The Athens daily banner. (Athens Ga.) 1879-1881, November 11, 1881, Image 4

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V r ■DM EfPPS ®j)c Jlaili) Samur. —I- Literary Note. With ita next number Harper 1 Young People begins ita third rob ume. Tlio two years of tliis periodi cal’s gro vtli have lifted it from a vig< orous infancy to a robust youth. The aim of ita publishers has been to make Harper’s Young People attractive without being sensational, and to this end they have secured the servi ces ofa high class ol writers and ar- tiats. This fact baa been recognised by the Chautauqua 'Young People’s Union* which lias included this illus trated weekly among the works which the members of the Union are re quired to read■ The author of ’Toby Tyior’ will contribute to the new vol» ume of Harper's Young People a story called ‘Mr Stubbs’ Brother.' The boys and the girls who have read ‘Toby Tyler’ need not be told who ‘MV. Stubbs’ is, and they are sure to welcome bis brother with open arms. An Armed Comp. Uuelin is a captured city. From the London journals we learn that it contains over 5,000 soldiers—cavalry, artillery and infantry—besides about 2,000 police, who are soldiers in all but. name, being armed with rifles, swords and revolvers. There are 1,000 horses and sixteen guns. Every sentinel is provided with twenty rounds of ball cartridge. TroopB in garrison ore confined to barracks, ready to torn out at a moment’s no tice. Five military magistrates,and three civil magistrates have been dally apuointed, and the city been divided into three districts, for the more prompt administration of justice. Ail these arrangements ins dicate the serious state ot afiairs and the strong resolution of the govern- raeut ' Oaror non-Ison’s lin.le. It being rumored that Carter Har rison, Mayor of Chicego, was about to bsoome a blushing bridegroom, a re porter ventured to interview him on the ddioate subject, and received the fnftrwing reply.: *1 don’t know which most to ad mire, your cheek or your question. The former is the most brilliant that I ever saw. To your qnestioo I reply, yes, sir, I am; I've got a bride and 1 am going to kick to her until I’m forced to be divorced. She has more sterling energy, more grand worth, and withal a brow on which sits a coronet of stars. Bolemon, in all bis glory, was not arrayed liko unto here I am wedded to her and I will be true to her until my dying day. My brid. is the city of Chicago." A Magnanimous Woman. Chicago Tribune. ’Twas a terrible moment. She was evidently drowning, while the crowd on shore stood helpless and horrified. At this juncturo some one yelled out, ‘Ob, tor a boat 1’ But there was no boat within ten miles. The suspense became awful, and the sun sank into the misty bosom of the west like a bloody pumpkin. Ail at once a fe male voioe was beard above, the roar of the breakers. ‘Never mind the boat, take one of my shoes.’ It wps the voice of a heroia Chicago woman, and the applause that greeted it was heard three hundred miles at sea. City Directory. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. MayoB, U. Unease. A uncut an, V. 11, Lucas J. E. Tnlinadgi II. Yancey, V. L. Wood, W. J. Morton, G Palmer, B. H. Lamj'kin, J). llemerick, City Clbi.x, W. A. Gill eland. Police 11. C bb Paris, Chi«*l; II. F.Culp, O. L. Bose. Joe. Holcomb, Lee Ooodmm, W. T. Moon, B. E. Cain. CIIUBCHES. First M. E. Cnuitcn, South, Ker. W. W. Wa! a worth, pastor. Keguar services, U a m and 7 SO p m. every Sunday, Sunday school 0 80am, Young wen’s meeting Monday night 8 oclock, CIubs meeting Wednesday 6pin, l'rayer meeting Thursday 8 p n., Ooonxb Street M. E. Chi-bo;i South, Rev B F Farris, pastor. Preselling, 11 u in and 7 80 p meyeiy Sunday, Prayer meeting Snndtu 10 a tn and Wednesday at 8 p m,Sunday eel at* pm. Piupbytkhian Church, Bev O W Lane,HP, pastor. Preaching 11 a m and 4 p m every Sunday. Sunday school 8 80 a m, Song ecrric. 8 pm, l'rayer meeting Tuesday# p m. v Euaxuvz. P E Church, Rev J C Davis, rector. Services 11 • m and 8 p m Sunday; Bi school 0 80 am. p m, Young menV meeting Tuesday 8 pm. St Mart’s P E Cm rch, Rot W E Kppcs, rector. Services 11 am and 6 p m Studiy; Sunday school 9 80 » m. Catholic Churob, Father Wigbtmsn, priest Servioea on 2d and 4th Sundays in eauh month, morning and night. Jewish Synagogue, Rabbi A Levy. Servioea LODGES. IO O F, Williams Lodok No 18, Moots at Odd Follows hall evejry Monday u lit, C W Parr, 8G;HT Lynch,secretary. IO O F, Outer KNOAimiEHT No 14, Meets at Odd Fellows hall on 1st and 8d Thursday nights in each month, W A Pledger, iJI^H T Lj noli, scribe. F. A. M. Mt Vernon Lj>dob No 22, Meets every 8d Friday night in each month, Robert chappie, W M: G Jacob*, secretary. . Kmoimor Honor, Goldin Bulk Lodob No 211, Meets 2d and 4tb Wednesday nights in each month at Masonio hall, John Gordin, 110- gent; G Jooobs, eeaetsry. Gold Tehplars, Evans Lodob No 76, Meets every Tuesday nights at Odd Fellows lull, ” £ O’Farrell, WCsBJ Christy, secretary. OoomtB Council N*. 88, Royal Awjanch. FIRE DEPARTMENT. W H Jones. Chief engineer; W A Bain let wat; Julius Coheu 2d 088’t;S J Mayes, seet’j and tress. Hope Steam Fire Co No 1, Meets eveiy 8d Thursday night in each month, G H Yanccv, Capt; J E Gardner, sect’/. 1'iokber H and L Co No 1, Moots every 1st Wednesday night m eoeh month. W D O’Far- rcll. Capt; Wm Garcbold, scct’y. colored companies. » Bxbjbp Fuw Co No 9, Meets at Town ball ^/ery ^ ^^nl^l^in^adli month. Eugene Champion &ke Co Not} H^ets at Town hail every /night in each month, SB Da vis, aect’y. James Whitfield, Capt. G. H. U. VrUMBKOUS testimonials and largeTJsale* il prove that j-rtao I of Pianos and Oi L.tP. Q. S. T AKGE Cash Contracts with the best raaou lj facturcw and Largo Sales at “Ihe Music House ct the South,” euable G. O. ROBINSON & CO,. to sell Superior Pianos and Orgsi less price Hum is paid by small dealer* T. M. H. 0. T S. O. ROBINSON A CO., sell in Texas, Ar* * Louisiana, Mwsissipl, Alabama, n every Southern State north of _ . in eveiy Southern Stall Georgia. Aufus'a con Justly claim to have M Tht MurioHouse of the South.” E. I. O. M. Georgia Rail Road Company Owen General Man>oxr, I Aufuff... 8, 1881. | Commencing RundoyAe, t. 4th the following Passenger Schedule will opperste on this road: Leave ATHENS . 7 00 p Leave WinltrviJle, ]'.*.</A N 7 81 p Leave Lexington 10^0 a m 816 p Leave Antioch 11.17an 8 44 p Leave Maxeys 11.84a n 8 59p Leave Woodville 12.10 am 9 40 p Arrive Union Point..••.•..'2J i ’am 10 00 pm Arrive Atlanta. 5.45 pm. 500 “ Arrive at Washington 2 65 r M Arrive at MiliedgtrUle..,. 4.45 pm jeave Anfuata...... Leave Macon Leave MiUedceriUe.. Leave Washington.., Leave Atlanta....... Leave Union Point.. .10 80am 880p .....710 AM ...... 9.05am .....11.80 AM 8.80 A a 8 SOp ..1289 PM 5 00 a irrire Woodville......... 2.10pm 520a _ Arriro Maxeys 2.48pm 558* m Arrive Antioch.. 8.08pm 818*.m Arrive Lexington 8.80 pm 8 40 am ArriveWintcnriUe!. 4.14pm 724am Arrive Athens.,.,,,. 480 pm 800am Trains run dally—no connection to or from Washington on Sundays. K. R. DOH^EY, Geo., Pass., Agt. JOHN W. GREEN. General Manager. Northeastern Railroad. **' Bcpenintnndxxt• Omoi, ‘I Athena, Go., Sept. 19, 1881. ( On and alter September, 19th, 1881, trains on this rood will run «* follows: rutt Leave Athene............5:85am Arrive at Lota........... 7:45am Arrive at Atlanta.,.. 1C:80 a to NO. 8. 8:20 pm 6:55 pm 12:05 d m NO. S. I/cave Allants... 4:00 am Arrive at Lata... ....... 9:80 am Arrive at Athens.........12:15 p to NO. *. 8:15 p m 7:00 pm 9:10 pm and best Italian Strings, at *Tbo Music House Nights ot meetiuglstand fid Tuesdays. 8 hi fPesviaMr* ‘.u J Herrington. Regent; Geo H Palmer, beot’y. i UlllBg tlHCi JiV0p<UH&£ Y C. fl. TA YLOR, the only authorised Tuner of the Musio HotUi of the South, Augusta, Georgia. Or. O. ROBINSON & CO., It is said that the south is kept poor because the people raise nothing for themselves, or next to nothing, and wo suspect there is a good deal of yuth in this. We go in for bis crops ot ootton, and sell it at a good price, but it takee all, and more, than it bring! to buy bur supplies for rai sing the next crop. Whereas, if we grow our own broad and meat and make our own shoes, hoes, furniture and oiothing, the big crops of cotton and tobacco would be all clear gain. Do you seo ? The Griffin News says: David Al exander, the wealthiest negro in Mid dle Georgia, was in the city yesterday. David is a ettixen of Fike, and could have a cheek honored for $10,000. Prof. Morgan H. Looney has been tendered the school at Franklin, Heard county, Ga, for next year, and .has accepted.) Administrator’s Sale. ‘ )UBSUANT to on order of the court of ordl- .. nary of Clarke conntyyT(U be sold before the oourt bouse door ot said oounty,on the first Tuesday in Deoember next, during the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: One undivided halt interest in ono tract of land in Jackson county containing 895 reres more or less, and known as the mill place, whcrcoa John H. Colt lived at the time of hia death. Said plaoe has * good merchant mill, with the greatest abundance of water at au seasons of the year. Also Every good taw mill with up and down mw, a good gin house, all run by water. The dwelling house and all the necessary out-bulldinga on the place are in ten good order. The land la a good average land, most of it in the woods, enough good open land on the pl*oe for a four or five hone crop, and lies principally on the waters of Sandy creek. The purchaser of this undivided interest con buy the other undivided half interest at th* tome prioe and on the same terms that he buys the first half. On* tract or panel of land in Madlaoo coun ty, containing 93 acres, tnom or less. Said tract One house and lot iu the city of Athena on the corner of Hill and Franklin streets, oontaln- *“ ‘ two seres more or leaa.Thia lot is in septan- neighborhood, *11 neooasary out-buildings ihe*plaoe with good well ol water. The dwelling end all the outbuildings an in very good repair. One house and lot in ths city of Athens con taining about one acre. This bouse is compara tively right new and is known as th* Thoe. R. Childers lot and is loeated in rear of (ha Col* lege campus. One lot on Broad street, Athena, adjoining lot of Davy Gann, containing two acres more or la«s. This lot will b* divided into four lota. The first or lot No. 1 haa a large workshop on it, the other lots are vacant. Ono lot on Broad street, adjoining the mid dle bridge, oontaiuing about on* half sere. . Fire aharaa of the oapital stock of the North- eastern Railroad of Georgia. ’ Eleven shares of the oapital stock of the South Western railroad ofGeorgis. AUtobeaoldaa tbs property of John H. Colt, deceased, for benefit of hla heirs and oroditore. Terms htli oash, and half J2 months with note and bond for titles, aieapt a* to tbs railroad atoek. PoaieMlongivan January, lit 1889. JOHN R. CRANK Adm’r.’ John H. Colt, Deo’d. SbttttTfflWKMWTOirAOr STOCK POWDERS, FISH HOOKS AND LINES, Sarsaparila, p All RT pc'through our ilAMDLliO COUNTRY > A new, fascinating, and exceedingly Initrne- tire Geographical Gome, that entertains both eld and young. Agents Wanted, bliss er flenttanen. Now is the Ume to take orders for Christmas Del 'very. Send for deeerlpUon and liberal terms. Addrem, AMEBICAlf TURLMHINtf Cfr, nov3 6t HARTFORD. OOWlf. GEORGIA, CtANXR County. Ommnary’s Oman, Oat. 28,1881. Gaoiva Jounaon. ooL, of raid county, has ipliedfor exemption of imrsonatty and! will pass upon the asms at 10 o’elook, a. m n on th* 28th day ot NaYsmbar, 1881, at my ofltaa. Asa ML Jamfov, Ordinary, povl 2tprin.fha 81 osnta tk Iodide Potass. TOD CHERRY AND TAR SYRUP FOB COUGHS-, ETC, ' SOAPS, , The Cheapest and Best in Athens. Only 2,500 Tooth Brushes ON HAND. ESS. C4IHGEB 8.8.8., Magnesia, and all leading Patent Med icines. 10.000 pounds of Bed Seal ot, Lotus Lead. 250pi tans of Mixed Pam. Drugs, Medicines, Etc. At BottomlFigurca, at the Drugstore of B. O. LOBTG & CO., Sign of Hlnmlnoted Mortar Trains daily exoept Sunday Train No. 1 connects closely at Lola with fast mail trains to Atlanta, making the quick time 14 hours and 85 minute* Athens to Atlanta. Train No. 8 connects at Lola with trains Loth east and west on Richmond A Danville Bailrvad. Tickets on sale at Athena to* all points. H. B. BERNARD, ActingSup’t. W. J. HOUSTON. Gen. Pose, and Ticket Agent. v Administrator’s Sale. Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold before the court bo doorof said county, on the firtt Tuesday In ; eember tfixt, during the legal hoars of sale, following property, to-wit: Seven tracts of land lying In the county of Jack- eon, all adjoining one another. . Lot No. I containing 120 seres actual survey. On this tract Is about 40 acres of first-class river bot tom land In htab stats ol cultivation, the balance about equally divided between apod old field nine and splendid origins! forest. All lies welL Lot No. 2, contains lfOaerr* actual survey, about W or 40 mres good river bottom land In good state of cultivation, about SO acres in old flela, —*“ upland in cultivation, balance tn the homo tract. Fences in good older. - Lot No.S. con taint 1 BA acres actual ■ , „ Tided aa follows: A tout 29 to R0 acres rood river and creak bottom, about 00 to 70 aerss or first-rate upland in cultivation, balance in old field pins and forest land. This place will have a good two room frame dwelling sold with it, also the rid gin boose. The creak bottom on this place is well set with bemuds grass and has been used as * Srt N<l 4, c -ntaliia 87 aerss actual survey. This lot has about 18 to 20 acres of creek and branch . Lot No. 5,contain*200 ocTea actual survey, and la known as th* Hunter place. Thiaplacehastwo — -ettlements on It, and la divided about as tol- About SO to 00 aerss in ipiendid creek bot tom load on Crooked creak, in high statu of culti vation. There is about 29 or 90 acres of good up land In cnlttvalfOB. tk. hllinM In nriL Inal forest. AX-WATS ao TO I HBADQUAKTERSl BUY WHATYOU WANT. mmrnvmm Are now receiving phe largesCand. most elegant *’ . stock’sf BOOTS AND SHOES Ever kept by any retail houae in the State. Our goods are bought dinet from the, tnonulkctarsn and wa Ouwaatea SPstoen Low aa the Loweet. ExroryTsody (Eawitodl to OaU find Bxfimiiif Our New Stylas of Fall ul Winter Goods f ffa. 9 Broad ftrset, Atbaus, Ga. aerss open and in hi tion. balance In splendid orlg Motion ofa fow acres which is in spi field pine. This lot fronts on the main — from Athena to Jettanon and run* buck to Crook ed creek. Let No. 7, contains 117 tors* actual survey. This land is all original forest and old firid; fronts on river road and runs back to Crocked Also five oborcs of ths capital stock of tbs North KasteraBrilroad Gl of Us. Plat of above lands On* house and lot In the dty of Athens, known *s the “Stovall” house and lot, containing about one acre. The house has 12 good rooms and Is in vary good order, with all the necessary outbuild- lng» on tin lot, aim .s splendid well of water, foores all in gsod order, reeently rqwired. • T.rrat, b-llcuh ud krtt tw.Ir. Bcniti,. wilti nou ud kr Udo, aMpt.. to lb. niliM. Cincinnati *Sonthem Rail’y Leave Athens ri* Nortbeaetern B. B 4.40 a. m “ ** “ ♦* —. 8.50 p. m " • “ “ Georgia Ballroad 8.49 a. na ** “ “ " « Union Dejpot Atlanta « Arrive Bo^ce Cincinnati JcTI LEAVE CINCINEATI YU O. AMD M. X. R. Lear# O. A M. 7.20 p. h " O.AM. 7,450.0 Arrive SL Louis 7.20p,n VIA KOKOMO. Leave C. II. A D. Depots.. 7.S0 p. m “ C. H. A D. Depot.~~~~~~~.~~. 7.40 a. m Arrive ta»lesgo~.~~..~~.~.~....~~~..~~~ 7.10 a. na leave C. II. A D. Depot.. Arrive New York- wilOJOa xi YU M. Y. P.ASDO. E. E. Leave C. H. A D. Depot 9.20 p. m Arrive New ml n 8.25 p. m YU rXXKSYLVANU E. M* Leave L.M. f- L. M. Arrive Brit New ^ York. VUS.4V90.LL Leave Plum Street Degot~~~~.«~~.~ Arrive Parkeralmrg—.... Cumberland- Harperis Ferry Washington ~~ Baltimore-^. M New York 9.20 p.n 400 p. a U CANADA SOUTHEEX EAILWAY. * Leave C. H. A D. Pepot....~~. ~~~~. 9.20 p. ns •• a H. A D. * r ~~~— 2.45 p. m Arrive New York.. - - YU UEXAT WESTEEN EAILWAY. Lo3tsC.H. AD. Depot~.~~~~~.~~~~. 9.20p. m “ au. AD. « ~~~~~~~~ 2.45p.m Arrive New York~~~~~ „.lo.oo p. m Lears Atlant%l2 p. tn. Sleeper open ct 9 p. m. riving opportunity to pare over entire line of road in day Ume. For further Information address il. M. COTT1NGJIAM, Gen’l Southern A cent, Atlanta, t:' E. U WILSON, Gen’l Foss’g’r and Tick’t Ag’t, Cincinnati. T. J. BURNEY. Travclinir Agent, Atlanta Richmond & Danville R.R. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. On and after Jane ftb. 1881, Passenger Tralw 8ervic* oa tbs Atlanta ana Charlotte Alr-lina di vision of this road will be as follower Ktltle, dec'd. Clarke Sheriff Sale. TJfTTLb be sold before tbs court home door Tv in the city oi Athena, Clarke ootinty.Go.. between the legal lours of sole, on j the (first Tuesday In December next, the following prop erty, to wit: Fonr square bales of cotton, No. 89, wi 881; No. 40, weight 854; No. 42, weight No. 43, wetalit not known. AU levied oa by virtu* of a fl ta from Clarke superior oonrt,May term, 188L Alonso Powers vs. J. it. Weath erly and-w. A. Weatherly, defendants. Levy made and returned to me by J.H. Willingham, depntized by mo tontake this special levy. J. A. BROWNING, SbariflC. O. rlnten fee $8.<L , The Soolc of The Season. PAQUITA,ATn« Stonr, WiUASaJ By the noted author and peat, Joaquin Millar. Tola book, fitted with romonc* and adventure, ta marinating as a novel, and pronounced by all ta nil SBITOT nVMAffffOBY OF TNCAOK Agshto wonted in avsvy town to sail this work, fiend for drmilars and ear extra laducsmeata. ddrass, AMUUCAN Pl’BUMIMI ML. novfgt HARTFORD, CONN. bUWAVRR ACCOMMODATION, NO.21.—LCSVa At* lauta5:00p.m. ArrivaatSuwante(D)7.00p.m. Suwavbb Accommodation, No. 22.-Leave8n* wance(D) at 5:40a.m. Arrive at Atlanta 8:00 a. nu connections. A with wiring tflOna of Georgia Central and A. B c * DtnIt A -* w C with arriving trains of Geoigta Bail Road. D with Lawrence villa Branch to and from flaw* . renceviUo, Go. E with Northeaatom Railroad of Georgia to and _ . from Athens. Ua. Fwlth Elberton Alr-Llne to and from Elberfen, O wllb S5umbU and Greenrillatoand from Ool- H withCriu^UMdOremvlilo' to and from C88- _ nmbta and Charleston, 8. C. Kwlth Spartanburg and AabriUe, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Hen derson and Aahvill*, and Alston and Colasa- L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Guana to and „ . from Dallas and Chastor. MwlthC.C.A A-C.C—R-AD.and A.T.AO. for all points West, North and East. SV* Pullman Steeping OsrSwviM on trains Sn, 47and 48, dally, without ehange, between Attain A.POPK Ganarri Passenger ArsnL GENUINE bust proof Seed WJheat t HAVE to Mon a fow boohela of Cboiaa Boat Proof Bead Wheat which will yield more par acre than any Known variety, wfiB not rest and Is very heavy grain. FrioaHyOi par beshr 1 R.B. HUGHES. aapC-wtr AtbanfoGn. -