The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, August 06, 1799, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. VOL- I.J (fvHJRGIA, LOUISVILLE. 1 übliihcd every ludeiay, by AMBROSE LAY, at 3 dollars per ann. payable half yearly. NRW-YORK, July 6. Thvn fdijy feeing the anirvcr fvv of American Independence, if vvaB celebrated with the greatr f ft pomp and hilarity b y the inhabitants of Fiatbufh. The davwas uibered with the ring- j n{? of bells and firing of falutes while the colors were difplayed upon the Academy—During the whole of the procefs the ut moh fiarmony and unanimity prevailed. In the evening three of the (Indents of Erafmus Hall, delivered orations fuited to the day. and calculated to roufe a pioper degree of entbufialm ; being fully expreffive of patri -0 ifm and virtue. 1 he day doled with the cifcha'ge of auillefy, illuminated of Academy and other public buildings. The | inhabitants then returned to their refpedive homes. Amman Independence. The Rifing Sun Company, 1 commanded by capt. Ifaac Tor-1 bofs, after joining with the feve- j ral unitorm companies in the celebration ot that ever memo table acra the 4th July, rctiird to the houfe of citizen Hatfields, where they partook of an elegant dinner, provided lor the occa iion. After which the following 1 tojfls were drank, interfiled j Wliii d var iety of patriotic and 1 fongs. Xhe company! ciliniu-d at an eaily hour, ini til* n accullomed good order, 1. The glorious and ever me morable 4 ih of July, j 76, which emancipated us fiom the galling y ’ . rC °‘ Britain— May the facred principles contained in the de citation of that day, be deeply engraved on the heart of every f ue m erican ; and may they lupport it with their lives 5 cheers. 2 - ThcCongrefsof f 76, who "V ' e f l!Cn ds oi the people, dared to levolt from the o mptand dcfpotic government -n.uiD, and declare our coun ,Le anc l independent—o cneers. r 0 -J' ! he Undaun 'fd patriots or u\ !0 M the > r blood, to " ! e our independence— May lik- !U Uate | beir vi, tues ; and <ii, cL " ,en ca ‘led, dare to Uif —D cheers. St.t 1 h v peopie of the United w retr L Uernjl difgrace and iiODt h f dn i e n ( ° tho!e at io pe r v- rt tf r ° y th ' ir riBhts > 0r 'heir principles b ' lCan ne American militia— .l- ' ■ c ' cr ' oe found the firm -■Coi„° f pUblic llbcrt >' = n d meS ° faftand ' > o cheers, * u * truc republicans L. S D A \ y Au c ust 6, 1799. REASON ANO TRUTH IMPARII ./. (WIHA THE h A\ throughout the world—May luccefs attend their honell wifhes, and lead them to glory, honor, and immortality— 3 cheers. 7. May the exilerating flune of liberty glow with redoubled ardor in the bread ot every tiue American. , 8. 'I he uniform companies ol j militia—May the blaze of their arms, throw fight on the daik fubjefit of Handing armies— 9 cheers. 9. Charity—May itschriflian like fpiu’t pervade our political dilcullions, let not the patiiot be called a haitor, becaufe he disapproves the mea fares of ad eftinifhation—l2 cheers. 10 Our condituticn—May its principles live forever in the in dilutions of our country, and jbanifbed be the.opinion, that our government mud glow tyrannical as it glows old, as freemen and foldicrs, we lay it 9 J Jhall not —g cheers. ; 11, The War Hawks; how ever h’gh they fear, may they 1 foon he brought to a level with the dome flic Jozul, and be equal y tame and docile, 12. The Sons 0/ Tammany throughout the union—May they never feuget the day when | the Chiefs and Warriors of the .United American Tribes deter mined to unbarry the tomahawk, j rathci than lacrificc, their liberty ; i and dec'ared Columbia free from j a foreign and tyrannical yoke, O J j j and eliablifhed the grand wig xoamy whole bafis is liberty, hap piness and virtue. 13. No Handing army—May ihe deb nee of our rights never be entruded to a fet of merce nary hirelings—6 cheers, 14. May an honorable adjud ment of our differences with the French Republic, fpecdily take place, to the gieat di(ap pointment of the royahlls and Britilh emiffarics— 3 cheers. 15. 1 iberty and peace to the perlecutcd patriots of Ireland — i I 3 cheers. 16. May the fhouts of joy • this day be heard acids the At lantic, as an intimation to the defpets of Britain, that we arc triumphing in their ddgiace and humiliaticn— 9 chceis. Volunteer—ly the Captain. Lieutenant General George Walhington—6 cheers. By one of the Company . Thomas JejJerfon t the friend of ihe people — May t h e declara t i o n •; ot independence which he framed 1 fecure him the confidence of his country; and may his honed and patiiotic exertions in the caufe of liberty meet ;• with fuccefi—6 cheers. ; R ibmoi d, (Vlr.) April 25, ’99. To the Kfpuhlh ans throughout the United States, PROPOSAL S ! For publifhing, by fubfeiption, A A 'A I'ION A L MAG A ZINE ; O R, Biographical and Hlftorica' 1 repository. CONDITIONS. I. The pctiodi of publication to be Icwii-qua ncr'y, II barli number fo roivnin 96 rftavo > Hges ut ieucr prtfi printing, upon Ifligc fine (taper, irulv cs-cu etl *n an entire ' )r *' leweo iuju w ic cl. nicer u thick ull C CO\f | . hi. P Itrl < S1 ufi r I '<r doi : irj a year, v *° doll r lu b- jni: in ad\ ante on the I'-teipt t/f he fud uunibf 1. and i"\o tlul arj on P r re tij t ( i i| iC flf li nl7 her, )V. 1 0 r°rli A.-if ruj'p'cri, which will a) ■ke a vi-i 1 .m/ « ) , ~b i 3, will lie added i laic jog , ;.i d aiar uf conic* ts. To niii i* UB L I C, 7 IIf vhjccl of this publication is to cdicct, prefrvz, an I di feint- \ nate the m n jt valuable pro dull ons 0/ 1 the Repaid 1 con f n, in all parts of the Union ; the extreme necrjfity for fuck a publication t and the bene flat (fells which night refill from it, ’/ wdl conduced , will be readily all we I. Ihe Ana lean pc'pie have long enough hen impel d upon by the j pretended impartiality of printers; it is all d.lvfcn ; every party will have its printer, os well as every pit its preacher ; and it is os in congruous jer a publication to be a ternottly breathing the /'pint 0) Izv' parties or /1, r a prrjcn to preach to Ins cu heocc chriftianity in the morning . evil pagan: fm in the even ing ; it is me nJijUnt as for a chief giprate to name an an.kafadoi Ito ft lea difpute with a foreign | nation, and immediately to violate j the laws cj civility , and male moc kery of rtgon, by heaping upon the fume rtali.n and its refnejenta • lives, the viljl philippics, fcurnlity, | and abuje, in a prodmati n for a ; day of j a fling end prayer : —Every | toiler icdo is capable of faring \ above the fa tery of villainy , and the adulation of folly, has too much at fake in the con.tjl of liberty ! againfl flavory, virtue againf vice, and truth again]t Jof hi fry, to admit lof impartiality . In the profecution of the plan of I this work , it will be necefary to take jo much of a retrofpdlive view 0) the a fairs of the United States and introduce fuch documents as will j tend to duel date and ex ft fc the on j gin, pr grep, and a 1 arming mfu | enee of that fyfltm of imqiay and I robbery, bribe.) y and oppreffon \hypocrify , and injujive, which may jbe traced the attempt of Alex ander Hamilton, to palm upon the convention a monarchical ccnfitu tion through the corrupted mazes of funding and bank'ng, fork jobbing, land JfegvJa : li"£ down to the alien and fedihcn taws, [landing arm) and navv of the prrfmt day. It is diffiiult , in purfiang a cnurfe of /(rutmy into the mea/urrs c/go vernment, and defgns of nun in [fftce, to drove a line c/ dcjnoj na tion between legal plunder and per hoi villainy public rapine , and private intrigue; whenever the nature of enquiry will admit cf it, per/oval wcoknefs and folly ought to oe. lightly touched , but when an officer o) government , connefling pwhc fraud with private vice , at the fame lime, n wallowing in the lap of infamy and revelling in the peculation of the national Iren fury , the regard for per foal char abler ought to be [amfixed to public jvj ti.e. Being p [jiff d of the plan and principles on which the national magazin-will be conducted, it erdy remains for the people to be informed jof the particular mailer which it i will contain, to enable them to deter mine whether they wdi or will not give it their fa (port. VIEW oj the WORK. TRIUNR Dedication; firf), to the Repub.ic .n» throughout the United State.*; letonn, to John At «ms, dq. jrclilentci' 'hr United States ; a> <1 third, to the AiiC. lociats grticially ; Declaration of Inde pendence; Conftitution of the Uri.’cl State*; Rcfolntfoi $ and Addief* tl th« Legiflamrc o( Virg'tua ; Hefolutjins of '•he Lcgil! iturc oi K-ciit.ick' , Mr. George Nirlio ai’s defence of then, in a JL“'ifr to hi* friend; flan cl a Cnnfhti.t on ;rc ienten tt> the On• e;,ti .n, by Alexander Ha niltoi ; ti ck/lidt on of jnr ifs, or po« luical elitcts ot ihc taper I Ifcm con** li'cied ; a ic.iew c( the revenue f Hein adapted b y the fir A Congrefs, mid an ex* aininatinn ot its lernici ns effetfb, in thirteen letters to a friend, dv a ciii;;en, laid to 1-; Mr. Fit die- ; ilie OnUiiutioti ol the fcU-u c«te i ” (' t icy, t r tie order of thr Cincinnati; /•» tracts fr-'in Mr. Adam’s Defence ; from Mr. Gallatin 1 ! Sketches of the Finance* ot die United State*; frm an Add refs of Mr. J hi Page, i-jf Ki<lc#el : y to hts ioniljturnt. ; tre m M.. Ga'crdar’s Sketc: es of the hil- Oi ine Uni ed State*, Annual K'gif* te , and Hulory < f 179*1, in which he handle* v i h at much delicacy a* they deferve, many of the blunder*, incon* li.tcncjcs, a>id en nut ties of government. Jam ri Lyon. (pi* Sabruptions for the work, will be rea ived by A m b ii o s e Day, at the Of ice cj the Louijville Gaz ette, fu'y 5. T O B K SOL D. Cheep for Cafh or Produce , OEVhN nattered and ninety-two Acres of O k and Hickory I AND, third juality, lying m the F.’ght iVli’c Branch, n Ihc new r. ad leading Imm Louifvillt to Savannah ; thirty Actei of the fait' Lund i* r cured, an 1 under gni d fence. For fur- I ier particu art, Ctu*«*irc at this Office, *.r of the SuLdcriLer. Arthur Claik. TO B E SOL D, * A HOUSE and LOT, fitnated near the C ficc Houfc, L nifvillc, ccntaini; g a go-d Oven nnd Hake Houfc, Garden a cl ol ii rr inn •’ o\ caserns, an excellent luuatiou for fr de. Conditions, o: e p rt cmT, the other trane or credit, wi:h unproved Ice untie*. For fnriher ujg-ly at the Union, Louifvillc. May 1 a • [Xo. 29.