Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, January 07, 1890, Image 4

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can use the wires and the Express, to obtain just of printing, our Mr. CHRISTY can use Ais own think best. Our JOB OFFICE is an important feature of lean to push it thoroughly. We want your work. " «"'.'if &ZSi‘H! ? '*'Vr .'Vv. THE ATHENS BANNER: ATHENS, GEORGIA, JANUARY 7, 1890 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Th i» powder never varies. A marvel of DU rity, strength and wholaomeness - More feoonomical than the ordinary kind, and cannot be sold in competi tion with the multitude of low test, abort weight, alum or phosphate pow ders. Sold only in cans. Royal Bak ing Powdkb Co.« 108 Wall St., N. Y. BLANK BOOKS. GEORGIA NEWS. A Prussian nob’eman is at work on ‘he Macon street car line. Prof. Morgan Loony, of JtowcrsTiile, lony, of !ia* been lecturing in DnnleUville. Mr. J a nea Rhodes, of Madison conntr, is dead. Mina she Central R. R. for $10000 damages. A Thomaiville merchant has a cotton plant bloomirg in his show window. Got. Campbell, of Ohio, will visit idee the "With the beginning of a New Year, mer chants start off with a new clean set of Books. My stock embraces everything that can be desired in QUANTITY; VARIETY. QUALITYi .A-Hsro LOWNESS IN PRICES. npbell, i Atlanta on the 16th. The statute of Hon. B. H. Hill, of Atlanta, only cost $3000. 15000 lias been raised for the Grady saviument. Payton Kecdaii, who was shot in the band by Herbert liclocklio, died. Got. Gordon has appointed Jud Miller to succeed Judge Gustincn Augusta circuit. Rev. Walter A. Dale, the bigamist, lias been dismissed from the paatorage of the 7th Baptist church in Atlanta. A marriage in Atlanta was postponed iiy the bride failing to put in appear ance. « The body of an unknown white man was found on the Central R. R. trestle near Americus. W. J. Langston, an Adajrsville mer chant who made an assignment, has been arrested for swindling. Alex. Phillips, a negro preacher of Stockton, was killed by another negro about his wife. In Atlanta Birdie Buttle while play ing witli a pistol accidentally killed her little brother. Isadore Garnie, well-known in At lanta, shot himself through the temple at Decatur. It is not known whether it was accidental or not. Capt W. W. Scott and family have moved from Danielsville back to hi plantation. Mr. W. P. Lochr, former editor of the Monitor, will move to Jefferson, Ga. John C. Godfrey, a hook agent, stole a horse from Mr. John McIntosh, near Seuey, and escaped Three little negro boys left St. Sin o is Island in a boat and have not yet re turned. It is feared that they arc drowned. A horse at Fairburn, Ga., while suf fering from hydrophobia tore with his teetii great strips of skin from his breast anil legs. The Central Bank of Savannah re deemed a few days ago seven of its one- hundrcd-dollar bills issued in 1856 ami 1857, over thirty years old. Mr Joe Ballinger, who in an insane moment cut his throat, died last Mon day, at his home in Hart county, near the town of ltoyston, He had been drinking heavily before he did tiie rasli act. A band of marauders in Harris county rode into Hamilton at night, broke down the jail and released Will Wallace. Wallace was a white man who was in jail for making a negro preacher dance in the road and then shot his mustache off with a pistol. A negro political clubin Macon passed resolutions denouncing Judge Emory Speer on the ground that the Federal judge had not put the colored brother in me front as a professional juryman, but on the oontrary had absolutely re frained from interfering in tho past with tiie work of the United States jury commissioners. The‘*New South”of Ringgold contains a brief acount of a desperate duel in tiie dark in Catoosa county last Wednesday night. John Elrod was attacked by some unknown mau, who tired upon him without effect. Mr. Elrod tlieu procured his gun and a regular battle was begun, but the marksmanship of the duelists seems to have been imper fect. During the melee, in some way, Mr. Elrod’s father, who was in tiie house, was shot through the left thigh. Inspection Invited. TELEGRAPHIC SPARKS- The United States will have no war with Columbia just yet, on account of the seizure of one of'our vessels. 130 families are in a starring condi tion in Newfoundland, and are begging relief. At Bridgeport, Conn,, a mulatto is in jaP for bigamy, his second wife being a white woman. The Alabama Middling B.R. is now completed to within three miles of Troy. The Louisville and Nashville rail road OJmpany will complete an air-line fiorn Birmingham, Ala., to Pensacola. Fla., by January 1, 1891. The plans for the new line are complete, and the work will begin at once. Snsan Kenedy, once the most beau tiful lady in Pennsylvania, died in des- t tution, brought about by dissipation. The Gorman Government Is investi gating a worm that is actually eating ill*, and honey-combing the steel rails of railways. An effort has been made in the Vir ginia legislature to revise the whipping I>ost for petty thieves. Mrs. Southward, the murderer of Stephen Petto*, now imprisoned in the New York penitentiary, is slowly dy ing, and will not live many days.' The wife of I,. Onario, a wealthy railroad conductor, of Pennsylvania, baa eioiicd with her husband’s cousin, a handsome young man of twenty years. The story concerning the great mor tality is denied by the Indian pupils in the Eastern schools. T. A. Jones was discharged from the Government employ because he assisted in the escape of John Wilkes Booth A Wordiester. Mass, jury gave a mill operative $8,000 for the loss of an arm by the machinery. John L. Sullivan has made up his mind to retire from the “ring” after one mure battie. The National Democrat predicts that the Democrats will get the House this year, and make all the arrangements to get the Presidency and the .Senate. A 2-year-old girl was badly burned by being pushed into a kon-lire at Springfield, Mass. Two Austrian editots fought a duel and one was k.lled. Bishop Coxe, of Buffalo, N. Y., bail presented to him orr his anniversary a prayer book in 10 languages aiid a purse of $2,500. Mr. and Mrs. Berry Hoff', of New York, left their children to burn to death in a house and escaped them selves. ' A policeman ran through tin llames and rescued them. John Adams, of Newberry, N. Y.. dropped dead while riding in his bug gy- A lady in New York died from fright by a mad-dog taking refuge under iier bed. GENERAL NEWS- i rivalry between Don rrand sons for the ' throne There is Pedro’s two of Brazil. At St. Joints, Newfoundland, there has beer 2064 cases and, deaths from diptheria An average of ICO men a day write to the green goods men of New York and are swindled. Two men are imprisoned in a cave in a well at Staten Island. One is thought to be yet alive. A colored post at New Orleans has been mustered into the Grand Army of the Republic This is the first instance of the kind on record. There is much feeling in &. A. R. circles over the mat ter. HJN0R ITEMS. D.W. McGregor, ATHENS BOOK-STORE. A good they buy iy buy one or more lots for f of the six beauti ful lots that will be sold to highest bid- e’er at court house on next Tuesday. Only a few steps from street car line. One lot bos a house on it 18x36, plas tered and rents well. Jan2-5t Fob Rknt.—One nicely furnished room. Apply at Banner office, janldlw CURE Bbk Haadaeb* and relieve an the trouble* tad- dent to* bjllo«is state of tho^tS^hi ■ 25 been shown la curias SICK Ir’SSBgfeSfigJg correct *11 diaordere of the stomach. Sisy^"* 1 ** **-•**-• HEAD who suffer from this but fortunately their goodness does hot here, and those who once try them will ■$ these lilUo pills valuable la so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick head ACHE lives that here is where Our pills curt It Is the bane of so man wo make our great while others do not. Castor's Lima ton Fills arc very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. asm Kzsiems co., Me* tca. fill, Brief News from our Reporters’ Note Book, i Pretty weather for January, tl»i3 is. The Methodist church was well tilled at Sunday night’s service. The city schools opened yesterday with a large attendance.! The next show at the opera house will draw the crowds. Cotton continues to come in, and it is all clothed in cotton bagging. Police court today will be crowded and a largo docket will be taken up. The electric lights will be turned on by the 12th inst. The Home School young ladies have not all returned yet. Lawn tennis will resume its domin ion if this weather lasts. If signs count for aught, Athen will have a mammoth real estate boom this spring. The entrance examination at the Uni versity continued yesterday, and sev eral new students were admitted. The merchants did a driving business yesterday. The quarterly conference of the First Methodist church will be held to-night at the district parsonage at 7:30 o’clock. The Clarke Rifles fair promises to be a greatoceasitn in February. Mr. Duncan, of Clarkaboro district, says the Alliance refused to take him in, for fear he would give away the se crets of the order. 2 The park will bo heard from by tbe 25th inst. Tbe Athenians who recently visited Florida and Cuba, brought back some delicious oranges with them. They all report a delightful trip. Mrs. Hunnicutt, who has been quite ill recently, is improving gradually. With tin- electric lights, the new ho tel the city park, the telephone line to Lexington and the G., C. & N.. Ath ens surely has much in contemplation. This is saying nothing of the jfurnlture factory and glass works now spoken of os certainties. The Sans Souci club should show up with another delightful dance to give the assurance that the society is not extinct. Rucker’s trick yard has been moved farther up the North Eastern rail road. Much needed improvements are be ing made on the ice works. The Michael building is the prettiest in the City. —i Athens is noted for having fewer one- horse lawyers than any .other Georgia city. The factories are Jdoing the biggest business ever known to Athens. Athens will have a union depot in due season. Its need is clearly demon strated by the Jlarge number of drays that are kept busy all the year round in Athens. Gumes* plentiful so the hunters say; at Columbia, S.C., was .-'C- in A families. The cigarette manufacturers deny having formed a trust. In Xew York a German murdered his wife and liti le child and then suicided. White erazod by religion a Kansas man and wife tried to cremate them selves. It is thought that “La Grippe” will play havoc with a small republican ma jority In congress. Neat P duca'i JKv., four men were burned to death in a cabin white drunk An engineer on the B. A 6- raLroad was blowu 100 yards and escaped inju ry. The policy of the Republican congress ■=eems to be spend as much money as possible. Gov. Ross, of Texas, has offered $250 reward each for the men who killed two negroes. Henry Jorden.a Camdon.New Jersey, negro, brutally assaulted an aged white woman. The insane patients at the poor house near Wlicaten, Ill., are most brutally treated. John McWilliams, of Lewiston. Me., became iusane and killed his wsse with an axe. David Sullivan, the famous base hall umpire, died suddenly at Chicagojwhile singing “McCinty.” A duel is probable between two Birmingham, Alabama, newspaper men. “La|Grigpe” is scoring a large num ber of deaths, but the doctors say it is not datigerous,only to old peoplq, Rev Dr. Harper, tho distinguished Presbyterian divine of Philadelphia, is dead. Mrs. Brenman, of Holtyrope, Mass., wl»o is iu jail for poisening mem bers of her.faiuil\*lii order to>ecuie life insurance, is dying of Bright’s disease. An advaucc of % of a cent per pound has been made by tiie white lead trust, but it has provided better terms for jobbers. A negro in Spartcnburgcounty, South Carolina, was given 39 lashes for having a white wife, and the woinanj was or dered to leave. Rev. C. I». Powell, formerly of North Carolina; but a missionary in Africa, became insane and killed his youngest daughter, age 6 years. At Harveriiill, New Hampshire. Stavenly Plant, age 80 years, while in a rage killed his grandson, age 5, and fa tally stubbed his grand daughter, age 10. He was arrested. Rev. T- M. Joiner, tiie Baptist cler gyman who was roughly handled by a crowd at Holly Springs^ N. C., for in- cendiarv talk to negroesf has applied to the British Minister at Washington for redress. The matter ts being inves tigated. Burglars entered the house of Dr, Arthur S. Kniffen at Trenton, N. J., and chloroformed Mrs. Kniffen and young, lady, Miss Purcell, who is visit ing the family, and then ransacked the premises. The Doctor’s wife died uii der the influence of the drug, and it was a long time before Miss Purcell was restored to consciousness. For extra fine meat call atBooth Bros and you wil get just what you call for Both Bros, understand’vhe business, THE LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS. ___ STATEMENTS. CARDS. ENVELOPES. PAMPHLETS. PROGRAMMES. ANNOUNCEMENTS ' INVITATIONS Ine Daily Tribune of Knoxville is an excellent paper. The editorial coi ns are ably presided over and the local pages are replete with Knoxville vs Altogether the Tribune is one of the best dailies in tiie south and de serves the large subscription list that it now lays claim to. W. D. Griffeth, Receiver, will sell 39 acres of land sit uated on Barber street to-day at 10 o’clock at the court house. A CROWDED STORE. Messrs. Julius Cohen & Co. were very busy and a great many customers iter could not get waited on, and every cus tomer is a witness to the cheap goods this house is selling. Their 19c. silks and bargain counter goods arc the talk of the city and Manager Houston says he will add new goods to the bargain counters every day. Don’t fail to attend Sale of the “Dalt Mitchell” lands at the court-house to-day 10 o’clock. A good investment for some one if they buy one or more of tho six beauti ful lots that will be sold to highest bid der ut court house on next Tuesday. Only a fow steps from street car line. Come and buy one. Titles perfect. Jan2-5t. Don’t fail to attend the Sale of the “Dalt Mitchell” lands at the court-house .to-day 10 o’clock. Altenltaa Member*! Oconee Council No. 13S, installation of officers for the year of 1890, will take place to-night—Tuesday. Jan.7 tli 1890. The following Brothers were elected at tiie regular meeting last mouth to fill their respective offices for the cur rent year: Z W Betts, Regent; James Harbin, Vice Regent; S M Herrington. Orator; L A Shackelford, Past Regent; D M Kenney, Secretaiy; J S McKie, Col lector; A M Seudder. Treasurer; H H Hale, Warden; Robert McDoruian. Chaplain; Joel Dean, Sentry; S M Herrington, L A Shackelford. I* H Charlxninier, Trustees; Representa tive to Grand Council, S M Herrington. Brothers, all take notice and govern yourselves accordingly. Yours in V.M. C. v D. M. Kenney, Sect’y. W. D. Griffeth, Receiver, will sell 39 acres of land Situ ated on Barber street, to-day at 10 o’clock at the court house. • Fo* Salk.—Brand now carpet, 30 yards, excellent quality. Address Carpet, Box 108. Do You Want CijKAp Board. ply to 221 Douglierty sCret. Jan5-lm House and lot for sale cheap by J. R Christy, 4d2t Fresh Fish and oysters received daily at Booth Bros. If von wish to see plat of the six beautiful lots that will be sold on next Tuesday to highest bidder, you can see it at Parr Bros, paint shop, No. lr North Jackson street, or, if you wish yon will be shown the lots. Term cash l-d-5t For fresh Booth Bros. fish and oysters caU on The six beautiful lots, 100x200 feet to be sold at the court house arc only_a few steps from street car lino. Jan2-5t We think we are prepared to do FINE 0RPLAIN WORK more to the notion of most people, than anybody within one hundred miles of us, Everything about THE OFFICE IS NEW and as near perfection as can be. We have in or to come in iannediaccly, One of the six beatttiful lots to be sold next Tuesday at court house, legal hours of sale, hits a house, good brehavd, &e. on it. Jan2-5t A good investnientor agood home for some one. The house and lot on corner of extension of Harris and Baxter streets, will be sold on Tuesday next to the highest bidder. If you wish to see the place any of tiie Parr Bros, will v it to you. Jan 2-5t show j BUIST’S NEW CROP GARDEN SEEDS- We have just opened up the largest stock of garden seeds ‘ever brought to this city, consisting in part of 60,000 papers Buist’s Prize medal stock. 50 busuels beans aud peas, 60 bushels choice onion sets. Our prices are tiie lowest at whole sale and retail. Special prices to market gardeners. John Crawford & Co., W.iolesale and Retail Druggist. Athens, Ga. Call and get one of Buist’s Garden Manuels for 1890.; ■ " , 4 t MONEY AT SIX PER CENT. Albert L. Mitfehell, LAWYER, Loan, Broker and Insurance Agent. No. 35, Clayton st., ATHENS, GEORGIA. Will give prompt attention to all legal busi ness. Will Insure your properly In first-class Companies against toss by Are. _ Willnogotiato loans on farm lands running S years at C per cent per annum, payable in wbplc, or l«rt, at anytime. Cooo and see me. Albert L. Mitchell. but if weeannot suit you, we what you want. As to style or adopt yours as you our business, and we mean to push it thoroughly. We want your U > f: -■ .