The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, August 27, 1799, Image 4

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G E O R O I A- Ey Ills K xcdlcncv ,] A AI r S fA r K S O M, Governm ?,*vl Commande* in hit ’1 01 the Army and Navy 1 State, and of the Mintia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. WMFRKAS I have rent'd official in/ormaf on t 0/ a viojl barb .irons and cruel murder having ban committed on ’lt body cf Allen VVotmrk, in the county of Frank 1 in, in this S r ate, on the thirtieth day of Mav la ft, which appears from the imjueft held there on, and itturced to the Executive Department Jo have hern perpetrated by one Hardy Ha rlrn of Pen dleton county, in I he ffa'r of S Vh- Caiolina. who has finer ahfeonded. In order therefore that the fend , I laid v Ha*d n, mav he brought to examplary jnfice , I have 1 hought fit t) ijfue this my procamati n, herd l ]'offering a reward of ONE HUNDRED DOJ EARS to any per [on or pe.rfons, who will nppre hendtbe fad Hardy Harden, and lodge him in feme Jtcure gaol within this fate. And J further cha'ge and require all officers, cu d and military, be longing t this fa c, to be. aiding and affi/hng in apprehending and f cur ing the fid Hardy Harden, fo that h may he brought to trial and condignpuni/hment according'y. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the fiid f de, el the State-Hoi fe, in Lomf v l’e, this el venlh day of Ja y. in the rear of onr r ord one thou fa d fti n han't red a d ninety-vine and in the twenty-fourth y r ar of the In- 1 d pend nee 0 * the Untied States of America. JAMES JACKSON. l>\ the Crvnno'g Hor. Mapbury, deputyfeery , God fave the State. NOTICE. r after the expiration of nine T mi* fom the dare hereofj there wi if’ an npjlication made to ihe hont r* she (he lit.ri r Coart t,f Jf fife: (on Conn* fv, f'i r nn «rder of Talc o i ilie real etlaip «f Ri bc< t H mib'cton, dcceafed, to wir ; three hqfidred and fifty roes of Land, innate in ih- county of rojnir i g 1 it’d c* y’-ihn logrrm and J hu K.cuii-- r'y. It part of n T r acV of Land, coivairdug four hunched and fifty aciCi, g anird t Rnherr C'Oper. /Mo, one other T1 ft of Lard, cnrtni'• in» tlirre loathed mifiltv ants, ' tn-itc i" the ro'inth f H ke, on i'c wrr s M Hemthfck, nvj n ii g 1 n is of , j, r n »’ I ' o . , The fde .f the ao'e a d r or* otng Trafts of L n wlllp f r th* fe- efi of tl'.' I'e r? an i < t r<’i o s o he la dHi brrt H-iinUiCion, dree rI. 11. G. Caldwell. ror tht A 'mimfitutor oj tit »f it [aid Fjla t J-ne ;6. The SUBSCRIBER Beg* le: ve to it' arm his F i- ill an 1 the Pu'dic, 'V'- h» ha or nirnced rhe Ccmrniflion and Kaftoraoe BUSIN E S S. On Telfair’s VN h M, win re he ha* frit s’ le Stores tor 'h* re eptioi o G rod , P"d Protlrc'* ; a-tf r*fp*»'T ul'ytendc s hi If 1 to h » F ien s in rh it tin*. Samuel MammonJ a Savannnh, Jone 6, 171,9. BEAN K D EEI) S For Sale, at this Office . Superior'Court, Seb emher Term, Andrew Mem phi 11,“'] vs. )> Foredofwe , T arrrs Hemphill, J UPON th r petition of Andrew Hemphill praying the. fore clofuae of the equity of red mfjfion, in and to the hi owing t ad of land , fituate , tying and bring in the com ly of IVajlnngton, bounded by 7ohn foreman , J ohn Rogers, and at I other Jides by vacant hni ; and containing two handled eighty f ven and an half acres, whl h trad of land was mortgaged to the faid An drew Hemph 11, by the fid James Hemphill, for the fecurity of one tmndr d and tlvrty fevni pounds . fev<nteen fhilling * and th re pome, on the 1 6th day of March m the year oj our L rd one thou/and fcitn hundred ana mnety-th r e\ Upon motion cf Mr Ca 1 dwell, attorney for the plaintiff, it is or dered, that the principle mlerefl nr d cojl he pa'd into th s court , within twelve menths from this t me. other wife /he equity of redemption wil ] j he. jorev r f rec'ofd, and that a copy vf this rule be frved up n the jaid fames Hemphill or publ /bed nine months in one of the Gazettes of this Stale, before the expiration of the /aid nine rr, uths , agree hi t> j an ad of the I gfaturc in ju h cafes made and provi icd . i A true cpy from the minutes, |. Williams, deputy c eik. N O T 1 C E. r rpHF, C ipartnc fhi|« «f I A O RDF !(_ & C‘*. u d ti nin u I c • fc t tiifr *f rr. In lc \\h< h\- i De ni in (y *... >.i (1 faid F m, are -qi f)c< to Ii mg h» ii f"W d, p ih ai c.,cJ, to t e Suhi-i ibc. * 1 aborde & o. Wrfhi gt 'n Count , J ly »6 -ji n o ! i c K. AM Fe.f>n*vh '»e Indebted Eifa e of ill a n f).i es, dr eafccl, l;ii. (} Waihing l o Ccun y, St c <1 Ge»" r g i, :r r itq rOcd to mhe fr-rrdy i.m' mfiv ; a d o fc vho I * c anv D 111 Ji.ds ;jg ii l!» d h late, i ! i!c t » prcfcnt hem, yro c» 1 y atieftetl, to the Siu Itfibcr. Hugh Law Ton, A' i .Dp Vlf lit r. WaniiiiC tA ’' f* on*', J1 6 , 79J T O 13 £ SO L P, A HOUSE ;nd LOT littif cd i e.n the Ci ttcc Hoi f’, L uifvillp, <• tuai; t ig i goi’d Ove ad K: kr Houle G<’de iar.d otl er imp> ovements * an i x .cl lent liiuatiof for true. Condi ion-, me ; nrt erfh, tie chcr ra rni err it, wi h a'pro* ed f•* nritiet- F u fa Mice pat .uulai *, ap, ly at the L'niou. L u 'ville. f-"> >4- r O R S A L F, ''I”’VN On c”ir nedl (' IS, i ilie town 5 <f Lof ill. ,ar j -.i.i g each other, nr .r the r c il i t . known in otigiral "lan b No 11 i a u ii i, they will c Old {■]■ ratc'i> cr i. n , ard c give , or im> thr i( Me oih <r, nnnl ihe fr tl of M. nh - ext F ran her p'r-ricu -1 r , ap 1 to i t., dr r the Sa b - fcriber, at Urn.crcN Fen ', Ha ke coutuy. C . K dibee. JUy ih. Cheap Jor Cafh or Produce, SKVLS no in red ;> mf ti etv-two /etc* oi 0 K and H ikor • 1 AND, third -jia’.itv, hi g i n h Fight Mi c Btancli, n the aeu r ad .railing ft cm L uifiilc to Savan nh ; thirty Ac a of 'he tail Lin ' is r f nfd, tin u''dcr go d Trace. For fur ther i a 'icu’arr, c quire at this Office, cr i of the Su leribcu Arthur Civile. April 23, Ri hmord (Vlr.) April j To tiiC Republicans throughout the United States % PROPOSAL s For publi/hing, by (übfc' iption, j A NATIONAL MAGAZINE; j OK, A Political, Biographical and Hiflorical REPOSITO R Y. CONDITION S. I Ihe perio » cf publication to be ( mi-quarterly, II Each number ro contain 96 < <flavr> t ic cr j rcf» printing, upon lars.c j fine ,H,er, re 1 lv rxecu’cd on an «nti c • tv > , lewed anu glcwcd under a thick blue covci, 111, pi c c t<> Subfcrihen 4 dollars a year two d< P. r to be ;ail in advance on the ccr, t t f he firfl number, and two dol lars an > <• re ci t nr 11■ r fifth number. IV To each lour numbers, which wih n ke a vi it me 1 ! 400 will be addeu * t;uc (; g-, ai d a table of cc..tents* To rh e PU B L I C. 77/ chjeft of this pub)'cation is to cUtcly preferve, and (Effemi nate the, m n ft valuable productions 0/ ike hepuol can pen, in all parts oj Ihr Unmn ; the extreme neeffty for ' Inch a publication , and the beneficial | efjeds which might refit from it jif well conduced) will be readily 1 all wed. Ihe American people have long enough h cn impo/ed upon by the pretended impartiality of printers ; it is all d lujion ; every pa'ty will hare Us printer , as well as every \/eft its preacher ; end it is as in congruous f>r a pub icahon to he a feme.iely breathing the fp rit of iw n parties or for a far foil to preach to his audience chxifUanUy in the morning , and pagan)jm in the even ing ; it is inconjifknt as for a chief m igiflrate to name an ambajfador to fet Ic a difpule with a foreign nation , and immediatey to violate the laws cf civilly, end make moc k yy of religion , by heaping upon the fame nah n and its refne/enta tires % the vile ft philippics , fcurnlitr, and abufe t in a froclamati nfor a day of fafling and prayer:—Every Editor who is capable of faring ah v the flattery of villainv, and the adulation cf folly , has too much iat flake in the contefl of liberty again/} flavor y t virtue againfl vice , ; and truth a gain ft jo phi fry > to admit of impartiality * In the profecution of the plan of this work , it will he necejjary to \iake fo muJi of a relrofp Live view jof the affairs of the United States , and inti educe Inch documents as will j tend to elucidate and exp( fc the ori- I gin y progrefy and a arnvng influ \ence <f that fyflem of iniquiy and ! robbery, bribe) v and oppreffm t ' hypocrifv, and injufiice, which may 1 be traced fnm the attempt of Alex - ander Hamilton , to palm upon the . convention a monarchical conjlitu ‘ S through the corrupted mates of \funding and banking , /look jobbings I and /peculating f/lems, down to toe | alien and [edition laws t \army and vavv oj the prefnt day. ; It is dijji uli, in pu:fang a courfe . of /crutiny into the meafurcs oj go ' vernmenty and defigns of men in ■ officey to drew a line if d.marka ta n between le gut plunder and per -1 \ Jena I villainy, public rapine , and private intrigue; whenever the j mlure of inquiry v. ill admit ,-r perjonal wakncfsand folly '/ b: lightly touched , but' uh: n ‘ / (jftetr oj government, pul'lie fraud wi th pr ivnte vice '* | the fame time, is wallowing if / \ lap of infamy and revelling i n t f \pecula ion of the national treafur* the regard for perf o , a l chanfUr ought to be Jucrijiced to public in' lice, J jm Being p 'fjejf dof the p! an and principles on which die national |mo gazin' will he conduced % it C nl v remains Jor the people to he informed of the particular matter whuh it will contain , to enable them to deter mine whether they will or will not give it their fupport. VIEW oj the WORK . TRIUNE Dedication ; ft-ft, to Rcpub ican* throughout the United State. • fecomi, to John A a nr, efq. prcfilcntif the United States ; at d third, tu the Arif, tocrats generally ; Dcc’aration o) Jnde ncndence ; Co ufUtution of’ the Ui i'e.l St.ties* Rcfolutioi s and Addrcfs of ij ; . Leg’U-iture of Virg'nia ; R f luti ns of .lie Lcgilltturc ot Kentucky, Mr, George Nicho’as’s defence of them, in a Letter 10 hi* liirn.i • Plan of a Confutation ; re* lented tu ihe Convention, by Alexander 4a t il o> ; a definition of par ies, or pc« i’dical cflc'Jfs o * the paper f>(lcm con* li eicd ; a review of the revenue f lUtn ad pied by the lit ft Congrefs, and an ex* aminatirn of is pernio us effe£U, in thirteen letters to a friend, bv a ci izen, laid to be Mr, Finiilev • the Ccnltitutiou ut tjie u fdf created*’ f ciety, <r tie order of Cincinnati ; E-fracls f in Mr. Adam’s D fence * from Mr. GalUtiidj Sketches of the Finances of ihe Uni ed States ; fr m an Addtcfs of Mr. J hi Page, < f Kofc c; 1 , to b’s conlli u-in ; frem M". Gs’'crdar*s Sketc c; of the Hi!* tmy of the United S r ate*, Annual Regif* tr , m:d H'dory f 1795, in which l.e handle* vi h as m jrh uc icarv as they ! def-rve, many of the b’undrr, inccn* ■ li .envies, and cn rmitics ofg vernmcr.t. James Lyon. Suhfc'iptiens for the work, ! will he received bv Ambrose Day, at the Office of the Louijvdle Got (tie. , .» 5- N OTIC E. PUGSLEY & DEVEAUX I form their Friends and the Public, ’hat the'' have received by the way of Au* guff a, a FRESH Aflbrtment cf MEDICINE, Suitable to the Practice ; and frff )r * hem, that the ft riot el attention will paid to all Ortlct s, See. April 23. C A U T I O N. WH ER EA S iny wife, M 1 ry S immun* has eloped from my b*ri attd bo"’ * without anv psovoratinr • this i« to f ! * warn all Perfons whn f>cvcr frrrn rreni • ing her m tnv accru r, a* I am dc ertr.incd nut to pay any debts of her con ruftirg- Benjamin Sammons. J’Hv 16, 1799. WANTED , A few lb', of HOGS BRISTLE c . For which a generous price »'*•* be given , by Andrew Burn^_ FOR SALE, At theOfUCE of the S.!-' £TTE, cheap f” Cn J h ) NT\ t K pair G >ld Ear-R ; ng« § Twelve pair round G ‘l*l h Six G'lt Seals io tell the day (^c 1111-1 S’tc S B I ablt-s Six rioted do. d-'. Three Silver Tea Caddie Ladle* Six PbteJ do. do. d°* Four pair o r Si!\e- Hoot Buckle* Six pair rf plated Spurs Plated Whi s Four Thov.l nd Needles One grocc large Pearl Button* Cotton or Tobacco wll! received in payment - r - r above Aiticks#