Newspaper Page Text
vol. in.
NO. 92
• St Loul» Republican.
Those who attended the ineoting
of the Women’s Board If Missions at
the Presbyterian rooms yesterday ale
ternoon were grieved and astonished
when they listened to the reading
' of a very aensatioual letter from Miss
Maggie J. Dunbar, a Presbyterian
missionary, stationed at present at
Fort Wrangell, Alaska. Through
the letter its author described the
terrible sufferings ot several families,
old men and young children, recently
tortured to death for the alleged
crime of witchcraft. The victims, in
cluding persous of various ages, from
four to seventy years, were tried *by
the heathen tribunals ot the nlaco,
and senteused to deith. At Look,
a portion of Alaska where the an
cient population of the place predomi.
nates, and enforces thpir unwritten
law, which consists of Ulf the Super,
atitious their ancestors lound leisure
to devise and hand down to their
posterity, a family found guilty of be
ing spiritual jugglers, of a type sup
posed to be in league with the devil,
were taken out ana tied to trees.
The grandmother of tho family was
tied to a largo forest tree, and left
there to starve. After giving her salt
water whenever she asked that her
•thirst might be quenched, the demons
about tho tree liually hacked her to
death with knives. The balance ot
the family succeeded in breaking
away from their captors, and escaped
by plunging into a dark, and, to nil
appearances, impelled able forest.
filled with wild beasts. These peipes' Woo rainy words. One example , 9!
cuted.pcopla wandered about through liiu eoouojny this way-will snmoe.
the dark rcocsstss, of this wildsrneps, '
cold and hungry, until they could
stand their sufferings no longer, when
they concluded to cross the enemy’s
country under cover ot darkness, and
reach, if possible, Fort Wrangell,
where they knew they would be sale
in the presence of a United Stales’
man-of-war. They reached the
ocean, and took to n canoe. In This
frail bark they pursued their journey,
hugging the coast as closely as possi
ble until they arrived at the tort, al
most dead and scarcely able to talk.
The missionary, who was walking on
the beach on the evening ot their nrs
rival, saw the canoe land. Tho craft
contained »n old man and two chil
dren, who related their frightful ad
ventures and asked for protection.
The children were taken into the mis
sionary home of tlie fort. The two
girls, the letter stales, looked rather
odd walking to the home along the
bench robed jn blankets tattered and
A little girl whom the missionary B0W|
calls Georgia, ouly five years of age
and an orphan, resided witii nil aunt.
This aunt took sick one day, when
the child was accused of bewitching
her, and 'making her bad medicine,’
As soon as this accusation was tirade
the unfortunate little creature was
looked up in a room, where she was
kept for tlireo days without food or
, w ater, and whipped unmercifully, un
til her body was literally covered
with discolored marks. The chief of
one of the Christianized communities
heard of the outrage and reported the
matter to the military authorities of
the fort, who visi’ed the place where
the child was confined one night, res-
cued her, and took her to the iiqs-
sionary home. Both the cases des
cribed have been reported to the
Captain of lira man-of-war stationed
at the fort, and the savages, it is
thought, will ultimately be punished.
The imgafarltini Lirr.
Atlanta Conatitulion.
Unacne Conkling, the Oscar Wilde
of American politics, has been pro*
Tided with a soft place—and yet Gui-
tean, who it the occasion of it, it now
compelled to sell autographs for a liv
An inquisitive Ftenoh bishop ohoe
caught a Tartar in the Duka da Ko-
qnelaire. The latter, passing in haste
through Lyons, was hailed by the
bishop with ‘Hi j hi 1’ The Duke
stopped. ‘Where have you ‘ come
from?’inquired the. prelate. ' ‘Pai'
said the Duke. 'What is there- fi
in Paris?' 'Green peas.’ But whl
were the people saying when yoifi
1,-ftf’ 'Vespers,* 'Goodness, man,’
broke out the angry questioner, ‘who
are youf What are . you called?'
‘Ignorant people call me Hi! hi!
Gentleman term me the Diitce do Bo*
quelairo. ' Drive on, postillion.’ One
morning a woman was shown info Dr.
Abernethy's room; belore he could
speak she bared her arm,' saying
‘Burn.’ ‘A poultice,' said the Doc
tor. Next day sbn called again,
showed her arm and said, ’Better.’
Continue the poultice.' Some "days
elnsped before Abernethy saw her
again; then alia said: ‘Well, your fee?’
‘Nothing,’ quoth the great inodico,
‘you are the most sensible woman lever
saw.’ Lord .Aberdeen, the premier
of the coalition ministry, was remarks
able for the little use he made ol bis
tongue. When, by way of reconcil
ing him to accompany her on a so
1 rip, the Queen smilingly observed:
‘I believe, my lord, you are not oileu
sea sick?’ ‘Always, madam,’ was tho
brief but significant reply. ‘But,’
said her Majesty, ‘not very sea sick?,
Very, madam,’ said the uncompro
mising nuuistor. Wellington, w<
need hardly say, was not given to use
' “ ‘ 9f
The Duke wrote to Dr. llutton for
information ns to the scientiKo no-
quirments of a young officer who had
been under his instruction. The duo.
lor thought he could do no less than
auswer ’the question verbally, and
made an appointment accordingly.
Directly Wellington saw him lie saiu:
'I am obliged to you, Doctor, for the
trouble you have taken. Is fit
for the post?’ Clearing his throat,
Dr. Hutton began: ‘No mhn mure *0,
my lord, I can——’ 'That’s quite suf
ficient,’ said Wellington; ‘I know how
valoble your time i-; mine, just now,
is equally so. I will not detain ynu
any longer. Good morning.’
Mr. T. W. Higginson says: I am
not given to prodiuting just what will
happen when women vote, but I cons
fidontly assert that they will be taken
to the polls in first class carriages, as
old or invalid or indolent voters aro
now. The carriage will be only the
beginning of tho polite attentions that
will soon appear. When we see the
transformation undergone by every
ferryboat and every railway station,
so soon as it comes to be frequented
by women, who can doubt that vto-
ing places will experience the name
change? They mil soon' have—at
least in the ladies’ department—ele
gance instead of discomfort, beauty
for ashes, plenty of rocking-chairs,
and no need ot spittoons—the Massa
chusetts Legislature has already
passed a law forbidding smoking at
tlie polls. Very possibly they may
have all modern conveniences and in
conveniences, furnace registers, tea
kettles, Washington pies, and a young
lady to give checks for bundles. Who
knows what elaborate comforts, what
queenly luxuries may bo offered to
women at voting places when the
time has liually arrived to sue tor
their votes? People look at ’.he
coarseness and dirt notv visible at so
many voting places, and say: 'Would
you expose women to all that P’ Bel
these places are not dirtier than a
railway smoking car; and there is no
more coarseness than in any (erry boat,
which is, tor whatever reason, used
by men only. You do not look into
these places and say with indignation:
'Never, if I can help it, shall my wile
or my beloved greatgrandmother
travel by steamboat or by rail.’ You
know luat with these exemplary rela
tives wM enter order and quiet, oar-
pew and curtains, brooms and dus
ters. Why should it be otherwise
wfth wO'f rooms and town, hal
There U not snatosu more
sic difficulty in ptovid'ng a decorous
ladies’ room for a voting place, than
for a poet office«r •:railway station;
and it }s as simple a tiling to voteg
lioket as to buy one.’-,
Tlie Pope’s Heir Bono.,
A curious story is to|d at some
longth by Figaro 'ooncefuing the
gotiatioas which- it asserts'have
contly taken place in regard to
expected departure of tho Pope froi
Home,,'. This flight from tlie Vatican
has long l>eeh' ttio fixed purpose of
Leo Xfll, but Itis only recently that
idecidcd lo. go.. Prince Bis-
offered to repeal tlie May laws
and tq authorize the expelled priests
to retain to the parishes it tlie Pope
wouldeonsont to fix his future resi-
dcncdfnt Frankfort. He promised
that the city should bo neutralized as
in tlie time of the Get man Couleder,
tion. and offered tho Pope its tempo
ral sovereignty, with a subsidy* of
many’millions per annum. Leo de
clined- Slrnsbufg was then offered fv
him 011 the same terms ns Frankfori.
This offer was also refused. A ref
uge in France was out of the ques
tion. So at last tiro Pope closed with
tlie offir of Salzhur, which has I men
rondo'him by the Hapsburgs. The
ol y bo neutralized, and tlie Pope
snbventioned from tlie Austrian exs
chequer. Everything is said to be in
readiness for tho transfer ot the Holy
See from Rome, to Salzburg, and be-
fore long the hour of departure will
be fixed.
Utterly Impossible.
NaslivllU World.
Could Havana ideas be transplant
ed to this country and live, there is a
custom of delivering milk there which
renders lactometers and chemical
analysis wholly unnecessary. Just
before breakfast timo, which is 11
o’clock in the morning, men go
through the streets leading cows, and
when they have learned how much
milk their customers want they
d.op on their knees and milk the
cows then and there, before the eyes
of whoever chooses to look on. High
water would not affect the market il
this was the rule here.
. MYERS & £0.,
Would announce that tbejfjimva ju*t received a full line of
Biack & Colored Cashmeres,
»nd Fanoy Dress Qooda-t
&Q&M&WS &#£ OMQ&MS.
In New Doiigns. Full Lino oiy
Balmorals anil Sliawls.
A oomplctl line ot
1 ^ >• A new lot of
Come a ml ace us and l>o con vinced. Respectfully,
M. MYERS dtflCO,
llymenial Coincidences.
Washington Cor. Ealtlmoro .Vim-
Mr. William Hughes, ot Baltimore,
waa married to Miss Mollie Bur
roughs, of Mathews county, Va., on
last Thursday, and camo to Wash
ington on Friday, en route for Tope-
ka, Kansas, ll.eir future home. This
marriage lorirr*ifnk in ,a chain of
remarkable coincidences. Mr. Hughes
has three brothers whose birthdays
fall on February 16. Each ot the four
brothers was married on his twenty-
sixth birthday, at the same church
and by the same minister, the' bride
in each case being at the ago of 121 on
their wedding day.
How It Works.
Bftltlraoro Sue.
A significant comment on the re
pudiation policy of Tennessee is found
n the report from Knoxvillo that
certain contractors who were expect
ed to undertake the huildiog of the
city waterworks and take their pay
in municipal bands, have declined to
proceed with the*work since the pro
mulgation of thn supreme court’s de
cision on the stnte debt bill. The
peopln of Tennessee will yet discover
that, as with individual obligations
ao with municipal and state debts,
honesty is the best policy in the long
XTo. 3, Broad Street, Athens, Ca.
. (Formerly Baldwin «fc Bumott’a shoe store.)
Bogs leave to Inform his friends, patrons end the public generally that he will open ou
et tho abovo store with a ’eige nnd well sclcotod stock of
Fine Shoes and Milinery.
Thanking my friend* and the public for the ir patron ige while a ni< mber of the firm of Solo-
nlon A Joseph, I now announce that I am again to the front with a new stock of goods an«T
beg a continuance of tlie samo for myaclf at iny new store.
Look out tor chriigo ot advertisement as 1 will give in a few days a full prico list of special
bargains. incliStf SOL SOLOMON.
AND—— r '
Gents Furnishing Goods
Wo tavo’a largo stock ot Clothing in
Business and Dress Suits,
Everything in tho way of First Class Furnishing Goods.
Give us a vail. Orders by mail promptly tilled. 'FirsLolass Goods at ia>w Priots*