The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, December 31, 1799, Image 3

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f,om Arne ica until the Prefix nt, had received full and uneqntvo i adarances that the tninifters of the United States would be honorably received, as from a powetlul and independent ti.iti° n • , , . .. , Copy of a letter from Mr. Mattay to Mr Talleyrand, with the above notification. 6. Anfwr theteto, dated Pa th, May 12, >799 alforing Mr. Murray, that the direftory faw, „.j t h pleasure, a difpofition in the United States to an amicable accomtn relation which they much regretted mud be poftpo ned until a remote period on account of the lime it would neccflarily take in conveying fuch adunnee acrofs the atlantic _ That every prerogative which ; could be gran'ed, fhould be given to the Ametican miniders, and one or more miniders fhould b- appointed on the part of the Ficnch republic to promote re ciprocal harmony and good un demanding. The leveral documents were ordered to be printed for the ufe ot ihe memhets Mr. I ivingdon moved the appointment of iheufual dand ling committee*, of claims, ofj Icleftions, of tevifal and unfr jmfhed bufinefs, and commerce , land manufatlures. I I \.r, p ayardmoved the follow, j ling refolution, viz. to bring in a Ibid to ellablifh an uniform fyf jtem of bankruptcy throughout ■the United Mates I Five members were appointed j I Mr. Ctis moved the follow ing:— I “ Refolved, That a commit- Itcc be appointed to ronfider j ■whether it is expedient to m ike, j land if any, what provifion foi ■the relief of perfons now con-i ■ned in pilon for debt, and to ■report by bill or otherwife.” I He faid he made the motion In confluence of an aft lor that ■purpofe of preferibed contmu l* nce which had been (ufFered ;o | rx P! re during the rcccfs of con ■grcls. It(j^^ were appolnt- I Friday') December 6. I Mr Harnfon laid the follow- Wl ! eroi U tion on the table : I That a committee ■'appointed to examine whe ■er *° v w bat alterations are ■eccuary to be made in the m ilcury c ftabhfhment for the te - of the river B Mr. Marfhall reported an an 17* [° r m l^e committee an. 1 T r L^ at P ur P°k» tf> the K °f the Prefident, which If ornt^^ le d to a committee ldcr P fr. W M ,e * and made the ■ fn r ond ;y next. a p w , er ls merely a rever- U ° lh 'fP«ch.l ■'ition of S oft< “ r . P refented a ■'^taa es of dmUe r f ° r I b, m f / P*y k'd to be due ■t f eriej° r . erV L° es in ,he ,rmy ■aims, ° l^e comi ntttee of 1 Mr. I ivingflon the com mitrcc appointed for that pur pose* reported the following re fohuion to whirh the hou r c ag f eed unanimouflv : " Rtfolvcd, that, the two c!e pant prints, offered bv Mr. Trumbull, be accepted, and that the fpcaker be requ fled to an anfVer to his letter, ex- of the pleafure w* h which this houfe has obferved his ?enins and talents, exert* d in the patriotic taHc ofccL bring the events wliich led to h»s coun try's independence, and d dita ted to the memory r f thole he roes w ho fe 1 in its dt fence." f The f >in!s prejented b\ Mr Trumbull art truly ” elegant:” one reprefents the death of gene'al Montgomery) end the other the ha j tie of Barker's Dill : fme hk nrff s\ commemorating tie herbes engaged, ccc mpanythm in /mailer frames .] 1 On motion of Mr. Bayard, the fpeech of the prcfidtnt wa» committed to the committee of the whole houfe on ihc (fate of the uninn, Mr. Gray from Virginia, and Mr. Grove from Xorth-f arolina took their feats in tie houfe, af ter being duty qualified. The members appointed on the leveral committees arc as follow : Committee of eleHion^~^\ f firs, Dana, Sumpter, Kirteilf New, Hendeifon, Gordon and Bii-j ley. • Committee of claim —MefTs. Dwight holler, M con, tiia e, Morris, Imlay, Hanna & John 1 C. Thomas. I Committee oj commerce —MefT. | Smith, Scwah, W In, j Rutledge, John Brown, Daven port and Talliafc’ro Committee o) revfal and unfi ni/hfdbufmef —M liis* Gufwold, Evans and D nt. i Comm ttee to prepare a bankrupt bill —Me firs. B.>\aid Matfhall Chaurcy, Goodnc.i, Sewall and Ha’per. Committee for the rel eh of debt ors— Meffts. Otis, Bud and Stone. LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY) December s\) 1799. The pieces which have appear, cd in the * onflitutional Tele graph, undi*r a fignaturc oi a Friend to the Prcfidcul, have been writt n with g’eat ability and true republican fpirit. 1 he numerous extrafts from the o a tions and writings of celebrated charafters, which they contain, paint in the mod lively colors, the evil tendency of (landing arm’e-, and tiicy alfo ferve to bring to our iccol eftion what fomc men were, but alas ! how much are they fallen ! The fen timents and the opinions which weie then their boafl arc now fo’gotten or rather exchanged for the exploded and bated doc- of our fnrs, which Arne-' I r'c ns difdained to acknowledge J and nfqued To much to oppose. How mutable is man! ( hangng his principles as a Oamclon docs his color. (an any thing pmvc more the fuperioruy cf a rcpre li nta ive government, where the people have a right to exchange thofc w hom they have clothed ! with their powci when they have p r ' ved themfelves unworthy of the fa( red d pofit, or have pla c<d rerrogadc to that condudl which had obtained them general ell^em. We have had many notorious inflances offalibility, they ought ro admonifh us and to render ns ten cinus of placing 100 rveat a 'confidence upon appearances of i patnotifm Ihe lattn has ftrv jed as a ladder for many an bi-1 tious men to defeend by to the | pinnacle of power, Pitt, Rich imond. See. formerly declaimed 'upon the rottcnncls of the Bii |ti(hco ftitution and demanded Lr the people-a genuine and teal houfc of commons, but as Toon they were inllallcd in offire (hey pofipored the time of leloimaiion fine die . The Hritifli apoflale now baflt in that corruption which they had fo much reprobated. Whc:c arc i ur Columbian apoflntes ? al mofl every man can point them out. They have been rereived .into the fan Hum fonclorum , of to ) ifm, and all form. r animo fity has ceafed in joy for the jrctu n of the ftray (beep. t The SUBSCRIBER Purposes to teach an ekg. L SH SCHOOL—Thoft who wifh io promote his intention, will phafe [end in the number of the children thy mean to jend t to Mr. Day's Printing-Office . Terms, three dolls, per quarter . R, STONE. , Decfinbfr 31. j The SUBSCRIBER WILL fill the PLANTA TION whereon he now | ufides and THREh NLG ROES, if a purchafer offers in ten days There is 86 acres of good 12nd , with a hand/ome flream 0/ water running through it for the purpofe of working a cotton gin ; about 4 5 acres oj frejh opened land under good fence —and the little farm »j in every other refpecl in complete order. As it will heji anfwer a per [on living in Lnuifutlle, and beivg \to luck generally known , afu th r de/cnpfion would be unnecejfary. The terms may be known by apply ing to the Subfcriber onthepremifes. Abner Hammond, Deomber 24. BLANK LETTERS OJ ADMINISTRATION, AND BLANK BONDS, By the Quire , For Sale at the Office of the louifvillc Gazette. Nofembtr 3. Louifville Gazette C fflce, December 17, 1-99 who are indebted for the Loui/vxlie Gazelle, or /or any other printing done at this office , are requeued to cme forward and fay up their arrears. 7he terms of the Gazettes are payable half yearly ; but a great many have been f rwarded to fever at counties in ihe Jl ite , on a promxje of remittance by the fx ji cpportvniiy—which mujl have fnce occurred , and others now off rby d nve\ances t at this feafn , which will no doubt be improved by fuch gent emen as inclined to fay, 7 he great txfences incident to an ejlablijhmnl fiuh as a new/- paper , ought to be imprejfed on the minds of the Sub/c'tbers. and in duce them to difharge the amount of their accounts withgmaler punc tuality. The Editor can certainly fay , that , tn efiablijhing the Louifville Gazette , he was aftuated more T a d/Jire to comply with the numerous felicitations of gentlemen in fever a I parts of the Jlate, and a hope of Us proving advantageous to /he coun tyf t than by any profpeft of gain Lo himfelf; the expences of the bu/inr/s have hitherto very far ex ceeded the receipts from it. While , therefore, the Iditor retui ns hisJvicere and m /l grateful thinks lo thofe who have he in plea fed to favor him with their bufin' f. (and particularly to thofe whofe pa\ - ments in adi awe have enabled him tn fame me a jure lo /upfort a credit ) he eame/lly en reals thofe indebted , to fttUe their accounts as foon as poftble, , AMBROSE DAY. S' By Wm. M »LI.. Clt'k of th» C,,u't oj Ordinary of the C unty of jiferion. WHFRE4J Jofeph Mmlhail, jnr hatJt this day applied (o me fur id le'> «>f a< min ftraiion nn the eiM* of M <ihrw MarOiall, drcraled : thefe ■ e therefore to ci c ami admonrfh al> mid lingular ibe kindred ad creditors of the ft id de eafed, to te and appear before [ the Infe »■ r C um of the county >f> re t laid, or fume one of the members here* f, on or before (he 3.0 day of janmrjr nex', to Ihew caule, if any they have, why letters of aumioinritiion fhould not be gramed. Given under my hard, this day of Dec. «79Q, ril in the twenty fourth year of ihe American I tide* FOR SALE, At the OtHCF of the UjUISVILLE GAZ h T'l h, for ( uji t A vailetv of Cold Ear-Rings, GILT SEALS, To tell the Day of -he Montf, Silver and plated Bottle* Silver Toot BuckUs , E'cgaul SILVER and PLATED TEA CADDiE LADLES, Plated Spurs and W hips, A quantity of large end elegant PEARL buttons. A L » o. Bed While Chapel Needles, Wanted to Hire, A NEGRO BOY. Enquire at this ('(Tice. BLANK DEEDS Of CONVEYANCE. for Sale, at this Office . Hov«Mber i?>