The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, December 17, 1799, Image 2

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circulating irt this town, <&c. jt(pt£ling a demand by the Bri tifh court, that the government of this country fhould remain neutral no longer, but take an aftive part in the prefent ruinous war !—alfo, that the prefident had been informed, that our envoys to France would not be peimittcd to land in Fngland, in order to proceed to that re pub’ic. Although thegovernment and people of Grcat-Hritain, have Heated this country in the moft fcandalous manner, yet it appears to us improbable that they fhould be fo imprudent and foolifh as to attempt to frighten our go vernment into a war! Do they fuppole that the people of Ame rica is fo divided that the major ity will bafely fubmit to their will and wifhes ? Have they an idea that the fpirit of '76 has left the breads of thofe brave heroes who made them acknow ledge that the people of America were freemen ?—Do they think that the citizens of the United Stares are fuch inveterate ene mies to France, that they would fo far pollute their dignity as to accept of their invitation, or to acquiefce in thcii* demands to go to war with that republic ? If Britain furmifes this (he labours under a midake :—America is fice and independent, by her intrepidity and pcrleverancc, (he gained the incflimable blcflmg, and by adhering to thofe means fhe will, no doubt, retain them. It is not impoffible but that his majefty, has thus conduced, if it Ihould really prove !o ; we fhall make no delay in commu nicating the information to the public infpe&ion. L&teJ] European News. LONDON, September 24. This forenoon an cxprels ar rived at Mr. Dundas's office fiom his royal highnefs the duke of 'York, with the account of a batt'e having taken place in Holland on Thuifday laft, near the village of Bergen, a little way to the northward of Alk maar. The Ruffians had volun teered fformingthe French lines, which fervice they marched for ward to execute on Thurfday morning. The battle was long and bloody, but the refult was favorable to the allied arms 4000 French and Dutch are dated to have been taken piifoners, and a great number of both killed and wounded. Our lofs was chiefly with the Ruffians, rhe Ruffian general in chief is dated to have loft an arm, and to have remained a priloncr with the enemy. I he whole lofs of the enemy is reported to be above ten thou fand. 1 ht fedifpatchesweie brought to Yarmouth by the Refolution lugger, which left the Tcxel on Sunday morning. Action in Holland. The following is the of a bulletin fent by the French mi nifler at the Hague, to the ad miniftration of the commuie of Dunkirk, on the occafron cf the adlion of Thurfday lad. It was brought to England by a cartel which reached Dover from Dunkirk laff night; BULLETIN, Addreffed to the adminiflratlon o[ the commune of Dunkirk , hv the minifler of the French republic at the Hague. , “ On the 19th of September, the Ruffians attacked the French and Batavian army. An aftion took place near the town of Bergen The R uffians left 2000 dead on the field of battle, and 2000 of them were prifoners, with 20 pieces »f cannon. The Batavian divifions rivalled us in courage, and did wonders. The 1 national guards were ambitious to take apart in the aftion, and the volunteers of Rotterdam and of Delft have particularly dif tinguiffred themfelves. Hague , 19 th Sept . 1799 —eleven in the evening. “ Florent Guiot, Mimfler of the French Republic A liue copy, “ Makyens, feerttary ." DUB I IN 7 , September 17. The furrender of Napper Tandy by the government of Hamburgh, as dated fome time ago in the Times, and other prints, is now pofitively con tradifted by fome of the London papers. PARIS, September 3. Adet has not accepted as a commiflioncr to St. Domingo, Rhcinhard, new minifter lor foreign affairs, has denounced the municipality of 1 oulon, for treating him ill, when he was there. Talleyrand is talked of as miniffer of finance, NEW-YORK, Nov 21. Partlcultr* of ibe Chcfipcake*a Adion. ExtraFl of a letter from capt. Tombs, oj the Chesapeake, to his owners in this ciiy t dated New-orleans t CElober 21. “ On the 2d of Oftober, in lat. 23. 49. Havannah bearing s. diftant37 miles, at 10 o'clock, a m the man at the mad head ! deferied a fail coming out from the land and beaiingdown upon us. At metidian, we found fhe gained upon us very fad, and then prepared for a&ion. At 3 p. m. I conlulted with my officers and cabin padengers, who all agreed that it would not he piudent to hazard an a£lion in the night, (fhould the veflel then in chafe of us prove to be an enemy) and therefore conclu ded to fhorten lail and fee who file was, before da»k. At half pad 4 (he frred upon us, and hoifled Englifli colors, which I we returned with a Hem chafer, and hoifled our cnfign.on wh ch (he immediately hoifted the bloody flag at her foretopmafl head. At a quarter pall 5, (he came up under our ftern ; I then hailed them and enquired who they were, and where from, but could not underftand the an fwer; they then hailed me in Englifh, and ordered me to lay my topsails to the mad or to abide by the confcquenccs, 1 replied I was an American and would proteft the trade. The word American was fcarcely ut tered before they gave three cheers, and poured a broadfide and a volley of fmall arms into us which wc returned, and a defperate engagement enfued, which lafled three quarters of an hour, when her quarter deck blew up, and (he went down ftern foremoft, I immediately hove my (hip too, and hoifted my boat out, but unfortunately could not faveone man. She was a fchooner mounting 12 or 14 gurs, and manned as mar as 1 could judge with about 80 men ; wc had two men wounded, one of whom died the next morning ; the other is in a fairway of recovery. My (hip received material in jury in her mads, (pars and rig ging; rhe enemy having fired all kinds of combuftibles and materials into us, fuch as iron (pikes, (*2 inches long) flings, &c &c. November 18, Saturday morning David Fro thingham, editor of the Argus, was arraigned at the bar of the fupreme court now Gttingin this city, on a prosecution for a libel upon the ch rafter of Alexander Hamilton, efq. His trial is poftpom d till to morrow. From the Argus , November 8. In confequence of Mi. Ha-! inilton’s I tier, Mr, Golden cal** led on Thurfday laft, at the office of the Argus, to acquaint Mrs, Gicenleaf with the intend ed piofecution. Mr. Hamilton could not but perceive, that the extraft of a letter alluced ro, was copied from another paper, as the ab breviated words Con. Tel were affixed to the offenfivc publica tion. The ta& is, that the fame extradf was inferted in feveral ; other papers, prior to ilsappear , ance in this, Ihe public will therefore naturally enquire, why Mr. H. fhould fele6l the Argus t to commence a profecution againft, and attack thole who I ( know not the author, noi can : afeertam him. If oar zeal in the caufe of , | rcpublicamfm ; if our efforts to : piomote its interefts, have exri -1 ted the hatred of any body of t men or any particular man, and ! wc arc iheicforc marked out for • vengeance, we (hall fuffer with » a Firmnefs worthy of the caulc we have endeavored to Fupport Whether wc may become the vi&ims of a profecution origi nating in fuch motives or not, a conrciou r ner> of good and the fweet remembrance of having difeharged cur duty to our country, and will afford us a confolation which our enemies can never feel, nor deprive us of* We have hitherto avoided troubling the public with any mention of our own concerns • but we are now forced to notice a profecution which is threaten ed, and which has been notified in I ang's Royal Gazette, by the publication of Mr. H.'s letter to the attorney general. Wc do not conceive that Mr. H. expefted the publicity rf his letter would add to his fame, or that he wilhed to obtain appro bation for a public avowal of his intention ; the matter is however before the tribunal of the public; they will fee the dangerous fitu tion of printers in thefe times, when terror is pronounced to be the order of the day, and the liberty of the profs is menaced with coercion, BALTIMORE, Nov. 25. IMPORTANT. Arrived this day, fch. Cabot, capt. Compton, from Embden, which he left on the 13th ult. He informs, that the fit fl Ruffian divifion which landed in the Texei on the 13th September, attacked the Dutch and French troops the day after they landed without being refrefhed or other wife prepared for aftion, and every man was killed or taken priloners. r J he divifion con fided of 7000 men. The pri foners weie fent off to Paris. 1 he lateft Dutch papers rapt. Compton brings, are to the 24th of September. HALIFAX, (n. c.) Nov. 11. j Died, at his feat in Granville county, the week before laft, after a long and fevere indifpo fition, the hon John Williams, efq. fenior judge of the fupreme court of this Hate, LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY , December 17, 1799* The following are the three bills, which paffed the two bran ches during the feflion, which his Excellency the Governor diffented to, and gave his rea fons therefor. Our readers will fee his reafons for the firft, and the other two (ball appear in our next. A To a bill entitled " to authorize pcrlons poll umg lands adjoining the Oconee ri ver, to creft mills, and to 131 e dams in the Laid river under re - tain reftri&ions.” To a bill entitled ,c an fupplcmentary to an acl to rcM c and amend an a£k for prevent ? controverfies concerning li ' e bounds of lend and for p rCC£l honing the fame.” And to a bill 44 to authors*