The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, November 12, 1799, Image 3

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, rl.mi on tht <W' 10,1 T’ I ’ ht ; ff »*>"m •»•<- »'•'« i r„ u whirl. in, eaTr* wonM be ‘..jLerl fr«*Vf., lht i,,fo: " nCr ° f j, ,h, rfiflo" of >b » «" m,k / p ,„,ifion for the credvora of il>« P r -‘ lli'i «"••« fo «'i..b 'lie mooay >n , , ht trestorer*, hand.. ...» become « lerfffarr pom' for ditooffion-ftmnld U prov tom I.C tdop’ed. !. oagh' to vtv Wf'i y und cau'-oufly guarded. y„ .oVpofir order, hrrte .Irr.dy been dr.wo on tire trer, to ti c tmotirl : of fl . two Ibouton.t (Wen bundred end fifty nine do'lar. fi<rernand one third non, ard 'here he. been retained by the treifurer four hundred and d nety oncdo’larn twenty one and two third ce pi* for cxprnces 0 fafe kc-p ng. Hiving in a former part of my mtf- f l(?e , touched on the article of cotton, 1 beg perroffion to call vour attention to the complainii* of foic : gn merchant, i) to the d cep ion in the package of it -To prefrtvc the cl araAer and repu tation of that highly important ftaple, it worthy of the moft monte attention, ot the legiflatu-e of Georgia— That (late, which at fit ft exdnfive’y brought it into no;iceas an export of the Umted State*, and which, fmm ita almoft uni v fal encouragement of J a cul’ure fincc. hidi fair to yield the United States a larger fourcc of revenue, than any other date in the union. An iufpcdioo law wai p*fled iu 1796, tut repealed in 1797 ; whether it may he proper to revive It, I leave* to your fuperior judg ment. But it is known that a'moft all of the valuable articles of export, from the different Hales, are found to ftand in need of infpedlons, and co'loo ia certainly as valuable as any of then;— 1 Should this hafe praAice continue on* ' checked by fome guards, the mind of the merchant will be filled with diftruft ; the reputation of our cotton will dimi n/h, and the lofs vill ultimately return on onrfr Ives by a failure of price. Bui this is not all, fuch infamous practices tend to ftamp oo our charsAcr, as a , people, a total want of honor, juft ce and morality ; which, I feel convinced, yon will deem it your du ! y to p-cvent. I beg leave again to call the attention of the legiffature ro the ftale of the re venue as ttfpeA* defaulting collegers, and the falc of property for taxes io feme of our frontier counties; the fums due for raves in Frank'in, Camden, Montgomery and fome other counties, will ccver be fui.y recovered, while fales. ire held withm their 1 mils for lands If 1 diferetionary power was vrfted in the t» eutivc by the tax aft, to order fuch files an he m ght deem for the be nrtif of the Hate, 10 be fold at cither of j He principal cities or towns, fewer de* fiulters would be found, and a very fs id fome fura would rrph n (h the coffcra ? \‘ e from the amount due by former co|l e aors. Ibe (lie revenue, I with pleafurc in °r!TJ you, has been abundantly fuffici fo! ’ r ° BUlwer all the demands of go .f nmeGt * T here have been warrants a ' n ' or political year charge M° the ciw.i cftabhfhmcnt of 1 709, 1 1 c amount of eight thoufaod one ,Uridrfd at,d twenty.five dollars five \ to ; he amount of four thoufand b- -lundrcd and ninety three dolla-i fm^ CCI f 8 ’ cbar S tf * be ,0 the contingent tho., r a °. 1799 '* to tbc amount of fix . “Qd nine hundred and twenty two -at , . f c h a;erab , e to fpec al appropri * /99 » onc hundred and fifty cb *'R'*bto 10 lpec',l ipnropri [. ‘ °f '79* f *li'« hundred and Cfiy ««r c« «.«•., .0 fpeci.l N fcven'!r°?i * ODC bundr€(J that of 7 <°. V* c, * bt .V cents, to ! wo if-,!! OUr hundred and ninety .7/ .*'*'? h,y “*«««- o T f br « l«-»en De iUndrcd and feventy doj- CCQ j*I- l ° *P ec '*l appropriation , (ti ru Urrdr.d.od ien dol- f «rd of ~r . ° 0 ' ' ent *' 10 couil gtot «'cg, M '' ■ Ih ' <Jr»fn on the eon ,L " ’, haV ' bf " «» . larger “•“* lU J wsold. | f hi* i»*g fla*ure provided for printing the jUvrg, for vrrkiog end engraving the j Grrai Stal, for *he pay of the adjtrant ■ general, *nd retaining counlel in Phila del phis, rtfpcA'rg writs of error, io the adjudged cafes of our ronfifeation tA, by the circuit court of the United States, agrrra lv ro the requeft of thr legifJa'ure, and fome other charges as I ufual by Ipeciai »pp r opriatioq ; but thofe j were totally overlooked in the appropri j at;on law. Some of ti c officers of the govrrr.ntief t, as the (alar’es were fi*ed and derided in that a ti, fi r the political j y °ar 1799* have thought that they were entiilcd io a fu*l q’s falary, for that part cf the year, commencing on the 7th ejay of OAcber, unt ; l the pre fent meet og of the leg ffature. I did not feel myfclf warranted to draw on rhe treafury, for more than the portiou of the quar cr*s faUrv for the lime, o: which the officers sftually fttved, but iubmil it to your decifion. I onre rrmind you of an efehear law, as a pr per fourcc of revenue. Au office of that kind, in the hands of an mdurtrious and tailhful ofilctr, will prove I am len', grratly produA ve At any rate a trial can do no injury, ?§ it can affcA none, but perfonS who have got property id their hands, to. which they have do aio'tl right or c!a m. By the iaft tax and judiciary tAs, there is no trx laid on 1 uit• at law. Whether this was vn oaiilfion or the intention of the Icgiiiturc, is unknown o the executive—but he thinks it no more than juft, hat the expcnccs of that department, fhoufd he defrayed by tbofp, who ocrafjoo its attendance and decifion. A moderate tax 00 liccnfes to pradice the law, ja is the cafe in fome ftaus, would alfo affi.t, end could not be comp ! a ccd of by the gcuilcmcn of . the robe, wuu, no draw l ample rcfcurcca from the putfci of their clients. No, 11. Are communication* from he governments of Virginia, Maryland, New-Haropfhire and Delaware, rcfptd -1 ing fr»me propofed amendno-ors to the cor.ftuutioß of the United S'ates » agree i* b 'y to their rtqueft, they aie laid be fore you for your dc iberai.oa. By the bitflng of Piovidercc, we have hitherto cfciprd the neccffiry of a formsl war ; afrhough our commerce has experienced the depredations, and ! our ci izeos and marineis, all the per fccu.ions, infults and cruelties, inc dent to a real war. This, although difavow ed by the heftre governments, appears to have been permitted by the immediate olfucn and agents under their jurifd c tion : and ic would lake a volume to , # | rclaic all the irjures, America has re ceived from the Btilifh, as well as the French nation—for the former, h' w~ | ever, there it no carufe. r l'o preftrve peace wi.h that governuient, the Un tcd S a:es forbete n pula s, at an cany ftsge of the European ccnteft, when tbry would have been warranted by every law, human aid divine, and by their juftice and clemency, occafiontd a dd sgreement with au ally to whom they were hound by the ftriAcft tics of for- j mcr friendfh'p —But the United Stales did not Hop here, when ihcy cou d bear the attacks of Britaiu on their com merce no longer, the oii«c branch was frnt with the demand of reparation of irjnri'S, to the court of London, and 1 a treaty was formed between Mo jay and lord Orcuville, in my opinion every ; way favorable to Britaiu, by which, as 1 one article ro ca ch the American favor, reftitutiou was to have been m»dc, for our citizens loffes, by Briofh fpoilations. But it is now afferted, and fome cfficial not ces fa net on it, that either to evade; the rettuuiion of our captured p'operty, or to operate as an (quivaienr or fe t off for it, that immenfe claims of millions have been fhowered in on our commiffi oners j the d mauds of inveterate old tones and traitors to the United Stales, for loffes by the war wh ch they them' Lives carried on ; and tor old debts, which moft of thoL who rdided in the i fouthern dates, aAualiy recovered dur* | ing ihe time chofe ita e* were tn poff f* fLa of ihc Bri;iih| or (00k property fo druble the inscunf, hy force fr ra •he planrarion* of tbc-r debtor* It 8 »lfo rumoured that the towuniffioncn have broken up ; ihia, if true, places our cit zt ns in the fame (ituation of redrefi whirh thev were in, previous to the treaty; whi ft the courts of the United States arc ai'inahy open for thole people, and Judgments have been given in their fav.r in th s ftafe, for property fo!d under theaonlifeation afts of Geo rgia. Believe not, whi ft 1 Ly 1 this, that I have a wifh to glofa ov*r the rooduX of the French nation—their dcoredationa on us, havo hern cruelly uiJ tift as reff-cXed a neutral na'ion, ai d impolitic in the <*treme, as refpeXed the connexions cuffing between the two rcpub'ici— ih y have a'moft toiily cf 'rangtd the afVXioni of a peope, who fought and conquered with them in the revo ut'onary wai, and who were the forerot (I to acknow ci’ge their republic i ] and it will rot be until the au-ft eon vmcmg proofs, arc gtvsn of integrity towards us, that ihofc afftXiuns can ever be rrgaiutd. We have to hepe,; however, that thi.fe proof* wi ! be re cetved by our national,gove» rmenU aa a fvnous idea of amicable negociaton, muft have been taterta ued by the Ften b dircAory, fiom their advances to Mr. Murray, our roinifler to the Batavian republic, and the confeqnent nomination of envoys to France, by our general c*ecuiive. That peace may be the fruit of negotiation with that nation, and that we may (till be able to peferve it with every other nation, ought to be the prayer of every American We want no foretga cor quefts— we w'di no aggrandizement of toieigu territory — our po'icy is, to hold a friendly corref pondence with all nations, but to avoid the contefta of any —to fell the furplus, of what we raife, and to receive the I lurplcs of other coiutrijs, which we! may need. We have every thing to lofc,! but nothing to gain, by war—puhl c 1 debt, dcvrftatioo, and human (laughter are its never failing companions, and I have yet lo learn, that either of are public bldftngs : dill however, (hould ncgoctation fail, and piracies on our commerce continue, fhould our government be fo irifKd with, and dif refpeXed, and our American chsiaXcr i be fo mfulted, that war cannot hr avoid cd ; one only refoluuon is ncceffary for our citizens, to be united and determi ned, and to fubmit to thole evils as a lelFcr injury, than the annihilation of our e>iftance as a nation— And let the be whom it may, to drive u« to it, appealing to the Liv : ne Providence which led our armies to v Xory in a former ftruggle, we may again inert the defiance of Fuioptao hefts, with a: litKie apprehenfioa as we did during the revolutionary war, and we may be as certain of the fucecfs Let us, however, whether in peace or war, watch ever our excellent «ot;ft tut.oni of the date aid union, and the republican right which they f. verally contain with a Lrupulous and vigilant eye, and thus hand down to poftenty unimpaired, ihofc invaiuabe buffings of freedom, and independence, for whiCi our fathers fought, and bled to fecure. JAMES JACKdON. State Houfti Louijv l/e, Nov. 4, 1799. LOUISVILLE, November 12, 1799* To the honorable the Irgiflalure o) the jlatt 0) Gentlemen, UNDERSTANDING that the office of Secretary of (late is become vacant by the resignation of eel. Milton ; ani that a new appointment is about to take place—l take tlm me thod of announcing to your honorable body, my intention of being a candidate. My long residence in this date, 1 tiuft has made the members generally acquainted with my perfon or chara&er : I therefore mean not to (elicit individually the votes of any of the members; but (hall conclude with the words of one of the poets, although differently applied : Silence in hve betrays more wot Than words iko eer so witty ; B that is dumb you know. Deserves a generous pity . ANDREW BURNS. November it, IF has been repeatedly obferv ed to the Subfcribcr, that his political principles would .operate againfl his more imme diate inten d ; but furely this cannot be the caufe of that (fu nds obferved by fomc of his former Cuftomers, whole ac counts have (food unpaid a te dious time. They cannot he hopes be (o unjufl as to contemplate a fcqueft ration by way of pumfhment : if not, they will immediately fettle iheir refpeftive arrears, and prevent that unplcafam lefort to which he mull otherwile have rccourfe, H is country friendswith whom he has contiaftcd for cotton, will perceive the above is not I andrelled to them, Howcvef, j he would be glad that they would I lake advantage of the favorably weaiher to hurry in their cotton, as (aft as podible. He has on hand , A considerable quantity of SEASONABLE GOODS, Sc continues to give Cafh for (eed cotton, five dollars per hundred allowed in payment of debts, Z. LAMAR. November 12, the SUBSCRIBER lias jujl received , in addition to . his Jormer flock. The following ARTICLES: BR O A D Cloths and Bujf Cajfl merrs Ca/fimere Vejl Shapes Ba h Coating Dujftl Blankets , Rose ditto Linen , Calicoes , Mujhns, Durants Oznahurgs , Cotton Bagging Flam and colored Cotton host Velvetets and Thicksets Royal Rihh , Writing Paper Patent Medicine of all kinds Gun Locks of the be/l quality Lint sonted Pomatum B'/t Black Ball B'td.e Bits, Plated Spurs Womens stirrup horn : Haidwaie oj ad kinds Pen Kn’ves t Saddle Tacks Cotton Cards , No, 10 Pibbons , Scijflors Ladies Hair Combs Sewing Silk all color? Pocket Handkerchiefs Girt Webbing 7 himbles, with feel h Atoms Neck Laces , Brjl White Chapel Needles Razors in cases, M \NUS LEMLf. November 12.