The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, August 27, 1799, Image 2

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E -a-T-=r~ — FLORENC*. &o. General M'Honald, on hi" march the army of pen Moreau, received information that the Englifh and Turks had Ended between ** ome and Na ples ; he imrcdEteiy returned with h ; s army, attar Iced them, and they weie obliged to re em bvk. They buffered great lofs in killed and prifoners, and fe vcial tranfports were burnt. PARIS, May 24. A rou »er is arrived in this city, bv way of Toulon, from Jrrubdem, difpatrhcd by Bu onaparte hirnfelf. He and his army arc all well in that city; his army amounts at p*e r ent to near 100,000 men. Cr-n. Her thier had been deaf for diree months, bur has recovered. A certain Rarthob mrw formerly a chief of the Mamelu'es, and who was much by the Greeks, favored Buonaparte very much in this t xped'tm n. The army was fupplicd wi h Arabian horfes This cornier was oh iged to perfo.m quarantine for f< me time at Toulon Thefe drlpau li es were dated in Icrufalem, on the loih ot February. May 26. It is again rrpo ted, and flrongly believed, that Buona parte, with a c< nfiderable rmv, is about to enter the Tuikifb dominions in Europe, 1 nr B'efl (leer whi* h en’errd Toulon took on boa*d ihe*e 10,000 men. * m th ir voyage, off M *1 ‘ga, dr v led in with an Knghfb Oup of the line, and a frigate, which they bioughtinto Toulon. The direftory received official letre-s from grnrrd Mi> veau, in whi* h »r Hates *hr he htd attacked a Rufiiai <o ? ps, which had (rnflod lir Po a Bof fin guana ; Tat he had drfiarrd it, and taken f. oir 7 to 800 pti foners. May 27, The news of a vTfory is jufi arrived, obtained by genet a 1 Moreau in the • nvironsof Fred, fi inetto by whit h hr l as made 3600 pri Toners ana taken fix pieces of cannon. May 28. COUNCIL OF FIVE HUNDRED. Sitting cj May 16 A inelfdke from 1 he elders flated the rlc£lion of v ieyes l> replace v ew bell in the di eclory. Out of 205 votes he had 103. The next to Imn w. re citizens Dubai, Gohier, f ambrechts and (. hnr es Larr ix Si:ting 0/ May 20, After the arp al non in 1 for ihe inßdilation cf the m w mem bers, lean Dibiy was cbofen prefidenr. On talarg he oath f f hatred in oyaty h f trade a fpeech, in which be iflinned fh r neither p iefls nor firatiral p' a'ants were mon<r the alfafTins of FaOadc but th. t they v t > e Auftrians r et * n I? nglifh 1 government. When he con- 1 { cl’ (Ed, cries of vengeance ! ven-■ gcancc I and vivc la rcpuhhquc • I rcfounded from all quarters ot the bail. Sitting of May 2 r. Jean Debrv declaring himfelf , incapable, from efTeft of his wound*, to deliver the funeral , oration in honor of Robe»jot and Bonnier, it was decreed that [ it fhould be fpoke by theex-pre fidcnt, LON DO v, Juried It was Eft night reported and unde*flood to be confirmed in the houfe of common*, that by intelligence fiorn St Vincent the Bred fleet was blocked up in 1 oulon. June 10. The bifhops, pdeffi, and noblemen, who were taken pri loneis by Moreau's army near Mondovi, were mil anti v thot on the field of Hartie Ihe executive diicftory ha* pubbfh v d an anette which »x ; p efie* its Luisfaftinn *1 the con* ‘ du£4 of its agent, V idiot Hugucv at Guadeloupe. i Sir Alan Gardner Ins failed ftoin Ireland with 16 ifi»p« of the line, to occupy flic fia.ion eff Cadiz. far! St. intent, when thefe arrive willh*ve in 1 the v hole 51 1 il of the lint ; under his command. | The Landgrave of HhT. is loaning a corps of Boc>a men on ha fitiutic s. (En. Macdonald having n fi ll ii d a »eward ot 4000 duetts at s aples rh< in od of r?r dim) RulFo, the I • ?rc-r has offer ed \ reward of 1P,.>00 ft r Mac , dun .Id's head. Nf\V Y RK, Jily 27. Ext>aß of <7 Utter a $ wile* tr/jv () rtjyeßab Ut\ in Dublin, tohs fit nd in tins city dated .! -li/n 23. i “ We have juft received the ! , p.i ing id w t l: y, .t Moreau and M.ificna, have given *o the I Aufl •iars a?’d F uffiau butchers n rnoll bloody aid dec five de feat Moieau wiitfs that iihe fi ft cf large tla Irtrmen h *d 2000 f!ave< on 'heir bavorr-is, *nd that the rarrage ‘ ecame !o hor rible that humanity compelled | the o'bceis to llo» ir. j “ 4 hr Pu-fi l*>r*o| and Ca diz fleets, b \e cr r un joined. Wc beliei e afb> i .1 jheng am her- ■ iitv, that they have tak< 1 ten Tail 1 1 j , of the fine from lord Sr. Yin- | rent*— ha( d ( »c e ( t *hiti>4) of his fi ect in o ifi?altar t and are proceeding up (he Mediter- \ ran can ro pa\ tP.cir ief;>«cbs ro NeKoe and the :\u(iianv—after ward*, they go, God krows whe?> r>eslaps .0 FRI N !" txtr ft cf 0 ktte- frem Bcjlon, dated the 1 6th July. fhe new? \ uu comi iunicate # o me in your lan ’eucr, which \' l I s hro'i from Norfolk, appears to be confirmed by the aarv dat this port of the pohere, olumbi.i fr m Malaga and Ca diz iu 52 days. It appears that * Ilord St. Vincent has loft Gx fail ; jof the line, among which are mentioned the Royal George ami the London, the other (hips of his fleet have been fortunate enough to efcape, and run into nine fathoms water off thecoaft of Africa. The combined fleets of France and Spain having in view the plan concerted previous to their departure, and wifhing to lolc* no time in its execution, luvc not thought proper to mo left or even purlue them in their retreat, but continued their couife up the Mediterranean, where they will certainly find it an cafy matter to deftroy the Scattered fquadrons of England and Portugal, and of their new and natural allies the Turks and Ruffians.” Extraß of another Ulf/rfrom Bof ton% 'July 16. c< The new* of the vidlory obtained by the French fleet in j 1 he Mediterranean begins to af •! fume confiftency. It came at tij ft by the way of Norfolk, now it is come by the way of Malaga, | and laftly byway of Cadiz, in . 53 days, hut the Britifti party l ontinue to Rifle the intelligence. | 1 he news however is wbilpered | about, the veftels taken are even n.-iined. gmong which aie the " ondon, the Royal George, See. Ariftocratical piizzes are much, vny much lengthened. Byway 1 of confolation, however, they regotrg to eeleb’ate to moirow the armiverfary of the dilfolution ol the treaties with France. Thus, I n is hoped, will fupercede the! 4«’h of July in future, which is to be for a while abandoned ro | the jacobins, until a good oppor tunity (hall offer to (upprefs its celebration altogether.” Ihe capture of the Royal | George by the French fleet in the Mediterranean calls to mind, an anecdote of 1779 —when the 1 Briufti fleet under admiral D »rbv was flymjr before the combined fleets of France and Spain, in fight of the Britifti coafl, an tngiifh featmn on. board the Royal George was Teen veiy buly in wrapping a tarpaulin round the figure head of the (hip—being aiked why he did jib, he laconically rephed, ** left Old George/hould look kch nd t and fe us running away Jr cm ihs Dons and Motific^s,” Capt. Watlon among other I new things, fays the union of i England and Ireland undei one parliament had been carried into elFeft, 2nd that Ireland is to be! j hence forward called Wfjl-Bn - tain ! ! PHILADELPHIA, Augufl 2. This morning in the d.fliidl court of the United S afes, be fore Judge Peters, William Duane was bound, himlclf in 2000 dollars, and two fu r eties of 1000 each, to appear before the next diftrift court cf the United States, to anfwer for a libel againft the adminiftration. His (urcties were col. [ohn Bar ker, and Guy Bryar, efq. Atigufi 6. A letter rereived by the f r ’ n Li (Iron, arrived at the Vort in G days from L'fbon, mentions that 3 Spanifh 7 4 ’s have been taken by the Biiiifli and cauied into Gibraltar. Letters from London, receiv ed in this city by the mention the total overthrow of the French armies. A letter is received in town of the 17th of June, from Lif bon, capt, Cox which ftates “ tbit the French fleet was dill in Toulon, b ockaded by lord St. Vinc-nt, with 22 fail of the line; that the Spanifh fleet had put into Carthagena, i n a mod deplorable fituation, faid to have been bom their exprefs determi nation not to join the French fleet/' Accounts had alfo been received at Lifbon of the refto ration of the king of Naples to his kingdom, and of the total d. flru&ion of the French armies in Italy. BALTIMORE, Augujl 5, From the New-York Gazette, Commercially Important. 1 A gentleman who came patten ger in the Boyne, from I on don, has favored us with the following : “ All vcflels leaving any port in Holland, ss well as thole ; bound trere, are take n and car ri d into i ; among tho e captu ed are the Ihip Ocean, capt. Paiker, Lorn Kotterdam, belonging to Meflrs. Higgins k Parfons, of Boflon ; alfo a b(% of 16 guns from the fame port, ; which had been taken by a I | French privateer and afterwards I releafed. 1 hefe vellels were I claimed by the American minif- I ter, as not being involved in I the consequences of a bio kade, j having beenin Rotterdam before I it took place—but this afp nation I was not likely to prove lucctls- I ful. I lt Capt. Barret, in a (hip be- I longing to Bofton, and many I others from different ports in I the United States, taken for I violating the blockade of the I Texel, were alio carried info I England, and upon fome prim• I pies lately ejlahlijhed , i r isfuppofcd I will be condemned." I Augujl 8. I Commodore Truxton, it 1* I faid, has refigned his command I in the navy of the United States. I [Gaz, U . I CHARLESTON, Augujl 15* I Fiom a gentleman who came ■ paffenger in the fehooner 1 ham Dixon, from St. [ago Cuba, we learn, that difputcs 0 ■ a very ferious nature have taken ■ in the I (land of k t. Po-■ mingo, between Touttaint an ■ Kigaud. On the night of 16th and morning of Uie 1 7‘ I a batt e was fought between* them, near Grand Goave, 1 which Touffamt was defeate I with great lofs; h'S army c ° n 'B fitted of 10 or 12 thouland in* ■ and Kigaud’s of 5000. un!