The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, March 18, 1800, Image 2

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P \ RIS December 28. Mini fry of General Police. r f he con fills of ihe republic* in vi»tu«* of thp law of the 24th of this month, regarding indi viduals nominally condemn'd to banifhrr.ent without previous tiial, by a Ifgiflafive aft, having heard the report of the minifler of police, — Art. 1. It (hall he permitted to the individuals hereafter na med to re enter the territories of the republic. Art. 2 They (hall return and remain under the fupeiintend arce of the minifler of police, in the communes maiked out for them as fo’lows : La/ond Ladebat has permiftion to return to Paris; Barthelemy to Paris; BoiJJy d’Anglas , to Anno rray ; Couchery , to Befaneon ; Dikhaye, to Rouen ; Delaru 9 , to La (barite fur-I oire; Dcumere , to Pai is ; Dumola>d, to Grenoble ; Duplaniier , to Paris ; Duprat, to Tart'S; Gan, to Auxerre; Le Marc baud Gomicourt, to Rout n ; JJ cur dan {Andre Jofeph) to (Or leans ; Mtrjau, to Beaugen< y ; Madi*r, to Auxene; bcailles % to T onloufe; 77 dime, to Dijon; Bcrne % to Puv ; Andre (rf La Jacre) to Toub u'e ; Morgan, to Befaneon ; Cochon , to Paris ; Poltahs, to Pads; Paradis, to -Anvers ; Mur air e, to Paris ; Laumont, to Nevers; Praire Mon tault, to Pans ; Laumer.Quiney , to Paris ; Saladm, to Valenci ennes ; Simeon, to Paris; Vien~ not Vauhlanc, tej Mulen ; Villard Joycu/c, to Paris; Barbe Marhois , to Paris; Damas, to v ens; Bar rere, to Paris ; Vadier, to Char tres; d'olijjard to Macon A f, 3 The comtrun I admi niflr 110* (ball inform the mmif ter of po icr of the arrival of each individual in their refp< ft ivc diftiifts. / it. 4 Every individual com prehended in one of rhe laws of Germinal year 3, and of the 19th FruHzdcr . year 5, and not named in this lift, who (bail re-enter the French territory without be ing authorized by an exprefs permiflion fiorn government, (hall be confidcrtd and piofecu ted as an emigrant. Art 5. The minifler of gene i?l police is charg d with the execution of the prefent decree, which (hall be printed. December 29. The confervative fenate is al ready in the exerrife of its func tions at the Luxemburg, Its fit tings are ferret. Sycycs is cho len preficlrnt. * be Poliftr general Kni zie~ 2uick has fert general Kojciufko tl.e 1 word of John Sobiefki, which Tad been depofrtt d by that Prince in the churrh of our lady at I credo, after he had conquer ed the T inks, and which fell into fire hands of the Poles, at the (hat place was conquer ed. All the Poles, at the time this weapon was prdented to Kofiiufko, f flercd up prayers that in his hands it might again be come the terror of the enemies of their country. December 30. A letter from Sembl n, dated the 4th inft. fays, that Paffu'on Oglou was in full march againfl Belgrade, and that the Pacha of fhar place was preparing to re ceive his attack with vigour. The magazines are provided with provifions and ammunition. The Pacha how-ever, is alarmed with refptft to the Janizaries, who feem to be devoted to the intcrcfl and views cf Paffwan Oglou . Sycycs has accepted the do maine of Crofne, and has thank ed the legiflative body for that national rccompcnce. It was : doubtiefs renounced as a matter of ridiculous plealantry by fome writings a few dai s ago that he had refufed the gift of the na ton, December 31. Afts of the ( onfulate. Decree cj the 26/1 Llumber. “ The confuls of the repub lie decree as follows : M T he individuals named in hhe dec-ee of the 4th Frirnaire la ft, (Trail no longer be under the fupermtendance of the mini ft er of police. “ 1 y the fi ft confab “ BUONAPARTE. 0 1 The confuls of the republic to the confervative fenate , Paris, Dec. 28. Senators, (i T he confuls of the repub lie haften to inform you that the government has been rnftalled T h< y will employ under every circumflance, all their refources and means to deftn ?y the spirit of faftmn, to create public fpi ?i% and to confolidate that con flitution which is the objeft and the wiftics of the French people. The confervative f< nate will be animated with the lame de fire, and by its junftion with the con fids, will defeat the plans of thofc who may be oppofed to the public happinefs, (hould anv fuch extfl in the fir ft inltitutions of the ftate." Buonaparte, Jirfl conful cf the re public to general Avgereau, ccm viander in chief cf ike French 1 army in Batavia . “ I have appointed you, citi zen general, to the important situation of commander in chief of the Fiench army in Batrvia. “ Difplay in all the afts ori ginating from your command, that you are above thofe milt T able difputes of public aflemblies which have for thcle ten years paft convulfed France. ‘* I he g ory of the republic is the fruit of the blood died by our comrades, and we do not hc-ong to any other fccicty than that of the whole nation. Should circumflances com pel me to cany on the war my idf, be allured tint 1 will not fufFcr ycu to remain in Holland, and that I (hall never forget the gloiicus a6lion of Caftighone. 4 * I lalutc vou, “ BUONAPARTE." COUNCIL of STATE. Sitting of Dec, 26. 1 he fecond conful president The minifler of juflice having propoled to the councils to de mand a law for the purpofe of revoking thole which excluded the ci-devant nobles, and the relations of the emigrants, from the cxercife of public rights and public fun&ions it was refolved, by the councils of Rate, that it was ulclefs to demand fuch a law. becaufe the conllitution, by determining (art, 4 and 5) the only cafe in which political rghfs may be revoked, or fuL pended : and not comprehend ing in fuch cafes either the rela tions of emigrants, nor any other clafs of citizens, more particu larly when th re no longer exift any diflinft clafles; it was there fore irnpcdible to fuppofe other exclusions The college of confervator? by naming for the tribunate, the legiflative body, and its own inllitufion, men who had been excluded from thofe fun&ions by previous laws, had luppofcd them to be abrogated. Sitting oj December 27. The council has adopted a projetl of confular deciee, drawn up by the legiflative feftion, i which abiogates all adminillra tive decrees by which the open ing of the places confecrated to religious woj (hip was interdifted on oilier days than the Decadi. The council al'o adopted an other decree, drawn up by the lame ledhon, dating, that all the public fundlionanes, the tninif tersot religion, preceptors, and other perlons who were by the laws pitvmus to the conlliiution bound to take an oath, fhould for it the following 'declaration :— I fromife to he 'faithful to the conjhiu ion, A thi:d p»oof of decree was adopted, which dates in tub dan e, that the communes which on the hilt d y of the 2d year were in pofledion of edifices in tended for idigious woifhip, Ihould continue to ule them freely under the condituted au thontics, and according to the, terms of the laws of the 11th I Pranial of the 3d year, and that, lof the 7 h Vendemaire of the 4111 year, piovided that the (aid edifices have not been since alienated, and provided the purchafcis of them Oiali not be liable to ptolecudon or inconve-i nience. BLANK LETTERS Of ADMIN IST RADIO i\\ AND BLANK BONDS , By the Quire , For Sale at the Office of the 1 ouifville Gazette. February 25. *-X ECU TI V E D£PA R T M LN 7 ) Louis ville, March 3, ISOO. T HE u ReCC VPrfl of Tax K fum, A who have made default in are u ,' ot d gtft* prior to the year |- 0Q **Office. .7,1. q-j red And the Rrccvcrgof I - rX p, iurns for 1799. now deficient in retiira •ng fuch digcits, are notified ih at ,{j c are hable to a penalty of one thoufand dc ,ar ® c*kh, which lire E*ccu ( ive tbii k» ,l hie du'y, and is determined to ord. r ihc law department, to pr, f <cu , c rh C m , for. without refpea of per fore provided lhc lame be not rcurned to the Tregfur C f ° D A f j Cf ° re lhc ,0l& da 7 0< Ma 7 ie*t e Cletka of the Inferior Courts, for the c unres, who have made nj returns rrfpeaiog elediionsof Re-eivng of lax Returns and Colieftnra of T. x for the year igoo, to wit ; the coun iei of Bryan, Bn-ke, Camden. Chatham, Effingham, Egbert Frai klin, G1 un, Greene, Jacket), Liberty, Lincoln.* M‘lo'o(h, Montgomery, R chtnond, Scrivcn. Wafhington, and Wik a. are required to make immediate re urn !o thu department of the proceeding or rcrommendaiione of their rffpeftive Count, if any thneon, and it ucn-, tl at tbty ccnify the fame, in order that the »t venue oay not fuller from fuch ntg'ea, aid that Executive sppoitt men b may fine. ORDERED. That the afar going be pub. ffi.d io all the Gez.' its of ihia ft arc. Thomas Johnson, Secretary. !B v Wm M'Dow. ell, Clerk 0} the Court of Ordinary of the County dj J.fert'jn. WHEREAS Pa'fey Miller, hath th’i cay, a plied to me 'or lcc er s .of adminiOraliim on iheeftaieof R<» her 1 Mil ler, * cealfd : ti.efe arc iherefoie to cite ai'«l admorifli all ai d lingular the kindred tnd rr. din rs of the laid decc: feu, to he and <*p:ear bc/in c the li.le n r Court r,f the c■ 11 nt y afi refaid, or fome ore of the members there f, on or before the 16th day of April ne»f, to fhew esufi*, if a y they hive, vhy let ers of admi fhoi hi net br granted. Given under iny hind, this 16 . d y of Ma ch, 18:0, ard of the inJc jemltocc of the United S>aict tiit twenty ourth. COLLECTOR'S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, At the Cowt Houffs in Wellington county , at the vfual hou>s, on the [toft MONDAY in June next , ONE thrtufmd Acres of Pine 1 and t in the name of Da zal Hunter ; in /aid county on Lloyd’s creek . 7 a ken default for the taxes for the years 1797 (tnd 1798. Tax due 77 cents , Sam. Robifon, t. c. w. c. N '■'veml'cr 13, 179';. I COLLEcTOK's SALE. WILL BE SOLD, At the Court-Houfe in Wa/hingt n county , at the u/val hours , on the fvfl TUESDAY in May next , I ONE hundred and eighty acres of Pine Land in laid counts, on Stephens s creek adjoining Mil ler, and others % I aken as the o petty of 7 homas M'Dole . in default for the tax /or the yar 1798. Tax due r 1 1-2 cents . Sam, Robi*on, t. c. w. c. March 4, 1800. Wanted to Hire, By the quarter, fix months, or i**- T * months, A NEGRO BOY, For which lij f the Csth wii* k- r~ *n icvaute, Andrew Bums.