Newspaper Page Text
i TUESDAY, Jewry )4 1800.
Executive Department,
I " Lowjvi lie,Ja 13, 1800.
r 1 g death of GEORGE
r.fral of the Armies of the Uni
ted States, and the illuflrious
iead-r of their viflorious ban*
during the revolutionary war.
I.ehich’fecured to them the inva
■luable bleffings of freedom and ,
independence, being announced '
fcv the pioclamation of the Pie
fident of the United States—
L n d it is but a jult nibute dm
tothemoft excellent charade
of that once great man, and
I father of his country, that <
!grateful refpea fhould be paid
| to his manes, and a deep lenh
!of his lofs be exhibited, not
[only by the United States, but
jby the individual Hate govern
j The Executive of Georgia;
j All officers in military rom
miffioa, and calls upon all civil
officers, within this (fate, belong-;
ing thereto, and recommends to
I every defcriptlon of citizens re
f Tiding within the fame, to wear
I for the fpace of fix weeks, to
I commence on the id day of
1 February next, a black crape
round the left arm, as a manU
£ feftation of the affedion and
S veneration the government and
| people of Georgia, poffeffed tor
R him whilff in this life, and the
gdeep afflidion i\pth which they
fe arc penetrated at his irrepa r able
£ Thomas Johnson,
S Secretary ,
j| Sy the President of the United
® States of America.
P A PROC( AM \1 lOV 4
pX/ITHFRFAS rhe Congrefs
jpf y F of the United States.
fc| m honor of the memory nf
George Wafliivgtonf have
jithis day, ** refolved, it bv
tyecomrncnded to the people o{
lithe I nited States, to wear a crape
ty on the left arm. as a mourning,
or thirty days ; and, “ that the
p Proficient of the United States
| be requefted to iffue a procla
| at ion» notifying to the people
| throughout the United States.
laid recommendation I
§" 0vv ’ therefore. I John Adams, 1
S re hdent of the United States,
| . e,eb y proclaim the fame accord
•wven under my hand and the
ffal of the United States,
Philadelphia, the twenty
ourih day of December,
in the year of our
otd one thoufand feven
undred and ninety nino %
an d of the Independence
or die United States the
m tWent )'-fourth.
|»n-. AD*MS
. ' ' "iCKERINC,
' ' ir y of Slate.
W ■ I mnija***,
! mE3HEERasS23EaLHfc«
g K Dec 17. &
9 Prom Alexandria , BecemhtrW
3 the 1 6th.
M ** It is our painful duty*B
JH'tifl to announce to our®
1 ountry and to the world,yj
2 the death of General Ul
I " Th s mournful cven:||
I occurred on Saturday even-||
Hng, about 11 o'clock. Orm
a -he preceding night, he wash j
h| tracked With a violent
|H i mmr.tory affedion of the®
M iroat which, in lefs tharlfe
Hi j hou r Sj put a period to®
H u The citizens of Alex-lw
ffl nd ia at a public meeting 38
H <ve agreed to wear crape|ffl
9 u thirty da s, as a token ofJ|
B lpe6f I or th memory ob&ji
g he great and virtu, us
B Wifhi gton |w
j txEvun v r. Departmemt,
1 Louifville , Jan. 13, 1800
ORDERED, That the ad
entitled, an ad, to give
j further time to the officers of
| this Hate, to take and fubferib*
the Oaffi requned by the ad
entitled, ct an ad to compel
all officers, civil and military
within this flare, to take and
fubfrnbe an oath to (import the
L i
conffitution thereof;"
Be puhlifhed in the feveral
g^Z'ttes of ffiis (late, and a'l
officers, civil and miliuiy, wifh
in its purview are rrqnirrd to
govern themfelves accordingly.
Thomas Tomnson,
An ACT to give further time to.
ike officers of this fate, to take
and fuhfcnhe the oa k required
b\ the aft era riled, “ dn aft, to
compel all officer s i avd and
military within this flatt ’, to take ’
and full fa the an oa h lo flip port
the. confhttilion thereof pffd \
ih 1 Gih day of February , one
thoufand fevtn hundred and 1
ninety nine.
q F> E it eraftfd by the j
v er. 1. Senate and Jjou/e of
Reprefevtativcs of the Stole of
in General dffcmhy met ,
and by the authority of the fame.
That the ri d l , military, and all
other officers of this Rate, who I
I now are in rommiffion, and have
not heretofore taken and luh
feribed the oath required by the
pforefaid ad in terms
fhall ncverthclefs be permitted
to hold, exe cife and enj oy their
refped ve appointments, u til
the fiffi day of Odober next. I
Sec 2. And be it further enaft- 1
ed y ( bar if anv of the officers
of this flaie fhall negled or re
fufe to take and (übferibe rhe
aforef id oath in terms of th s
a£f, every fuch officer or officers
fhall, for fuch his negled or
re*of I removed from office,
as i - cafes cf mal-pradice or;
difobnd .* >f orders.
S c, - I be it further emu
„ ei, Ih ! t all evil officers heieat
-3 ter to be appointed fhdl, before
! they enter 01 the duties of
j refpeftive appointments, t ike
1 and fubfrribe the faid o.ith, in
g addition to the oath of ollice ;
('and al! militia oarers hereafter
j| to he appointed, (ball take and
fubfciibe the fmie before the
clerk of the fupet ior or inferior
c<nirt of the county, and obtain
a certificate th *ieof, before Inch
officer (hall take any command
by or under Inch app inrm nt.
i Sec 4. And he it further enafl
j | hat all proceedings which
! have been had or obtain *d before
| any of the aforefaid o'hce .« who
| have not taken and (nbfeibed
j th ? aforefaid oath, in terms of
j the (aid aft, or th v may in fu
| ture he had and obtained before
s them or any of them pievious
j to the aforesaid frrft dav of He-
I toher next, dial Ibe he ! d de'rn
, led and con hdered, to be as loga l ,
11 * O ’
as if fuch ofTi'er or o'hcers had
taken, and fub(c»ib(d the ahne
(aid oath in term, of the laid
Scr. rj. And he if firth er enaH
rd } That any part or parts of
the aforefaid aft, which may
militate againfl this aft, lhall be
and the fame is hereby repealed.
David Meriwether. Speak r
oj thf. Hnvfe of R- praf natives,
DAV : D FMAM U K L , PVC fid Hit
of th* Sr nut e
A (Tented to Dec. 5, 1709
I James J AdCscM, Governor .
N O T I C E.
AN X lOU Sto bring *0 a clofe
the accounts of the lafl year %
thus earnrftly johci s his friends to
' cime forward and dch r rgr their
arrears; ns an induct nr nt to u h'ch
he will a'l w jour dollars per cwt,
for SKI'D C'tTJ'OS, if deliv red
tn Lvuijvillc within ten dags.
j January 7.
The bUB CR 10 R
Brfrs Ifrvf tu in'erm In F k ft» otd o.<
j Pa lie, that h<- h" » krn f c f »pjr»-
n-'fFi ) JOHN P. Wll LI AM', ON, anti
j C' nrn ne« to envy <> tiic
Factorage and ommiflion
llndf r'' r FIP M i
Hammond 6? WiUiatnfon ,
I . '
I At lis Store, on le.fair’s • I:a»f.
'every attention wil' r p»i,i r ter ere i
1 of rhofe Ah;) may favor them *i li 'heir
Samuel Hammond.
Savannah, De . 3> l 7W‘
Ai the otur.F nf ih muisvn.LE gaz■
£TTE , cbinfl for' njt ,
A variety of Gold Ear-Rings, j
To tell .if Day •■'l lie M
Silver and plated B >tt'e .abL ,
Silver Boot Bhu.k'e
E’ega t MLVERar { i l P
Plated Spun and u ■,
A quantity of la
PEARL li U 7 NS.
Heft White Cha- ' <7cs.
November 19.
■ 5 '^T5T?T'" l
1 And FOR SALE,at thi t Offer N
The Geoigu .md iouth- u|
C aro ! ina 1
January i j.
i CMH K.croirs S m.k. Sp
Mr Cpi t flm/ r. ?n :
C 'nn f y\ a f the ufiul horns, on MrSfl
/*>// MOND iY in Jung next t HM
OVK thuifni Acres of
/ and t in ike na nc of Da J z /SW
Unn'tr , in /<H<i cuu/i/y on
cwi. r/r unit for the
for the years 1797 and 1798, hf*
7V/jc due 77 rrn/5 % rS!
Sam. Robin-on, t. c. w. c. Ev
N«vfm cr 13 7 y , y . R£
I J>;v f>u A //, '//td, in //on, |S
O-i I hu (day, the 2 I January, 1 800, £»pj*
Number I. of a Covn'ry Newfpaper,W§
The Federal Caiolina Gazette. O
r p HE Edi rnf the T nuth yjt
L Slate Ga%e:te nil) tily stiver J®
fifrr. h s *d pe l ti « p’au *n Cuiifd-nP
q >ence nf the* lolic t; Pons of a gna jjjf
in'ny refpetfaMe grn'.emen wo
rrli 'enfa in the country , and fmm
at kn owledged ne.'tlTt'y th-r* •« ♦«*r
a paper, as w ll an the ufcfu’nefs
impor ance it will be of. 7
I a rite announces rru'r and pC’ " ! r m
th** pr ncp'es upon wiiich it fha I be •*■*
conduced, 7^
He has • k n iro pir re Hi p >n this 1
o*Z' fe Mr I HOMAB fj HKP P A 0 , 1 <7
gentleman w}io(V ab uts he -a* t■ a .l an f
onpo-iiini y o judg ng of, from h- ?
experience of altVi n ye re acqa iintancc. jj
Ihe Ftdtia' Carolina G 3 ,fe will tM
therefore "r pn ) Hud on I hmflsy, in ,*
■ fch week under the dinCiton aod
firm nf j*
i Timothy & Sheppard, E? ,
'j Wh C* united <x rtmnt **dl (v made*”?,
ro til"it thr clt.em and paoonage ofi‘s
he public. /ujl
The rn lit’oof are three dollars, fpe*
cc. per annum, in a'vame. t-VeJ
I‘ will be pr nted on fnper rnffl 4M
paper, the fize of li c Daily Acvcr
\i C Leftrra (poll paid) ar’drefT d fn
'he Editoia will hr du y noticed I and
the pre left punctual ly obf rv;*d n *
foi waiding the pop rs acc r 'in/ ds- Tt
rrdtiou. Januaty y j *-g
K hrnord (V r) Apr 125 '99 VJ.
To the Rtpidh nns throughout the' *•
i’n led Stales, .
| For pubbfhing, by Tubfciption, • 1
A Political, B'oprnphiral and Hiftorical^l
rer o s itok y. L-1
9 "-m
! Ihe perioi * of inbliraii-n 'o bf&J
i Ir f'i-q-i ) 'C W.n
Ii H ieli iit i her fn n nuin 96 1^0 •. BS|
faßej •I ic er rtf > rii lipjj, , r o’ 'm -» r j
bn ' 1 a t er, i-e 11 v ear< ti> eH »t an
* * ivpr, lewfi) and glevred under a tidci* £ J
!•!. P re t > S\»bfcr h*r< 4 Ir.lUr* a v^a r F®
w»d< 1! r to ni'l j” <;d\aiice on ihr
j - •'ret. t•f 1 hr (-rft 1 ui. be aid ;«o d 1-
;ar on C.r re ci, l • f •* r fif b 1 ir- b- r,
IV. T < c «' I. u imm' fi, which v* «l
I. e a \ idi me • 42c will he ad ei
n title } ‘‘g~ t at d a t’e * r er tt ►-J
[ames I.YON S7J
(TT Snb[c~iftions for th'
will be received at this Office*
: £SAt‘y*~* -e ■ V4>.- -.oyyrw