The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, January 14, 1800, Image 4

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I A’ 0P 0 f I. S For puhlifhing, bv fubrrtijyinn, a NEW e- t M. -J The PROS PICT BEFORE VS• An hnfuirtia) fxamir alien of ■ t i' Principal f^nfvers of ih f - i'- rnl Government ; irv Exfifanatini of the ceffty tor a Vrw C'r But, /ir % if f'oj an , it fquinlt at Monarchy ! P. Henry. CONDITIONS. T. The wrk will bc punted in id r»Aavo volume, cnnfifl‘ng of »b ut ten (beets ; on pood paper, and with a new sr.d elegant yp- ; and will be delver d lo in board*. li. The price will be One Dol'ar per ?op.y, to be paid at the time of Tub 1.1. The volume will he put »o prefs fooo ls a thoufand copite have been [ubferibed for. IV A liberal allowance will he made to bookfrllcre, and others, who take quantities. From the encouragement which this work ha* already received, no doubt in -nferraln d that the ftlpulated number of ( copies will be engaged for In a Ihort i dme. The volume will he ready to be silvered about the fitft of December AMONG he various inconfillencies wh'ch difltngu Hi human na ure, there s perhaps none more ettravagant than hat blindfold adm ration and enthufiafm wl'h which the bulk of mankind fo'low Particular names in a political contro terfy. The leaders of every admin ton commit numerous faults ; and their rn'igonifls, who come after them inva ■ ably tread in the fame track. In pri ra*c life, we can hardly find t?n perlons n the courfe of as many Tears, who )ofTefs, or who deferve implicit trull. ! Vet with this know'edgc and dlflruH of each other by experience, and in , detail, we do not FrupV to give urqna fied and un l imbed confid nee »o the eaders of thofc refpcdlfe patt : cs under w oru wehave enllftcd. We ran hardly mil one man whom we know, and yet ive trull an hundreds all together, of vhom the greacr part of us know no* hing hu* by report. Thus fht profound wit.lom of Gallatin, and the virtues of (Ji our ■ ullfious Prefi lent, from each of j&vthem a favorite chorus, with their feve s|ral partners; while u is beyond all tha f the continent contains || thoufands, and tens of thouf ndi of who are qui e n wife as the one, f 'andquite as honell as the o her. I his publication wll untold a very cxtenfivc frene of weaknefs an ' abfur 'y. of the profligate wafle of public and the profligate defertion of public pr nciples. Ihe flrrfs of ccnfure wdl refl upon the puf nl governing %P» r T* *>ecslife (bey hold for the time «|the national piufe, and have therefore mnfl cxt.nfive opportunities of per &petratlng mifeh ef. But, at the fime the r ader will •ot be forfeited Iw th encomium* on the champions of oppofition. The bufmefs of ihe nat'on I l as been abominably conduced ; but a yeat pari cf ibe blame is equally due to loth part es. Part ot the con*ents of this volume e'er to fuhjefls but II tie k n.»wn 'o the! 1 it *cns of this country ; and moll of I b m ire fuch as cannot fail to ffritc Iw pr YC sod iodignaiiro. For irflanre. j ** 1 P ri>l name o f a Senator, w^o, I the d'f. ufljpn 0 f Jay’s reaty i n Ju e I' "95’ :o one of hi* b ethren • I Damn the “ treaty. I . eteft it „ I mu h as you do ; but you know rry I (tttttliofl with Mr. jay. 1•« obliged to vote for ir 0 n account of my friend* > ip for h:m P* I 1 (hal! alfo give the name of a Senator * ,v f,r batmgutd in the Henate of Con grefs, for fcvcraldsys, agsioft the fedi- ..i-ykm,i iiTVTii^i \ "otp rZ r m sA. He th*n voted f r it, sod ed rr> two of his brethren, that he t " held that as uncon'litutionnf hot t af it oa* necefTary to keep doim r e darn'd printers . When exa'tvning a muMpi city o* complicated fubjefli, it is d'/h * ft fFsp- the prnbahili»y of he ng fome i irirn bh In re'ating a facrcflion of lafls, wt'er'* every ftep evciris con rt-mp or drefta'loo, it is d (Bvult to «vo d an r-caflonal feverlty of eiprcfllon. Even 'h ; s will be pardoned, if it cannot he 'vhen I am defenbe f enes of plunder, which force a hlufh into the beak of the mod hut gry Cormorant, that ever took his flight from Conoc£licut lo rood on the federal trtafury fames T. Callender. Richmond, Sept 3, 1799. CT Sub fa iptions for the work , will he received Ambrosf Day, at the Office of the Lcui/ville Gaz ette, Ofl 20. \ L'y VVm. M Duv. - O R n R G I aJ rtl., Clerk of the *fiffrr\on County, \ Cuurt of Ordinary Wm. M'DuwELL. t of the County of ; Jfcrson. WHF.RF. tS JoTc jIiM it dial I, jun ha'h this clay applied to me fof let fcu of. adminiftration nn the edatf of • VII rthew M..rflnll, deceafecl : thele a * therefore to ci 1 e and admomfh all :md fim»ular ibe kindred aid creditors of 'be faid dcceafed, to be and appear before th* li.fc jor Court of the county af> re* faid, or Anne one of the members thereof, nor before the 3; U day tf January ’ex', to fhew caulc, if any tbev have, why letters of adminillration fhould not be granted. Given under my hand, this 3'A day o' D:c. 1799, ai'd in the twenty fourth yr»r of the .American Inde pendence. • —■ ■■ - r— ■ ■■ * " ‘ ■ ■■ SBy Wm M Dow ell, Cleih of the Court <?/ Ordinary, of the County ff y/fferton. WHF.RKAS Miry M‘Nair, ar.d Sa muel M*Nair, hath this day ap** plied to me tor letters of adminillration on .he eftate of Gilbert M‘Nair, lace of this Countv, deesafed : thee are i tfie cf re to cite and admrn’fh all and lingular the indied ai d Ced lors cf the laid > eceaied, to be and appear before tlie lifcri rCouit county afore'aid, or fomc one of 'he mrmlen there. 1, on or b. fore the th day of January ; next, to Ihcw caufe, if any they have, why letters of adminillration ihould not be g< anted. Given under my hand, this 6«h day of December, 1799, and in the twenty fourth year t f the Xmciican Inde pciultnce, JefFerfon Superior Court, April term, 1799. Prefent the hon. Geo. Walton. UP » N the petition of Natha iei M l h* kin. Ri.uard tuny, a d Ben* j »min W,.rucr, playing the fo'cclofure o' the equity of redenip-iop, in and to & certain trad < f land, containing f ur hi n* drrd air s fituate, iving and being in the (lid countv of JrfTerf. n, one bundre { aer sof which was gnmted 10 F1 ede< ick I Ong'afs, and ihe o.her three a ro. t * ifaac A"), ,pr , mortgaged to (hr . fail N » r Hanicl M Micltin. Rich td Cur y and Het j mi . Warner, by ll .ac Auger, 1 for the Iriuri g (he payment of fum of . 1 m ncy contained in a li« nd g dai* the 101 h day of |ulv, one thoufand leven hun 'red and ninety eight, Ai l up 11 motion of Mr Car. e*, att r ne for the petrioners: it is ordered, <h>t 'he prircipal. intered and cofij he paid min C'urt, wi lnn twelve m nh from 1 th? da.e hereof oiherwife the equity of tedrm 'lion wit) lie forever forec’oird, and other proceedings take pl.icr, ug r cc.U I? to an ai'l of a^embl •, in fuch cafes made and P ovided ; and that ih i rue be pul l fhrd in 01 eof the gazette lot this a e, a| leall ncr in evciy month, u* ti 1 the expiration of the laid 1 welve < r fei v d ui on ’be mortgage, or ins fpecial agent, at leafl v mn.t/u pr Turns 0 the expiration of tl'.e laid twelve tuonlhi. Certified this 4th i.av of CKT. ’99. VV m. M‘Dowell, clerk , Wanted lo Hire, A N L G R OBOY. Enquire at this Office, ■ V~l I S I I ——III IM r - f '1 f AiT a(r>r thl e»« r. of n‘ne n nth* fom ■},( (iitt hrico , the.e * u i];ai>** t«» he ho u-r i hr TnffM i C urtof J ffrrfor, County, ji - an order o| lale, • f <nr hundred were* i o i iKa tic in the C ar.iy of )e,i*rfun -lor-frii., adjoining l*nd of Jofet h Chair*; it be ng part of ihc re?l ebatc of William fe kias, «Ic: eaf-d. The file thereof will be f. r the be nr fir « f’he heir« t>nd creditors of the afore fa 5 d Jenkins, dree fed. 1 Henry G. Caldwell, Attorney for the Freemen o: the afoiefaid E late. September 25, 1799. NOTICE. THAT after the expiation of nine months from the narc hereof, there wul br an «pi licaiion made rn the horcr ab e the laferh r Court « f Jrfferlon Coun t>, for an order o! fait ol ihc real efiate ' f Robert Harr.bleton, deceafed, to wii : three hundred acres of Lano, (ituatr in the county of adjoinjig land of y«>hn |r gr r m and y.ihn Kennr* Hy. It being part of a Tract of land, containing four hundred and fifty acres, granted to Robert Cooper. Alio, one other Tr. ft of Land, contain, ing three blind ed ami fitly acres, r tuate in the count) of Bmke, on i! e waters <f M Been Creek, adjoining lands ol . grimed to , The fale of the above ami foregoing Tracts of Land, w 11 he fbr the benefit o •he heirs and irediiorj ©. the fa.d Hubert H..mbietun, deceafed. 11. G. Caldwell, For the /1 dm! n, ft, a tor oj the ufrtfuid Ef.att J‘*nt 26, 1799. Notice is Hereby Given, r J"HAT there will he an appli ! cation made to the honor aide 1 the inferior court of ck, ajter the expiration of nne months , Jor j leave to fell a cerUin iraft of land , |on the waters of the Oanee, con tamng ninth four acres more or Iffy part oj the real efiate of lohn i fonts, dtcenfedy to fatisjy the heirs and creditors of jaid deceofcd . John Booth, fenior, Admiuilirator. November 16. N O T I C E. 'T'H AT nine months after the date her, of , application nill be made to the Inferior court of Jfefferfon Court:y t for permiffwn to (til a tra£l of two hundred an ! Jixty acres of land, in Waffling on coun ty, part of the real efiate of John Murray , deceafed v for to fatisjy the Creditors of jaid Efiate. VVm M‘Dowell, admr . Oftober 29, 1799. NOTICE. HPHAT nine months after the ! I date hereof , application will j j be made to the honorable the inferior ; court of the county of fefferfon , | for leave to (11 a traft of land, eon | tailing one hundred acreSy within fix mils of Cambridgey in bbe- 1 vide counfy t in the (late of South- C arolina : part of the real efiate ' :of Robert Spence , deceafed y to fa - j tis/v the demands of the creditors of faid Robert Spence. Samuel Andrews, admr . Oft. 14, 1799. WANTED. As an Apprentice % to ihe Black fmit/is Bit finefs , A NEC KG BOV, from 14 to 18 yean of age. Any per (on willing to put their negro to the above bufuvjsy may depend up n ! his being taken care of end treated wed. Job Tounfley, • December 10. esis wmsmsm I oui C\ Vt Gazette Office, gi . January 7, 18:0. Kj S-'bfcrihers who art indebted* Jor the Louifville Gazette, or form any ether printing done at this office M are requefhd to come forward andm f*y "P their arrears . The terms% of the Gazettes are payable hal/M yearly ; hut a great many have been*. l forwarded to feveral counties in the 1 fate, on a promife of remittance by 1 the fvfl opportunity—which mujl S have p.nce occurred, and others nowffl offrr hv conveyances, at this fea/onM which will no doubt be improved by 3 ' fuch genl'emen as are inclined toW pay. The great expences incident* to an efabli/hmcntfuch as a newffm paper, ought to be imprejfed on the 3 minds of the and duce. thm to dif.hoTge the of their accounts with greater tualily, H The Editor can certainly that, in e[lab!Thing the Louifvxlle 1 Gazette, he was actuated more by a '<j afire to comply with the numerous *1 (oh citations of gentlemen in feveral parts of the fate, and a hope of 3j its pirroing advantageous to the conn- ij iry, than by any prcfpefl oj gain to fair [elf; the ex/ences of the | buf rjfs have hitherto very far cx ceeded the receipts from it. While, therefore, the Editor * relu ns his fir cere and mnft grateful • thanks to thofe who have been pleafed \ to favor him with their bufinefs, i and particularly to thofe whofe pay - -1 ments in advance have enabled him • in fome mrajurc to fupport a credit) \ he came fly emreats thofe indebted, to fettle their accounts as foon as ] poffible. Jp AMBROSE DAY, The ."UH CRIBHR Has juf receiv'd , in addition to \ . his former flock, yd The following ARTICLES: || BROAD Cloths and meres Jjf| Caffimere Vefl Shapes Ba h Coating lj§| . Duffil Blanhts, Rose ditto Linen , Calicoes, Mijl.ns, Durants |Sj Oznaburgs,,Cotton Bagging [fl Plain and colored Cotton hose Velve> ets and Th cksels Royal Rtbb, Writing Paper Kill / atent Medicine of all kinds PI j Gun L cks of the brfl quality PS ' Fine scented Pomatum O ' Be(t Black Ball g * End e Bits, Plated Spurs § Womens stirrup hens gS | Hurdwaie of ad kinds K ! Pen Knves , Saddle Tacks g| Cotton Cards , A T o. 10 j Ribbors, Scxffors fci j Lanes Hair Cembs B 8 Sewi r g Silk all colors Pvtkct Handkerchiefs ; Girt Webbing | Thimbles, with fed bottoms K i Reck Laces Bfe Bejl White Chapel Readies Razors in cases . K MANUS LEMLF. R R. B. All those indebted to Subscriber, are eainejily Ito come forward, and make imme-WK dale payment . or their accounts K i will be put into the hands of an attorney . Jlf. X.