The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, January 21, 1800, Image 4

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PROPOSALS For publifhing, by fubfcription, A NEW WORK, entitled. The PROSPECT BE FORE US; O R, An Impartial Examination of the Principal Features of the Fede ral Government ; including an Explanation o) the inflant ne cejfity for a New Cenfus. But, /rr, it hot an awful [quitting ; it Jquints at Monarchy ! P. Htn r y . CONDITIONS. I. The W‘ rk will be printed in an n<sfavo volume eoofiftiog of ab ut ten ) fheeti ; on good paper, and with a new and elegant ype *, and will be deliver d lo Subfcribrrs in board*. 11. The price will be One Dollar per copy, to be paid at the time of fub* fcritv’ng. 111. The volume will be put fo prefi \ *a fono as a copies have been fubferbed for. IV A liberal allowance will be made to bookfrllcre* and others, who take quantities. Part of the con'enrs of tire volume refer to fufje&s but liule known to the citizens of this c untry ; and moft of them are fuch as cannot fail to excite fin prize and indignation. For mflance, 1 will print the name of a Senator, who, ■t the difruffion of Jay’s treatf. in June ; I ?9J, fpoke thus to one of his bethrrn : —-Damn he “ treaty I r'eteft it as •* much as you do ; but you know my ** fituatioo with Mr. Jay. lam obliged •* to vote for it on account of my friend klip for him P* I fhmll alfo give the name of a Senator who harangued in the Senate of Con prefi, for feveral days, agiinrt the fedi lion a&. He th o voted f r it, and declared to two of his brethren that he ttill held that aA as unconPitutionol hnt that it was necefiary to keep' down the darn'd printers. When ciamming a mul pi cby of complicated fohjeAs, it is difficult to eft ape the probabilby of he og fnme* time? m ftnk n In rela'ing a(u tflion of faAs, w er every ftep exriha con tempt or de'tfta on, it is dfficult to avo d an occasional (evenly of exprt flion. l Even i hi# will be pardoned, if it cannot I be defended, when I am to deferthe fcencs of plunder, which might for. c a blufh into the beak of the mod hungry Cormorant, that ever took his flight from Connecticut to roolt on the federal Irtafury. James T. Callender. Richmond, Sept 3, 1799. f-t' Subfcnptions jor the work t will be received by \ mbrose Day, at the OJJice oj the Louijville Gaz - OH. 29. Richmond (Vir ) Apr l 25, ’99 1.0 the Republicans throughout the United States, PROPOSALS For publifhmg, by fubfetiption, A NATIONAL MAGAZINE; O R, A Political, Biographical and Hiftorical REPOSITORY. CONDII i O N S. !• *T he periods of publication to be ftrni-quarierly. U Each number to contain 96 ftavn pages of lc ci 1 re fs printing, upon large fine paper, neatly executed on an entire new type, lewed and glewcd under a chick bine cover, 111. P' ice to Su Herbert 4dollarsayear. two dollar'- to b* aid :n advance on the leceipt of ih« ftrfT number, and two dul. iar on the re. cii t of the fifth number. IV. To each four numbers, which will nuke a volume of 400 ages, will be added a title | age, aid a ;able . | C o- tents. James Lyon, ITas pu lijhed , in Chari(lon % On Thutfday, the 2d January, iBco, Number /• of a Country Newfpoptr , ENTITLED, The Federal Carolina Gazette. THE Fdi r.x of the South Carr lino Slate Gaxette end Daily /Idver lifer , has adt-p cd if s pan, n confe q tenC'* of the felicitations of a grea many rtfpcAablc gentlemen are refidents in the cotKtry , and from the acknowledged there is ft r fuch a paper, as well as the ufefulncfs and importance it will br of. Its title announces tru'v and pVn’y fhc pr nc pies upon which it (ha 1 be conduced. He has t- ken in'o oar refh p n this Gaz-tfe. Mr Thomas Sheppard, a gentleman whof> ah lit ts he 1 as bad an opporlun y of judgmg of, from ? he* experience of a feven year# acquaintance Ibe Federal Carolina Ga : te will therefore pu’ I (bed on Thu»flay. in each week, under the direction and , firm rf Timothy Sc Shephard, Whole un ted ex- toons will be made ] to merit the efteem and patronage of Ihe public. The conditions are three dollars, fpc e’e per annum, iu advance. It will he pr nted on fnper myal paper, the fize of the Daily Adver tiler, .£/* Letters (port paid) addreff d to he ilditors will be duly no iced i and ;the greeted punctuality obbrvrd n fotwaiding the pap rs according to d>* reftioo, January 7 JefFerfon Supenot Court, April term, 1799. Prefent the hon. Geo. Walton. UP ' 1 N the petition 1 Naha iel M‘Mnkin, Rirttarcl < urry, d Hen juiiin i\-rncr, ; taxing ihc fo ech hire 1. the equity < f redemption, in a''ri t a crilai 1 tract . f land, c< niai mg f ur hi n idredatr s fttuate, lying and being in hr laid count' of Jtftsrf n, one inn die acrrjt f wh th was granted o Frederick Di’glafs, and the other three hunt-red at ro t f ' ifaac Anger, morteaged to die fait Nathaniel M Mickm. Huh d Cur y and hetj-mn Warner, by 11-:ic Ange:, for the Ircuri g ihe payrn-t t■ f liun . t m nex C'niained in a bm.l be ti g d • he toth tfav of fuly, one tiroufarni Irven j hutHred and ninety eight. And up n motion of Mr Car C', att r ine lor the petitioners: it is ordered, it t the principal, inte.ed ard cods be pa it m’ Court, wi'bin twelve mn hs from the 1 a e here<'f. otherwife the equi y o re um ’lion wi l be forever force o >o, aijvi other proceedings ,ake pi me, agrec:*t-ic t an ad of at’embl-, in fuch ci ic* me U ai piovided j and that this rule be ; uM fh *t. in cue of the oi this ae, at ieull 1 nee in every month, until the expiratio of the laid twelve months, or (evd n o the mortgage, or his fpecial ag.-r,', at leall litt montns p'cvions so the of the laid twelve months. Certified this 4th da o> Od. ’99 \V f m. M‘Dowell, clerk , A !'y Wm. M D GEO R G I A,/ PLI. Clerk oj tht j'jj.ncn i.ounty, \ Cjurt of Or.iinu/} j Wm. M‘Dow ell. I of the C unty oj ) J'ffcnon. \\ T H RRc,A S Jotcph Mat fliail. jvin hath VV l^ls day ap|'ij e ,i t( y ()r ] ef . tc . < f adminiftration on the ellate <1 Atiiliew Marfhall, dereafed ; thrfe a e therefore to cite and adrnor.ifh all ano finj'ular the kinured a.d treditors of (he! Paid dcceafcd, to be and appear before the Infciior Court of the county afire* ■ laid, or fomc one of the members there f, on or betoie the 3 1 D day rf Jan 1 :ir y next, to fhew caufc, if any thev have, why letters of adminillration fhould not be granted. Given under my hand, this 31f> day of Dec. 1799, and in tht twent - fourth year oi the American hide petnlerre. BLANK LETTERS OJ ADMIN IS! RATI and BLANK BONDS . By the Quire , For Sale at the OTice of tie Louifvillc Cazelte, I.ouifville Gazette CfFice. J mnary 7, 18 o uhfcrih( r s uho are indebted for the Loui/vilie Gazet'e, or for any other printing done at this office, are requaled to come forward aivt fay up their arrears . Ihe terms of the Gazettes are payable ha'f yearly ; hut a great many have been forwai ded to feveral counties in the fate, on a promife of remittance by the ffrfi epportuniy—which vmjl have f-nce occurred, and others now offer b\ conveyances , at this feafon , which will no doubt be improved by Jack gent emen as a>e inclined to fay. Jhe great txpences incident . to an efabH/hmeni /uih as a nezvf paper , ought to be impreffed on the minds of the Subfc ibers, and in \duce ifvm to dif herge the amount of their accounts with gria'er punc hality. The Editor can certain 1 y fay , that , in efablifhing the Lcuifville Gazette , he was abluated more by a defire to comply with the numerous lolicitat'ons of gentlemen in fevtral farts of the Jlate , and a hope of its proving advantageous to the coun try, than by any projpeß of gain to him [elf; the ex ences of the hufnefs have hitherto very jar ex ceeded the receipts from it. While . therefore the. Editor rein, ns his Ji cere and m ft grateful thanks to thofe who have hem plea fed to favor him with their bufinef , and particularly to thole who ft pay ments in advance hare enabled him in fome meafure to jufport a credit] he eameflly enreats thofe indebted. t fet le their accounts as focn as poffibiC. AMBROSE DAY. The sUB CRIB' R Has juft receiv d, in addition to his former flock, The following ARTICLES: BROAD Cloths and BuffCaffi -1 meres Caffi r ere Vefi Shapes Ba h Coat’ng Duffil Blankets, Rose ditto Linen, Calicoes, Muffins , Durants Oznahurgs , Cotton Bogging \ Plain and colored Cotton Lose Velve efs and Th ckseis Royal Ribh. Writing Pabcr f airnt Medicine or oil kinds Gun L cks of ihe hejl quality Hoe scented Pomatum Befi Qlack 801 l End e Bits, Plated Spurs | Womens tv nip Pons Hardware of ad kinds . / Pen Kn nes, Saddle Tacks Cotton Cards , No. 10 Ribbo 5, Sciffbrs Lanies Hair Sewing Silk all colors Pocket Handkerchiefs Gut Webbing I fumbles, with feel h Horns Neck laces Bef White Chapel Nc'dlcs Razors in coses. MANUS LEMLF. A r . B, All those indebted to the Subscriber , are earnefly requeffsd to come forward, and make imme diate payment . or their accounts zoiil Is put into the hands of an : attorney . M. L. WANTED. is an Apprentice , to the Black, /milk's Bufme/s, A NFG *° boy. /rm 10 ‘, 8 y <aTi °f og'. Any P''/on -willing to pul their nr no to the above hfinrjs, may defend up n his King taken care of and treat, J J; Job Tounfiey*. ccmbcr to. J NO T I cTi! “ nine months after the date hereof, application will he made to the honorable the Inferior court of the county of Jefferfon . / r leave to flll a trad cj 'land, con * tav log one hundred acres , within fix nulcs of Cambridge, in .the ville county, in the Jlate oj South- Carolina: part of the real eflate of Robert Spence , deceafed, to fa tisfv the. demands of the creditors of /aid Robert Spence, Samuel Andrews, admr . Ocl, 14, 1799. NOTICE. nr mat nine months after the date hereof , application will he made to the Inferior court of jfftrfon County , for permiffwn to fell a trad cf two hundred andfixty acres of land , in WaJJnngion covn t-v, part of the real eflate of John Murray, deceafed , for to Jatisjy the Creditors of faid Eflate, Wm. M‘Dowell, Odober 29, 1799. Notice is Hereby Given, HP HAT there will be an appli cation made to the honorable the inferior court of H nc ck, after the expiration of nme months for leave to fell a certuin trad of land , on the waters of the Oconee con taining ninety jour acres more or I lef, part oj the real eflate of ohn \ Jones, dtcenfed, to jatisjy the heirs and creditors of faid deceafed. John Booth, femor, Admioittrator. November ?6. NOTICE. THAT after the expiration of nint months from the date hereof, there ai.l b'* an application made to the h nor ab'e the Inf c ric r Court if J'ffe: fort Court* tv, for an order of fate of the real efts t f Rcbct 1 Hamh'eton, deceafed, to wi I t' rre hundred acres of Land, Prints in the cunty of [7 f ff cr^nn * aojomirg l\'d of y »hn It gram and K f n nc * •*y . It being part of a Trad of Land, cti'ami g four hundred and fifty acrer, panted t<> Robert Cooper. A!fn, one other TraO of Lard, contain ing three hundred and fifty acres, lituate t in the county of Bmke, on the waters tf M Been Creek, adjoining lands ol , g«: nted to , The falc ot the above and foregoing Traces of Land, w 11 be for (he benefit of the hc'ri and creditors of the faid Robert Uainbieton, deceafed. H, G. Caldwell, For the ddrmnifttator of the upAtfdid June 26, 1799. NOTICE. after the expiration of nine X mirths fom the date hereof, the c will b* an apt licaticn made to he honor able the Inferior C urtof J? fferlor Count'♦ :nr an order of laic, of one hundred acre* of land, lunate in the County of ]e dr rfon aforrfhin, ac'j'dnirg land of Jnfeph Chair* - it be'ng part of the real eflate of W Te kins, deceaf'd. The Pale thereof w** l he f. r ihe benefit 1 f the heirs and creditor* of the atbrcl ,; d Jerkin*, dece’led H iiry G. Caldwell, Attorney for »he Executors ot afore faid £>tat(. September 25, i7v9»