The Athens daily banner. (Athens Ga.) 1879-1881, January 06, 1882, Image 2

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Little Kook - The other day a ehow came to Lit' tie Rook and waa shamefully imposed upon by Uncle leom. While it end • ing near the tent he nw n crowd of low-epiriied boya grieving on ac count ot financial depression. ‘Does ye youngsters wanter go der allow 7’ he asked. The boya responded in noisy chos rue. 'Well, come on den. I uater to be a chile myself, an’ unlike the mos’ of men, I ain’t forgot it. Count these boys,’he added, addressing the doorkeeper. Thu man began coiiiHi ing, and by the time tho hoys bad passed in Isom was talking around talking to acquaintances Irani the plantations. , ‘Here,’ said the showman, 'give me twenty tickets.’ ‘What for? Does you think me lottery agent ?’ 'You passed in twenty boys, and want the tickets or the money ?' ‘I donn owe yer no tickets, and I doan owe yer no money, I didn’t tell yer to pass de hoys in. I said count ’em. I’se alwas heard that showmen is good on rithmatio, and ( wanted to satisfy myself. Yer say dat dar was twenty hoys. I doan ’spute yer word, oase I ain’t no math, smatician. Sposen I take a lot ob bays ter .le rs.hH—■ odoptjjm, (teatfatlfRqity Wat iwr iffWtoevr» into dt money room ? No, nh. Go back ter. yer trot; I sees* crowd gom' in.* The xhowman, remembering that he bad left the entrance unguarded, turned, and leom walked away, The native Journals in India are beginning to republish Laud League speeches, and in several of them in the Alahratta district a full transit tion of the no sent manifesto is given. Extracts from Mr. Parnell’s addresses are quoted approvingly, and there is a prospect of n Laud League being started in Hiudoston. With the present religous and fanatical orgnni* zition to form a nucleus, suuh a body would be a fotmidable engine for the Briiish Goverment to cope with. Suddeu wealth has had a bad ef* feet on a Boston stock speculator. Formerly he was wclUbcbavcd. Now he keeps his house lighted from attic to cellar all slight long, and puttee hours in smashing costly china and glass. Occasionally he opens the windows, and yells like a lunatic. Officers who entered the house lately found bushels of broken articles. He goes to his office in the daytime quite soberly. In s|>eakiiig of fire-proof buildings, the .American Architect says: “The ordinary so-called fire-proof struct- uret, ooo-isting of a granite shell en closing naked irou • beams, carrying brick arches, and supported by un protected cast-iron columns, in poiot oi security against fire are little bolter thau frames of timber and pisnk, aud fur inferior to timber frames covered with wire doth end plastered. The people want bargains, and tbs business man who, la his ignorance, believes they do not read the offers made through the columns of the well* - circulated daily and weekly news papers throughout the country, Is guil ty of an error ot which the suooess of his more enterprising neighbor ought to convince him — Richmond Pul* ladium. MUNICIPAL OOVhBNMENT. Au££uk»V. 5E Lucas. J. K. Talmadge, 0. . Vanoir, W. L. Wood, W. J. Morton, G. H. Palmer, B.H. Lampkln. l>. Heinerlck. Cirr Caw*. W. A. nllUland. Police, H.U. bb Davis. Chief; B. F. Coin, O. L. Hose. Jos. lloloomb, Lee Ooodrum, W. T. Moou, B. £. Cain. CHURCHER. First II. E. Chvrcm, South, Bov. W. W, Wa..worth, pastor. Kego sr services, II a in and7,top m. every Sunday. Bondar school • SO a m. Young men’s meeting Monday night Class meeting Wednesday Spin, )ting Thursday 8 pm. t met M. E. Caiman bom, Rev ustor. Preaching, 11 a m and 7 SO ludaj, Prayer moetiujr Weduesaay at) p m,Bai ytiuian Church, BevM Lane, D D, pastor. Preaeiiing Ham and 4pm every Sunday. Sunday school 8 SO a m. Song servlet 6 p m. Prayer meeting Tuesday 8 pm. Emhu;cl P K Cuvucu, Bev J C D*via, rector. Service* 11 a m aud 6 p m Sunday; Suuday school 9 SO a m. Haptist chcrok, Bev C D Campbell, pastor. Preaohiug U«mand8ptu, Sunday. Sunday aeliool 9 80 a m, Prayer meeting Wednesday 5 p m, Young men’s meeting Tuesday 8 pm. Sr Marx’s P E Church, Ber W E Kpnca, — - — i in and 6pm Scuday; Father Wiubtman, h Suuday* in e»vb morning and night. Jbwuh Synagogue, Rabbi A Levy, fiervioea LODGES. I .>0 F, Williams Looue No 15. Meet* at Odd Fellow* ball every Monday uljl Parr, N G; IIT Lynch, secretary. lit, C | W 1 iJ O F,'outer\ Rxcampmebt^No 14, Meets at Odd Fellows ball on 1st and Sd Timrsdar d luuisdav night* in eacli month, W A Pledger, U I*; H T Lynch, acribe.| F. A.|M. Mt t Vbrxoh Lodob No SSBMeet* evt-ry Sa Friday night in each nioniU, Robert chappie, W M: G Jacobs, secretary. Km’ck m or lit vor, Goldem Bulb Lome No 211, Meets 2d and 4tb Wednesday night* in each mouth at Masonic hail, John Gvruin, Be* geut; G Jacobs, aoctetary. Good Tbbflars, Kvaxs Loboe No 78, Meet* every Tuesday nights at Odd Fellows bi ll, G K O’Farrell, WC;KJ Christy, secretary. UOOXSB CoCXCIL Nx. 88, UoTAL AkSAXCH. Nights of meeting 1st and Sd Tuesdays. 8 M Herrington, ’tagent; Geo 11 Palmer, beefy. FIRE DEPARTMENT. W H Jones, Chief engineer; W A Bain 1st asst; Julius Cohen 2d ass't;Sj Mayes, seet’y Hope Steam Fire Co No 1, Meets every Id Thursday night iu each mouth. G U Yaur*\>, l*pt; J E Gardner, sect’ Sgt&VS&SSSl COLORED COMPAXIES. Kekiev Fire Co No 2, Meets at Town ball ~ Tory night in each mouth. Eugene Brydie, seet’y; Thud Boyd, Capt. ChampionFibb Co No 8, Meet* at Town hall every uight in each month. 8 B Da vis, seet’y; James Whitfield, Capt. Ttio Book of The feleawon. PAQIJlTA,Hni8 Ston, Wild A Sad By the noted author and poet, Joaquin This book, filled with romance and advaniuio. is fascinating as a novel, and pronounced by all to be the THU miEATKVT INMAN KTOBY OF THE AUK. Agents wanted In every town to sell this work. it estra Inducements VIUUSHIMI m. HARTFORD, CONN. key-n3te S-% TP ' chouse THE SOOTH lets PH SALES. Tb« Hast sad Hot Cekbratod v and' Organs IN GREAT VARIETY & STYLE. SO TO 30 PS£t OE1TT Saved every purchaser who visits or corrw ponds with G. 0. ROBINSON & CO.. JLTTOUaTA, SLA. EXCELSIOR! IS OUR MOlVo. <3-. EC. TT. Great MusiehU Saving Insti tution of the South. Mnsical Instrument*, Sheet Music. * Music Book*, But Italian Strings, and everything pertaining to First-class Music House. 20 TO 80 PER CENT. SAVED AT* T. M. H. O. T S. O. O. ROBINSON & CO. Cincinnati Southern Rail’y Union Dejjot Atlanta M Dalton... Arrive Bs^ce Clnclnn* t j’j’c.« ...12.15 p. m . 4.40 p. SB ■ l.2o p. m . 7.63 p. as .. .... ry Seud for circulars and Address, AXKUWAN VVIIIslSHlNU W»„ DR J. P. HUNTLEY, DENTIST 85;t-a PEACHTREE AT,, ATLANTA, QA. TEETH PILLED BY ELECTRICITY, One to four teeth iuserted (on a new plan) without plate. 1 will |»y i*r.’ from Athens to Atlanta, should panics come tor the purpose of having dental work done, provided the work amount* to r $20. Perfect aatisfsetiou guaranteed. To the Holders of Clarke County Bonds. All holders of the bonds of .the county of Clsrko (suited under authority of the Act of the General Assembly of this State, approved February SR, 1874. aad commonly known as the Court iteuss bonds, are hereby notified to preeent the same lor payment at the National Bank of Athens, as said bonds are hereby called under the provisions of * * Wd on them at- ASAPH K. CHILD:!, EDWARD it. II.1DUSON, JANES WHITE, X. L. The nobbiest end most stylish n men's hats. Beit tbit havo n this market, are shown at . At. Myers a co. HOW TO GET IT! The Men and Women's Mutual Relief Fund h Association, of Atlanta, Georgia. i'.ivs certificate e of eudowmct.t for $500; $1,- '« or lt.Oi.0 at time of marriage, according to ch»*«*. I he money is made up by mntual eon- munthiiu The be»t inailtution ever organised to give young people aetartinthe world. l ocal agent! wanted everywhere. Write for blank appHualiona, and Constitution and By- Laws. A or agencies, addrree, M, F. AMOft- i'Ub. Fot blank applioatione. addreae, W. M. STOCKTONjScarctsry, Atlanta, Oa. novlS Sl*S LEAVE CIXCIXXAT1 VIA O. ADD X. R. R. Leave O. A M. Pesetm-M. — 7.20 p. m •• O. A M. 17 — 7.43 a. m Arrive 8t. Leula............7.2» p. ae . 7.23 p.m . 7.02 p. as Arrive 8t. Louis... VIA I. AXD ST. L. R. R. Leave Plum Street Depot s........—..... Arrive St. Louis........ via kaxrakbk lixr. Leave Finn Street I>epoL..~~~ Arrive Chicago^.^.. VIA ROROMO. Leave C. H. A D. Depot..........-..*..... •• C. H. A D. Depot Arrive Chlcafo — always go to I headquarters! -TO- BUY WHAT YOU WANT. BALDWm&BURNETT An MW reel.In. Ih. >nd m<»l ,stock.of BOOTS AND SHOES Ever kept by aay retail house in the^tate. Our goods are bought direct from the V • v [ inanulacturer* and we GluArantsal Priooa Low as the |Lowest... Everybody lavitedl to Oaill etnd Ezamine |Our New Style* ot | IFall and Winter Goods T BjAdwinlSc Brnait, ]No. 8 Broad Street. Athens, Ga. bTOCK POWDERS, FISH HOOKS AND LINES, Sarsaparila, AND Iodide Pot abb. W TT - ,p OHPUIT TAR SYRUP FOR COUGHS ETC. SOAPS, The Cheapest and Boat in Athena. Only 2,500 Tooth, Brushes ON HAND. ESS. C4INC4ER 8., Magnesia, and all leading Patent Med- clues. 10,000 pounds of Bed Seal »t. Louis Lead. 850 gal ous of Mixed Paint. Dross, Medicines, Etc. * At Bottom Figures, at the Drug Store of E. O. LONG & CO., Sign of Illuminated Mortar BEADY E0B YOU AT s Variety Store ALWAYS IN STOCK A Complete Assortment of Gents, Ladies, Hisses, Boys and Childrens BOOTS & SHOES Gent’s Fall and Winter Clothing. VIA BKXUXR. leave C. U. A D. Papal Arrive New Yerk . 9.13 p. a , 6.45 a. s ..10.90 a. i VIA X. V. r.AXOO. R.R. Leave C. H. A D. Depot «.».«».-. •• C. H. A D. Depot Arrive New York*..—.. — .12.40 p. m via raxxiTLVAXU a. a. Leave L. M. Depot. »J0 p. ■ ” L. M. Depot mm. - 8.00 p. m Arrive Baltimore-.m...... .—643 p. m " W’uhingtou mm— mmm 7.82 p. m •' puuj,iphu"!™l"l.~™ wm ' e.w H Y<rt.'r - _rri“~ 1$IZ ” - — —IMS, a VIA B* AXDO. R, B. Leave Plum Street Depot. — Arrive Parkersburg Cutnberiand'^ 7ZZZZZ Harper's Fatty I IA CAXADA UOUTBRRX RAIL WAT. Leav*C.U.4D. Depet—M— — 9.20p. m •• C.H.AD. • r 2.43 p. m Arrive Mew York—1040 p. ■ ®* * .M..10.00 p. as VIA ORRAT WESTERS RAILWAY. LeaveU.H. AD. Depot *. t.20p.* a H. A D. T* Arrive New York Leave Atlmts 12 p. m. giving opportun.ty to pern over entiie Ui in day time. For fortber infortsstion i H. M. CUTTING] 2.451>. ‘.00 p. IF-rSi •IS G.n’l Pm.',', uJ Tlokjt Ai'tjcindan.U, Tnv.linj Aunt, Allut* Jeans and Cottonndes. Ca'icnes, Sheeting, Shirting, Checks, Stiipen. Oinahurgs, Gingbamu FANCY GOODE I AND 9 wr isroTionsrs Of all Kiads.0 G. C. THOMAS. AH0RNEY AT LAW, WATKINSV1LLE GEORGIA Inspection of Oils. I HAVE b«n appointed by th« CommiMioner ol AgTicultnr. of u.crjia. Inspector of oil. foe the Athene Inspection dUtrict, embnein. tho following conntie.: Ckrkt, JeekMn, Hed* ' - Rut, Elbert. UgUthocp^ Oconeo ud je; end wtllpreeeod on lb. let of Jenturr, to lnepoet tbe olU within Uhm oonnUte. Hr Uw, no person will be tlktwod to tell ketonene oil. nnleenlt he. on it tholn.poetof’e brend. To eb—In title bemJ, tbe oil in tut .Undo teat of md*~. GROCERIES Magnolia Hama, Country Hams, Bacon Sides, Shoulder?, Pure Leai . Flour, Corn, Meal, Bran, Tea, v Coffee, Sugar, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff. Syru P J Molasses. Kerosene Oil, Candies, Crackers Garden Seeds, Canned Goods, Spices, Sosps, Grocer’s Drug*. Powder, and Shot. Country Produce I CROCKERY! Lamps, Glass - Ware, Tin-Ware, Hardware. IN FACT All Kinds of Ware Cheanerlthan the Cheapest. BeipcetfoUy, Wsa. Tfffrrty. Prince Art. and Church 6(r*