The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, December 24, 1799, Image 4

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PROPOSALS •/ox uMiHrmp, hv lubicription, A NEW WORK, entitle*. The P.ROSRECTBEFORE US: . 0 R, An Impartial Kxarninaticn of ihe Principal Features oj the Fede ral Government ; minding; on Explanation of the in/}ant nc cejfity Jcr a New Cerfus . Bui, f.r , it Us an cruju! fquindng i it /quints at Monarchy ! P, id fc NR V. C O N I) 1 TIONS. I. The work w:!l t c printed In an nftavo .clurr.e, cooGftiirg of ab u* Icn fleets ; on goed paper, and with a new and eletjatl type ; and will be del vend lo Subferibrra in board?, 11. The price wi Ibe One Dol’ar per copy, to be paid at the time of fub (crib ng. 111. The volume will he put to prefi m (bon at a (boufand copies have been fubf"r bed for. IV. A liberal allowance will be made to bonkfellcrs, and othtrSi who uke . . I quantities. Fmm the encouragement which th 8 work lia<t already received, no doubt is entertain d that the ft'pulated number of copies will be engaged for In a fhon time. The vr/um; will be ready to he delivered about the firft of December oeir, AMONG the various Incot Cftencies which didingu (h human naure, ll ere is perhaps rone more extravagant than that blindfold admiration and enthufiafm whh whirl the bulk of mankind follow I particular names in a political contro verfy. The leaders of every admin Iba- I lion commit numerous faults ; and their j Bn’agonrHs, who come after them, inva- j r ably tread in the fame track. In prr vaie life, w can hardly hod tm perlons iu the courfr of as msny years, who pt fiefs, or who deferve implicit truft. Yet with this knowledge and dittruft t'f each other by rxpcricnce, and in detail, we do not frrup'c to give unqua lified and unlimited confidence to the leaders of tlofe refpefl ve part es under w* om webave edified- We can 1 aruly trull one man whom we know, and ye*, we ftu(l an hundred , all together, of whom ihe greater part of us know no thing but by report. Thus Ihe profound axxjdom of Gallatin, and the virtues of cur Mutinous PrtfiJent, from each of them, a favorite chorus, with their five ral partizens; while it is beyond ah queftion that the cont’nent contains thoufands, and tens of tboufmds of men, who arc quite as wife as the one and quite as honell as the o'h r. I his publication w!1 untold a very erterfivc fcenc of weaknefs and abfur cloy, of the profligate wafte of public money, and the profligate drfct.ion of public principles. The llrefs of ccnfurc will rdl upon the prtf nt governing piny, becaufe they hold for the time the national purfe, and have therefore the moll extrnfive opportunities of per-* pctral ng mifehief. But, at the fame time, the ruder will rot be forfeited wth encomiums on the champions of oppofiticn, The bufinefs of the nation has been abominably conduced ; but a great part cf ihe blame is equally due to both part es- Part of the con'enrs of th’s volume refer to ful jefts but little known to the cit zens ol this country ; and moll of «h»in arc fuch as cannot fail fo excite fur prise sod indignatu n. For Inflance, B I will print the name of a Senator, who, W at the d;bullion cf treaty, in June 1795, f P okc thus to one of his b-ethren: Damn the “ irta y. I deleft it as “ much xs you do ; but you know my “ filuation wnh Mr. Jay. l am obliged 41 to vote for it on account of my friend- for him !* f I I fhall a'fo g've the name cf a Senator who harangued in the Senate of Con* gfifs, fox ftvexal days, agaieft the fedi- . j ifon aft. Fie tin voted for It, and 1 Idrc'-’ed to two of his brethren, tint r e I ,{il} he d that aft as unconfittutionai. bar it at It v* a« neccffiry to Lef awn the darn'd printers , Whrn examining a fruhipl’clty cf complicated fuhjcfts, it is difficult to cfcape the probability of be ng fome tmn mid-ken. In relating a fucctfiioa of (afts, where every ftep exciuucon trrrpt or dctcflaiion, it is Oifii idt to •vo d an occasional feverity of expreffion. j Even this will be pardoned, if it cartr.ot he defended, when I am to defenbe feeres of plunder, which might force a hlufh into the beak cf the moll hungry Cormorant, that ever took bis fight ; from Conncfticut lo reeft on the federal treafury. fames T. Callender. Richmond, Sept 3, 1799’ £3" Subfcriplions for (he work , will be rect ived Ambrose Day, at ihe Office oj the Lomfville Gaz ette. Oft. 29. JefTerfon Superior Courf, April term, 1799. | Prcfent thehon. Geo. Walton. UPON th« petition of Naihariel M‘Mitkin, Richard Curry, aril Ren j tiuin Warner, playing the fortcb lure ol the equity of redemption, in and to a certain traft c f land, containing f'< ur hi n <lred acr i lituatc, lying and being in the i i del cowntv of Jcfierfi n, one hurdrec acres of which was granted to Free Click Duglafs, and rhe other three hundred a. - rot to Ifaac /nger, mortgaged to 11;r fall Nathaniel M Mickin, Richard Cun) ai;ci benj min Warner, by !l..ic Au;er. fur the feturi g ihe paymn t• t a ft.m ol m ncy contained in a bond herti g datr ' tho 10. h day of July, one thoufand feven 1 hundred *md ninety eight. I And upcn motion of Mr Can e*, ajt'r j ney lor the petitioner* : it is ordered, ifcut j the principal, intcrcll and Cofis \c paid j into C urt, within twelve m< n hs from, 1 the date hereof, otherwife the equity c( ( 1 edtmption wiil be forever forcclotcd, and j other proceedings take pbtee, agreeable to 1 an aft (f alleinbly, in fuch cafes made and I piovided ; and that this rule be publifhed in one of the gazettes ol this 1 a;e, at ieaft once in every month, until the expiration of the faid twelve months, or lerved upon the mortgage, or Ins fpecial agent, at lead (ix montni ptevion* to the expiration of the faid twelve months. Certified this 4th day of Oft. ’99, Wm, M’Dowcll, clerk , NOTICE. r 'PHAT after ;he expiration of nine JL tm nths fom Ihe date hereof, thee wiil b* un application trade to the honor able ihe Inferior Court of JefTerfon County, j (or an order of Jale, cf me hundred acres of land, litwatc in the County of Jetlerfon oforehiid, adjoining land of Jofej h Chair*: it be ng pan of the real cflatc of W iliam lc: kins, deccafed. The fale thereof will be for the benefit rf the heir* and creditors of the aforefiirl Jenkinr, deceafid. Henry G. Caldwell, Attorney for the Executors ol the afoiefaid Edate. September 25, 1799. N O T I C E. THAT after the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, there will bean application made to the honor able the Inferior Court of Jfftcrlon Coun ty, for an order of faic of the real ctlaie of Robert Hambleton, deccafed, to wit ; three hundred acres of Land, fiiuate in the county of yefferroti, adjoining land of yohn Ii gram and Kenne dy. It being part of a Tiaft of Land, containing four hundred and fifty acres, granted to Robert Cooper. Alio, one other 1 raft of Land, contain ing three hundred and filty acres, lituuc in the county of Burke, on the waters o» M Heen Creek, adjoining land* of-■ , granted to , Ihe fale of the anove foreroing Trafts of Land, w 11 be for the benefit of ihe he rs and creditor* of the laid Robert Hambleton, dcceafed. H. G. Caldwell, For ete AJminift ator oj ibe a/ortfuiJ EJJate June 26, 17,99. WANTED TO HIRE, B\ thi Month or Frjr, A NEGRO M A N Erquire at tkii CJfce, Septcmbrr , , . O The SUBSCRIBER i Has juft received, in addition to I his /onner ftock t I The.following ARTICLES : BROAD Cloths and BuJfCaJfi meres C'ajjimere Vtft Shapes Ba h Coating • Duffil Blankets , Rose ditto Linen , Calicoes , Mvjlins , Durants Oznabmgs , (etton Bagging Plain and cole red Cotton hose Velveiets and Th cksets Royal Ribb , Writing Pater Patent Medicine of all kinds Gun Leeks of the h ft quality Fine scented Pomatum Be ft Black Ball Bridle Bits , Plated Spurs Womens ttifrup Irons Haidware of all kinds Pen Kn ves , Saddle Tacks Cotton Cards , No. 10 Ribbons , Scijfors Ladies Hair Ccmts Sewing Silk all colors Pocket Handkerchiefs Girt Webbing 7 himhles, with fted bottoms Neck laces Be ft White Chapel Needles Razors in cases, MANUS LEMLF. N. R. All those indebted to the Subscriber, are earneftly reqwfted to come'forward, and wake imme diate payment, or their accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney* ' M. L. I TiSy VVm. M'Dow i G EO R G I A,/ ut, Clerk of tht County. V Court of Ordinary , 1 WM. M'Dowell. \ of the County of j f offer ton, WHEREAS Miry M'Nair, ard Sa muel M‘Nair, hath this day ap plied to me tor letters of adminilDation on -the eftate of Gilbert M‘Nair, late nf this, deceafed ; thcic are therefore to cite ard admonifh all and I fmgular the K indred ard Cied.iors of the; laid deceafed, to be and apptar before the Inferi- r Court « £ It c county aforelaid, i or feme one of the menders there* 1, on or before the 6h day of January next, to Ihew caufe, if any they have, why etters of admiuiftratioii Ihould not be , granted. Given under rny hand, this 6 h day of December, 1799, and in the twenty- i fourth year tf the American Inde , icnrtence. ■\ By Win. M'Dovv- G E O R G I A,/ eli., Clerk of the "Jeffcnon County, S. Cuurt oj Ordinary Wm, M‘Dowell. I of the C’uniy of j JfJ'crson. WHEREAS Jofcph Mur (hall, jnn. hath this day applied to me for let ter* of admimftration on the eflate of fofeph M«rlhalJ, feu. deceafed : thefe are therefore to cite and admonifh all and fmgular the kindred aid creditors of the faid «**ceafcd, to he ard appear before tire Inferior Court of the county afcrc faid, or fome one of the members thereof, on or before the fifth day if January nexr, to fhew caufe, if any they have, why letter* of adminiflration Ihould not be granted. Given under my hand, this fifth day of Dec. 1799, and in the twenty fourth year ot the Aiucrican Inde pendence. FOR SALE, At the OftICK of the LOUISVILLE GAZ- E T'T E, cheap for Cajh , A variety of Gold Ear-Ring', GILT SEALS, ” To tell the Day of the Montf, Silver and plated Bottle Lables, Silver Boot Buckles, E'cgant SILVER and PLATED • TEA CADDIE LADLES, Plated Spurs and Whips , A quantity of la r ge ?tid elegant pearl buttons. ALSO, Bell White Chapel Needles, j COLLECTOR’. SALE WILL BE SOLD, A. the Couft Uou/e % in W'afhington cmntv , at ike vfual hours, onth fir/i MONDAY in June next ON E then fond Acres of p lnc Land, in the name of D a t Za i Hunter, in /aid county . on Ikyd'i cietk. 7 aken default for the jor the years 1797 and 1798, Tax due 77 cents % Sam. Robinfon, t. c. vv. c. Novrnb'r 13, »79*;. NOTICE. r nine months after the date hereof , apphcati- n mil be made to the Inferior ourt of Jeffcrfon County , for permif/wn to fdt a trafl cf two hundred andfuty acres of land , in Wafhmg'on coun ty part of the reale (late of J c h a Murray , decea/ed , for toJatisJy ike Creditors of /aid EJlate, Win. M*DowelJ, admr . Odoher 29, 1799. Notice is Hereby Given, HAT there will be an appli cation made to the honorable the inferior court of Hancock, after the expiration of nine memhs, Jor leave to fell a certain trad 0/ land, on the waters of the Oconee , con taining ninety jour acres more or lefs , part of the real eflate of phn Jones, dicenfed , to jatisfy the heirs and creditors of [aid deceafed . John Booth, fenior, Adminiflrator. November 26. NOTICE. That nine months after the date hereof , application will ' be made to the honorable the hi/trior court of the county of Jefferfon , ; for leave to fell a trad of land , con taining one hundred acres , within fix miles of Cambridge , in /.Se ville county , in the fate of South - I Carolina : part of the real eflate jof Robert Spence , deceafed , to /a -tis/y the demands of the a editors of /aid Robert Spence . Samuel Andrews, admr. Od . 14, 1799. A BARGAIN. For Sale, Cheap for Co/h , A VALUABLE TRACI of LaND, of 500 Acres, of the very fir ft quality, adjoining land* of Frank Jones, l)ing cn the Ogcchcc River, about mile* be l ®* Lcuifville. For further particular*, pleale L,p!y to the Subfcriber. George W. Chifolm. September to. BLANK LETTERS Of ADMINISTRATI AND BLANK BONDS, By the Quire , For Sale at the Office of tee Louifville Gazette. SHERIFFS* BLANK DEEDS Of CONVEYANCE. For Sale at the Office of the ! #* ville Gazette. November Wanted 10 Hire, A NE G R 0 B 0 Y> at this Off ce »