Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, January 05, 1890, Image 7

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"** * ;V - —e** - ^. ..' r ~:4i5'-v ■ ■ '■: 3t*, -»** *L-7«S3fc. .1 THE ELBEKTOS STAB. la Lite Worth XAringr T NotU).t« 4v U*o»<4|;u u«v wroth! w dyspeptic. A.-Vcr’a 1j>«)h.]>mh Tablet# . „ .,-■ arc a positive cure fw ti>« wi>r4 f<nm» A ®*' rna,a WtwJdjr JTow.peper for File of Dy*|>e|>*da, Indigestion, Fl.Utikncy i •Huwt-nBKty, and* SsreOpfor- nml Constitution. Ou.-.r.inUnl nu,| sold > tenit/ifor ajLivs Kan. l,y I.. D. Stodge A Co. Druggist. . .Dedroii# (bat my eon roar <G«n:.iot<- ( UOt r, 'V HOODING COUGH and flV'?? U 7°1 ,M }"£ Bronchitis imim-d lately relieved bv “ ,i ‘ 1. W*»' *«' r - » K'S'ca”"' tW S * k ^ tW -; sniLoir.s vitauzkr u what\j*i<jY.^a ? j^^biwtn^Twbicb Goods, and invite you to call and see you need for i-u, law*of A;>- • buter branch ran be nkwla to lu , v tlie petite, I>izxlne»j>. and ill! symptoms of . < mire «t|H-ns-fs of the office. The oiit- lly>pt‘Price 10 ami 75 vents .per fit is new, with Kairhaveo power and bottle. For Sule by Soli n Craw lord & , Gordon job prccs. Co- j WlettMj is one of tile beat business :>ple roala«i»n Ml* >d Uii.n.n Clear*, »ore», pimpln, iteb. .alt mum, etc., are evlilei.e*. ol roiiujpo .« blood di»-aw. It (rujtt'i. 40 mites of Athens, ami about 120 of Atlanta—aj| of which places will , . .. „ , - ,. ., ---- - contest for the buxine*# of the cotliltr is ni.tiitwllj a duty MrtaJinte blod |>..isoa I do not know a better oneiilnir in the llie system by a use of It U. H. < South for a 1 v 1 rLIv n. wu.l,-!e !t; p lllood lulin.) thus enabling ibe sure places lo ' i„. r _ 1 ry ncwxjuper than El- fce.l, and thereby rrmoTtng all pousibilil* o(' ’ triOT1 -. Only reasons fur »«llin>»are oilier mi tubers of tlie faintly Ixc wahif like | 8*'en above. afflicted. 8md In IH.rod Co., At* I 11 E°od mrin I will sell Cbeofllceat Uets. 0a., for bnok that will eoirtuee. | a bargain, and on easv terms of nar- pm,,,,. rl,|, U , r»r, 0|,|..r”,,n„! ll Tnaa£z!tx;* —• — *;*"•»r'rvr ir 1 " V* only ortur 1 lie Mar for *a!e a *fiort lime, \vli»*n if it J.* not of, wiH withdraw it from market. ''rite tne at once, if you desire to purchase, for full particular.. T. I,. Gastt, Athens. Ga. I* S.—friend* of the press will confer a lavor by reproducing or no ticing i lie above. T. b. O. daw tf bottle B. H. B. cured mo entirely. L. Johnson, HehnutA Station, Miss., writes: “B. H. B. lias ironed ou me like u cliurio. My bead and body was entered with sorts, and my hair cmne out, but U. II. B lienled me quickly. IV. J Kinuiu, lluloles, Tesus, sines: "M. 11. II. bus eutsd my wile of ■ large uicer on her leg, Unit doctors slid oil Otuet medicine could not re.” M J Rossa'.an, a promiaeut me client of Greensboru, (>u , writes: *T know of sereral casts of blmid disease sji. cdlly cured by It. ‘U. H. Two bottles cured a lady of ugly sciofu* lout skin sores.” W.C. Bitcbatorc k Co., Mux«y, Gu., writes: “B. It. B. in curing or. Kubert Wurd of blood poison, rflected one ol tin- most woudertul cuies tbut ever cine to mtr knowledge.” Pitnplea on the Face impure state of the bleed ami are looked upon by many wltli sus picion. Acker’s Iiiood Elixir will re mote all empu lilies and leave the com plexion nrfiV'th and clear. There is noih- ing thatwill so thoroughly build up the constitution, purify and stlengthen tlte w hole system. Sold and guaranteed by L. D. Sledge &• Co. Druggist. SOU SAI.K. Good h'-use a> d ini on c 'rmr of Stroup and Ltnn. k u sitei is. Cad anil s.e us rigid atv..y. StlACKUlFilltD & lis t-'AWAY, It ill EdaU A,»l..t3 More tliunjtwenry-Crr s#ns of jo; or n»-n ll. orbiting tt.e ballots for the rc«OI t on iu Mnseacqusctts. ‘T w .s troubled v nb an eruption on iny f.:qe, which was a source of cu'isUn.t annoy cnee wrteipl wlulled m appear hi Coiiipnnv. * After usingliir. o liotde ot Ayer's J »r»a(,rrilla, the hu- ne.r entirely disappeared.”—Mary M. Wocd,4p AdauiSrbi Lowell, M iss. Bucklnn's Arnica Salve. Tlie best Salve in the worle for Cuts,' Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sait Blteuin Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Erup lions and positively cures Tiles, or u<> pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction.or money refunded Trite 25 cents perbox. For sale Ly Join. Crawford & Co., and L. I). Sledge it Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Caution to Molburp. Every mother 'a cautioned against giviuglior oldld htudnnps or paregoric: it cruses an nuu.t'.u. al craving for stim- uauta which kills the mind or the child. Acker’s Baby Soother is specially prepar ed to benefit children and euro their pains. It is harm less and contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold by L. D. Sledge & Co, Druggist. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's 1‘lnsusr. Trice 2-' cents.. For Sale by John Crawford A Co. A Duty to Yourself. It is surprising that poo-duwill use a common, ordinary pill when they can secure a valuable English one tor the sumo motley. Dr. Acker’s English pills are a positive cure for sick-headache and all lives troubles. They arc small, sweet, easily taken and tin not grille. Eor sail, by E. D. Sledge ffc Co. A Mnrant'twu [Peso ] il-slb wine nllcuipiiug Kiceii sua..c Ibov often 'lo we herr ol the sudi'eaund f.itai te:e*ii:nii>iii of a ease • f crotip, when a y,.tn.g .ill ui'giit hive be, u .ami >>y the prompt. u4 of Ayer's I h-fry P«et„ral. Ayer » Ahnsn ic for the new year i* out. Git one. The Prettiest Line Of Goods suitable for sale in Athens. have received their Holiday ]Vf. the HOLIDAYS ever put oi Respectfully, MYERS & CO THE MOST COMPLETE -LINE OF- BOOTS & SHOES IN A-THKISTS, is ;at THE ONE PRICE SHOE STORE, -OF- r»*o*t« r choked *o Jo »W;»ho<Vtt »n;all Catarrh Can’t be Cured* with Lnu.j.l Hpp'.itJut ou.afi tlt« y cannot re^ch the sc.vtiiX ilw d h-j»c. Od'anli a b oo i «»r cun- sMtatio/al di*, use, .ii.d in order l»« ca«e 11 »o i luvvioluke in'eriittl remedies liall'iC«*nnh Cure is taken internal hr, and net* d»re« t'y on ill - blot d and iou< as surface. II IP* Cat* r. b Cure i* no qiwck medicine It was prescribed by «ine o( the best pliy slcinr.s iu l»:»8 cvUMtrj t'*r yvars and is a prescription. I» i.-c mposed cl the 0- si topics ki.cwn,ct inbined w tb t!»e best I- oiid puiiHeit, acting directly on the nvi* cuseDiface. The pet feet combination- ot the two irtgredi-nu ia wlnt produce* rircb won* derful i*:v. Its i J cu* in£ c:*turi*b. Send for tes- tim'nuUheo. K. J. A Co , Prop, Toledo, O. So d by uil Drug^i.-ta, price 7* c. Xow getrourXew Year resolutions readv. r—. Their Business Bo *m!ur« PrubaV ly no 0n«* thing bus canned Mich a general rc-viva! ot trade, at Jnhu (’raw ford Jk Oo. and L. D. St.-dg«- Co. Whole hale and Re tail l*rng Ston-s a#their girta* away u. their customers of mi many f«t-e trial bottles ot l>r. Kind’s New i iicorery lor CoosumpTifU. Tlu-ir t4rt le i» enorinouH iu this very vuLuiblc ntticM It m the fact that it is.iUva.VK cnits and never disa r p < tits. C» ugh, Cvid, As* iluna. Ibonchitis, (*m;;p, and alt throat &: d umg diseases iju okly c.»n-d. You can Kst ;; before ’baying uv g»-ting trial botile free, largo size $1. Every* bottle n art anted. G-arden Hoes, AND PECIALTIEtS -IN- Elcctric Goods. Julius Dornblatt <t.4Jtf. Clayton St.. Ath.n* G». •C. BODE’S,® Cor. CoHsge Ayb* aiii Clayton St, Hao always on harnl Fresh - Bread, - CAKE PORE CONFECTIONERIES, Etc lias Receive.! a Full Assortment of Toys, such as Dolls, Bedroom, Parlr, Kitchen, Toylet & Wash Sets, Carriages, Drums, nonts, Jumping Jack3, Clowns, Toy Carts and Wagons, Drawing Slates, Velocipedes, Decorated Cups, Saucers and Mnos. O. 3B O . Athexs, Ga. Satisfaction gnarnnteod <- ith every niir. Northeastern -»Goal ^ Yards QRR & HUNTER, Proprietors. ‘Red Aslt Anthracite” The Best ever Sold in this Clarket. “Grlexi IVEary” “Coal Creek” “Splint” Coal. Blacksmith Goal and Coke Give us your order now and get the benef of summer rates. C-lSini i§Wti I i DEALER IX FLORI. IA ORANGES. MESSINA LEMONS, NORTHERN APPLES. NORTHERN CABBAGE, flour. Irish potatoes, MEAL, Yah POTATOES. meat, LARD, SUGAR, CORN, COFFEE, HAY, TEA. BRAN. RICE. TOBACCO, GRITS CIGARS, SNUFF, SOAP STARCH, BLUING, PEAKLINE, POTASH No. 19 E.Clayt >n St., Athens. Can.. tiu*:n a i : uri‘!g t»;;z^.r.a t tiy (vitHirii, tli*i a X'-ccti- vviy dl - n» nrin? hKo- S ttH vjrinllu, t.n a p%-t'ul:arlyT Ritu- ln lb** cart, •• MKlnd t»r cmu higly «lt^;u.'iv*‘“b*f hd»! fha** w !a«»*5 *»f «m fit mi O'limril U«>»*t* gnat Ido**! |*urirt**i, »s ct-sslul r«iii*-*iy i«*r w*» o.t *i curt 8 l»y punt /itiif 111- .. i* )«».! ku!- fer fanu cauirrh, try UTut'a SariftipmilL, he pfculmr nu«tifSu«*.. l‘on*t binmo the world btrc«astj the thorns arc foaud among the ro*e*. Kpooit. The tninsilion from tout?, tiugeriutr rind pHins ful RickuoAb to robust hctthu murk* «n e|)c»cb in the life ol the i».div»di>e!. Saco a rrmnrk*, able event is trea«ared in the nH tnorv ncdtlie agency wl.orebv ilie good heuMi has Won au mined is * ruxe»ully blessed. Il»-nce it is tl;ui so much is hous'd in piui>o of t-k-cinc- Hitters. Sa maia be! they «»we tbeir restcratioa o health, for the use of tho Gruat Aberrtivo nn«l Ifyon ure troubled with any disease «>f 'Kidneys, Lrcr,. tom neb oi b*t*^ <»r ; shirt stundilig von will sorely find rdiel byu'e of Klectric llittois. 8o)3 wt ’>*Hr. and <1. per Ltd- tie at. John Crawford To. or !-».!> Sledge Co. Whole salts aud lief ail liruggUt. Between 6**0and 700 tonn ivory *ni imparted iutc Ki.gland every year. Palpitation ot tho heart, netvon-noB*, tremb lings, nervous lieaducito, cold*. Imnd* and t**et, pains in the back; and other forms of weakness arc relieved by Iron Pill-, made .specially for the blood, ueryes and cottipltixion- Best placa to hold tho world’* fair—right around the waist. If there ever was a specific for any Little Liver Pill* are a - ^ - one com plaint, then Carter's Little Liver specific for sick haedMclt, and woman should kuow this. Only one pill a dose- Try them, - It is a wi*o fool who knows enongb to keep it to himself. To get relict from indigestion, biliousness, constipation or torpid liver without disturbing the stomach or purging the bowels, take s few drsea of Carter's Liver Fills, they will please Mummies guaranteed to be 5000 years old may now be purchased io Bgyp tor fSOO apiece. Poop e Kvcrwlicre. Cunjh *n »'Ui -.;u-n;c.4t wc sty that Ack*Vs Kngn-li Kt*:n *»iy is . in tverv w.'V Mtpenor tu any nnd nil'ulicrH pr«p:»rati>i;i I r The Thr.i *t and Lun/.N. In Whooping CVurii nd Cf*i»ii|» *t is ui»ic aud relieve „t once. \V«* rter yoy a sample b-nU*- free. U>'tneiai>er.:ltis lUunrdy »> sold ou a j* stive guuiuuie by L, 1>. Pledge » Co. A fiUite ntftii Speaks No man m tue *'-o««tb was n*-nji- gencrnUy or nitre f«vo«~»b‘v ktiown. ui*il. m> nifi'iV opinio s more nimbly twereoced than mat of the vet nor Petty, if.^outn Cu.oLnu For sum.- lima pre* I'luVi tits «!c.*ih v Governor Piny v\a> a ^liViVT!roiit indigestion Me to»»K io. WfstutoieUn«t*a t'alisuya Tonic aud wrote tin i» bowing irtiei: h-ns Souci Gemlc:nen —I mod oirdiallr r«*ci»<atiut l)r WtKiir-oi elatid's C-alisaya Tunic. For s« .*ei -1 vears ptu-t i have been tronbloU wita indigo tiouund dyepep^ia V|y sou. Dr. JI»*x; M. Perry, id* Philadelphia, wh » k tne iugred- ivnLt which catoj* j*c your Tnui\ rpoke fur- urnHilY* fit. In the ci*uise of twj months past l have used four buttw-s. am! i atu tutiny rv- Itevcd. Yours iiulv, Ac , . B F. Perry. Dr. Westmoreland’s Calisayu Tonic in ndd by L D. Sied^e Co. at 60 cent auu t?1.0u a bottle. DAVIS 4 GAREBOLD HAVE .MOVED THEIR BOOKSTORE TO 111 Brood St., Formerly Long’s Drugstore "'HERE YOU CAN -ALWAYS FIND ON HAXD ATI IIK LOWEST Jt»XStXOK^ A FULL LINE OF Socks, Staticnery Musical Merokandise, Md Base-Ball CJoods. 11 RROAD -ST. ATHKNS.GA — Monselct: RoE;gnatiou—a virgin wiih gild cri tear.. Ur Boll'# B«L_v Syrop cnr.iains nothing in- juHona.ndwillreiiwro your b»..y ot) :iin un.i «li diBorU.raof llie LoWclaat ou«. 1’iicd 2o cunts. . H V.'U feel a I Lrn»«n ujt anil gmurniiv r.iis craliir, yi.a'enn icstore jopr t-qniiliLrinm ,b!i Lasa.lnr, thoJamous remedy, which only coats J. T. ANDERSON. in BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GJl. Offers the following bargains in real estate: .• f #jnnn For a desirable building lot or. MU- Jp lUUU lotlge avenue containing one acre. d>1 tfin will buy the prettiest buildings lit Jpl lUU onMIUedge avenue c.mtalng 1 acre. d, r> c r\ Will buv a one acre lotand a good one d>Z0U room house and room enough on the |St t • build two other hauses on Bridge street. Hottiies will rent well In that locality. acaa Will buy a one ante lot and a 4 room q)OUU house on Hodg-on street.' House oc cupied by a g«od tenant AQAA For a goo 1 2 room house -nd S acre lot vpouu in East Athens occupied by good ten ant. AQ/tA Will bay 5 acres of land with S good tpoUlr houses on it. Occupied by good tenant in East Athens- inL^iUiurlCGAOSE 3S3T jaEssa-si.-s' x>-er ssonsTT, 33- This Is a New ard NTastcrly Uodicnl Trmtlgc, and Jmlispcnsnblo to every YOVINC/WI^DLEs. AGED, end OLD MAN who ia sufferlBR from weakness, languor, Ix»« of Memory, Bnsniulncsjs, Dc-pri;iir ion of Fpirit*, Liver Complaint, D .wa«c» of tbe Kidneyand nil disease# depenuoat upon imnm m i Bound !a leather, lull gilt. Price, CONFIDENTIAL. Address JlKKr. V ecu doli-ir, by nail, cc-.lcd In plain wrapper, postpaid, coKHUtainL. JS™. ./u ilusr, II. D., So. 2£l Columbus Avenue, orr-O-Iiox ZiT.2, Boston, Mass. Prefatory Lecture with numerous testimonials front liljdi eourco», free to all. This is the only ELEC7KO-MEDTCO PH YSIOLOGY evqr pubUehc.l, tud is absolutely ccmpie^s and perfect It U invaluable to all admeterf, us it reaches the very toots and vitals of dnseaso. For ail Diseases of Men, by the di-thvul.hcd ruth or, IlENiir Du Most, M. D., who has DISCOVERED THE ELIXIR OF LIFE AND THE TRUE E8. 8ENCE OF MANHOOD, may bo ccnaulU-o In ctrictcd person or by letter,at his Klectro- NwlicoInrtnnoryyXo.uolColumbus At.,Boston, lias., “I HEARD A VOICE# IT SAIO. **COME AND SEE.”* HARDWOOD MANTLES. Ash, Oak, t herry, Blnftcye Maple. Walnut and Mahogony. Mtrliellzed Iron .'Urntles, Plain and Enamel Grates, Brass ami Kickel Grates. Biass limit: s. lire Sets lAn.lirst nV.) Piano Lamps, Onyx Tables. Artistic Gas Fixtures In Brass, itrn ulo. Silver ami Wrought lion. Imported cm Glass ChandaUens the dar.tiest, pieltiest, flnert and chcai e.-t ever brought South Tile Hearths. Tile Facings and Tile for Vestibules a Specially. The largest ai.or-.ment in the State, and at prices that cannot be equalled. Hotel and Family Bungee a Specialty. Mr John B. Harrison, of Springfield, fays that he had blood trouble for quite a time; his tonsils were swollen, eiuptious over his , *'■£ long time. nands and face followed by i^waljsiwo he , p- 0 r a six-room dwelling, two-room face,which was all relieved by t*wilt s Spectnc SJ1 »}0v terrant house and 2 acre lot more or aid after the lapse ol seven years there Du * . less on PrJa-ki strocr, cfose in. been nosignofa return olthe disease. j ~__ n yyjnbuva si.’emIUl 5-room house end , ■.' _ . ' U>/UU nice lot on Jack on street. Terms Has Col. Buck lost his grip on the Georgia ca .. y . oihee*. | will eel! 65T‘iac’0-iof as fine land In Ogle- I thoiT-o county,^4 mile* from Maxcys <1 ipot and at 4 miles of Barnett's Shoals where is now being buiit one ot the finest factones.ta the -fate, for ; a dollars 1-er aere amt q good 4-room dwelling ! — ’ and all tli barn and str.ble ncc-. snry, and about A+loTvfo -l>o Musset: Troth is tho ateleton of ap- 2ofl acies of land in & E Ag , t w “ uLcl J pearauce. The average life of an occean cable, as present constructed, is twelve years. . So nitary Plumbers andJSteam Heaters, Georgia Fall_Measure. Honest Weights,' - and Good Quality ^ Guaranteed. IF YGU W&MTT, Good Vinegar, Syrup,'or Sugari Give Him a Call. A very fine line of CRACKEES, and a Fancy Brand of FLOVR~ 'VliU-h trill always satisfy. Al ways fresh! Best or Lard, Hams, Dried Be el and Breakfast Bacon. Come and,.See. COVING! QH & MACON R. R Time tnble N->. 5, lo lake ■ tfi-ct si 7.10 o’clock, a. in., Sut-lay, K<>v. 24, 1889. XORTUHGUN’D, it Leccml Class. jl.t Class. h. Fr'L 1 Local Ft-.Fa-tMall iM.mWed Dalle ex. Dally, j Krid. y. Sai.d..y I Lv Macon,.. M i-sey's Hill Van iuren,.. Ko eit< .... Mo- toil...... Grays Bradlc; 1839. The lot on which the I ivery rt:»blc on Thomn street stand. Tne lot can two stores on iioma* street, and a gt*od r.*ah : ence h t on tioitg Street. Apply to - .J. S. W: Hi for i, l-ca! 1-et-ue Agent All, tho property Ivin? on the corner «»f Broad and Foumlry streets anil known a* the Head property. Tlie !o! runs to tho right-of-way of \l, v t Cl R. R.. and la very valuable and is now ay : n5 hand-oino.l) Apply to .T. s. WiLLIPOHU# . R«.*al L'utaic Agent. Al; o town suburlstn small farms of lo, 2o, ■«» add CO flares. A'.-o a numlier htantlfnl lot- f*n Ilarbcr street Pliec-e lots teautlf” 1 . h-v i»pi«d. NOTICE. ve city propeity to exchange for farms in the country. TAN YARD. eqaipind’tlii y nine acre- **f l ind atLichcil. only 1-4 mi c fr. m N. E. 11. R.. which has ride-track where Ta; k an l*edelivered. Tlie property i- not offered •Ccause th»* hn.-inc-- iL-cs no* pay, but beca»’^ wncr desists L» change lii.» bos ness. i>p v t- J. ?. WILLIFORD, real Kvrate Age.-*. LOOK AT THIS. I will sell a bargain in n r-rorty little farm r. acres ol good land out-ide of city limits. There me two homes on the place, on* well plastend, well of g *ocI^'pure water, al-o spring on the p ,4 *ce. Trice a* d no loss. Apply tfj, ■'. 8. WII.LIFOUD. Reid Etsraie Agent. FOR S aLE. Aenic 5-it * ii. t«lJs t* u> iJ« i-e . v, 950 10 08 10.42 10 55 U2i 1145 1154 02 pm G 23 p m 12 15 SOUTHBOUND. 1st Lla.-s Second Class. D I 2*3-1 24 Fsil Local F’t. Th. Fr’t Dally ex. Tue.Thu. I Sunday 1 sat. Shbicy atkinsviilc. Bi-Ison, Farmiogrou, Flo*en.-c .... 'Madion, J Golfrcy, .... Mar- o, MaChcti^.. j MdntS relfo, \ Mi hi i cl a .... Adg ttfvlll,.; Dili Loj.o .... L‘oun-1 Uak ■\Vey-ido. ,. Bra*Iky,. .. Grays Morton .... Kobcit-*.... Van llnren Mm 8c> V Mill Ar Mac in, .. 1 31 1 43 1 fl 2 00 2 lo HC0 3 3»S 3 43 4 CO 9 2; 11 2 I>4i 1 .5 12 17 U 27 12 '-3 'p m J 0 21» 2 3 2 5 J 12 20 12 ;>7 12 52 3 31 50i* 7 45 812 823 8£5 Galloway, Lambert & Oo. LIeadquabtEbs I-'OK FtfCrwo FAMILY We have just received a shipment of French Peas, Jockey Club Sar lines, Plum Puddings, Layer Figs, Thurber’s Canned Peaches, Pears, Apri cots, and Dunbar’s Pre served Figs. Our Olive Oil, Teas, Extracts and Spiees ARE THE BEST A. G CUA1G. Aci’g. Sup’L MONEY TO LOAN s AT SIX IER CENT- X ATLANTA TRUST BANKING CO. C. C. Chandler, Agent, Jefferson, Ga. Tlie firm of Mitcliell amlGhamller La# dissolved by mutual consent. I will con tinue to negotiate loans on farm mort- uages n -mi •. of / teks Banks, Oooaeo, M t lisoa aul other pla ces by special contract. An extension of five years will be allowed, put the- borrower ean pay back the money atr any time. Parti:tl payments can also- be nra e at any time. Money can be secured at very short notice. Don’t fail to see me befote borrowing. Your# Truly, 12-6-dw-6m C. C. Cxiaxdleb. OATS, CORN, HAY and STOCK FEED, GALLOWAY, LAMBERT 4 CO.* Telephone No. 73. BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS CHEAP 4 AT CBA WFOffD’S Drug Store.