The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, September 24, 1799, Image 4

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CAUTION. T) eo«cern*d, particular! vto Mr * Clirflrv HoO.w rV. anil William P;>u letr. ffq. t»4 lefTVrfm County- T lir Su' fcrihen hcrchv forbid the of two Tr*d» of I and, i ?eff- fon *' ”! n * fv, formerly Sr. Georpe’x P. riftt, c ,l! ' 1 i together Boa Acre*, at ! • °i n ’ n *s o'hrr, ofipinftllv granted to C’harle* J n, f rmcrly of Savannah, elq f"', a, in ih- L' , ” ,fv .' 1 ' T ivrrnl, of 30th fuly, 1799- For »he »"'• lowing nnd other reafon*, that W V . V ewu: Thar Charier Warfor, the or 'K :n>sl grantee, made hi* Taft will ani teftam«nf, whi< hwmd' ly proved in 177 1 > n 11 record, in fork A , pap*l 37 1 > T > 3’ 5’ iii the SenctarieT Office, at Loui» v| - ,e i ami that rhe executors, therein onalifie-'—That the whole, real' ami pep fon I Fftafe of the deceafed, was 10 1 , under authority of the will, and under ex"iit'oni <>n judgment!, legally obrnme , fever*] vfa's before the revolution, many H which judgments, remain uni-*ti*(ie< , ti e i<Trlls, being fully applied. That the Subfrriher j hn Tcbeau, claim* the Imd, '*s prineinal heir utui devifee of the fa id Charlei VV^tfon. Therefore, all further trefpafle* on the pre oiies. file, or tianifer, eiii cr pub icly or privately, is forbid •, «i a , fo flay fnrllier proceeding*, will be prayed for, it the next Superior Court, in fetrrr fon County, and to revoke theadminiflra* lion, faiit to be granted ro Chellev B"ft wiik, on the efla:e and effeds of the (-1 d Ci ilex W atfop, wh’di appears to have been err uuoufly obtained, W. Stephens, Sui vivii g Executor Charier W atlon. John Tebcau, D vifee of Charles Walfon. Savannah, Auguft 16, 1799. Will Bib SOLD, On the Prnmfes % on the THIRD S iIURDAY in May next , A TRACT of LAND, coti ainipf eighty | two A./rs, 1> i• g in Wa/hingtoo County, on Hig Creek, being the property of William Mon r ford, deceafed 5 bv vir tue if an rder of the Cnnit of Ordinary, frr fa id County, for *he benefit of the liVics f H r crlito-s o« fu ' Fdate, M ‘rgery Montford, admx % Auguft 20. Washington Superior Court, September Term , 1798. Andrew Hemphill,'l vs, J> For cdofnrt % James ] Icmphill, J UPON the petition of Andrew dejnphill. praying the fore ch’frr cl the equity of red.rnplion . r / and to the following frail of land , finite , lying and being in the coun ty of H ofhmpjon, /winded by 'John idem an, John Fogers % and nil c her /ides by vacant land ; and C 'utainmg two hundred cig 1 h [even and an half ncres t rollick trail of hind was mortgaged to the faid *ln drew Hemphill , by the laid Junes Hemphill , for the fecurify of one huidted and thirty fevin founds , { v n 4 (fn ffillings and th ee finer , ru the 1 6th day of March in Ihe year 0 cur L rd one thoufand feven h indied ana ninety-three . Upon motion of Mr. Caldwell , a f fo ney fo*- the plaintiff it is o>~ (L red % that the pi maple mterr/i and cofi be paid into t/rs court. , within twelve months from thes time. \ other tml* :he equity of redemption will hr for fv r f recofed , and that a ropy of this rule be [erved upon the fa d fames Hemphill or puhhfhed n>ne months in one of the Gazettes d this State , before (he ex par a ion of tl.e laid nine agree.,bl* to I c *'' !°f f be I g flatur c in [u(h cafes * made and provided, A true c fy from the minutes , ( Williams, doput\ c ! eik. BI ANK LETTERS Cj ADM IN J SIR AI [*• V Voi Sale al this Piinting Oiiice, 1 NOTICE. ; PUGSLEY & DEVEAUX i Inf >rm their Frien< s ?.ud the Public, t:.e>' h ive received by the way of Au* guda, a FRESH Affortinent of MEDICINE, Suitable to the Practice ; and s afi'u re them, that the drifted attention will b« paid to all Orders, Bcc. A ril 23. NOTICE. r F*'HAT after the expiration of nine nionllu from riie Hate hereof, therr will be an application made to ihc honor able the Inferior Court of JefTerfon Coui: tv,' fur an order of fa;e of the real efbte cf Robcit Hamblcton, deccalc.!, to wi» : three hundred and fdiy acres of Lnni, (ituate in the courtly of adjoin iug land of yahn It gram and J- hn Kenne dy. It being parr of a 1 raft of Land confining four hundred and fifty acre-., granted t Robert Cooper. Alio, one other 7 raft of Land, contain ing three hundred and fifty acres, lituate in the <T;uijty of Kurkr, on ti e waters o M Keen Creek, adjoining lands of , gr nred to , Ihe fale of the above and foregoin* Trafts of Land, w II be for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the find Robert Hamblcton, deceafed. H. G. Caldwell, Fo? the A '.nunift rat or oj the afortfaii EJlate | J<*e 26, 1799. WANTED TO HIRE, B\ the Month or Hear, ) A NEGRO MAN. Enquire at this OJJice. January 30. GEORGIA. By his Excellency J AMES JACK S O N, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this' State, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. WH PREAS / have received official information , of a mo/l barbarous and cruel murder having been committed on the body ,of HI eft Ol Tixk ( in the county \ of franklin , in this State , on the , thirtieth day of May la ft. which •appears from the inqueft held there - i on, and returned in the Executive Department, to have been perpetrated by ore Hardy Ha-den, of Pen oleton county. in the ftate of South f Carolina , who has ft nee ab/conded ; In order thei efort that the [aid Hardy Ha d n. may he brought to ’ exemplary yuftice , I h ive thought fit to iffue tins my proclamati n, hereby offering a reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS to any per fon or per fans, who will appre hend hie [nd Hardy Harden, and , lodge him in fmt Jecure gaol within this ftate. And i further cha-ge and require all /fixers, civil and military , be lo’gi >g f this ftate , l$ be aiding and ojfifting in apprehending and /.cur ini.*' the fid Hatdy Harden, fo | that h : may hr ' ought to trial and * c ndignpun?fhment accordingly. Give- under my hand , and the Gnat Seal of the [aid ftate , at Ihe State-Houfc, in Louif vI r, this eleventh day of Ja y, in the year of our Lord one thou/and /even hundred and ninety-nine and in the twenty-fourth year of the In dependence of the United States of America. [AMES JACKSON. By the Gove no>- f II »k. M\ k buky, deputyJecry . • Goijuvc the Slate , R’chrrorc!, (V*r.) Apr’! 25 *99. To the Re buhl cans throughout the i o Untied States , proposals 1 For publifhing, by fubfeription, | A A’A TIONAL AG A ZINK; O R, A Political, Biographical and Hiftorical i REPOSITORY. CONDITION S. I. The period* of publication to be Icmt-quarrerly, • 11. Each number to contain 96 otflavn : ’’age* of letter prefs printing, upon large fine paper, neatly executed on an entire new type, fewed and glcwcd under a thick blue covet. Ilf. Price to Subferher* 4 dollars a year, two dollars to be paid in advance on the icceipt of the ftrft number, and two dol> Urs on the receipt of the f.fth number. IV. To eaclt lour number*, which ill make a volume of 400 page*, will be adder a title page, and a table of contents. To the PUBLIC. Tilt' ohjeft of this publication is to colleft, preferve, and di/fcmi ; note the mop v duahle productions of ■ the Republican pen, in all parts of | the Union; the extreme nccejfify for Inch a publication t and the beneficial effefts which might re full from it 1} wedl conduced) will be readib allowed. Ihe American People have long enough been impoled upon bv the pretended impartiality oj printers; 'it is all ddufion; every party will have its printer , as well as every fed its preacher ; end it is as in congruous fur a pub ication to be alternately breathing the (pint of two parties, or jor a far fan to preach to his audience chrijiianity in the morning , and pagamfm in the even ing ; it is as for a chief : ma gifttaU to name an ambajjador \ to jet it a difpute with a f oreign nation, and immediate y 0 violate the laws of civility and make moc kery of rebgion, bv heaping upon the fame naii m and its refa efenta lives, the viTfl philippics, fcurnlity , and abufe, in a proclamati n for a day oj fa fling and pr aver:—Eve y Eduor who is capable of \oarmz L in ~ 1 0 above the flattery of villainy , and the adulation cf folly, has too much at flake in the corvefl of liberty agarnjl flavery, virtue agaT'fl vice , and truth againjt fophiftry , to admit of impartially. hi the profccution of the plan of this work , i will be neeejjary t take fo much of a retrofpeCiivc view of the a/fairs of the United States , and introduce fuch documents as will tend to elucidate and exp< fe the ori gin* P r g re f* Q nd a’arming influ ence of that jyfltm of iniquvy and robbery bribery and oppreffion. hypocrify. and mjnjlice, which may be hated from theae'empt of ilex ander Hamilton, to palm upon the convention a monarchical confuta tion through the corrupted mazes of funding and banhng, flock jobbing, and ffiecula'ing fyfiems , down to ike alien and [edition taws, /landing army and navy of the prefent day It is diffu uft , in pu r fnng a courfe of ferutmy into the mtafurcs of go vernment, and deigns of men in fee, to draw a line of demarka tion between legal plunder and per fonal villainy public rapine , and \ private intrigue ; umcnever the 1 notun of enquiry perfonal weaknef s a OU A, " be lightly touched,hut JX '° officer of government,connrfjZ \ finite fraud -with private vice Z the (am line, is lap of infamy and ". f I pecula tors of the the regard for per [oral charier ought to bejacrificedto public Being pofjcfed of the plan mi 'principles on which the , magazine will be conducted j remains for the people to be informed of the particular matter which it wilt contain, to enable then to deter mine whether they will or will mi give it their fupport. VIEW oj the WORK. TRIUNE Dedication ; firft, to the Kcpub icanj throughout the United State • lecotui, to John Arams, efq. prcfineni of to? United States ; m d third, to the Arif, mrrats gene ally ; Declaration cf lade* ; Conflitution of th* Ui ied Mates; P.cfoiutions and Addrcfs of ih* Lrgillature of Virginia ; Rrfoluti. ns of be Lcgiflature oi Kentucky, Mr. George Nichol s’s defence of them, in a Letter to i Jtien ; PI in of a CoffUtution re* : f ve ;’ to the Convention, by Alettcnucr 'i f ilro ; a definition oi par ies, or p o * i* lseal efiecls of the paper con* it cred ; a review ot the revenue UiUru .id pted hy the firrt Congrefs, and an ex* ruination of its pernici ns effect, m tfj’r erii lettCiS to a ftiend, h* a ci i2en, laid to be Mr, Findley ; the Conhitution ot the c * fc!f created” f.ciery, or the order of thr Cincinnati* £ tracts fr< ia ■ r. Adam’s Defence ; from Mr. Gal hi m’> Sketches ot the Finances of the Uni ed States; from an Addicts of Mr j ha Pagr, «f RofoeM, to his conlli uents j frem M*. Gaidar’s Sketches ot the Hif* f *ry of the Uiited States, Annual Rrgif ter, ad Hrilor/ of 1796, in which lie handle* v i h as much delicarv as they deferve, many of the blunders, inccn* li .encics, aud cnormi jej >>fp vernment, James Lyon. C3* Subfcriptions Joy the work ) will be rec ived by A nb<ose D y, at the Ojjice of the Louifvilk Gaz cite. July 5. A BARG IN. To he fold, cheap for Cajh, or s Negro Fellow, \ VALUAB £ TRACT M LAV D, of mo Acres, about two miles .nm Loutlvtllc adjoi'dt’g lan's rf Alexander and others. F>r further .arti cular*, t' quire oi M hew Gafwrll. Patrick Magee. S-n;embcr to, 1799 The SUBSCRIBER lirg, leave to inform his Frie.di and the Puulic, list he hn« commenced the Commidion and Fa6loiajje BUSINESS, On Tel air’s Wharf, *>h re he has ft if* ■i le Stores for he reception of Goods, and Produce ; and r-fpeis» u!iy tender* lit* fervtccs to h i FMends in tha* line. Samuel Hammond, Savannah J me 6, 1799 FOR SALE, At tht Off ICE of the LOUISVILLE GAZ • ETTEy chatfi jor Cnjby I A variety of Gold Ear-Rings, GILT SEALS, To te'l the Day of the 1 Silver and plated Bottle Table?* Silver Boot Buckle*, E'er-i t "LVER and FLAT f TEA CADDIE LADLE?, Plated Spurs and Whips, A quantity of large and elegant PEARL BUTTON S. ALSO, Befl White Chapel Needles. Sc ■*<*mb 1 * 10. _ ■ B i ANK DEE D 5 1 Per Sale, at this Office.