The sentinel. (Louisville, Ga.) 1820-18??, June 08, 1820, Image 4

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POETRY • y.*> **• TO ***ZA Fiirnll'f*/; * ,on lo ** ive *1 o i' ii*Nfci h i'!’ Liint’^ It thll.s. .< healt ti at rannot live, t'nie>* it tatj to ll iuc. if mv mind did f>r approv* Hip heat I i* pri/e*im? Or, il esteem pieeeded i'’ve, VVi’l tint impeacli tin-glow? Ah! no ‘ti* still the minel’i beheit, That lead* the heart along; And hcn mine chose you Irom the rejt* it was not, surely, wrong. ; garni upon jour beauteous fata Atid etill retain’d my- heart; The pan- of !o\evour outward grace Could not to that impart. 1 met your bright enehatitmecsc, And met it still in vain: It tohhl not then extort a sigWJ Its bUie produc’d no pain. Tat when I knew your charming fte* An index of your mind; And ev’ry moving outward grace To speak a soul refill’d;— And by the bright intiUigence, 1 hat from your eye was glanc’d— pelt t v’ry tender, chitting sense Enraptur'd and entranc’d. oil! then, that lovely, blooming form, Could not be seen in vain: i nit its vivifying charm. And own’d the geu’rous flame. Yet-dearest maid, if you <iftprove t 1 care not by w hat name: say ’tis friendship; 1 ’tis love,) T he passion’s still the same. * * * ALEXIS Frtm the Liverpool Mercury. -THE FEMALE CONVICT TO HER. IKE ANT. O steep not, my babe, for the morn of tomorrow fcl all soothe me to slumber more tranquil than thine: The daik grave shall shield me from shame and from sorrow, Tho’the deeds and the dooms of the guilty are mine. Not long shall the arm of affliction enfold thee, Not long shall thou hang on thy mother’s fond bieast! And who w ith the eye of delight shall behold thee, And watch thee, and guard thee, when I am at rest! And yet it doth grieve me to wake thee my dear* cst, The pangs of thy desolate mother to see. Thou wilt weep when the clank of my cold chain thou hearcst, And none but thg guilty should mourn ovfr me And yet I must wake thee—for while thou art weeping, To calm thee 1 stifle my tears for a w hile; But thou smil’st in thy daeams, while thus placid ly sleeping, And it wounds me to gaze on thy smile! Alas! mv sweet babe, with what .pride I had jirest tnee To the bosom that now throbs with terror and; shame. If the pure*.ic ofvirt’ous affection had blest thee, And haiTd-thee the heir of thy fathers high name? 3ut now—with remorse that avails not—l mourn itteflf Forsaken and (r.enrfle* -, as soon ‘tboi must be in a world, lilt cannot oetray, that will scorn’ thee, Avenging the guilt of thy mother oh thee. And when the dark thought of mv fate shall awa ken The deep blush of shame, on thy innocent check, *V hen by all, but the God of the orphan, forsaken, A home and a father in vain’ thou shall seek: i know that the base world will seek to deceive the**, IF. i h i mood like that which thy mother beguil ed; Deserted and hapless to whom can I leave tlue? Oh! Cod of the fatherless! pity iny child! Twenty Dollars reward* Runaway oil the 18th ultimo from the subscriber, living on the waters of the Wateree ri ver, a negro man named Davy, about 25 or 30 years of age, 5 leet 10 or 11 inches high well made, round face, with tolerable large whiskers. Said negro took with him a port* mantau, with a quantity of clothing that cannot be des cribed. He will in all probabil ity make for Augusta, as he was partly raised there. It is likely he will endeavor to pass for a free inan ? and act in the capacity of a barber, as he is very handy with the razor and scisors. The above reward will be given if apprehended and lodged in any gaol in the mte of Georgia. Wm. A. Betton. June l St The Georgia editors are re quested to give the above three insertions in their respective papers, and forward their ac counts to the editor of the Camden Gazette for payment. MORTGAGES ; For sale at this Office. Cation io all Persons. The subscriber informs the public that there has be£n a Note forged on him, as such ill persons must take care ol said note, and also that I will lot be responsible for any con tract made by any person on earth, male or female, but my own self in person; given un der my hand, this 17 th day ol May, 1820. May ir LEWIS BYNE. NOTICE . Will be let on Saturday the 10th June Instant at the Mar ket-house in the town of Lou isville, to the lowest bidder, the rebuilding of Rockyodm fort Bridge near Louisville, aid keeping the same in good repair for seven years. Terms made knowfron the day of letting. Arch’d, Campbell, • Jesse Robinson, Commissioners . June 1, 1820. Jefferson Academy . The Commissioners having employed the Rev’d. Jesse Stratan; as Rector, the A cade my will open on Monday me sth June inst. under the superintendance of that gen tleman-terms of tuition are as heretofore, to wit: for the first class, comprising reading writing. and arithmetic, five dollars per quarter; the second ciass, comprising Eng. gram mar and geography, six dollars per quarter; andthe thirdclass, comprising Latin and Greek, and the higher branches of English education, usually taught in academies, eight dot lats per quarter, the quarter consists of eleven weeks —the i tnH.'vn money will be required in advance* from those who can pay, and those who may not be in funds, must give a note for the amount. Applica tions for admission, must be made to the treasurer. Poor children, whose parents are unable to pay for tuition, will be admitted, and taught, without fee or reward. The being at rhis time out of repair, St Patricks Lodge nave, in pursuance of the prin ciples which.uniformly govern them, politely offered the usj of the lower part of their com modious building untill the a cademy can be repaired—the school Will therefore open in the lower part of the Mason jc Hall. Wm.Schley, Sec. and Treas. N.B Persons residing at a dis*. tance who wish to send chil dren to this inststution are in formed that board may be h&d at ten dollars per month. NOTICE. siß? ’ The subscribers having en tered into the merchantile bu siness, it will be conducted nuder the firm of Philip T. Schley Sc Cos. JOHN BHLY, PHILIP T. SCHLEY. Louisville, May 17. Wanted, At tliis Office, as an Apprentice, a smart active lad, between 12 and 14 years of age, Jane! notice.. Nine months alter date, ap plication will be made to the 1 Honorable Inferior Court 01, Burke county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell live hundred acres of land, more or less, situate in the county of Burke, adjoining lands of |dias Drake, Ct oth ers, lying on the north side ol Ogechee Yiver, to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and credito nrof Willowby Drew, late of said county det JNO. S. DREW, arfm’r May 17 LAST WARNING! ” In a slort time I expect to leave thestate, all thoselndebt ed to me s rc requested to call at the store of M. Robertson, and all those who do call by the 15 th of June, may call on the officer of the district to settle their sotes or amounts GEO. CRANBERRY. Rule Nisi. Upon the application of John B. Ueid, accompanied with a copy ol a deed of gift made by bfisabeth Morgan, to said JoLra. Reid, for a ne gro man Jifci —to establish he copy at aohed to said ap plication.! It is therefore or dered, that said copy attached to said petition be established in lieu of ti e original so lost or mislade, unless cause be shewn to the contrary on or before the first day of the next term of this court: and it is therefore ordered, that a copy of this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this state. I do hereby certify the fere going to he a true <so py of cssfeW from the minutes *f the Superior Ceurt, for Maj term, 1820. JOHN G. BOSTICK, May 1 1 clerk . In the Superior Court, Jefferson County, JLuy Term, 1820. j Patrick Sessuma^ vs. nisi Scd* Eason, tp p On the p<Z; e £ °f Patrick Sessams, pjjfluvhe foreclos are oiyijtf rXiJp-e. made by to the said fitainitract of Pmjlwing county of two hundreb acres, bouC 170, 190, dredand sevesJKne, which said mortgage for the better said*’ Patrick the three hundred andjllcryc&nine dol lars sixty twJfcn/wn half cts. with interest from the first day! of January, eighteen hundred and twenty. It is the said Seth Eason twelve months fronpapjHhe, pay in to the office ql of this court the sai&AqHJu money, and interest, cause why he should not do so, oth erwise the tion wili be foreyHE|PKeafter barred and And it is further ortMra, thauf copy of this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this state, once a month for the space of twelve months, or served on the said Seth or his special agent, at least six months previous to the next spring term of this court. I do hereby certify the fore going rule nisi to be a true co py of the original, taken from the minutes of the Superior Court lor May term, 1820. JOHN G. BOSTICK, May U clerk In the Superior Jefferson County t May Term , 1820. Eli B. Browning, vs. > Rule Nisi. Nath*n Bostick jr 3 On the petition of Eli B. Browning, praying the fore closure of a mortgage madeby Nathan Bostick, jr. to the said Eli B. Browning, on two cer tain tracts of land, lying and being in the county of Jeffer son, cine tract containing thiree hundred and fifty acres by ori ginal survey, granted to Pat rick Denison, and bounded on ati sides by var-ant land at the time of survey, and the other tract containing sixty nine a cres, granted to James H. Carr, lying on Spring creek, and bounded by the old town tract and Denisonsland, which said mortgage was made for the better securing to the said Eli B Browning, the payment of two thousand dollars, with lawful interest from the twen ty-sixth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. It is ordered, that the said Nathan Bostick, jun. do, with in twelve months from this date, pay into the office of the eierk ot this court, the said principal sum of two thousand dollars, with lawful interest, or shew cause why he should i uoUlo so, otherwise the equity jot redemption will be forever [thereafter barred and foreclos ed. And it is further order ed, that this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of , this state once a month for the space of eleven months, o 7 i served on the sa£d Nathan or bis special agent, at least six < months previous to the next spring term of this court. 1 do hereby certify, the fore going rule nisi to be a true copy of the original, taken from the minutes of the Supe rior Court for May term, 1820. Notice, The copartnership hereto fore existing under the firm of J. & A Meriwethtr, was, on the 23d March last, dissolved by mutual consent. The sub scriber alone is authorised to settle the notes and accounts of said firm, and requests those indebted, to come forward & discharge the same, as no fur ther indulgence can be given. The business in future will be conducted by the subscriber, who hits on hand a general as sortment ot seasonable Goods, which will be sold on moder ate terms, for cash or country produce. MERIWETHER,^ jol>rnruOTj^B EXECUTED At this Office. PHILIP T. SCHLEY IS Co.] Offer for sale at their store • at the corner of Sixth-street, opposite the State House Sq, at wholesale or retail, for cash or produce, the following ar ticles.* 7 hhds best Molasses • 5 do brown Sugar 5 do best Phila. Whiskey* 1000 lbs* Coffee 20 cadees best Tea 3 doz. old Jamaica Rum, in bottles 3 do old Madeira Wine, in bottles 600 lbs best Rice 50 boxes smoked Herrings • 3 bis Mackerel 3 bis Herrings . . 2000 lbs bai Iron and Sheaf Moulds 500 bushels Salt, ground & allum 3 brace horseman’s Pistols cheap 6 boxes Raisins Figs Also —Porter in bottles, and best Philadelphia Beer; with a number of other articles too tedious to mention. May 3 Administratrix's Sale. ‘ Will be sold at the house of Rebecca J. Wheeler, in the town of Louisville, on the 20th day oi June next, all the personal property of Geo. W. W r heeler, dec. consisting of hogs, a horse and gig, and other articles too tedipus to mention. >• Terms made known t>n tho day of sale. ‘ REBECCA J. WHE‘£LER adm^se Administrator's Stale. J Agreeable to an order of the Inferior Court of Jefferson. County, when sitting for ordin ary purposes. Will be sold on Tuesday the fourth day of July next, at the market house in the town of Louisville, one half of a tract of Land lying on Buck head, near the upper edge of Burke county, adjoining lands of Nathaniel Moxly and oth ers, containing one hundred and eighty acres, more or less, being a part of the real estate of Thomas Dossey, dec. WILLIAM MATTHEWS, May 4 adni’b r^i woman b/'t the name of Cresy\ she is a short thick-set woman, about. 19 years old, formerly belong ed to Chas. Fisher, of Wash ington county, on Buck Eye;, she has, I understand, a moth er and father at Jno. Bostick’s in this connty, and it is pro bable she. may endeavor to get to one of these places. All persons are cautioned against harboring her, as* the law will be enforced against any person so offending. The above reward will be given to any person who will lodge her in the jail at Sandersville or Louisville, or deliver her to the subscriber in Richmond couflkfcngar the head of Mc-J May 3^ BLANKS For sale atthis Office