the Arif, .3 j e Ily ; Declaration of Indc pc f; f ; Cot(Motion of the UrfeJ Sm' i ; Kcm■ 1 •. rio ■% jnd Addreft of me L'g fla tre of Virginia ; Ref luti ni of :h„ L f HI iturc of Kentucky, Mr. George ' i io ■ %’s dc cn ,c if he n, in a Lc: ’cr i> -i t i i nd ; Plan of a Co. (litv.tion pre fen e i to 'lie Convei. i n, by Alexander Ha 1 o ; a definition if par i*J, or po -I’iical «fif (slj cf the paper fy ftem enn* li cicl; a e >iewnf i c revenue f; firm id p;cd by the ftrft Congrcfr, and an ex amin-ti. n o' in pernicious cfl'eftf, in thirteen lerte s to a Fiend, bv a cidizen, fa.J to b* M . Findley ; lie Confutation oi the “ fclfn c ..ten” 1 ciety, rr t'c o*dtr cf j!ie Cincinnati; F-traois frmi vfr. Adam’s D feme ; Mr. Cdd’ai n’s Sketches of the finances of the United itatcj ; hr m an AdtJrtfs of Mr. J. h i da;;e, -f K fev r", ro I s conlli units ; -torsi Mr. G -lftdarN Sketc es oi the Kif t< Tj oi t United S .re-. Annual Uegif e , d H.Mory <f 179't, in which ha n ci ' i h as m tli ue icacy as they efVrve, many of the h'u: der f , im on* iincutics, and cn rmitiej < fgnvcrnmer. t. James Lyon. Subfcmptions for the work, will be rrc< ived by Ambrose Day, at the Office of the Louijville Gaz ette. July 5. W ANTE D, A few lbs, of HOGS BRISTL F. S, For which a generous price will oe given, by Andrew Burns, June 11. to ' *