The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, October 29, 1799, Image 4

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r A U T I O N. '■'l*o n p r onrrr*'*-!, n:«r" u nr\- to Mi Jl r lie (Ur H Hw’fk »ml William F u let, r *rj. ih'riff "f ie(T rfon r.'<un ; >* Tf, - So’ hr Ot> forbid 'hr F'P nf tyo Tr ft' of I am', i letfr fon C»un i>, former'v Sf. George** Parifil,< j Jnf* } tngrher Poo Acre*, a<'j in» r £ * HC - j r her, o-I ff |naMv Rim »cd'o Cha'le. * .t j >n, f rmcrW of Snva'n.ih, efq l *i ty !f* f -f- ', u advert'd, in hr L*'ull v1Ile1le J if —1 r.f Joifi Jill*, »7*; £ ? — F* ,,r lo * J-iw an ‘ o'her re-fom, that will be f mv : Thar CharUi Ws f» , the original yr me - , rna<le Hi laft wi ] and tfflarncr.t, vl.i h wnv d lv .»rove>' n 1771, a-id it <•( reM’-d, in ’ok A, p.’f'i 37 »*» 3’ 5j in ’hf Sfnf ant’s Ofikt, a r L^uil v k tj end tK’.r »h* eaecutort, therein ruined qua’ fi- -Thar the whole, real and i cr (.in |«* of the dcccafed, wax f* d, Uinlff authority 'f 'He will, and u dn rx < nt oni * r Judgment, I'gal y ob*ained,j aver.;l y ea> t lief "e tlie tc v , ution, many 1 'winch judjtmeni, remain uni.iti:flc I, | >r a'le ii, being (ul'y flppbfd. That he s uhlcriber | hn Tehran, cl,.tin* the f id liu.' 1 , m piinriottl heir and deviffif of the f:n Char >1 W tllor. Therefore, all fur.her irefrafTci on the p r tile*, fair, or iraniOr, publicly or pr vatfiy, it forbid • ax a pr hibitio , to ft ay further proceeding', will be prayed for, it the Superior Court, in Jeff 1- j foil County, and to revoke the admimft ra tion, luut io he gran ed t Chellcy Soft* wick, on the efta c ard eff*iftt of the la d Clorle* Waff n, which api cars to have been or ncuul); obtained, VV. Stephens, Surviving Executor Charlei W a'lon John Tebeau, D’vifer nf Chvlci Watlbn. Javnnnah, Auguft 16, 1799. VVafhirgton Superior Court, Sepembe* Term , 1798. Andrew Hemphill.l vs. Fortdofurts ' James Hemphill, J UPON fh petition of Andrew ■lmp hi LI praying the fore do fa e of the equity of redmpnon , iv and to (he following t ad of lan /, fvwU lying and bring in the coun ty of *l ojhingtov, he nded by Ichn foreman, lohn ' oger t, a'd oil 9 iher Jides bv vacant Im i ; and containing two hnndird eighty /even jn.l an halt acres , whi- h trad of had was mortgaged to the [aid In d ew UemphU, by he f id Jume\ Hemphill , for the /county of one ki ndred' and th.rty /even pounds , fCv nUen /hillings ard fh>re pemr, tn foe 1 6th bay of March ’w the year of our L rd one thoufand /even ; hundred am nmety-threr . Upon motion of Mr Caldwell. ptto ney fo i die plaintiff, it is o>- 0( 'rd % that the principle interefl and cod he paid into this court , within | twelve m mths from this t me. other wfe he equity oj redemption will b' forrv r f rech/td , and that a copy i f tbs rule he frved upon fh fold fames Ilnnphitl or puhhfhed nine n.cnlhs in one of the Gazettes cf this State , before the expiration of the laid nirg months, agree hi tn\ ar id of the Itgjlalurc in/yah cafes made and provided, A true c py ficm the minutes , (• Williams, deputy clerk. A BARG * IN. To he fd \ cheap for Ca/h , or a N gro teilow , [ A v MUAb E FR CT I L'KD of I >r o A < ea u t u o >n ie s r m ! JUuiivilJ, dj u- p lan t- .f >leaarde i " ( I » nn * otbert. F r ftj .her parti 'U arj, ( q u i c 0 |, p , v P fritk Magee, S u'en her 10. '79‘j SHi RIFFS* 81. ' NK D1 EOS CJ C 0 A- Vy Y A A r CE , f or Idle at this Office. R'ditnorff (Vlr ) Apnl 35- ’99* j To the Republicans throughout ike ) United States , PROPOSALS j For pub’ifhmg, by fubfetiptionj A NATIONAL MAGAZINE ; 0 R, A Political, Biogt«pbictl and H.ftorical REPOSITORY. CONDITIONS. I The period* of publication lo be frmi-quartcrl y. 1( Hath number to comain 96'ftavo , age* c f le< r j reft printing, npci large fine pa-,er, reilf execu ed on an enti r new type, ie wed and glc . « 1 under a thick b ne cover. Ml. Price to Subfcr'ben 4 dolFafa a two doll ar 10 be in advance on the icteipt uf die firft number and iwa rb 1- lart on ihe rc. ei, lof t!ic fif'h ndinbcr, I'/. To each four number*, which wil make a volume <d 400 ugei, will beadi c<- a title j.agr, aid') able of coaienu. To THE PUBLIC, 7 H cbjed of this pub irniion is to colled , prefrrve an 1 dijfemi nate the m fl voluab e productions of the hefu : Lean P-n in a l l parts of the Union ; the extreme neceffity for fuck a publication , and the bene final effeHs winch might refill from it. ij well conduHed % will be readily all wed, 7he American People have long enough been mpo/ed up'n bv the pre ended impartiality of printers; 'it is all d lufni every pady will I have its p> inter, as well as eve r y Jett its preacher ; and if is as in congruous f r a pub icatwn to be a tern idy breathing the fnnt oi tw p rites or tor a pnrfon to preach to his auiterce chijl/amry in the morning , and pagamfm in the even ing ; it 15 me njijlent as for a chief m giprate to name an ambaffado to fd lea difpute zuith a f reign nation and immediately o violate the law* of cvi itv and moh moc k >y of r e g'on, h heaping upon the famt naiun and its re iejenla lives, the vilfl philippics, fcumlitv 9 and abu/e , in a p'oel mail n for a nay 0 fa fling and prater: —Every ; Editor who is cap ble o' fearing l ab v 0 the flatter vo 1 villainy, end the adulation of foily, his 100 m ch at flake in the con eft of liberty againft flavery virtue agai fl vice , and truth again/t fophijir\, to admit of impartiality . n the profecution of the plan of this work. V will bt nerejfary to take jo mu> hof a ret'o/p fhv> view of t e affairs of the United > tales, ! and a t odure fueh documents rs will ! te d to ducidate and exp fe the ori~ , gin, pr gre/s, and a'arming mfla ence oj that fyflem of imqui y and j rabbey bribe' y and oppr*[fioA | h ypocrifv and mju/hce , whifh may \ be traced fr m the a empt of Alex ander Hamilton , to palm upon the convention a monarchica confuta tion through the corrupted mazes of i funding und bunk ng t flo>k jobbing, | and fpecula ing f down to the i alien and /edition laws flanding army anr nav\ of the prefent day It is diffi nil in pu fling a enurfe of fcru'my into the mea/ures of go verrmrnf , and deigns of men in fjicc , t > dr,>w a line of d m rka • tt’ n between legalp under and per fonal villainy , pub ic rapine, and 'jjr.i'jic intrigue ; wnsnever ihd 1 nature of enquiry will admit of It ,' | per ferial'wecknefs and tolly ought to \hc lightly touched , but when an officer of government, conntfting public fraud with private vice, at the fame time , is wallowing in tht lap of infamy and revelling in the peculation of the national rea/ury , the regard for ptrfo at char (Met ought to be facrifutd to public juj tut. I Being p'fffpd of the plan and i principles on which the national magazine will be conduced it only rem jins for the people to he informed of the particular matter which it will contain, to enable them to deter whether they will or will no* give it their Jupport . VIEW oj the WORK. TR UNF Dedication \ to the Re r ;.b scans hmughoul Un tcd States, fe.o to John A. aTis, elq. prefldent of th United States ; .u.d third, ro the Arif. 1 locr«*ts groe all) ; Declaration cf Inde pendent Cm Ouution of the Uri ed St« es ; Rciidntioi s and. Addttf* of the Lrgilla tuc of Virginia $ R<T lutL ns of th i cgifliturc o* Kentucky, Mr. George N tno **i deicnce of their, in a Leuer to hn •lien.' ; Plan r.l a Co fliti ItOn t re feu e•• the Convention, by Alexander, Hai. il on » i definition of par ies, o< po litical cfti«st* oi the paper fsftem con li C'ed ; a review of the revenue f Item i t-'ed y the firft Corgrefs, and an ex- l min—tf n or if* ptrnici us effects, in j iu .crn Idle s’o a friend) b- aci iaen, aid t be M'. Findle* ; 'lie C miituno! i •*f the '■* fclf ireated*’ I'ciety, cr the 1 order of the Cm<innu'i; Extracts ft m >lr. Atiam'i D.-fer.ce j fiom Mr. Galla-in’s ikeichcj of ih«- Finances o» 'he Uni ed v'aiei ; fr m an Acidtefs of Mi J< hn Kofe eH, to ! ,i con i uenti ; om M G 'etdar*' Sketc «. ot the Hit i) ot t • United State , Annual Krgif re' p d H dory f '79% in which lie handies v j h as much ;iciicar> as they defrrve, man- or the blunders, inewn* fi emits, and cd rmiti'jofg vernrrent. James LyonJ tSr Subfcriptions for the work , will be rect tved by Ambrose Day, at the Ojjicc of the Loutjville Gaz ette. July 5. j NOTICE. 1 after the expiration of nins 1. m ulhs from the date hereof, there • be »n application made r- the h 1 or ab e Ihe I it. ri. r Comt i f J ffci lon Cou I' , fur an > r cr o* fa’e oh the real efla c '•f Hebe ( Hambe'on, deteafed, ro wj- ; three •.uni ted se ts nt Land, fituai. in the cnuniy 01 njoinitg la d o !• grrn .md J hr. K-nn. • dy. 1< being pair of a T:a; ! of Land comnitiing <uur bun .red and fifty acre , granted to Hooer Cooper. A lb, one othe Ir.i\ of Land, contair nn .br c bund ed ann fifty acts, fituate • n he coin, - - <.f Biuke, on the waters c M Hera Creek, adjoining lands ot —-. f o r n-ed 10 , The fale of the a ovi and f'orepoing Tracts of L md, w II *'e for the benefit of he he ; rs an i credj o i o'* the fa'id Robert I rtanab.eion, dece /ed. H, G. Caldwell, F»r the AJmim/itaitr tj tU /Irt/aiJ Ejia/t J‘‘"t 26, 17^. I The SUBSCRIBER. ! Begs iei'trc to inform his Friends and the Pu ie, 'at he fur commenced the Ccmmiffion and Fado agc BUSINESS, On Trlair’ Wharf, wh re he has fnit* flc Stores for the rereptio 1 of Good.*, and Produce ; and refpeft u!’y tcndc.s his fervices to h i F«ier< s in lin*. Samuel Hammond, Savannah, June 6, 1799. WA STE D IMM EDI A I ELY % AS an Apoyentice to the Print ing Bufinefs , a LAD about < 3 or 14 yean of age , who has receiv 'd a tdnab e good educat on % and can be we I recommended • En quire at this Office. I A'igujl 6. Jo he Jold , in the flightfl hiiitr jor i ejh % 1 On the fnft TUESDAY, Iu Notrirber nett, A BOAT, lvinj» at Ftn\ Bridge, bri f the Eft.uc of |..h- Murray, . e ra fp,| 'o (aii»fy demand* againt faid tfl aic, Wm. M‘ Dowell, admr . Oft one 8 A BARGAIN. /br .Sa/c, Cheap jor Cajh , AVAILABLE TR CT « f L..ND of 500 Acns, t-f the very fiift qua iiy (joining lards of Trank Jone*, King oil he Ogcchee River, about 40 miles he ow LoaifvilJe. For further patciculat?, plcai's », ply to the Subfcrib' . George W. Chifolm, September jo. f— 1 , 'T'«KEN Ur, A ] X t . Ugh* ,0 E BnJ » ffft 0 *' h,: 9' h Srpt«m>fr, TWO *£GH(,ks i J'nimy »no Rr e , be. j ,cn fi' H *° Rtfjaii^in RaynCi * T h « Owier my have them, b* " - apply ing 10 the gaoler, in VV. fhingten County,- Oft herd. , IBJ1 B J 7 c »»ah Watti, GEORGIA,/ CLtk oj the Ctun »f Wajkingttn Ctuttty, f OrU.nary for tVafi. I J tftgtO'l County, WHEREAS H-uvcy Oriilin arid Alien G/ilfin hath applied to me for lei* jie . of n< miniftraiion rn the ellate of j Benjamin Gr.flin, dcceafed : thefe a:o herefore to cKe ami admoi ifh all tud Angular ibe kindred a d creditors of (he Ifa id dcceafcd, to le aud’apicar at ny office, 011 or before the Jodi day of O u*t cr nest', to (hew canfc, if anv thev have, why lecier* of adaiiniilration Ihould not be granted them. Given under my hand, this 37 h day *>l Bept. 1799, ai d in the twenty* fourth year cf ihe American lnd»* peudence. J. Watt?, clerk c, o. 3By Jos ah Aattj, GEORGIA, f CLrk *f iht Cut iVeiJhimgton County. f cf Ordnary , ftt M • J County oj i'f' jjkiniti.n, WHERE/. S Kc j.imtn Manning Ik'll applied to me foi letters of auiii* mutation on if c Eftate ».f John Marring, lac <f this County, deceafed : thcic are therefore to cite and admonifh all i.nd lingular the 1 indred aid C;rditortof d-c odd deceafed, ’o be and appear a my Office, on or btfore the 3° h day of Cftoier next, 10 ll eu canfe if any they have, why tetters of sdminiftratioa fhoiildno* ba g anted to the Kid Bei j Manning. Given under my hand, this 27 h da' of Scpteu,her, >799, ai d In the iwn i)» fourth year of the American Indc* pendtnee. J. Weftts, cleik c. 0. Jcfferfon Supcrioi Court, April term , 1799. Preterit the hon. Geo, Walton, UPOH the petition of Naiha.iiil M M ckin, Richard Curry, a d Ben* jaaiin %V.»rner, piaving ;he lo eclcfute of the equity f tedemp ton, in and t° * certai :r»ft of land, conrai ing / ur hn» drrii acr s litu?!r, lying and Ining faid count' of J flfrrfun, ons hurdred acres <f wlu< h was grunted '0 Frei-erick Duglafs, and ihc other three bun*red aero t ' ifaac A>’ge r , gaged to ‘B* fail Nathaniel fJ Mickin, Ri<htrd Cur Jf and Ber j-mi i Wariier, by A^_, cr j for the Iccuri g the payment of af ( n,t * money contained in a bond beari £ u * * (he loth day of fuly, one thoulanu m* l * hundred and ninety eight. A id upon motion of Mr. Carre , att r " nev lor the petitioners: it it ordered, ' l ,‘* the principal, intcielf and cofts be p S! • into C urr, within twelve miO'h* irOI7 J Che ra e hereof, other wife the rq ' J 0 red cm <ll ion wi<l be forever lorecloi o, a* j other proceedii gs take pKcy, agifer 1 an uft • f aiiembly, in fuel) cates mad* s n provided ; and tha' th t ru.C be in one of the gazetres oi tliis fate, -d * nee in every m nth, oi til ihe et |tatl ol the laid twelve months, ,1 f the mortgage, or his fpeclal agent, •' iis montns p ctrioua <• the expira^* 0 ® the faid iwclv* niomhs. Certified this 4th dav of CTft. , 99* Wm. M'Dowell, cltrL , BLANK DEEDS 1 For Sal*, <U thii