The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, August 27, 1799, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. Vot. I-J ( i uKOI A, LOLISV ILLE: —Pubhfhtd every Tuefday, by AMBROSE DAY, at 3 dollais per am. payable half yearly. NFW-YORK, July 27. Abort twelve months (in re, 3 Mr. Golding of Connefticut, p U » an adventure, to the amount of three thoufmd doVcr s , on board 0 f a vffTel bound to Jo Gvira ; in her he embarked himfelf. in ordei to ir dure the fur,refs of his fpeculation. But o'F rhe Gulph Stream, was captured bv a Pri-j t {h man of war, and Tent into! Toitola; the veflel w»s ron-i demned, but Gold ing s adven rue Teturned on paying one thoufantf l dollars cofl! With lhe rcmaining twothoufand Mr. G. went over to It. Thomas’s, in order to ob tain a neutral bottom to tranfpmt his property to the Sp tiifhj Maine. He engaged with a! Danifh veflel, (hipped h’s goods;, but hid fcarcely cleared the! port, before he was taken, a! fecond lime, by a Eritifh (hip! of war, and ordered for Jamaica, j Here the veil'd and cargo Was | detained fcvenl months on tiial even Goldin?’s cloathes and trunk u I containing a few dollars, which i would have been of infinite fer vice to him, were locked from his ufe. The mental cm ha rr aff luent, naturally excited by fuch a fetis of misfortunes, threw O into a violent fever that con fined him to his bed. Deflitu'e, f/iendlefs, a (lun ger, the common hufpdal was his only refort ; here his fuffer irgs, for want of attendance and nourifhment, beggar all de fe iptien ; but the Britifh hat pies built rhe fuccefs of choir nefa rious plans on this complication of misfortunes; for a villain, caihog himfelf a 'Judge, expend ing to avail himfelf of the dif tufs Oi the American, waited on him with an orFer of provi ding him comfortable apartment —good and attentive nuTes— and every a(Fi(lanee that his ne cidllies demanded, bchdes his and cloathes, provided he w u!cl a declaration that the C 2> o ,r> French property ! But Gold ng preferreid death to Lnorniny; he repuKedthe judge •• -n indignation ; and preferred t lnfs of propci ty and even 1 u to commit ting an adlion d t once bafe and infamous, dhe co .feqncnce was, that P opinty was toon condemn tf arc !y with the form of a tnaI > ard he left in a (late o' Cor j Va! <r e nce almofl naked. le America's which hip fn v t 0 be there, although f mk|7 s prifonets, fubferibed , ‘Om for his immediate e ■ • and jud as he was about r :TT'! f,om Jamaica for the C , he was feized y 1 J t r,la 't P°x the natural ; ' * “ tn v\ r e was obliged to T U E S D A Y r , August 27, 1799* SFASOX 4ND TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUIDE THE h ~V. re-aft, hts part frene of mifery, d/feale, and dillrefs; thrown into the Drue holpital; ro nutfc allowed him ; lußcrirg for eve 1 y nereflary bis Rate of dileafe eminently demanded, Mr. Gold ing y in the moment of defpair, was again afhfled by the huma nity of his countrymen ; he was 1 1 a 1 fcd firm the bed of fickncfs, 1 but with the lofs of one of Ins |e\ es, and t.Ten through com panion, in a vcdel bound to the I nited Mates, where he is now ; arrived, to relate inß.mccs oi *B: itifh barbarity-, which would cau : e the p« nto drop fom out hand, were we to attempt to pat t tirularize them. | Ihe above is communicatee! tons by a conelpondcnr, who j was waiting adjudication at [ 1- I maira during the term of Mr j Golding's 1u ff rings: he knew | him to be a vir uous,. honeft | man ; and a good citizen. The brig in which he (ailed fioni: ( onnefticut was named the \ Eliza, ana remmanded by capt. Job IhuJlcJli FOURTH of JULY, The 4th of July was ccle- 1 bra ted at Stamford, in the Rate of Conncfticut, with every de rnonflration of joy. The day was ufhered in with the of bells, firing of cannon, &c. 1 he feveral uniform companies I appeared under aims, and joy and gladnefs feemed to pervade every el d's. After pa-taking of an elegant entertainment, pre vioufly provided, the following i truly patriotic toafis w.. rerhai k, | intermingled with fongs,adapted | to the glorious and ever memo-! rable birth day of freedom. 1 Ihe day—may the genuine principles of patriodfin Rimnlam the Tons r f Columbia, to celeb-a c it, and may the wretch who would picßitute the principles which gave it birth, r ccive the contempt of his countrymen. 2. Ihe facred flam j of beitv, which infoired the he:oes of oui revolution to refill t ! .e tyrmm 1 of Great Britain—may it ever animate us to oppofe oppieffion, whether from foreign enemies or domcßic ufu r pcrs. 3. dhe con!)Ration of the United States—may its princi ples be tran'rn fted pure ro pol terity, and may thole who vio la e ir. be couhgned to eternal infamy, 4. Ihe martyrs to A m rican liberty—miy their memories be ever dear to us, and may the (acred fire which animated their breaßs, bn i:Rrll d into the minds of the rifi ng g- neration. 5. The ind *p ndence of A menca—may it ever be regraded ■ • • • » with veneration by hcrchiltben, and defended againfl every at tack, with .1 Ipiiit correfponding to the vigor which was excited in irs cnablifhment. 6. May the climate of Ame rica be fatal to the growth of anftocracy and monarchy, and may future ge neration tranfeend the present, in their love for re publican government. 7. May rhofe who would tariiifh our hofpifality by en deavoring to prevent our coun try being theafvlum of the op pafled, baud in need of one for them (elves. 8 May t!ie defpors of Europe (brink from the manly arm of re publicanifm and may the 181 I) century bf* a remarkable epoch for the extern ir ation of tyran nic governments. q. The Fair Daughters of Columbia— nay theii hearts and hands be given to thofe only, who endcaeor to tranfinit the liberty they enjoy unfabled to theii poflerity. 10. The militia of the United State.'—may they convince the world by their readings to lup port the laws, that (landing armies in times of peace are ufe- Icfs, where freedom reigns, 11. American Literature— may our feminaiics of learning nurfe up a lacc of freemen, to honor and glory of their coun t,y* 12. American liberty—may we enjoy religi n without an cl tablifhed c : urch—(Security with out a fhnding army—and free dom of fpcech without abndg ment, 13. May the ferperns of arif tocracy and monarchy, languish expire in the (hade of the tree of liberty. 14. Ihe American militia— may (ur citizens never forget that they a c the foldiers ; that they are the citizens of a cj un it), th-2 bafis of whofe govern ment is equal liberty. 15. ihe land we live in— may ihs future population be mcreafed by none but native Americans, who will have no prejudices but wh it will tend to the good of its ci iz ns. 16. Liberty of the prefr, a iecurcd by the conHitution, in defiance of all pretenders to “ order an! good government.” Volun'ccrs , ‘Lieutenant General George Wafhingion. 6 cheeis. T homas JefFeilon, the wo thy V ce-Prefident of the United States. 6 cheers. BLANK LETTERS Of ADMINISTRATION , For Sale at this printing Odicc. WILL RE SOLD, On the Prmt/es t on the THIRD S IT UR DAY in May next, Al RACT if LAND, comninirr eighty two Ar’c s. hi g mi VV«(h r,;trn County, (Mi Hig C'fek, I cilg Hif i iojeMy <f V/illi«in Mun fo (‘, cr..<c>t ; by \ if cue » f r.ti « rdpr of ihc Conn o» O ilirnrv, ‘or (a’d C nmy, Inr ibe bp- r fit ol i iie hei.i a 1 d creditott of fii»l F rr. M-ugcry Montfoid, admx. Align t 20. T O BE SOL D, On THURSDAY\ the 12 (h of September , at the loufe of Dr, Newton, near Fanris Bridge, in JefferJon County, TrJ K \A HOLE c ( lip E 1 ate o f Sv 1 va nuj Prime, la ccl tiih coin tv de (card ; r, lliilling of II [' L}IOLIJ FUKNiriJRE, C ATTLE, HJui, &c. ALSO, A NEGRO VN ENCH, named Jenny, wilii her Uircf (bibi. en, A Credit ol twelve month) will Le given, wi h 11 prosed freur lv. Mary Newton Prince, Adminitlrairiy.' Auguft :o. Executive Department, Louifville % 25'h July, 1799. ORDERED, That il e 6 v C rV* of the Superior an I Inferior C ur * of the counties of thitt State, do w it! in rne month afer tfc 16th dy of Augud np't, make a tru* rctum ote E ' ec itf v l)*panm<nt ui.J i their hrnds and 1 M, of ad 6’ouq y OUKcii who have taken a d fi’Ucr bed the nth to fuppnrt and maintain the confl tmi n of this State, : n pmfuance of the r.dt of the Gercal F tlemhly of th : « Strife, paiflcJ the 16S1 thy of FchrUaiy I. il, entitled, “ nn aA to c< rrp 1 all Ofß cir, cv 1 and m lira*y, wthin th a Mute, to tak.- ami fuf ( nbe cn orh, to furp rt the ronditution tfir re f n AFD t I fiat they do further make rc urn in like manner, of a i C'fli era, w o may have reg'cd d or rtfufrd to take the fame. Td n from the Minuter, liiomas Johnson, Sccry. A Sew Grocery Store, JWS I o;rnrii by ibe S'bhriber, in the b ole formerly occupied by Mclln. l‘ol' & Here ;ix. lit hai a!ft) A final! und tiintTome Allotment of Dry Goods, Vv b c !i wi l be fold on very low Terms lor Co 111 or rrodUwC < nly. * David Thomas . LouT.ii'e, June 25, 171,9. MA NU S L EMLE ' Hm re novee! hit Dry Good Strre, t-. the I Hon e formerly ore. pied by Thornai I C- llicr C>.as a Dry Ciood Smre r Where he Jins for /ale, cheap for ca/h or produce, A himlforne Afl-trtnient of dry goods. All kinds of Patent Medicines and Ciockery Ware, &c. also, Juft received and lor fae , A colleflion of RELIGIOUS ROOKS, See. See. June 4. WANTED TO HIRE, P the Month or 2ia r , .1 NK G R 0 M A N. at tltii OJ/i.t, Jo. [N'O. O'!.