The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, March 11, 1800, Image 2

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tin fnpplnvTs of hi* fa Wefts will never pernvt him either to con tinue beyond the necrfTuv in which they originated, or to ter minate on ?nv other grounds, than fuch as may bed contribute to the ferure enjoym m r.f their tranquility, their confutation, and their indeoendenre. GRENVILLF. Downing-dreet, [an 4 1800 To ihe minijler for foreign affairs, &c. idc at Paris . PHILADELPHIA Feb, 17. ExlraEl of a letter f rom the gallant commodore Truxton, to hs friend in this city, dated on board the Conflellaiion , BaJJelerre roads , Jan. 22, 1800. “ I have not time to fay much at prefent, having arrived only two days ago, and have not vet been on (horc. A44 pun Chip and a corvette of 28 guns are at Guadaloupe. I (hall give them a fair challenge to come out in a day or two and am hurrying to put all things in icadinefs for that purpofe. By the latcft accounts from Pariv, every thing was quiet in that city. A plan of a new conftitution had been propofed, but nothing yet dccidtd on— Every exertion was made to iaife monej—and to reciuit the ar mies. I hr consuls were pmfuing a moderate fydem ot government —feveral odious decrees of the late dmftory had been done away, and many emigrants per mitted to return. The combined French and Span'fh fleets lay in Bred har bour—off which port an Engliffi 11 et ot twenty iail of the line under admiral Gardner was cruizing to ohlervr them. Ihe hatvrft in England has not turned out to be fo bad as was expefted, and the piice> of gram had declined confiderably. The Irifh parliament had been prorogu'd. and ihe prevailing opinion was, that they would not meet again, I here was no intelligence in London of the arrival of our commiflioners at Pans. NORFOLK, February 20. ExtrrElof a letterftom a mercan tile hm/e in Liverpool i a gentle man in this borough received by the Fabius , arrived here on Tuejday “ The Britifh government allow the exportation (in neural bottoms) of fugar and tobacco to Holland and ’* ranee w From the id January, 1799, to the 31 d December, fame year, there have been expo?ted fo ni this port to Europe, 20 hogfheads of tobacco, t BALTIMORE, February 17. Saturday arrived Ihip Com' mcrce, capt. Sanger, 70 from St. Stbadian’s; by this ar jival we have received regular j (cries of the following Paris (prints, viz “ The Point du fou r “ The Indifpenfable!' * c The Di plomat*,” and the RedaEleur , down to the 6th ef December. Thefe papers contain a great variety ot intereding articles which have not yet been publifhed in this rountiy. The new order of things appears to have been re ceived throughout France with the urmod fatisfaftion ; the 60 pro r cnbed deputies who were fentenccd for tranfpnrtation are to be lent to the I fie of Rhe. and not to Cayenne. The prints fpeak with great plcafure of the profpeft of a negociation with this country. Capt. Sanger's verbal infor mation is, that the Americans are treated with attention in France ; that the armed (hips of the republic will not moled any veffel belonging to the United States: captain S faw at St ScbaftiarTs, the captain of a hodon fehooner which had been boarded by a national corvette, and treated politely ; that the people are very anxious for the arrival nf our miniders and fpeak with great fatisfaftion of the profpeft of a re union be-, tween the two republics. February 18. A letter dated late in Novem ber, from a gentleman of infor mation in France, to his friend h<-re mentions, as the gene»al • belief in the bed informed cir cles, that pc ce between aP the belhgerentpowc s except Fr nee and England, will take place hefoir Ipring—and that an ac commodation betwe* n this coun try and France appears to be unqm ftionable. February 26. Extra El of a letter from an officer on board the Fnlerprize Cutter , captain Shaw to a gentleman of ihe Jirfl re/peElubilitv in ihis city, l dated Port i enn t ( Del ) Febru ary 2 2. “ We yederday arrived here: with difpa ches for government, from capt Truxton, who has had an engagement with a 44 gun French dup; the * ondtl- Llion fought five hours, and had 19 men kit ed, and ao wounded, 101 l all hei malls, and was re duced almod to a wreck. The guns of the Frenchman were (ilcnced, and the (hip wou'd h.ivc been taken, had not the *•. onHellation ‘off her mainmaff, at the time (he was about to give tfu Frenchm m a fin 1 (hi’ g blow. By this means the enemy got off, or funk, for (he was not to ( be (t en on th<» morning Trux- 1 ton hasgone to Jamaica to refit. , “ The nteiprize has taken , two prizes on this, her fird cruize." From Bofion , February 17. Lctteis were yedeiday receiv ed in town, by exprefs from Newport, communicating the agreeable information, that the large Fiench (hip. Two Angels, having on board a very valuable cargo, has been lent in there by' the Boflon frig'te, capt. Little. She was taken on the of Januaiy in the Cauras paffage, bound from Cape Francois to Bourdeaux, and arrived at New port rn Friday lalf; we undcr (land fhc is to proceed the frifl ; fair wind, to this port, LOUISVILLE. 1 TUESDAY , March n, jBco. The Editor of the " louifville Journal ,” in his valedi&ory ad . drefs to his friends, bitterly la , mems that a neceflity fhould cx ifl for his relinquifhing his pur (uit—and Bates firfl, that the . very inconfidcrable encouragc , ment afforded him—2dly. party : fpint—and jdly, pcrfecution to certain individuals (particular | friends I fuppofe) which he fays hasdifgraced Georgia, and made her a by-word, are ample caufes. , And here 1 will obferve, that it mull be a fubjeft of pleafing re • fle6f ion to the friends of freedom , to hear this humble agent of Porcupine, bewailing that he • has received fmall encourage ment in Georgia. No higher proof of the enlightened under, (landing, and republican inde pendence ot its citizens can be adduced at prefent, than the re jection of fuch feivilc imple ments—made ufe of to miflead their judgments, by partial ex tmCts o( news and publications, calculated to deftroy the repu tation and influence of every individual confpicuous for his attachment to the firfl principles of our government. In regard to his fccond fubjeft of complaint, party fpirit, I have ordy to Ly, God in his infinite mcicy forbid that wre fhould ever r be infected more than we are' with the fpint of his party: —] That certain individuals who| have difgraced the hiftory of this j ftafe in lomc meafuie, have been ' perfccuted, and defeivedly, is not to be denied But, when | he lays, rha Georgia has become a by* wo d, his infolence is in luffciable Whois he that dares to calumniate a whole ftate ? Upon the munificence of which he ha.v been pampered in a flile before unknown to him. It is a Lilliputian EmiJJary , fiom the 1 Ealt, nurtured there on molafles, fifh and onions—and whofe ac count of his progenitors taken upon his own word, can never atone for his degeneracy. Per fonal merit is required ; not that lof anceflors Whether he was we 1 or ill bom, is nothing to the | ! purpole heie—But this do&rine I no doubt lavours too much of the pnnciplesof that gentleman,* whom he calls Mazzei's corref pundent, to luit histalle at pre lent. A fquad of young federal Jhoats a few nigh’s ago engaged j a band of mufical performers to < • ferenade, and afterwards paid ; j thcm—with mere lids than cep fen /—merely out of love of older and regular government By receipt intelligence fiom | Connecticut we learn, that the , flame of republicanifm fpread s notwithftanding all the effort# of the hierarchy and aiifl ocracv |to The profecution of the editor of the Bee proceeds. Fine and imprifonment will un. doubtedly be his portion. Should the civil arm be laid lightly upon him for a political offence he will not focafily offence againft the illuming , He has fo ufefully and uprightly j expofed the art and malevolence iof that body, that all the ar a . themas, prayers and influence of the pulpit throne, and fword will be turned againft him. I hig virtuous man, writing nn p r j n , ciple againft his intereft has pro ved by his private letters and ncwfpapcr that he poffcffes fupe rior talents as a printer, author man of fentiment, and of up right principles But what will our rulers fay, when they know that this man is under a profe. jcution for publifhing whatothers | re* printed, and no notice has been taken of them. His bro ther was fummoned as a witnefs againft him. Hudfon and God win the federal piinters (the latter wi.h two bro hers being on the jury) furmfhed the papa he ; was indi&cd on. The foreman of the grand jury was Amos Bull, a Britifh commiflary in New Yoik laft war. Careys Diary . From the Aurora . Economy, as recommended in the FrJdenCs Speech . It appears that a bill is now I before the fenate of the I nited I Stares, for augmenting the fala- I ries of the members of the Jenale , and houfe of reprefentatives . | The people who fend thefe members 'arc thus early fore warned of this extravagant at tempt to wafte the public mo ney, where neither additional labor nor the price of provifions afford the lealt pretext tojultify it. The public fhould know that this meafurc was propoled in the ( fenate by a New England mem- I her, and by one of the moll confidential friends of the Prc fident of the United States, Mr# Goodhue. This meafure willappear truly furpiizing for its impudence, as well as its extravagance, if confidered that the highell lorn paid by members of either houle for boa; d and lodging in this city is ten dollars a week; that a great majority, particularly the N e * England members, do not p- a > fo much as eight, and feverai c* them only Jive and /our doiL’ * d week. The prefent feffion of Con grefs is conlprcuous for the 1 n 3 quantity of bufinefs done, it is calculated that tbs (e-°a