The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, September 17, 1799, Image 4

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C A U T I O N. ( r p ) n || ronrrrnr,!, parted 'mlv f 0 ' r : X ChclU v HP trick. nnd V\ » vU I k-n, r'r. />rtil* ‘ t <f fT'rf 0 ’ 1 J Thr Su’Ari ,p’» hereby fo rh * 1 rlic f-l J « r two Tf >IJIA [.am 1 , i f, n C ’ )l l n 'j r v ( f rlyg& 'or/e’i P -.rifh, . co,ii "‘U t ■'». roae* elffyi Acre*, adirfipi”C * ,l ’ n.i.-fiSH|*antfd to Claris* Wat J r. f’ rmcrWW Savannah, efqt*i :p » *!f‘ ! r (>*, at aATrtir"*, in th' L*»“' ,VIm * J rrnal, r.f firh July, f7,39—For fh « tc jo vtrvr «r i other that "i* f ;" That Char n Wi"k, the ordinal pt ■ 1 'e r , n• t!? hiil-iH wi ■ and te fi - ■ nt, v’rich was d*>ly proved t ▼ 77 * > 3 ,1 11 trforr!, in l o l: A, r~~-; 37 : » *» 5- i the Secretaries Office, at r . and tK-nr th- executors, rh?re : n n»meo qiinl fi-i I —That the whole, real and P«“y fo ) HU ate of tire <>ce fed, was loti, under authority of th? will, a d U'der rxroil'ont on judgments, legally obt-tine ,j f“ver.»l yea & before th? rcvoluonn, many « f which judgments, remain ui.fitislie- 1 * th? afif.ts, bring (ally angl ed. That the suhicri:erJ hn Tehran, claims th? f id land, - % prinr : he r and drviicc of the far ' Charles W ‘t)<>n. Therefore, all fur;h;r trefpafTcs on the P’c nifet, fdf, or transfer, either publicly or pr vatclv, is forbid • as a prohibition,. «.* liny further p o-eeding*, will be prayed | *(>r, at the next Superior Court, in Icdrr- j fon County, and to revoke the ad'ninihrn- j tl n, iai! to be pran f cd to Chellev B>fi v*kk, on the eflaie and eff.*(fis of 1 ie fatd <• ilm VVvf n, which appears to b»ve « been rn .RcoLily obtained. I W. Stephens, Surviving Executor Charles VN aifon. John Tcbeau, Devifee of Cinrlei Watfon. Savannah, Auguil 16, 1799- e The honorable thr. Inferior Court of the County of Jejferfon . HHil" PETITION of Dmicl M‘Dow»efl J humbiy fheweth, thr;t being errfined in the g.iol of this County, for debt, abou 53 davs ; and that lie ii unable to lupport ! •?!( timing fuch hit confinement, and t' ?■?* rp prays that he may he admitted t evj.iy (he benefit of thr aft, provided lor the relief < f inlblvent deh^on. Daniel M*Dowell, September 2, 1797. Walhir.gton Superior Court, September Term , 1798. Andrew Ilemphill, -^ vs, \ Furedofure s !ames Mcmphiil, ) UPON the pet}lion of Andrew Hemphill , pra\ing the fore (hfd’€ 0/ the equity of redemption, :n and to the following L> eicl of land , Jitucie, lying and bang in the coun ty of II iff nngton, bounded by John Jo Oman, John Rogers , and all other jidcs by vacant land; and containing two bundled eighty liven and an half acres , whi r h trail of lend was mortgaged to the feud An drew Hemp fill, by the faid James 11 nr phi LI, for the fccurily of one hundred and thirty fevn founds, fv nfcen /hillings and thee pence , on lie 1 6th day of March in the year of our Lord one tkou/and /even humhed and ninety-three. Upon motion of Mr. Caldwell, a’do ney for the plaintiff, it is or dn nf that (he principle intcrefl and cofl he paid into this court , within twelve, months from tlrs t’7ne, other• w (e 'he equity of redemption will be forevT f reclo/ed , and that a copy r.f this rule be ferved upon the fori James Hemphill or pullifhed mir months in one of the Gazettes of this Statu', before the expiration of tie /aid nine months, arreeabU to an act of the legiflatur c in fuch cafes mad; and provided* A true copy from the minutes , f. V. il'iims, deputy c eik. blank u tters Of ADMINISTRATION, hor calc at this Printing Cilice, j , NOTICE. j PUGSLEY£ DEVEAUX ' Inform Ihfir Friends and the Public, that | toey have received by the wey of Au* guftn, a FRESH Affortment of M EDICIN E, Suitable to the Prance ; and alf. rc them, that the Unified attention will be paid to all Orders, kc, A ril 23. N OTIC E. after the expitation of nirr j months from the dare hcreo r , there ( will be an application made to the honor- I aide the Inferior Court of Jc(Terlon Conn-; tv, for an order of fale of the re.d efiare of Rc'bc t Hambleton, decealed, to writ : three hundred and fifty acres of Land, litnate in «hr? county of jefferfor, adjoin ing lard of y>hn Ingram and jfohn Kenne dy. It being part of a Traifi of Land, containing four hundred and fifty acres, granted to Robert Cooper. AKo, one other Tra£l of Land, contain in' three hundred and fifty acres, fituatr in the county of Burke, on the waters of M Been Creek, adjoining lands of , gr-n-ed to . The Tale of the above and ro i Trails of Land, w II be for the benefit o( j the I cirs and creditors of the laid Robert I Hambleton, deceafed. 11, G. Caldwell, J Fc th: Admim firator oj the nfortfaid EJlate June 26, 1799. WANTED TO HIRE, B\ the Month or Year, A NEGRO MAN. Enquire at tnii OJjfice, January 3^. G E O R G I A. By his Excellency J A M E S J A C K S O N T , Governor and Commander in Chief o» the Army and Navy of thu State, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS I have received official information , oj a mo/} barbarous and cruel murder having been committed on the body of Allen Womack, in the county of Franklin , in this Sfate t on the thirtieth day of May lafl, which | appears from the inquefl held there - ; on, and rchirred to the Executive' Department, to have been perpetrated , by one Hardy Harden, of Pin- j die ton county, in the fate of South-\ f Carolina, who has fence abfeonded. j In order there/ore that the faid i Hardy Ha’den, may he brought to - cxamplary jufice, I have thought fit to ij/ue this my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLdRS to any per fen cr perfons, who will appre hend the /aid Haidy Harden, and lodge him in fomeJecure gaol within this fate. And I further change and require all officers, civil and military , be longing to this fia’e , (9 be aiding and j off ting in apprehending and feur- , mg the faid Hardy Harden, fo that he vi ly be brought to trial and con dig n punijhmen t accordingly. Given under my hand, and ihe \ Great Seal of the faid {late, at the Stale-Hovfe, in Louif viHe, this el vcnth day of Ju‘y, in the year of our I ord* cue thou/and feven hundred and ninety-nine , and in the twenty fourth year of the In dependence of the United Statts of America. JAMES JACKSON. the Governor , H o r . h I a r 3 'J II y , deputy fiery, 1 God fiave tne Si ale, 1 Richmond, (Vlr.) April 25, ’99. \ To the Republicans throughout the United Stales, proposals For publifhing, by (üblcription, /i NATIONAL MAGAZINE; O R, A Political, Biographical and Hiftoricai REPOSITORY. CONDITIONS. T. The periods of publication to be lemi-quartcriy. li Each number to contain 96 odTavo rages cf letter prefs printing, upon large fine paper, neatly executed on an entire nev- type, lewed and glowed under a thick hire cover. 111. Price to Suhferibers 4 dollars a year, two dollars to be paid in advance on the icccipl of the firft number, and two dol lars on the receipt of th« fifth number. IV. To each lour numbers, which will nake a volume of 406 ; age%, veil! be added a title page, and .1 table of cements. To THE PUBLIC, TllEohje.ft of this puh’ication is to colled , prefer ve an I diffemi- ' naie the mo ft valuable productions 0/' the Republican pen, in all parts of the Union ; the extreme nec'ffity for fuch a publication , and the beneficial (fells which might refill from it , if well cmiduHed, will be readily allowed, I he American people have long enough been impofed upon by the pretended impartiality 0/ printers: it is ail d lufich ; every party will nave its punter, as well* as every feel its preacher ; and it is as in ‘congruous for a pub ication to be alternately breathing the )pint of lwo parties or for a par (on to preach to his audience chu.fl/an4dy in the morning , and pagan:fm in the even ing ; it 15 incfmjijlcnt as for a duf magi fir ate to name, on ambaffador to fettle a difpute with a foreign \ nation , and immediatey to violate I the laws of civility . and make moc kery of re gion, by heaping upon the fame nation and its rein efenta-l I lives, the vilefl philippics, fcurnlitvJ and ahufe, in a proclamati n for a I day of fa fling and prayer :—Every ! Editor who is capable of faring above the flattery of villainy , and the adulation of folly , has too much at flake in the con e/l of liberty agamjl flavery , virtue again fl vice , and truth again ft fophi fry, to admit \ 0] impartiality . In the profecution of the plan of \ this work , it will he net ejjary to I take fo much of a rebolptflive view l ! of the affairs of the United States , : I and introduce fuch documents as will 1 tend to elucidate and exp. ft the on - j ] gin, prgicfs, and a arming inf u- ! ence of that fjlcrn of iniquity and robbery, bribe*y and opprejfon , i hypocrify, and inju/lice, which may he traced from the attempt of Alex andcr Hamilton, to palm upon the convention a monarchical confuta tion through the corrupted mazes of funding and bank ng, frock jobbing, and /peculating fferns, dozen to the alien and jedition Laws, funding army and navy of the prefnt day. It is difficult , in pn f dng a courfc of jerutiny into the meafurcs of go vernment, and dcjtgns of men in ■'lf >ce, to drew a lire of d-marka-i Eon between legal plundt r and per\ fcnal villainy public rapine, and pnidtc intrigue ; whenever the I nature of enquiry will admit cf i* ! per/oval weaknefi and /oily to he lightly touched , but when fn often oj government, conneSin*> pvMic fraud with private vice, at the fame time , is walk wing in ih c Lap of infamy and revelling in the peculation of the national irea/ury the regard for per [oral ckarafa ought to be [aerified, to public jyL tue. Being prfiejfed of the plan and principles on which the national • magazine will be conduced , it only remains for the people to be informed of the particular matter which it will contain , to enable them to deter• mine whether they w: 7 l or will not give it their [upport. VIEW oj the WORK. TRIUNE Dedication ; firft, to Rcpu'u jeans ihroughout ihc United Staiej; Icconn, to John Ai arcs, cfq. pre (iciest ox ■ Tlic United Statej j ai d third* tothe Arif, j *°crats gene ally ; Declaration of hu'e • pcndencc ; Con£>itution cf the L'rntJ | Stales ; Rcf.dvitioi.s and Addrcfs of the ‘ Legiflarnre of Virginia ; Rcfolmiinj of the Legidarure of Kentucky, Mr. George ’ Niclio I ? jdefence of them, in a Letter to •his fiiend ; Plan of a Couffitulon pre fcnrcii to the C invention, by Alexander • Hamilton ; a definition ol parties, or po» btical effects of the paper l\Hcm con« ; itdered ; a review of the revenue G3em I adopted by the firft Congrefj, and an ex j amination of its pernicious effedlr, in thirteen letter: to a friend, bf a citizen, j faiJ to be Mr. Fiudlcv ; the Coni:jtmion ol the l< felf.create*)” f eiety, or il,e I order of the Cincinnati; Extracts fnin Air. Adam’s Drfcnce ; from Mr. Gallatin’s Sketches of tbs Finances of the Utii'fd States; from an Addrefs of Mr. ]■ hti ?agr, of Rofewell, to his conlli ctnri; from Mr. Gale' dar’s Sketd cs of the Ksf» j lory of the United States, Annual Re gif iter, and Hiflory <f 1796, in which hs j handles wi h as much delicacy as they I deferve, many of the blunders, inctn* (i.-cncier, and cn rm'tes of government. James Lyon. (Lt* Subfcriptions for (he mu, will be received by Ambrose Day, at the o fee of the Louifville Gaz ette, 'July 5. /’inferior Court , Jeffcrfon County, I Sept, 9. 1799. John Boflick, Cafa ijfuei John Wallace, v from the VS. ( Juft ices Dan. M'Dowell, J Court ON tlie petition of Daniel M*Dowell, fetting forth that he is confined in gaol by virtue of a writ of capias oi fatis/ac endum, iflucd out of the [ufticss Couitof the Town or Louifville, at the fuits of John I Boflick, and John Wallace; I land that he is unable Jo fupport I himlelf during fuch his confine- I jment, and praying to be admit- J ' ted to the benefit of the a& c * I the general afiTembly, in l!CL1 I cafes made and provided : it h I ordered, that notification L ' e I twice publifhed in cnc ot I Gazettes, that all per ferns I reined do attend at the 5 I Office, on Saturday* the I inft to fhew caufe. tf anv Lev I have, why the petitioner OiowM I not be dilcharged agreeably •*' I the prayer of the petition, I that a copy of this order v ' : I Lived on the plaintiifs cr theu I attorney. I Taken from iht Miwdtt I James Bozeman, Cb**' I LANK I) EE D S I ’ For Sfe, cl this Cfc\ I