The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, January 14, 1800, Image 2

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tfjb' ■ ' A} ' &KJ* - . '-*jP 'if ft*** h J P \ R T 9, l7. A feLprarib innn'in. «Cfd at r r’rlnrk in e V'“run f* •' j Te i*th inOant, fbnt Tl cl. " land w->< pntirrlv hr j the RufTi’ns r pnlifh. The 3'n r orm^f r« certain. S Pnorv nnrfr arrived vcHerdav, 7 o'clock in *be mnr^inir. I His lady “nd brothers, who had Ktmne to meet hir >. mifHd bun fflhv bavinp taken a different road. 0 W it ; zrn Parras to r er h m j a« foon as his arrival wa« known. 1 Hp w#?rt th* fame dav, at 4 IrVlork, to flip dire&nry ; Vnt jh vin£» much need of repofe 3 aft' » fn long and rapid a tourney, I hr had a particular audience of Sthe djrcfloiv this day. 5 The Englifb troom, finrethc EjafTai r of the 17th Vendrmiaire, garr 0 ut up in thrir old enfrrnrh gments, where they are in fo glmuch want hoth of ammunition jaand p’nvifions, that they have obliged to fend back the Jpn 'oners, which they have taken. #1 1 hey have demanded tvvenfv |( our hours to embark, which §requ> fl has been denied them, pI f appears that general Prune is to make them furrender fbv capitulation ; one of the con ceptions of which wiil be the re ;|flor«M*on rf the fleet that furren* ji-d' red in the Texel. It is he- Micvcd they cannot maintain their Jflatirn more than three clays. m A dveife windshave, for five days all attempts at rm jSbarkation, and alfo any (applies ||f cm reaching them. The mif- Jf«r.nd( rflanding bet ween the Ruf- flans and Enghfh encreafcs dai’y, &which has cccaboned many du- Hehs It is reported that the duke |of York was for fome time a ■fiptifoner to the Ruffians; hut Trued by the Fpghfh cavalry. j£jSnrh are our lad accounts. 'i\f- xiraft of a letter from the llue t m dated ('Bcher ig, 1| u Four thoufand Ruffi ns, and sfsrjoo Erghfh, have been killed, and 2400 Ruffians taken prifon »J crs. 'I he municipality of Am jj Reidam havepub ifhed this day, | f hat the remainder of the Ruf f I'an armv, to the number of fix I thouland have deferred to the i 'Tench, af:er having ki led feve | r al EngliHi officers. A whole h- regiment of ( oflaiks who would jj not join them weie cut toyieces. jj We have taken r 6 piec s of 8 “ nmn at.d a gicat quantity of i baggage.” fi a»e informed from An* wer P» l hat the Ihitifh officers «who aie pvifoners, wrote the h !- M owing letter to citizen Lcfpi tfle, commander of that place : fJj we a e lurprifed, fir, that \ou u« in the citadel, at the (ame e that j cu allow the Kuflian ffeers to re fide with the citizens. U e beg yon to grant us the fame feindulgence." '1 he commander ( 1 > ir ‘— l< ntJ< men, you com gplain that you aie edged in the ypCitade), and nof permitted, like the Rullian clliccis, to rehde j W~' -tW*' ll m fWM W tm n» ■ « jw « v ith the citizens ; T do th-* liopor fo inform you, that I rrfprd the know how to cmirape. As prifon-rs of I frrant von every indulgfcnre fha* - the law j allows. Do ttp the foi helirvp, t li af if T re*fn r o you anv rrnmmodaf ions whirh you mav dofirr, it is beraiife I do not think 1 on ontifled fo fhom. Health and fraternity, I f, sp 1 n es s e.” DUBLIN, September 7. Mr. Henry fackfon, who is a prifouer in Kilmainham gaol, has, after an application of feve ral months, obtained leave to go to America : it is underffond that he obtained this permiffon through the American amhafla* C* dot. It feerrs to be a matter of favor for a -nan, fufpefted of detTiocratjc p’inciples, robe al lowed to refide in America, Mr. far kfon*s extenfive pro perty in this city and its vicinity, is all difpnfed of, with the ex cept >n of the feundery on St. |ohn’s quay. Lord I>. it is generally imagi ned, does not intend to refide in this country, as he difoofed of his property previous to his departure. Lord D. it is faid, means to fell his cflates, and retire to the continent. Great numbers of the nobili ty and gentry, it is expefted, will leave this country, fhould an union take place. Leland will then become a mere nuifery for foldiers and Teamen. Mr; Jackfon, fmentioned in the above paragraphs) and his family, came palhengets in the Martha Bland, arrived at Lor folk iaft week f orn Dublin. * NEW-YORK, Jamm y 1. Funeral ProceJficn % Yeflerday was a general day •of nr urning It exhibited cne of the molt folemn and fublime (pedtacles peihaps ever w’tnelß d •—tliatof an united and a grate ful people paving the laM tribute of relpc6l to the memory of the lather of his country —the great and good general afliington. A conimi'tee of arrangement having been appointed (confin ing of general Hughes, general | Stevens, colonel Morton, ai d majors Famle and Stagg, jun ) and previous notice having !»et n givr n in the pipers all the public bodies, teliitying their pntcntion of joining with their fellow citizens on the mournful occafion, about ( ne o’clock the i line of proalfion was formed j oppolite the h Ims-houfe at the Inad of Broadway. [l Vanin/ loom prevent* iu being pulhjhed at l ngth.\ PIIILADf.LI 111 A, Dec. 27. Yeflcrday was ohlei ved in this nty as a day of mourning for j I the Ids of the father of cur 1 rouiV'V. Bufincfs was iuiprnd ed, flip clnz' ns appealed in the habbiment* of grief—and the tones of the deep muffled hells! iafrended on high ; while Phi la jdelpbia paid a merited tribute |of refpcfl to our beloved Wafh- by pompous funeral honors —and genuine giit-f. At the dawn of fixieen guns were frred ip quick fuccef fmn, and one gun at each half hour til* fon'et. At noon, the bier was received by the troops formed in line, prefenting their arms and the officer;,, drums and ro!o s fainting, after which the proceffion formed and moved to the German I utheran Church, Minute guns filing at difiance. In the Hou r eot Repre r entatiVcs, on Monday laR, the fpeaker lead to the lioufe the follow ing letters : Philadelphia , Dec. 27, 1799, Dear Sir, Theinclofcd resolution, which unanimonfly pa (Fed the houfe of reprclfntatives this day, w ill make known to you how highly they have been gratified with the mann r in which you have peiformed the fcrvice afiigned to you, in preparing and de‘i veting a funeral oration on‘the cjcalh of general Wafhington 1 Thai our condiment* may par | in the gratifications we 1 have received, fiom yc.ur having fb weil e s me lied the fentiments of icfpefl for the charabler, of % 1 gratitude for the fcrvice, and of grief lor the death of that iiluf trious personage ; I flatter my fclf you will not hefilale (ocom ply with the lequefl of the hculc, by fuimfhing a copy of ycui oration to be taken iur pub ;ca ti n. A1 cw me, while peifottil ing this pleafing talk ot official duty, in communicating an abl •of the reprclentatives of lire pt »|de lo jufl to rcu, and fo honorable 10 thcmfelves, to em hracc the oppo tunity to declare that I atn perfonally with great 1 efteem and ftncerc ugaid, dear |dir, your fntud and obedient ) fervant, Theodore Sidgwick. The 1 notable major genual Lee. Frcnklm Ccirt , Dec 28, 'O9. Otai Sir, I owe to the gnodnefs of the houfe of representatives, the 1 honor which their resolutions corfer on my humble efforts to execute their w ifh. I can n< ver dill hev their w ill, and therefore will furnifha cony of the oration delivered on the ;lite afflibling occasion, much as 1 : I h d flattc red uiyfelf w ith a dilFerent (bfpofi ion of it. Sincerely lecipio* ating the, perfonal confidc?atio T s with which ym honor me. I am veiy refpeblfulh’, fn, your fiiend and obedient let vant, Henry Lef, I The Speaker of the 1 loufe : of Rcpreleutatives. CfM RI/ STON t Jan, 4. At n meeting of the citizens held I \f/l'rrinv, operable to adjournment,% in the e tv ha J, to adop f fome method 2 0/ exfyrfjjmg thiir grief for thelofs 2 of an- late beloved commander in 1 drr/ % General George VVafhing- 1 ton : ' Hi\ honor the Intendant was% cal ed to fhe chair. A motion was made by General J Gadjd- n, that the citizens put on J mourning for thirty d iys % a 7 his motion was feconded bv Dr g Davit Fr m/av; who moved by zuay*k of amendment, the foil wing refo-%. Intion, uhich was unanmcvfly d p'ed : ' 98 Kelolved, That to exprefs ourga grateful fmfe of the exalted merit % and dfjhr.gui/hcd patriotifm of the 1 'late Gunge Wafhington, whom has hen our (word in war, our fun% and Jii Id in peace and who !or% 25 1 cars pajl in fundry public cha-% rade.'s f the fir [I importance , has'*i rtn 1} 1 d iheje L u ted Slates a feries 4 of fuck important. magnanimous,% ana difinterefhd ft j vices, as hove I never been fur puffed by any hero or | flatc/ma \ of any age or nation, and j to tcjlijy our f nee e refpeft and ve- $ 1 nei at inn for his memory, we will go into mourning fer thirty da)S, by ] . wearing a crape on the left arm. ff A fir the prjfng of this re flu -'l twn, the rev Dr. Gallagher ro[e, * . and ajter a vmfl eloquent and per-' 1 : fpiau us [pecch, moved the following r re/ohition t > > ; Kefolved, 7 hat a fuhfcripticn [ be opened to raife a fum of money F for the purp J: of erefting a flatue j . to the memory of the late general * ■ Geo’ge Wtifiiington, either pe - • • deflrian in marble, or equefinan in 1 , bronze; that a ccnmiVee for that purfefe be appointed; who , after ■ hainng afccrtoined the amount of the ■ .1 fuhfcripticn , be authc nzed to call a ■ I meeting of the citizens, in order to J t * appoint a fpecial committee for the 2 ; pnrpvfe of*carrying the reflation | ) into ejfeft. fl 7 his reflation was unaniwovfy ’] ) adopted, and his In nor the Intcndant 4 J : rrqucjl d to appoint a gentleman ] ■ from each of the wards of th city \ : to colli ft the voluntary contf ibutiuns J ot th citizens. A motion was then made and \ fgr cd to. th it Flit ay next It let opart as a day <f mourning; that 0 t at day thereJhould be a cffallen \ of all labor and bujine/s; and that | ih chzens afj< mite, and walk in \ \prOt ffivii to lime public place, where | an u alien [kitalic to the me ancholy $ cccofn n will it di Lvercd by Doftor Dand Ram [ay. || o a-,.uel Puolean, efq. col. Mdch- fi ell, Rev, Dr. Gallagher, Doftor 4 M Cau’ey, and cap! . iheves, were £ apponied a committee to arrange the pro 1 effen and oth.r meafures of $ the day. r|| BLANK LETTERS 0/ ADMIX IST RATION || A N I) BLA N K hON D S t jpf By the Quire, 'g For Sale at the Oilice of the M Louilviilif Gazette. /