The Athens daily banner. (Athens Ga.) 1879-1881, February 23, 1882, Image 4

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$1,0001 Will bo paid for whine that will wash fciat and a* dean aa will the ml wra aa ran jm. «□ kcj WASHING MACHINE, WITHOUT LABOR. We .the undersigned having awn thu Chum pion YY’ushiiig Machine used, take pleasure In certifying that it 1* all that it* Invent* With h anyone can,In ' ” 1 We have examined the Wa-diiii# Mach; .... invented by C B Vcroncc, ot Atlmii*, Oh., h. inered'biv 1‘boil time, aeon it touted, and oonflder.tly believe it will better thuu can be do all t -at ia claimed for it bv th_ inventor. Dr, N B t'aah, Mr-. N K Ojrle^by. Mr-. J »» Dr. Ji'unmk. Athena, Ga., J 0 Dmicnn, Favor, Mra. The*, L Smith, 1‘ortei if, Ga, Oct. 29th. 1890 < -Ini kc county. Mr. and Mr-.'Ho W Korn-, Allien*, Mr. and , Mr und Mr . . B li*sbv. Madison county, t.'lnrke (Honke County, Mr. Venmee: I am we 1 pleused with my Waaldii' Muchiue. It do * all you claim for it, and 1* so simple that a eld'd cuu da a* nmol woahipg in 2 or 3 hour*, a-a trrown woman cut .Joal'duy, Mn* LG Matth-w*. Madison Counjy. Mr. Vcrnno«: lliavoone of your tns<*h>ue* Hiid would not do without it tor twenty ftvi dollar-. Mna. A ■ okrkll. f anw the YY’nshing Machine totted on some very dirty lap cloth*, mi l it wn*lt<*d tli-jin per- fcctly clean in a few minute*. Tom l* Oliveh, of the Ann of lllvcrdi MeDouald. Athens, Ga., March 2,1831, We the undersigned having seen the Wash- ing Mach-r.o lately patented by 0 11 Vcronee, of Atli usGa., te-t'-d, tflKO \ Jea*nre in certify- ing that it I* all tiio inventor o'uitu-. .Mna F I.St .ne, T ,V.0“ONAI.U. Julius Aid OULD. .\Tllr.N*, G.V., Feb 10, 1881. Mr. CU Wi-ohcC* Champion Wnailing Ma chine 1* t‘ 0 lawt Inb r saying washer 1 hi « ver seen. lie done a two week’s wnsh'lig me to-day, in two hour*, with /it*, wi th of soup, that a wu-.Iicr-wotuuii would take two day*. *i5 octiU worth of a-mp, to du the auiuo uuioiiut oi work, and th iffe uld uot do It o well. The Mra. Addlo Ca*h. have h*d oneofyottr YV ashing Machines for 6 7 month* aud use it every week, it ia a great Green', 8. C. I have tried the Wo*hing M icnin<- and it give* perfect satisfaction • It is j nut what every family ahould have aa it saves both time and labor. Mna. E K Hukhaus. CHAPMAN &BR0, GAS, STEAM A HYDRAULIC ENGINEERS, PLUMBERS And Pips Fitters. No. 318 Jackson Street, Nsai Bell Tower, Augn-dn, 0«. Manufacture umL *ell CHAPMAN’S EUREKA GAS MACHINE di.hed and contract* ii and Heating Swldem* , •*, Factories and .Small “ uxor Villages. R. C. Hunhicutt's Rheumatic Curl The only reliable and safe reruedy for If tiken according to direetloiiN It never fall*. Cure* even of twenty or more years Handing, and remove* al liupuritle* of the blood and iiium-Ivs. ThouMnda rejoice over Ita marrelou* cure*. IIUTCIIIHON A DUO. General Agt-uts, 8«ld by all Druggist. Atlanta, tin. Tha Hun fir 1882 will make ita fifteenth Bo under th* present management, n«al . ahiuing, and j alwaya. for all, big and littla, mean , J - , c<>u ranted aud unhappy, Keptib- lloan and Democrat. depraved an d virtuoua, In* talligrot and obtuse. The Sun’* light i* fur mankind end womankind of every son; but it* f 'euial waruitli ia for tha gaod, whilo it pourt lot discomfort on tha blistering back* of tba wicked. The .Suit of waa a newspaper of a new kind. It discarded many of the forma, and a multitude of tb«t •u)»erfluo«a word* and pliraaea i dent journalism. It uudartook to report tr«.«h, succinct, unconvcutionai way all the new* of the world, omitting uo event ot iumuui ntereit, and t ommentinf on affairs with the fearkssuen* ot absolute independence. TJie success of this experiment was the imeccas of Tha Hun, ItetTcteda permanent change in the style of Amcrcwn newspapers. Kvery im portant jouru* 1 established in this country in the doxen years past ha* been modelled after the The Sun. Kvery important journal already existing In.* boen modified aud Bettered by the fore-* of The Hun's example. Tin* Sun of 1832 will be the aatne outspoken, truth telling, aud interesting newspaper. Cincinnati Southern Rail’y j Leave Athena via Northeastsrn B. R— 4.40 a. m •* “ “ Georgia Railroad—- 8.43 a. a *' '* “ *" “ ........ 7.00 p. a “ Unlaa Depot Atlanta...——...«. 8.00 a. a '* . *' A *• 2.M p. a || Daitoa...^.^.^.^... 12.13 p. a Arrive Ba^ca’cincinnaT!Jc7*T.r.!.TiIl!Z!l 1.20 p! £ 7.83 p. a LEAVE CINCINNATI VIA O. ANB M. B. B. Laava O. A M. Dei>ot 7.20 p. a “ o.*M. _ 7.45a. a Arrive 81. Leula 7.2" p. a 7.25 p. l Arrive 8t. Louli... Laava Pluiu Street Depot........... Arrive 8t. Loaia Arrive Chicago 7.40 a. a 7.10 a. m than VIA EBB LINK. 'Ve «lmll Jiriut .11 tlic M*», put ing It into j «.«t 2 readable shape, and measuring ita luijKirtanca t “ “ ,,, ,,, m .. .. ... • *•,& Look Here! not by the traditional yardstick, but by .. iutereat to the people. Diatunee fi om'l'rinting Homo Square is uot the nrat i-ousideratiou j Leave C. II. A D. Depot with The Hun. Whenever nuythiug h-ppeua “ worth reporting we got tlic* i«rtic»Ura, whatli- er it happens in Brooklyn or ikklutra. In pfilitiea w e have decided opinions; are ac- :ustomed to expre<» then* i.i language that C. U. A D. Depot 12.40 p. u ( Arrive New York. KENXBYLVaXlA K. I tested on some very dirty buggy lap doth it washed them porfeetly cleau in a few utes. Yours respectfully, John 1* Anker on Proprlotur Aiidersou’s l.ivery Hta' Wa y what we think about Uiitle Simke tVatcrmelou .Seel with forruula ! ,,,e » «ud events, TLat t.abit ia t!io only ae- r to make them ten duv* eurlier than the « f,>t of The Huu’s jsditietl course. - -- * • • - 1-0 siuto eight psges the >*• An og- »ld pi,.11, for one dollar, postage nretinid. Send ! The Weekly Sun gut Jackson Cou tv, Ga. Mr. Veronee: The ouly way you cuu gel tlic W;Hldng Machine I tKxiL'ht of yon is to send the sheriff alter It, and then ho would not get it, Kuapoctfully, Rev. J C Duncan, M D. Charlotte, N. C., Nov. 29,1881. Mr. G B Vcroncc: Wo tnko pleasure in saving i hut after having thoroughly tested your Cotfie Pot, we are thoroughly satisfied that it is all tliut you claim lor it Wo dan anw your Wash ing Machine tested and tlin (monition was success. lCcspcctfully J W & J J Aka ns. This la to certify that I, L M Watt*, p*mwie* ... hoy's aprons used in storo. tor of the Planter's Hotel (.’heater, ». C. nnvo They wore Ycrv dirty, with Imii'llinirmeat.'ttrd, thoroughly tested the Champion Washing Ms- meal, Jto., alter twenty infinite* boil, ihey came out like new. I huve bought one, and chciri'ullvrecommoiid it •(» my friouds and Miu public. Respect fully, W u. l.AFKEinr. Unuamtem 0.1!., S. C„ Nov. 17,1881. I certify tluit Mr. C B V’emnco test'd bis Glottic* Washer III the pro*inoe of M r *. Miller and mysetf, at our U«u*«, upon acmuuvm cook ►love uuil tiiat it washed mid cleaned within twenty miuutbs children's dirty o oihing, n shout, linen collar* and iimidkercidef* to our i-tiliro satisfaction, and wo tnl-e pleasnro in r« coumieiiiliug this lalx-r saving uuichino to tho public. BF.MiLt.Kii,. Th** ocrtifii-8 that vit whoso uumc* are Iiero- unto attached do hereby certify tlm: wo have used the Veronee Washer, mid nr- we'l pleused w ill it. We further ecrtiiy thut it sill do nil that It wiw recommend -d Jo do, by Mr. K W Oglesby, the ujont from whom we purchoaed. J M Davi t, Wth McCurdy. King Ourrii gton, U J Meadows, J W Power, J C A with. OxonutA, Mam*ox CouNtr.—This ia to cor- .ity tliai 1 jmrohasod frotn R W Ogle by one of tho Vero ice Washing Macniuos, and so far us I lisvo used it l mn woll please I sml believe it will save a deal ot hard I In*-. Goorgo Kh-rlmrt, Ki<T Smith, Mra. John Scott, Thoa. F Christinu. July 15, \m. State ovGkoeou, Makisox County.—-To all who ttiHv fee I coucurncl: I purct-.ased from Mi. It VV Oglesby one of Ver*'lice’s W aiting Ma chine* for n y wife, which txccods all exiH*ota- lion in clean washing and us u I »bor and time saver. John F. Kirs. >u clothe* worn and soiled by have never a *en it equuled by hand or maohitie process in cleaning. L M YV-tts. November 10,1881, CotVlIBIA, SC., Nov. 15, 1331. I saw tho Washing Machine tested on so t-o very dirty clothes and it cleaned them in a few minutes, at the Uuudrix lions-, John T CuNNNoiiAM, K. ll.Koor, C ork Hendrick House. Gnonmv, Madison Co|intt.—This certifies that 1 hnvc been using one of tho Verouue Washer* sii co nb-mt tho first ot January last and am perfectly delighted with it. My wife ibougli iu feohlohouhli has done all the wash ing for a family oi five persons by tho help ot this mnohino, before that, tlmo I hired nil mv washing. I bought my washer from Mr. U \V Oglesby who sp.'r.** no pain* to make all who pnrohiue from him Ihifv acquainted witli ull tho workings of the waaiicr. Htxpiibn C O’Kelli t. Danielsville, Ga., May *28, 1881. Wo wlmso names aro subscribed below fully endorse the above certificate, hnving used the Washer ourselves. John W Heymolr. Mr C B Vctouoc—Dear sin In one day I sold twenty-threo of your pntont coffee pots, mid four of your Washing Machines, aud 1 tried to buy the omtn'y right of an adjoining county, ftvm a gentleman to whom you had sold; iml I con d not got it at n y price.' I am much obliged to you fertile assistance you have given mo iu managing my ceuuty right. K YV Oulk-by, Agent tor Madison county. time i, tor <io>iar, |tr>sragc tircpmd. pen«. , »ay in registered letter for prompt at- i best matter of the Address all order* to ALLEN KING, Dellair. Ga. of this it will uot appear but 1* ui jnu23\v4t daily issue*. icrit. OEORnu, CLARKE COUNTV, Whoreas, Hugh N, Harris applies to ine for lc‘- tersofa'IiniiL.UrHtiou with the will annexed no the estate of PairiinaT. Harris, late of aahl coun ty, deceased. These are therefore to cite and ndmonMi all eoiicertied. to show cause at wjr offlee on or l*fore the tirat .Vordny In March next, why said let ter* should not W granted. Given under mv hand at office this 17th usy of January. 18*1. Asa M. Jackson, Ordinary, , liberal proportion of lit- .. acientifle and domestic intelligence com plete The Weekly Hun. and make the best newspaper for the faruu.'* household tit ‘ •ver printed, YV no does not know and read and like The Sunday Hun, eaeli uumlter ot witicu is nGol- conda of iuteresMiig liteiaiure, witli the best jrnetry of the day, prose every line mg, new*, bumor—rnsttor enong goed-sixed book, and iutlnnely more varied aud entertaining limn any book, nD r liftlef Ifoor idea of what a newspaper should be picucv* you, send tor The Huu. Our term* ureas follows: For the dully Hun, a four-page sheet of t won **• -iglit columns, the price oy mail, port paid. month, Bill for Relief, Etc j fifty cohimtis,'tlic price is Go cent's per m COU.KTTK (..PITSER ) RLABKK KI l’E'U j or ayi, |-iu*e Mid. vs / Hil’KT. ; Tho.SiuulaycditimiotTiiKHiTNi-tjdsnfurn- J, K. 0KANK,adm et nl J Nov, TVrm, 1881. ished separately at $1580 a year, postage paid. It appearing to tin* court that John Kittle, jr. 1 „ ' l ’ ho . I’ ric ? °* tho , WE‘XLt Eu«, eight 3UQ oi tliv de tend nut a in the tibo e nUied case.! * rt - v »«* columns, ia *1 a year, portage paid, doos not reside in said count' ot Clarke, mid ! c nbaotten seuding 910, wc will send Agent* wanto.i in « \ cry County anti Stale, aud County Rights for sale. Api*ly .o 0 15 VEEONEE. 3?ntantee. a y y/AVi .s. a a. ■ELJsJrS, KLA.TS. HATS! J. A. CHRISTIAN HATTER. SUCCESSOR to; Xjs H.. Glarke. A.^enti 1STo-Jl Whitehall Street f2f?"The public w.l! p’ot-e nutlet* ’hat I have parchtsed tho interosta ol above fl.m, and in continuiu-' tho business at tins su»id, I !*ro;»oso to keep the finwt lino of fishiona’Me tfOod» kept iu the city, b.mglit direct iromtho minutieturcr.n tdalill sell at Insido figures, aud bv courtesy aud s((iwre dealing merit yo ir imtronage. nov24«UV iv J* A, CUIUaTIAtT, G WlxitoHall, Atlauvea, Ca it further - p leuriug that lie does not reside in the state of Georgia, it i -ordered that service ho perfected on said John Kittle, jr., by publi cation of this order once a month for four months in the Athens Banner prior to th«* next term oft 1 i* court, and thtt raid John Kittle, |r., appear and answer nt mid term. GK l. D. TIIOMA8, Compl’ta Solicitor. ALEX. S. EKYVIN, Judges*. C. A true extract from the minutes ot Clarke auperior court, Novcnd*or Term 1881, JOHN I. HUGGINH, Clerk 8. C. C..C. Ga devfionc-unrimos «copy froo. Address, L 1BEI. for divorce in Cutrke Superior Court. Clarissa Kittle vs. John Kittle, jr., It ap pearing to I lie court from the return ofthe dep- ntyaheriff tlmt the d-temlaut is not to tc fotuid in this county; aud it further appearing •hat the defendant docs not reside Iu tins state. It is ordered by the coart that the defendant, John Kittle, jr., l<e served in tho above »?atcd case by publication once n month for four months prior to the next term ot tills court, in the Noutlitru Bin,net, a publicgiix-tte, pub.ish ed in Athens, Ga. And it is far her order yd • lint the el rk of this court furnish * copy of this order for publication iu said paper, as aforcaaid, t*. I*. Till! KM ON D, lTff Att’y. A LhX. S. KB tV IN, Judge, Arc. A true extinct from tho minutes of Clarke H-u-A'rior Court, November term, 18**!. John 1. HUuGINH, ClerkS.C. novi91am4n.wky. Prii. ,ce |4.56. Leave L. M.KeiH-t.......... L.M. ; e,^n Arrive Baltimore—.. || YVaahington <MMM . | New York ....< via ». as do. Hum. Leave Pluiu 8treel Depot Arrive Parkersburg.. * Cumt-erland...... Pliiladelpbla U CANADA SOUTHERN BtlLVAT. Leave c. H. A D. Deiiot 9.20 p. m •• G. 11. A D. 2.43 p. ui Arrive N aw. Ywrk „10.30 p. in 9.20 p. n . 2.43 p. u ^Northeastern Railroad, Ou am! after Monday, February 18th, 138*2, trains ontM» ro«d will rim ta lollows: K'J. 1. NuTa" Leave Athens 7:00 a in I *2:45 p i Arrive at Lula 9:15 u iii j 5:15 p i Arrive at Atlanta.... 1:40 p m 112:u5 u r NO. 4. *2:45 p u 5:-0 p NO. 2. I**ave Atlanta 6:0" a m I Arrive at Lula. 9:19 a m i Arrive at Athens... Traiiia daily« ..1*2:50 pj 7:4'* pt . >pt Sunday All trains connect c'.os -ly at Lula with pas senger iniitm iH»th cast ana west on Eichuiond & Dnnvilit Rniir ml. Close conu.'Ctiou made a: Atluuta both west uml southwest. Tickets ou sale at Athens to ull points. II. B. BERNARD, Sup’t. VV.j ’• 1 Notice! A ] L persons ha* ing rtcmai.ds against MaN col in A’r.-ifford, deceased, arc hereby noti fied to present them to mo for payment in the ninnnernnd time prescribed by liw. These indebted to said deceased arc requested to make immediate puvnient. I. M. KENNEY, Adm’r. jaii2Sw<w printersfe. $1.55 Thomas, Richter & Co., DtAI.KllS IS Parlor, Bedrooaa, dining Room and Office FURNITUHE 9 SouiR Broad Straot, Tha Great Speoifio Car HavalfU and Kaadache. From Frank L. Hsrahon, State Librarian. Atlanta, Ga., January 14,1880. Messrs. Hutchison A Bto.: Ibavetost*d vour Neumlgina. both on myself and on others, and found It to be nil that, is claimed—a specific tor neuralgia and headache, I recommend it to a ■utiering public. Youra truly, Frank L. Habalsox. Atlanta, Ga-, Feb. 10,18?!*. Messrs Hutchison A Bro.: I have used your "NeurahiW in set end instances, and find It the best remedy for neuralgia and beadacha I have Clarkesville Schedule. Trairs Lenvo CiorkesvF'e nt 8:00n. m. Trains Arrive at R G. Juiietu n 8:43 a. m. (’onueciing with A. L. traiu for Athens, At lanta and ail points north. Trains I cave K. G. Junction a’....11:15 a. tn. Train.- Arrive nt Clarkesville at .... 12:00 m. Connecting with trains from Athens, Atlanta and all points north. Daily, N’mdnvsexcepted. li R. BERNARD, Sant. \Y. J. HOUSTON, G.P. A. those unpleasant effects due to barvotlcs or other nnodjne*. 1 shall always keep it in my office and take much plcasur* In recommending ft to my pa tients. 8. G. Holland, D. D , 24 Whitehall, Atlanta, Ga. ^Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 4, 1879. Mernra. Hutchison A Era: Having thoroughly tested your ••Neurstgtno” In my case I cheerfully recommend It tn all who.suffer with neuralgia and For sale bj ail Druggist, low. n. sum, Jof Howard, Wood A Co. l?OR sujierlor quality of SPECTACLES and EYE a J»L ASSES Iu Gold, Silver and Steel, you will find the place at No. 5 Whitehall street. Pe not induced to pay high prices for inferior goods. I f iarantee a perfect tit of every pair 1 tell, and rs only keep the beat of Lenses in White and Tint ed, guarantee every pair to give satisfaction for 4 years. Give me a trial before purchasing else where. A. F. PIlKrKT, aug9 Wholesale aud Retail Jewe’er Mary C. S ledge, deceased, applic< leave to sell all the real estate of said deceased, These are therefore, to notify all person* concerned to show cause at mv otfee oti or b* fore the first Monday In Mnrcn next, why said tcave should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, tins 18*h day of January, 1882. AHA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. < Friuteislbof2.3fiw28d* via uHEAT wK^jr** ef. II. AD. Depot...^. C. H. A D. c * Arrive New York^....^ M . M ....». M ...,lu.oi Leave Atlanta 12 p. in. Hleeper open at 9 p. ui.. giviug opportun ty lo pass over entire Hue ol mod iu day time. For further information addrea* ” H. M. COTT1NGHAM, Gcu’i Hontlicru Agent, Atiaiim, K. 1\ WILSON, n’l PaaaV’r end Tiek’t Ag’t, Ciuciuu .ti, T. J. BIKKE\. Traveling Agent, Atla t* Gsorgia Rail Road Company. Ofkica Gknxhal Max.* okii, i Acwvai.., ua., Dec. lu, 1881. f f.ConiTiicuciiiffSunday. 11 lust the folowing r.isst-ngor Sclicdule will opperate ou this road: Leave ATHENS 9.80 am 7 00 pm Leave YY'intcrviUe 10.06 am 7 31pm Leave Lexington .10.50 am 8 16 p m Leave Antioch..., 11.17am 8 44pm Leave Muxcys, 11.84 a m 8 59 p m Leave WoodviUe 12.10 am 9 4o p n. 5 00.. Arrive Uuiou Point. ‘.2.8" AM 10 00 p Arrive Atlanta 5.45 - ** * A/ * Arrive at YY'aahingtou 2.55 i Arrive at Milledgeville.... 4.49 i Arrive Macon... 0.45 ; Arrive Augusta 4 oO ueave Aufustn 10 SO Leave Macon 7 10 , Leave Milledgevilio 9.05 Leave YY’asliiugtou 11.So . Leave Atlanta..... 8.50^ Leave Union Point 12 39 i Arrive WoodviUe......... 2.10 I Arrive Muxcys.... 2.4Gi Arrive Antioch 3.<>3 i Arrive Lexington .....8.80 i Arrive YViuterville 4.14 ra 7 24a Arrive Athens..... 4.50pm 800a Trains run daily E. R. DORSEY, Gen., Puss., Act. JOHN W. GREEN. General Manager. p m 6 18 a m Richmond & Danville ILK. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. On and after Ncv.20th. 1881, Passenger Train 8ervicv on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line di- visiuu of this road will be as follows: Eastward. ! No. 55. Leave Atlanta.... 3:15 p m kr Gainsville.. - 6:31 p m " Toccoa .► 7:23 p m D8:(W ..... •• Seneca...-...j. tfcwl p. m ait):l7 p. m " Greenv’le... ..10:cr» p. ni,*10:54 n. m *• Hpartan’g.. j .11:17 p. m" 1*2:15 a. m u Gastonia... . 1:29 a. nt ’ *2:50 " Charlotte....L 2:30 a. n.L 3:32 " 1:38p. m " 4:04 p. m ’ 3:00 p. m iU 8 F’t M’I| Express U.S.Mall. Westward. i j No. 54. | No. 50. j No. 82. L’reCb’lotte.J...12;l0 a m -10:2'p mLl*2-30p. m Ar Gastonia |:oi a. m . 11:20p. mi- 1:24 p. m " Hpurun’g2:57 a. m - 1:50 a uL 3:45 p. m “ Grceuv’le....... 4:16 a. m - 3:30 a. m - 5:03 p. m " Henecn^—— ... 5:44 a. m . 3:19 a. mL 6:50 p. m 1 Galuivllie . ... 8:42 a. m * Atlanta -.—'..11:00 a. m T. M. R. TAUOTT, Oen’l Mau'g’r. I. Y. 8AGE,Superintendent. A. POPE, General Pasaenper Arcnt.