The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, January 21, 1800, Image 1

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VoL* I*] ‘ ~~ XEASON AND TRI TH IMPARTIAL GUUiE THE IV.TT. —Georgia, LOUISVILLE:—PubIiIhcd every Tucfday, by AMBROSE DAY, at 3 dollars pci ann. payable halt yearly. PHILADELPHIA, Dec . 5* At a meeting of a number of the republican citizens of Mont gomery county, on the evening of the 28th of November, at the houfe of Michael Bank, in Flour Town, convened for the purpofe of celebrating the elec tion of T. M‘Kean, to the go vernmental chair:—After par taking an elegant Cupper provh ded for the occafion, William Halman, was appointed chair man, and Ezekiel Hill, ferretary, the following toafls were drank ; j. The Bth of Oft. 1799 — The day on which piinriple 1 overcame intrigue, andrcpubli-j canifm defeated ariftocracy— 3 cheer®. t. The United Stares of Atnc rica—May they enjoy peace with all the world, and uninter rupted commerce to all parts of it. 3. John Adams the Prefident of the I nited States—a man unfortunate in his choice of both friends and enemies. 4. Thomas [efferfon, the phi larthropift, philolopher, and ftatefman, and our next candi date for the prefidential chair— May the clamour of fools and the intrigues of knaves, prove ineffeftual to prevent our choice —9 cheers. 5. Thomas Mifflin our pre lent governor—3 cheers, 6 I homas M‘Kean our go vernor cleft. May the fame talents, integrity, and patriotifm dignify his prefect promotion, that have honored his former appointment—6 cheers, 7. The fovereigmy of the people—-May they never fo far forget their dignity ?s to fufFer themfelves to be infulted by their fervants. 8 More intelleft to thofe who ran difcov/er no difference be tween a democrat and a difor ganizer, 9 The German and Trifh lon » th at ga v e us a governor— it long continue in the caufe of virtue. * O, Plow, as it is the 0 u eful, m ay it become the ™ olt h °norable employment. , V.' T hc heroes w hn fought d bled in the caufc of freedom . ? Ce *° manes and perpe- V to their memories. FranM' 1 he mem ° r y of Doftor Ifk.j 1 'JJ a man whofe talents jj. U re oP°n his country— liJn 3 . cr >mCon the Amt h;;"ch«k. for fufFering lo long tia > h "Chog. Vi ° lated a Br " onh 6 , Aur ° ra - The the !)r .r " e , ate * and ruccels to ( Ptefent editor; ' 4 ‘ Buona pa«e the intrepid THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. T U E S D A Y, January 21, 1800. hero in the caufe of freedom ; and while he fights under her banner, may he never experi ence a reverfe of fortune. 15. Robert Wharton and hh committee of (caudal—May their only punjfhrpent be to drink the cup of (hamc, till thc laft drop’s exhaufted, 16 May affes cars, and a black cockide, become fynorni nous t'mms. and the h ads they ad 'rn be entitled to the lame eftimation.* Volunteer, by Mr. Aaron Kifer . May the mark of aultocracy fall in public from the face of ' all thofe that wear it, SIXTH CONGRESS OF THB UNITED STATES. Mouse op Reprp.s fntatives, Wednefday , Dccnnber 18. A meflage *as received Lorn the Prefident of the U States, by Mr Shaw, his fee etary, and j read, in the following words, to ( wit:— Gentlemen of the /mate and Gentlemen 0/ thekou/eoj itprefen to lives % The letter herewith franfinit ted will inform you that it has' pleafed Divine Providence to remove from this *ifc our lent fellow citizen George Wa fhington, by- the pmity of his charafter, and a long feries of 'ervices to his country, n ndeved illuftrious through the woild. It remains for an aff ft»onate and grateful people in whofe hearts he can never die, to pay fuitablc honor to his memory, JOHN ADA Mb. United States , Dec . 18, '99. Mount Vernon , D c. 15, *99. Sir—lt is with grief that I h ve to ant ounce to you the death of the great aid good genetal Wa(h;ngton ; he died Ml evening between 10 and t i o’clock, after a (hort ill nefs of about 24 hours; his dil order was an inflammatory fore throat, which proceeded from a cold, of which he made but ittle complaint on Friday On Saturday morning about three o'clock he became ill. 1 r Craik tended him in the morning, and Dr. Dick of Alexandria, and Dr. Brown, of Port Tobac co, were foon after called in Every medical afiiftance was offered, but without the defued effeft. His jaft feene corref-, ponded with the whole tenor of his life; not a groan nor a com plaint elcaped him in extreme diflrcfs ; with perfeft refignaiion, . and a full poatllion of his rea- fon, he clofed his well fpent life. I have the honor to be, Ac, TOBI AS LEAR, The prefident 0) the United States . Thur/daVf December 19, The hour having arrived which the prefident had appoint pointed the houfe proceeded fo wait on him, and having return ed, Mr. fpeaker read the follow ing addrefs of the houfe, and thc piefident's reply thereto : Sir—The houfe of reprefen tatives, penetrated with a knfe of thc irreparab'e lofs luftained by thc nation, by the death of (hat great and good rnnn, thc illuflr ionsar d beloved Walhing fon, wait on you fir, to exprels tfu ir condolence on this melan choly and diftrt Ifing event. To which the piefident made the following reply : Gentlemen rf the hokje 0} leprc/cn talives, I receive with great refpeft i and affeftion thc condolence of , the houfe of reprcfentaiives on the melancholy and lifting event, in the death of the mofl illuftrious and beloved pcifon age which this country ever pro duced. If. mpathize wi h you, 1 with (be nation, and with good men through the woild, in this irreparable lo(s fufiained by u.® ’all JOHN ADAMS. United States , Dec I*9, 1799. A meffge from the fcnarc announced their concurrence to the refolution appointing a joint committee, paffed this day, and that feven members were ap pointed on their pait. Sixteen were appointed on the pa t of this houfe, Monday, December 23. Mr. MMhall, fiom thc joint committee appointed to report 1 what teftimony of refpeft ought to be paid to the memory of the 1 man firft in war, fiift in peace, and firft in the hearts of his' countrymen, made a reportin' part, which he delivered in at the table, where it w r as twdee iead and unanimoufly agreed to in the words following, to wit: | Refo'ved, by the fen ate and houfe of reprefentatives of the United States of America, in congrefs affemblcd, That a mar ble monument be ertfted by the United States, in the capicol in the city of Wafhington, and that the family of gen. Wafh iugton be requefled to permit his body to be depofited under j it; ?nd that the monument be 1 fo defigned as to commemorate j the great even's of his military j and political life. • And he it further rfo ved t That there be a funeral proerffron from congrefs ball to the Geu man I other-n church, in honor of the memory of pen. Uco-ge Wafh ngton on Thurfday, the 26th inftanr, and that an oration be prepared, at the requeft of ronprefs to be delivered before both h'ufcs on that day, and that the prefident of the fenate and fpeaker of the houfc of re piefenfatives he defired to rc queff one of the members of congrefs to prepare and deliver the lame. And he it further rrflved , That it be recommended »o the peo ple of the United Stages to w» ar crape on the left arm, as mourn ing, for 30 days. And he it further re/olved , That the picfident ot the U States be requeued to dire6l a copy of thefe resolutions to be tranfmit ted to Mrs. Washington, afTu ting her of the proft und rrfpcft congrefs will ever bear to her perfon and charaftcr ; of th< ir condolem e on the late ; ffl fling difpcnfation of Providence ; and entreating her aflent to the interment of the remains of gen. Wafhmgton, in the manner ox prefled in the firff ref. lution. And be it further rcfulved t That the Pnfident of the United States be requefted to illue a proclamation, notifying to ihc people throughout the United States the recommendation con taimd in the third refolu'ion. A rncflage was received fiom tlic fenate, announcing their concunrrce in the report of the joint c( rnmittee made this day. Tvejday , December 24. A m< Hage was r ceivtd from the Prefident of the States, by his fccrCtary, Mr. Shaw, in forming the houfc, that the pie fident had this dav approved and figned the refo u’ions which o iginated in this houfe in h< nor lof the memory of gen, George , Wafhing on. Mr. fpeaker informed the houfc that, purfuant to the rc folution of congrefs p iffed yeL terday, authorizing prefident of the fenate and the fpeaker of the houfe of reprclentativcs to appoint a member of congrefs to deliver a funeral oration on Thurlday next major gen, I ce, of Vnginia, had been appointed ■ for that purpofe, and that he had been plealed to fignify his acceptance of the appointment. 1 ne Prefident with deep re gret announces to fhe army rhe j death of its beloved chief, gen. j oeor<'c VV afh 1 ngton. Sharing :in the p ief which every one j mud feel for fo heavy ami aftbfl •mg a public lofs, and d-hicus [Xo. ci.