The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, August 20, 1799, Image 4

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6 EORci A. By his Excellency JAMES J \ C K S 0 N, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Artnv and Navy of thi? Mate, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION . WHEREAS I have received official informal 1 ori) of a Tnoft barbarous and cruel murder having been committed on the body cf Alien Womack, in the county cf Frank ’in, in this S f at', on the thirtieth day of May la ft, which cf' pears, from the inqueft held there on, and returned to the Executive Department , In have hern perpetrated by one Hardy Haidrn, of Pen dleton county , in the [late of Carolina who has ftnee ahfeonded. In order therefore that the faid Hardy Ha d n, may he brought to txamplary juftice, I have thought fit to ijjue this my proefamati n, hereby offering a reward of ON K HUNDRED DOLLARS to any fn [on or per forts, who will appre hend the f id Hardy Harden, and lodge him in ftmeJtcure gaol within this [late. And I further change and reeriire all officers, civil and military, be longing t this ft a e t to he aiding and cjftfhng in apprehending and [ cur ing the f id Hadv Harden, fo that In m "v be brought to trial and c ndignp'mfhment accordingly. Given under my hand and the Great Seal cf the /aid flate t at the State-Hovfe, in Louif v le, ths el venih day of July, in the year of our I ord one thou far d hundred and ninety-vine , and in the twenty-fourth year of the In dependence of the United States of America. |AMES JACKSON. B\ the Governor, Hor, Marrury, deputy [eery, God fave the State. NOTICE. OH HAT after the rx pi ration of nine m i.iht from ihe (’are hereof, there wiil b* an application made to the honor* »b e the I C ri rCouittf jrffe l fon Coun* t , f r an rt ler of file of 'he real elin’e « f Role t H irnh'eton, Heceafcd, to wit : t'>• r c hundred and fifty nees of land, lituate in ?h* r< unty of ysflerfon, adjoin* V'g la' cl o J hn 1 cr m and J hn Kenn*- ; v. It being pan of a TradV of Land, onra'u ing lour I nn Irrd and fifty acre-, panted I•> Ruber' C oper. Alin, one other Traft of Land, contair* in 5 three hundred and fifty acres, fitohte in »he connfv rf B ti ke, on the wate'i of M Keen Creek, adjoining lands of— -■ , j,r n r ed ro , The file of the above a"d foreroing I'radii of Land, w 1! he f->r th- henefi of the he rs and rredim $ of the fa d Robert Hamblcion, deteafed. 11. G. Caldwell, For the A ’m: mg rater oj the nj.refaiJ Ejla t • June 26. The SUBSCRIBER Bfgi ienre 'o ir orrn hiv Friend* and the Pit >'ic, ■’ "• he has menred the Commiffion and Fatloiaue B U S I N E S S. On T Kail’s Wharf, where he hit fuit fl :e Sf. res 'or h* reception o‘ G >mh, «ad Prodi ce ; p”d re fprft ul'y tencic.s his *-*rvices to b » F ien s in that lin*. Samuel Hammond, 'avannnh June 6 blank letters 0) ADMINISTRATION, i or Sale it this Printing Office, Wafhirgfon Superior Court, September Term, 1798. Andrew Hemphill, - '! vs. J> Foreclofure , James Hemphill, J UPON the petition of Andrew Hemphill , praying the fore clofure of the equity of redemption, in and to the following trail of land , fiuatC) lying and being in the coun ty of Wajhington , bounded by John foreman) John Rogers , and all other Jides by vacant land ; and containing two hundred eighty [even and an half acres , which trail of land was mortgaged to the [aid An drew Hemph If by the /aid James Hemphill) for the fecurity of one hundred and thirty feven pounds . feventeen/hillings and thee pence) on the 1 6th day of March in the year of our herd one thou/and Jeven hundred and ninety-three. Upon motion of Mr. Caldwell , attorney for the plaintiff it is or dered , that the principle interef and cofl be paid into th s court , within twelve months from ths time , other wft the equity of redemption will be forev r f rede/ed , and that a copy of this rule be ftrved upon the faid James Hemphill or pubhjhed nine months in one of the Gazettes of this State , before the expiration 1 of the [aid nine mm ths , agreeable to an all of the Icg'Jlaturc in Juch cafes made and provided . I A true copy from the minutes t J. Williams, deputy cleik. FOR SALE, r PWO unimproved LOTS, in the town of Lou f ille, adj iini ig #ach other near the Jib 1 c H ufr, known in oiigiral plan bv No in and m, they will be f 1. fep*'rately or together, and credit gi e for two thirds of the purthafe, un tl he fiifl of March next. F r lur her particu lar*, applv to Maj ir Caldwell or the Sib (briber, at Dcmeic’i Ferry, Hm ke < ©u ay. C. Killbcc. Jr/fy |6. Cheep for Cafh or Produce , SEVEN nundred and ninety-two Ane> ol O R and Hickory LAND, third 'I a ity, lying on the Fdght Mt e Biaach, on the new p ad leading from Louifvibc to Savannah • thirty Acicj of ihe lai> Lind is c eared, an i und'r good fence- F r fur ther . articular*, enquire at this OBicr, or of the Sublcriber. Arthur Claik. April 15. TO BE SOLD, 4 Hf'H.SE and LOT, fitunted rear the / L C .fice Houfc, Louifville, c mail ing a good Oven <nd Bake Houfc G mien and otner impiovenients; an excellent iituation I for Conditions, one part cafh, the other trade or ere.lit, wiih aoproved fe» urities Fot further paniiuiars, sp i ly at th* Uflion, Lourvillc. May 14. NO TICE. PUGSLEY & DEVEAUX I fnn theii Friends and the Public, that •he have received by the way of Au gulba, a FRESH ABbrtmcnt of MEDICINE, Suitable to the Practice; and aflui.-e them, that the ftrufteft attend n will b* paid to ail Orders, Bcc. 23. The SUBSCRIBER HAVING received an elegant Allort ment rf watch materials, S tvancab : He will thetef' r C Carry o. the Hultar j\ nf W ATCH REPAIRS, with neatnef* and difpatch. A1 f°, ail kinds rf GOLD W'ORK, wiT he made aud rej aired in the ncatcll mai:- n: r, SILVER W ORK repair* l, kc. Andrew Burns. Louifyillc, July go. Richmond, (Vir.) April 25, *99* To the Republicans throughout the United Stales , PROPOSALS For publifhing, by fubrcnption, A RATIONAL MAGAZINE; O R, A Political, Biographical and Hiftorical REPOSITORY. CONDITIONS. “I. The period* of publicaiion to be f mi-quarterly. 11 Each number to contain 96 ortavo t apes of letter pref* printing, upon large fine paper, nea'ly executed on an entire ne * type, lewed ana gleweJ under a tLick oiue cover. ill. Price to Subfcriben 4 dollars a year, two dollars to be paid in advance on ih•* receipt of (he firft number, and two dol lars on the receipt r'f the fifth number. IV. To each lour numbers, which will m; ke a volume of 400 pages, will he added a title page, ai d n tab!' of co' tents. To the PUBLIC. I HK chjeft of this pub'ication is to celled, preferve ani diffemi fiate the moji valuable produftions of the Kepw hcon pen, in aHparts of the Union ; the extreme neoffitv for fuck a publication, and the beneficial ejjetls which might refult from it, if well conduced, will he readily alluwed. 1/ie American people have long enough been impend upon by the \ pretended impartiality of printers; it is all dllufion ; every party will hate its printer, as well as every fell its preacher ; and it is as in congruous for a pub ication to be altern tely breathing the [pint of two pities or /or a par fin to preach 0 his audience chri/fiamty in the mornings and pamwfm in the. even ing ; it is mcmfiflent as for a chief m'’gi/lrate to name dn, ambaffador to ft lea difpute with a foreign nation, and immediate'y to violate the law\ of crvi'ity, and make moc 'kry of rehg'on, by heaping upon the fame nati n and its retr, efenta lives, the vil jl philippics , fcurnlity, and in a proclamati n for a day of fa fling and prayer:—Every Editor who is capable of fearing ah’Ve the fla’teryof villainy , and the adulation of folly, has too much at fake in the con efl of liberty againfl jlarery , virtue againfl vice, and truth again ft fophifiry, to admit of impartiality . In the pro[rention of the plan of this work , it will he neceffary to take fo much of a retrofp clive view of the affairs of the United States, and introduce Inch documents as will tend to ilucidate and expefe the ori gin, prrgrtfs, and farming injlu | tnce oj that fyflem of miquiy and | robbery, bribery and opprcjfwn, 1 hypocrify , and mjuflice, which may be traced Jn m the attempt of Alex - I ander Hamilton, to palm upon the | convention a monarchical confuta tion through the corrupted mazes of funding and bankng , flock jobbing, and /peculating fflen.s, down to t ie ' alien and /edition laws, flanding army and navy of the prefent day. It is difficult , in purfuing a courfc of feruhny into the meajurcs of go vernment, and defigns of men in office, to draw a line cf dnnarka twn between legal plunder and per fonal villainy , public rapine, and private intrigue; ivluntver the | nature of enquiry will admit rf ltt perfonal weoknefs and folly ought to be lightly touched, but when officer of government. cennediZ puthc fraud with private vice at the fame time , is wallowing tn ' g, e lap of infamy and revelling m t / l( pecula’ion of the na'ioval rea/ury the regard for per Jo fl / char, for ought to be Jacrificed to public j u L ticc. J Being pnjjtfffd of the plan end principles on which the national magazine will be conduced it only remains for the people to be informed of the particular matter whuh it will contain , to enable them to deter mine whether they will or will not give it their Jupport. VIEW of the WORK . TRJUNR Dedication ; firff, to the Repub.icans throughout th-- United State-• leconu, to John A'arm, t lq. prefiden' of thr United Siatcs ; ai d third, to the tocrat: generally ; Declaration cf Inde pendence ; CoiOitunon of 'he Dried Su es ; Refolulim s cn I Addrefs of me Lcgilla.ure ofVirgma; R*f Inti rj 0 f the Lcgiftature ot Kentucky, Mr, Gfotge Nichoiaj’s defen.c cl their, in a Letter to hi* friend ; Plan of a Coi Auction -re fcnied to the Convention, by alevaiuef' Ha il O' ; a definition ol par ies, o pc<« I’tical eflcols of the paper Oftem con fi ered ; a re iew of the revenue f licm I adopted by the fir ft Congrefi, and an cx m atrination ° ! it* pernici ns efiVtfts, ia i thirteen le te j to a friend, by a ci izen, I (aid to be M-, Finciiev ; the Conliitution of the kt felt created*’ f ciety, rr the order of ifu* Cincinnati ; E*trafls fr m Mr. Adam’s D-feree j from Mr. Gnllat n’s Sketches of the Finances o» 'he Uni ed States ; from an Addrefs of Mr Jhi Page, of RoTc»»el ! , to Ms conlti ueot- j f-m M . G--e dar’s Sketche ot the Hif- , tory of tli c United S atr , Annual Rrgif. te , and lidiory * f 179'), in which lie handles vj h as much delicacy as they j defprvr, many of the blunder*, Ir.cwn* fluencies, ami cn rmi'ir* ofg vernment. James Lyon. s3* Sub [captions for the work, will be rea ived by Ambrose Day, at the OJfce of the Louijville Guz (tie. July 5. M A NUS LEMLE Has removed his Dry Go d Store, to the Houle formerly occupied b Tbomas Collier 8c Co. as a Dry Good Store : Where he has for fate, cheap for cajh or produce , A handfome Afiortment of DRY GOODS . All kinds of Parent Medicinei and Ciockery Ware, See. ALSO, Juft received and for fait, A colic&ion of RELIGIOUS BOORS, &.c . See. y»ne 4. FOR SALE, At the Off ICE of the LOUJSriLLR GJZ • £ TT E, cheap for Cajb , NIVE pair Gold Ear-Rings Twelvc pair round G <ld Wires I Si* G'lf Seals to tell the day of the S'* S i er Buttle X able* Si* I’lafed do. do. Three Silver Tea Caddie Ladle* Six Plated do, do, do. Four pair of Silver Bom Buckle* Six pair of Plated Spur* Plated Whi s Four Thouf nd Keedlei Out groce large Pearl Button* Cotton or Tobacco will be received in payment for ibe above Articles. JV A N TED, A few lb«. of HOGS BRISTLE'. For which a generous price wi> l • be given , by I Andrew ? June n.