The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, November 12, 1799, Image 4

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PROPOSALS Tor publifliinp, by fuhfc; iption, \ NEW WGH K cot tied, The PROSPECI BEFORE US; 0 R, An Impartial Examination of the Principal E mures oj the Ecdc- \ rcl Government ; in lading an 1 E\j lunation oj the mjlant nc- j cejjity Jcr a Few Cevjus . ■ But, /ir % it Ins nn /iw ! ul fqtnntiig ;it J quints at Monarchy I I*. Henry. ( CONDITIONS. I. The w ik will he pr'rt'cd n «b fuHa*o vu nine cor fill ri£ of ab ut ten Ihrets ; on good pap'-r, an 1 w ih a n-w and clrgsot ype *, stid will be delver .d to Subfcrib' n m boards. 11. The price wi 1 be One Do!’ar per ropy, to be p;id at If c lime of Tub ferib rg. 111. The vedome will he pul ’o prefs m fi>oo an a (houEnd copies have been fubfrr bed for. IV. A liberal allowance »iH be made to borkf ilr.s, and others, v.ho teke 'quaniititi. From the enrouiagenrnt which th’a work hai already rere ved, no doubt is enterrainfd ’hat the (I puirted t umber of copica will be engaged for in a fhor time Ihe volume will he ready to be del tered about tlic fi ft of U.ctmbcr next. AMONG 'he various rncotTtflenc’es vhith (h human na ure, H ere is perhaps none more ex'ravagant than tha: blindfold adm ration and enthufiafm wi h which r he bulk of m?nkind follow paiticular names in a political contro veily, 'llie leader 9 of every adm nft a timt commit numerous faults ; and the’r an agones, who come after them, inva r nbiy tread in the fame track. In pri vi e life, we can hardly hod ten peilona in the couifc' of as m-.ny veais, who p.ffrfs, or who deferve imp icir trull. , v ct with this knowledge and difiruil of racb other by experience, and iu defat!, we do rot f tuple to give ur qua* 1 bed sn.l un imiu'd confidence to 'he leaden of t l? ofc rtfped ve pan es under w: om we have etiofted. We r an hardly trull one man whom we know, and yet we nub an hundred, ah together, of whom ihc pact of us know no* thing but by rcpoit- Thus the profound ui/aotn of Gallstfn, and the virtues of •ur illufttiou* Prtfiienr, from each of them, a favorite chorus, with thc.r feve ril parttKensj while it is beyond al; quell ion that the continent contains lltoufands, rud tens of tbouEnds of nrn, who are qoi e as wife as the one, and quite as honeft as the o h r. 1 Irs publication w 1 unro d a very vx'rnfivc 1 cne of wcakncTa and ablur illy, of ihe p*cf]igiitc wade of public money, and lh* prf A gate d fenten ol public principles. The lire fa of cenfure wll rtil upon the prtf nl g vetoing party, heettitf? they Inld for the time the national purfe, and bsve therefore the mod cxHtifivc oppo*tuoitics of petrating mifehief. Cu', at the f*me time, ihc reader will tot be forfeited wth encomiums on the champions of onoofitioo. The bufintfs of the nation lias been abominably conduced l but a prr’ cf ihc blame is equally due to hotly tnrt es- Piiif of the ron'eMs of th s volume rr'f-r in hut li'tle kfi wn to the cit 7fn« of tills c umry ; and mod of th I rn a*e fuch as cannot fa.l to excite flip ze *nd indignation. For inflame, m Ivr j 1 ppn» »he name of a Senator, who, a Me difeuffion of treaty in Ju e I -95, (poke thuoto uni’ of his h cthrt n t Damn the “ Hea V. I dtt. ll it as ** much as you do ; hut yon know my fi 1 u9f'o 1) vrjrh Mr. J^r. I obliged “ to w *p fi r ft on account of tnyfiion.B fyip for him !** I fhall a fi) give the name of a Sena’or wh-- harangued in the Scncte of Con* p-Ifi ; fwi fcvctal d:ye, agsicfl the feii- l»*or. #£l. *?>'• vnfe! for h, ard j I d cVcd to *w« of Mr ! r«>h»en that be jffitl bed that a«*t as but .t : at it aa neiilLny lo Pep ufwn the ‘ dom'd printersy When examining a mub pi ety of pompiicsifcd fut-jeds. it isdftru't to ef ape the probability cf be r.g forr | limes m.iti ken. In relating a fucctllion of acts, where every ft.p events con j r or dctftat’on, it •§ d fli ult to avo d an occafional ferverify of exprt ftion. | Even Ins wrii be pardoned, if it cannot be defndc l,whcn 1 am t » deltnbe f ents of plunder, which might force a blufli into the leak of the motf hurgry ( ormoranl, that ever took Ids fl ght from Conncrkicut lo roofl on Ihe federal ircaluty. fames T. Callender. Bietmond, Sept 3, 1795* CT Subfcriptions for the work , will be rectivcd by A mbrosb Day, at the OJjice y the Louijville Gaz ette. Oil. 29. Ily J »siah Watts, GEORGIA,/ Cl rk of the C*urt of tf ajhington County. C Ordma>y\ for It njli • \ inglon County. WHEREAS Thus. Kenton and Mi. h cl K.enl*»n ha'li afipded C<i me t»ir let tt'i of a.iminifliation on the cilate of Michael Kci.inn, deccaled : tlielc a e therefore to cite and admonifh all and ftntiular tbc kinured a d tiediiorsol the laid dc tea fed, to te and appear at my iflic*, on or before the fetond day cl December nex>, to Ihcw caufc. U tny they have, why leiicis of adiutniurauou Ihouid not lie granted them. Gi'.en under my hand, this fecund day o<~ Nov. >799, a’cl in ihs twenty fourth year ol ihs Aracrican Inde peadcf.ce. J. Watt,% clerk c. o. JcfFeifon Superior Court, April term, 1799. Prefent the hon. Geo. Walton. UPON the fet'tion of Nathaniel M'Mickin, Richard I'vny, imd Kcn> > jiinin %V«rncr, ; h.r forcclofure ol ! ! the equity of redcmp’ion, in and to a 1 ! certain (racl cf land, containing ft ur In n- | dred a. r s iitua e, : ving and being n ihe 1 iid county of Jcfl' ri n, one hundred acres rf which was grained to Frederick Diiglafs, and the o.her three hundred a. ro. r > ifaac Aojer, mortgaged lo tlie fait Nathaniel M Micfctn, Cnr y a- d Kerj mi . Warner, by 11 j^ c Anger, for the fecuri g .hi payment nf a f» an of nt> ney contained in a bond br- ri g date he toih dn> of July, one ihoufanu feven hundred end nine-y eight. And u(v n motion ot Mr Can-e', attcr ne for the petui mers : it is ordered, th t ; the principal, inceied ai d colls I c paid ( i«to C uit, wi hin twelve nv n hs from i Ihc i.a e hereof, other wife the equity o icdempiion will be forever forcc'oird, as . other proceedings take pi ice, le t> an ad . f ademblv, in fuch cafes made an-’ I prov ided ; and that ih s ru'c be publifhed m < n* of ilie gavettes of this t a r, at leaf! one* m every until the cxnirario;: o* the laid twelve months, or leivcd mon the mortgage, <>r lus fpeeial agent, at leaf! fix montns pirvioas » the expiration of (he faid twelve u onths. Certified this 4th day of OA. 'g). Wm. M‘Dowdl, clerk, A BARGAIN. For Sale, Cheap Jor Cajh , AVALUAHIE TR Cl Of LAND, of .560 Acri 8, ( f the very fii fl qua it \ , rejoining lands of Frank Jones, I’ing on 'tie Ogcchce Kivcr, about 40 miles brow LouiMlie. Fir ' particulars, plcale a rl’ 1y to the Subfuiber, George W. Chifoltn. ?eptem!er jo. NOTICE. rH.\T after the evpirnti’n of nine months f'orn the d.vtc hriv°', 'he c wtil b« «n nurliration ma.'e to ihe honor* able :he Infer i. r C ur t of Jc Iffrlon Count v, tor an order n( (ale, cf » nc hundred acres of land, ii 1 w te in the County of Jciierf* n afore (mio, at jin rg 11»n«i of Jfe j h Cl.a in : i: being pait < f the re d efh-te of W iltwm lent its, de eafed. The fj!e the cot* will off r tie benefit f h - he-.ri :.m c c,i;o.j of the afbrcl ; ]*■ k n*, tlere feif. Hfnry G. C ; Id well, /tternev for the Ksecuters of tb« Bfrvrfaid E ute. Sepicniler a;, 1799. sheriff's sales. 1 Will he. / old , at the Court-lloufe, in Montgomery County, on the fnjl TUESDAY in December rext at the u/ual hours jor JaUs, the following PROPERTY, to wit :— 287 1-2 Acres of Land, granted to John O'Neal, on the 1 Big Ohoopce, containing Cox’s i Mills, with all the Buildings ; thereon. Alfn , 106,000 Acres of Pine ! Barren, granted to Francis Ten nel, adjoining the above land ; or lo much thereof as will fatisfy a judgment obtained againll ZachaiLh Cox, by John Hol land- Taken as the property of Laid Cox, this 29th Odtober, 1799. Conditions, Cafh. H. FULGHAM, Sheriff M. C., 29 NOTICE. TTH AT nine months after the A . date hereof , application will he made to the Inferior Court of • ffejferfon County , for pcrmijfion to fdl a Iraß of two hundred andJixty acres of land , in Waffling'on coun ty, part of the real efiaie of John Murray, deceafed , for to Jaiijy the Creditors of [aid Efiaie . Wm. M*Dowell, admr, Oftohcr 29, 1799. i ■■■■ ■ ■■ - j NOTICE. THAT nine months after the date hereof , application will i he made to the honorable the Inferior * \ court of the county of J offer fen, Jcr leave to fdl a trad of land, con taining one hundred acres , within fix milts cj Cambridge , in Abbe ville county, in the fate oj South -1 Carolina : part of the real efiaie of Robert Spence , deceafed, to fa tisfv the demands of the creditors oj \ jaid Robert Spence. Samuel Andrews, admr . OR. 14, 1799. NOTICE. THAT after th:; tKpi r ati<*n of nine months from ihc uA:e hereof, there 1 will be an application made ro ;hjr borer-I ab'c the i feri r Court if j fferion Coun* 1 ty, for an * r<ler ot fale of the re. leila'e l of Rul'd t H rnb'e'on, dcccalcd, to wit : three hundred acics of f.nnH, litnatc in the county of at jomi. g Ivd of y hu It gf m and J* hn < 4 y. It being r art of a Traci of Land, corraiiig four hundred ami fiiiy acres, g anted to Robert Cooper. * Alio, one other 1 n C\ of Land, contain- j ing ihree hundred nno fifty acres, litnatc; jn the courdy « f Birke, on the waters o ■ ; M Been Creek, a< joining lands of j grimed 10 . The file ol the C H'd for<*pnint» Trails of Land, wif be*for ihr benefit of 1 lie lie rt ami ci laid Rt bcrl Uainb*clon, deceafed. H. G. Caldtvel!, For the Aam nipt at or oj the a/ 'or e/aiJ EJlute. J:nt 26, 1799. • WANTED TO HIRE, B\ the .\Jonth or Fair, A NEGRO M A N. Enquire at tkii V£lce. yanuary 30. BLANK LETTERS OJ ADMINISTRATION, I AND , r. I. AN K HO ND s, For Sale at this Printing OlEce, STATE cr GEORGIA, Warren Couniv. X II: * : K ! mhed and Cndii ors of Jacob Horn, late cf l/as conn ty% datafd, arc requejicd to J] l(Zo caufc. if an, they can, why Liters difmijfary Jhould not be granted h John Horn and JJeJJe Horn, (X( , ("tors, on or hjere the next In/cri.r C ourt. Given under viy hand and fed this 12th day oj Augvfl, 1799. Septimus Weathcrby, c. c. 0. DANIEL LEML£ Has jv.fl received', and is new open ing, in the Houfe where his blo tter Manus Lem'e, formerly oc cupied, An atfortment GROCERIES, Among which are the following ARTICLES, t,V 4 FRENCH Brandy, Rum, Gin, Peach Brandy, Apple ditto ; good old Sherry Wine ; Molaffs, Sugar, Coffee, Chocolate, Jea, Cinnamon , Cloves, Nutmegs , Mace, Al/pice, Black Pepper, Writing Paper; an ajfortment oj Crockery, Prunes, Englijh Porter, Holland Gin m cafes, Cafile Soap, good Vinegar , Segars, Spirits oj 1 ur pentine. Sweet Oil. 7he above Articles he is determi ned to Jell on the mofl rea/onabie terms for cajh or country produce, November 5. 3 Wafhirgton Superior Court, September Term, J 798. Andrew Hemphill,! v s. p Foreclofun, James Hemphill, J UPON the petition of Andrew Hemphill, praying the jore clofare of the equity of redimplicn, : in and to the following b aft oj land, fituate , lying and being in the coun ty of H ajhmgton, bounded by folia, foreman, John Pagers, and oil other Jides by vacant land ; and containing two handled eighty ftveu and an half acres, which iraft of land was mortgaged to the faid An drew Hemphill , by the faid James Hemphill, for the fecurity of cut j hundred and thirty /even pounds, \ftventeen ff.tilings and thee pence, l on the 1 6th day cf March m the year of cur Lord one thoufand hundred and ninety-three. Upon motion of Mr. Caldwell, attorney for the plaintiff , it is or j dtred , that the principle inter ef end coji he paid into tlvs court, within twelve months from this time, other wife the equity of redemption will be forever foreclofed, and that a , copy of this rule be ferved upon the /aid James Hemphill, or puthjhcd nine months in one of the Gazettes |of this State , before, the expiration \of the faid nine months . agreeable to \ an afl of the legiflature in Jutt cajes | made and provided. A true copy from the minutes, j. Williams, deputy SHERIFFS* BLANK. DEEDS Of C 0 NV VAN £• For Sale at the. Off cj the ' mile Gaz'iie.