The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, January 07, 1800, Image 1

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VOL. I.] GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE:—PubhIhed every Tuelday, by AMBROSE DAY, at 3 dollars per arm. payable hall yearly. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 2. An interesting political skelch , at the commencement 0] the JeJson os Congress. It is a matter os the rrgnest prudence to take a view os the assair? os the old world at the opening os the session os Con gicss* We srnd— 1. That the Russians have been made deeply to suller at tsovihy an inserior French sorce; and that they have even been deseated by the French and new Dutch troops in Holland. 2. That the emperor os Ger many's army has been obliged or induced to leave the British expedition to Holland, unsup ported by any Auslrian army, 0. That the British and Rus sians in Holland have received: such a check, that they probably cannot advance, especially aster the arrival os the French treops, which are daily going thither. 4. That there was noappear ance os any material insurredien in Holland. 5. That the old Dutch aristo cracy (the members os the siates general) which Was their true sovereignty under the late con slitution, arc greatly ossended at the British plan os giving the sovereignty to the sladthold er; and that in sad the British wish to essed a revolution in savor os an absolute monarchy in the Orange samily. 6. The king os Pruslia trot only resrains srom attacking Holland, or supporting the Bri lish and Russians, but he drives the Dutch aristocratical emi grants out os his dominions near Holland. 7* The kings os Pruslia, Den* maik and Sweden, the eledors os Saxony, and Hanover (king George os England) the princes os Brunswick, b elle, Sec, resuse to break their neutral league. even besore the late French luc ceOTes. 8 The Auslrians are doing s° little as to give rise to obser 'ations aud opinions, that they are again treating with France, or J ea >ous os Russia and Britain. 9- The British king expresles *l° in. or hopes srom je per man emperor, while he Ii to u/ he cm P eror os Russia, n |ch leaves loom to supposc he Austr ° US inaaivit X °* J" French have pene- S cd ,nto P ar ts os Germany, line Com P ri2C( * * n l he neutral r ,slp J ’ arc hduke has drawn l Jn j IIS °\ am sorce srom Switzcr- F r , ’ neither attacked Nlcd th°eV he u ßhine ’ n ° r rC ‘ ; FrCDCh atUCb UpOD THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. T_]LJ_l£ S D A Y, January 7, 1800; REASON AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUIDE THE kV.jr. 12. General Hotze, who is a and is the rallying point os the Swiss aristocrats, has been lest unsupported by the arch duke, and has (ossered srom the attacks os the French under Massena.- 13. The cruelties os the Bri lissi and Russians in Holland, and os the British and Neapo litans in Naples, exceed all the ba barities os the present war, which has, does, and musi con tinue to operate againsl the suc cess os the combined powers . 9 The king os Sardinia has : not been reslored to his throne by the Russians and Auslnans, but a German government has been set up in bis dominions os Pied mont &c. an evidence that the | combined powers are ready to spoliate and icb their own weak and unsortunate s un is. 10 The Pope being dead, and the city os Rome yet in the hands os the French, there can be no constilutiunal and valid eledlion os a new’ Pope, so that the prujlly monarchy os Rome cannot be settled. 11. Malta remains sase in the hands os the Frcrsrh. 12. The king os Naples keeps on the island os Sicily, and hrs not ventured (o return b ck to Naples, so that an orderly mo narchy is not yet eslabiished there. The government os 1 tab srom Naples to Piedmont ate yet in the greatesl derangement, and Suwarrow is by no means on this shst succds. jov bort, Moreau , and Championet have arresled his prog rtss 13., The Tmks are persectly slili in Europe, alarmed in Sy-j ria, and dreadsully cut up in Egypt, in their late attempt to penetr ate by Aboukir. 14. Buonaparte not in Syria as was pretended, I ut triumph* ( antly and dreadsully vi&oriousj over the T urkissi army on the, tea coa st os Egypt. The Greeks | and Kopts, who were aslive and | saithsul to him in his late real | or pretended dislress, will on this j succcss be Hill more sriendly and more animated on his (rde. Ihe French are now in sull and un-, dislutbed postession os Eg) pt. 15. Sir Sidney Smith taken with a head wind, which sluws srom the sield os Turkish deseat at Aboukir. 16. The Brit sh exceeding the French in the value andj number os captures os American j veslels. j 17. The British national debt increased to sive hundred mil* lions os pounds sierling—T hei’ annual cxpence is sixiy million* os pounds (lerling. 18. The British monopoly* i. ing ill the siates os the world, ih t ordtr to tyiannize by Tea. 1 1 1). The British blockading • \pyodamtti(m % sor i'eizing all the ; tranlmarine countries, they can r lay their hands on, viz.—Mi norra, Surinam, the dominions • os 1 ippoo Saib, the Cape os , Good Hope, and Holland, in order to drrctl and engrols the • trade os the World : ai d their , priottrs denouncing “ the true • Americans/* who are not so drist liari like as to IcVe them sor del* pitesully Uhng us. 20. Ihe A mermans enjoying innumerable and unutterable benesits siom the British treaty, srom British itnpreslhustts, srom spoliations, srom-he non payment os awarded lodes, srom the reinsoicenients upon, and extcnsion os principles os c. p tures and condemnations, srotn the exportations cs EiighsL rua nusaBuringmachinery to H ullia, and the punishment cs its ex poitation to America, srom (heir kind interserence in our elec tions. • , 21,1 he French people taught j to desisl srom the bloody deeds! os their Robelprenes, by the missortunes, and hatred they pjpduccd ; and inslrussed by the rtsislance os neutrals arid ihe new combinations os dcspotijm , that they muji putlue juslice at home ard abroad , or induce the ruin os j th ir ccv/e. Their rulers yielding ro these irresutable truths, while thole os the combined powers, whom Heaven Items determined *o dcslroy, are madly adopting the cruelties, the spoliations, and the ambitious proje&s os j France under Robespicne. and os the combinations os Pavia, Pilduz, London, and Peters* burg. Th o prudent and upright mem beis os the sederal party through out the United States arc called upon by every conhderation, by I which they prostss to be govern ed, to set their saces againsl the condudl os the slate os Connec ticut, and a sew os its citizens, ( with a Imall number os adhe re nts srom other parts os Ame rica. That pertinacious set os .per Tons well know, that Connec ticut agreed to be bounded on the west os Marmaroneck river, in the year 1664, that the courts os ihe United Stves have de creed either in 1782 ar 1795. that ContK'Ciicut cou'cl not hold j ( jeisher lands or julisdidiion wrth jin the limits os Pennsylvania, that the jurisdidlion and pre-emp tion might belong to Penns) Iva nia, throughout the who e ex tent os its charter, limits and that the private right cs soil was decreed, aster a long and patient. beanrg, entirely againsl the GcnmHicut men, ard sor the Penns) Ivanians in How small do the ignorant. ccnviLled, quelled in j urgent s cs Northampton appear compared with the sew enlightened and pertinacious lenders os this corps os Conned 1 cut in sur gents, I heir cause has re cervrd an indirect and cruel c lin terancc by il c report made to the sena c at their lasl sission. in which Mr. Sedgwick took a partsavorable tothc Gonneaicut ( biim. 7 bis day he i$ a candi date sor a high public t usl, let every virtuous and prudent man os both parlies, , withhold his vote srom him, as a tehimony saithsully and dutisully borne in savor cs property , oidit and peace. The eyes os Pern sylvan a and Ns w-\ oik arc this day sixed upon the members os the houlc os representatives. The SUBSCRIBER PUR POSES to teach an FMG~ LiSIl SC HOC) I ] ho st who wish to promote his intention will plto/e /end in the number os the chidien they mean to /rnd y to Mr, Day’.') Printing ( /see, 1 ermsy three dolls, per quarter, R. STONE. Decstr.brr 31. Ihe SUBSCRIBER WILL sll the PLANTA TION whe'eon he now usides and TURK I M.GROtS , is a sun ha st r sers in ten da.s. There t s 86 acres os good land , with a hand/ome /heatn cs water running through it sor the purpt/e os working a cotton gin ; about 45 acres os sresh opened l td unctr good sence —and the little. Farm :s tn every olhtj rc/petl in c mplete order. As it will be st avjwtr a person living in Lcttistille, avdbevg to such generally known, aju ih r destription would be unnecrsjary. The terms may Ie know n by apply mg to Inc tsubjcribcr 00 Lhepren ses m Abner Hammond, Dcamber 24. FOR SALE, At the OhUCK Os a, LOUISVILLE GAZ L‘I‘Tt, ilua/l Jor Oujby A variety os Gold Ear-Rings, GILT SEALS, To tell rhe Day or the Monti, Silver and plated Bottle Lable< t Silver Boot Buck ! es t F'egam SILVER and PL A TED tea caddie ladles. Plated Spurs and Whips, A quantity os lasg r ar) d slcv-ut PEARL buttons. ALSO, Bed White Chapel Needles. BLANK I) EE D S For S alc % at this Ojjux, [No. 49.