Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, January 12, 1890, Image 3

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‘ ■pSIfiaaMi LErrrs lesson. •1.» BUCK FOR 3I1B8E8. Material. Beat Style. Brat W C.&q./I.SflEAD. To Save Life jpkkI -ttpply keep Floor Meal *5*5^5 Mrs* \xt»r. vs SIT AM Lard Sur* Unfl» Ctff Brand. Rcr ohacc», Ciftn. Grita. * WS tt.l H9 SuUff, v.V , Soap, S?a*ch, B «ia«, P.-aiUna, P Uth. Frequently requires prompt action. An bour’.i delay waiting for tlie doctor may be attended with serious convtpisiurft, especially in cases of Croup. Pneumonia, and ether throat and lung troubles. Hence, no fstuily should be without a bottle ini Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, which Ilia proved Itself, in tbomuuids of best Emergency Medicine ever dlioovercd. It glvee prompt relief and prepares the way for a thorough cure, which is certain to be effected by its continued use. 8. H. Latimer, M. IX. Mt. Vernon, Oa., saj-s: “I bare fouud Ayer’s Citerry Pectoral a perfect cure for Croup in all esses. I bare known the worst casts relieved In a very short time by Ms use; and I advise a .i families to use It iu -ad ds® entcrgunci -a, for coughs, croup, &c.” A. J. Kldso',, M. IX, Middletown, Tenn., says: “I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral with the Is-st effect in toy practice. This wonderful prepara tion once saved tny life. I had a con stant rough, night sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh, and given up by roy Physician. One bottle aud a half of tbo Fsmsn *u the Host!, was favorably known, sad so was more highly tevetettee" " Governor Perry, cl rt-utli ( . time pretiuus to his death, Uoverner Perry w«s a sufferer trnm ludtgeet-nu. He took l«v. Westmoreland** CatUeys Toaie and wrote tbo following letter; Mass Sorci. Centiem. ti — I most con Muir recommend Dr istm-irlsud’a Calivava T rine. Vnreev- et si jeers pea I base been troubled with iadt- *->ti<Ht e>. . vpip.ta. Mr sou. Dr. Ilest M P«ny. of Philadelphia, who knows lbs ingred ients whichcompoee jeer Toote, spoke fsv- urehtr ol ’t. Ii, the <*mt*e of. tern mouths I’.tt t hare used f. or b. tiles, sod I am entire ty telt-red. V< urs truie, etc.. It. F Psaar. I»r. WvetmoreLnd'e Caltuys Tonic is null by L. D. Sledge 4 Co., at Uk ant <1 a bottle. RiCHtS- Pectoral cured me." ** I cannot aay enough in praise of Ayer’s Citerry Pectoral,” writes E. Bragdott, of Palestine, Texas, “ believ ing as I do that, but for its use, I should long since have died.” Ayer's Clieny Pectoral, r ruruis bt Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats. Bold brail Dnifgleu. Prise $1; six boUlts,gh If yon (I -ire them no use fouling sway j tiae uu thiiijja tVat rio-.'tpay : but send gi.UM at cure fur i> m gniticent outfit of our Great ! New Stsulry iiook it bo>k and terms are not S'tl'slsclorjr we mill refund your mi ner. nek. No capital e.deii. Moth ladies mud gmti-tiH-ii employed. Don’t lose time iu writing. "S’trp iu wh'l* me waters are troub- l.d.” liars are wonh doil ira. Address. II K JDHNHOM A CO., IM# Main St., Richmond, Vs. Dec. 11 d-tuio. FOR tAI.R. O'cxi house still ml on corner of Strong unit Lumpkin Heels. Cat) aud see tut tight tern. iMIACKI.KKOHD & Ili.TTAWAY, K' »i K.lete Agents. $5253n£S Y W. H. bidet prottl* per ifontii -.will pr ve It I M k w i ortralts jus out l>le sent viikis to ail. lil<lestcr& sim.-.-s liui.c ht N.Y ur ag>JMI|BLg=g£L^ G'-“ nX’c'wir i. */.”«< nt’.'-T’"rurt *JT>! - «„,V * ... eiaesiasl*. a. Bncklen’s Arnica Salve. The lx si fi llvc iu ihe w-olil for Cuts, Broker, Sore.-, U cetf. Salt Iliicum. Fever, ] S-.ii-.T' .ter,|wd Hands, CiidbUlos, i Corns, ami nil s>kit> Eruptions and pus- i i'ivt ly cure- Pil. s, or no pav ttquired. It i* guarantied to give p-rtict sat ml action, money refunded. Pi ce 25 c. nts per box. For Sdl'* by John Crawford A Co., ami I,. D Bb 'i-e & Co., WtHilmlt and Retail D.uggists. CHICHESTER'S CNRLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. K«*l Crow I>lu monel Jtruiul. Tbo duly reliable till! for brV. H»fp •are. y^iitfs, utk llrntclst fnTlfc III.-. ■hhhI llrwndsiu rrtl ai'Utiiii , liun«.»k , '4 VilllHiitriblKH. Tnkflun.iibrr, Maljp. (siaDtp*) for particular* at-i •* If cliff fa# weiwiiaitei^aiiatgwaaac Swiss Condensed Milk Co. RICI BRAND GENUINE 8WI8S CONDENSED MILK, liuniat tt cil iho iiol.cnami pnroiit milk man- nfnrt- jrcd« cnntaii'lntf ov« r 10 per c. jit «>r l> it« r. ciilHron nncl tnwtllils will ti rive uomli rfiillv, n <1 will ttn<1 D* up© untie ccim om.i al th in i» dtnurjr c.*ww milk. Sory. ur ur* ccr ^Ivcu voS Hljjfl S aiHH CoimJoiw.I Mi'K. Import e^Mit, J ietlEN I*. SMITH, Nov Vitrk ar.d < hica^o. "TIIK VKUY BEST- MU SI CAL InntvncUon l>o Go<m-t*ol at the METROPOLITAN CONSERVA 'i 'ORY 21 Rust. 14th Street,. New York City. Ho ik giving full particulars e.nt fteo. Can enter at any time. Hoard fum shed in ronnec- tli.a with the school. 11. W. Obkbxs, General Manager. Sasth^a cusEm \$CHIFFMANN’S ASTHMA CUREl I Instantly mUnycs Um most vnlont attack Non I waift nu for roc ultu. Ity action is imm-di. i Ist-.ittnyit nmloortain. and acmetathoiwinUk I In all cr.raUa cams A a nolo trial fl II ha moat skoptlcal .IMca ABc-mH *1 .Ot>, oft lam- hack, side or cli' et. me Shiloh’s PliiKlcr Price 25 cents. For sale by John Cnwfotd ii Co CMOUP, WHOOPING COUGIl and Rroncliitis immeilinttiy relieved by Shi loh’* Cure. Fot sale by John Crawford & Co. SHILOH'S VITaLIZEK is what you ne'dfor 0<>riHlipaiiun, Los* of Appetite, il 7.zlncs-, and all aympt'diM of Dy«|i psta. Pric-10 and 75 cents per bottle. For Sale by John Crawford & Co. SJIILOH’S COUOH mid Go'.nwiiptinn Cure i» Hi|d by its- on a guarantee. It cure* Consumption. For side by John Crawford Sl Go. LUCY 11IN ION IS QUEEN OF THE TOBACCO WOULD Talmadee Bui*.' an- Item.quarters and factory nettll.- for T. C W l ams A Co.’r Lucy Hinton Mutiaponi, J ty B:td end Pmitber tobaccos. They me always relia ble, uniform, and best on earth, for prices at winch they ate sold. Try thenr,. li-fiui The best razors and the best pocket- knives, at the lowest prices, at Talmage & Bright welt's. decTtf t'onlneion-Illowil Dlarnaen. MADE WITH BOiUNG WATER. Unleers, sores, pimples, itch, salt rheum, etc , nix' evidences ot contageous blood dl-ease. It is manifestly a doty to eradicate booii poison from (lie system by n use ot It. II. H. (iiatanic lilood Uidm) tints enabling the sore places to lienl, and t ereby removing all poasibililiy of oilier members of the fuiioly tiecomrng like* wi.-eiifllct d. Send to blood lia'm Go , Allaula, Ga., lot book that roll convince.' .1 II. Outlaw, Mt. Olive, S. O., writes: had running son s on my alionlders and arms! One buttle 1>. it. U. cured me entirely.” 1.. Joluison, I tel r.ont Mat Ion, Mias., rites- "11. H. ii. baa worked ou me like a charm My head and body were covered with sora.t.snd my hair cu-nc out, It. It. It. healed roe quickly.” VV.J.Kinnm, Iluichra, Texas, writes: ”11. 1). it. tins cured my wile ot a large ulcer on her kg, that doctors aud all other medicine of EPPS’S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA could iioi cure. M. j Kct*imian, a prominent merchant iro, Oa., writes: “I know of several "cases ol blood disease apeedily cured by B. B. Ii. Two bottles cured a lady of ugly scrota- •dus skin sores. W. 0. Birchmcie & Co., of Maxey, Ga, writ s: *‘B. B. B. in curiug Mr.'Robert Ward of blood poison, vflVcted one of the m .at won- dertul cures ttmi ever came to t>ar knowl edge.” MADE WITH BOILING MILK. TO WEAK MEN Catarrh Can’t be Cured. ■and a valuable treatise (Maledj containing full iSSeulm for horn* cure, FREE of ebargtn A reclly on the mucus surlace. SaodH medical work; 5wmdVi readby eveg whd la nervous and debilitated. Address, Fnf. V. C. POWLEB. Moodn« Conn. FOR MEN ONLY'. A POSITIVE f" MST ’ rFAimro KAjptqOD- General aid KE3.V0DS DEBUJl'i: Weakness ef Body and Jlisd: Effects of Errors er Bxeesaessn Old or Tsena a?=iP^^ w.tb I.ocal adplicsuou, us they cannot reach the .scat of tt.e disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you have to take internal leuiedirs. Halt’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and nets di rectly on tbe blood and mucus surface. Hail's Catarrh Cure is no quack wedicioe. It was prescribed by one ot tbe best physicians in tins country tor years and is a prescription. U is composed it the best tonics known com bined with the best blood puntieis, acting di rectly on the mucus surface. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what p. o- duces such wondertul results in caring ca tairk. rieud for testimonials free- F. J. CneNST 4 Co., Prop., Toledo, O. Bold by all Druggists, price 7i>c. Cinderella fonnd that a low menial position led to a liymenial one. In tontlfr H and WTilskry n*l>- lt. em-ed st homo with (RrMlt DATS. a! mlbfarlh.n m l« **rr ol flonorr&opw an* .iio’l. 1 prK-cnDC it JLT.< for! safe iu rrcomt ©cl iuf It to *13 suttenji 4. J.^ i-ONKR, MJNw. Of ctfvr, *>RJCK.S1.0et m*slA • < •’ 9A C. F.Kohlruss, Msmifarmrer and Deter in Foreign A Domestic Marble and Granite Monument-, Headstones. Statues, Copings,etc. Ceioetety and bnlltUng work ot ..II Dc.-ovlption made to _ > order. ders~in-"(n’i'pt!Tast.->iide:i to and executed in the neatest manner passible, Original .Designs Kxecnted. Comer Washington .nut hitrs Sl-. AUGUSTA GEOHGIA Health is impossible when the blood ia ini' pure, thick, aud sluggish, or when it is thm and impovrisbed. (Such conditions give rise to boils, pimples, headaches, neurslga, rheuma tism. aud other disoruers. Ayer,s Sarsaparilla polities, invigorates, and vitalizes the blood The objection to irse wool are all shear non sen so; Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is resommeded by emiuent physicians, on both sidta of the Allan- Ijc, as the must reliable remedy lor eoida, coughs, and all pulmonury disorder*. Inquire ot your diuggist for Ayer’s Almauao. Most of us worry over trials, but’ the law yers worroy il ihey haven’t any. Thattired, languid feeling and doll headache ia very disagreaole. Take two of Carter's Lit tie Liver Pills before retiring, and you will find relief. They never fait to do good. When a man comes to time,does it not prove that time waits for some inea. A GKNTS wanted at once f ir Life and Kcnit- niaceuces of .leifcrson (hurts. tCditoJby -Tns- tt.-e tjuusr.U. 8. Supreme Court. Parti-f pio- need- giien to creel a inomiinent to Mr. Davis. Connate outfit •!. ' Add’ess K. II. WOODWARD A CO.. UaUlmore. M.l. -A few geuerol agents wanted. d-Jan2 Kup pay This is wliatyou ought to liars, in fact, yon most have it, to fully enjoy lire. Thousands are searching lor it only, i.ud morning because they find It not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent auuaily by oar people in the hope that Urey may attain Uiis boou. And yet it may be had by ail. Wo guuimtee that Eicct'ic Hit Urs, if need according Indirections and ihe use persisted tn, will bting you Good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead t upensy. Wa recommend Elec tric Hitters tor Dyspepsia sn-t nil diseases of the Momucli m.,i Kidneys. Sold at 50,and find per bottlo by Johu Crawford 4 Co. or L. D. Sa las.I i, i'n Wlisvlaa ash. unrl IlutilSl fl joim -G<> ro ly. PRESOLD House and Sign Painting Paper Hanging, Etc. ’ ' ' -CSO ’I’O— JOHN If. ABJffOLD, BROAD STREET, — FOR —— — icy and Family Groceries I -what J ! cliuicb cl M ledge Co. Alhsna, Ga. Whole sah> and Retail Druggist If a man would look rosy and ronad he mail have square meal*. Always avoid harsh purgative pills They fit st make j ou sick and then leave constipated Carter’s Little I iver Pills regulate tbe boweia and make yon well. Dose, one pill. Why is it that people with good impulses are generally lazy. “A masked hall! My d*«r little gift what can you be thinking ofT Is'tty Ogilvie flattened Her fre—.h, round check against the window pane. 'J!’V j making believe to vratnh tbe gambols at ind i t ® 1B c -tl with a wind swept autumn leal in tin, garden [nth outside. A moisture dimmed her eyea. She hit lier lip. “Thinking off she repeated, impul sively. ”Wby, just exactly what I am talking of. to be sure. I never attended a masquerade ball in my life. And I’ve always so longed for a chance: and now and now " The cal, th-? red leaf, the serrated line of the fence, all mingled in one blur be fore her eves. Dallas fiall looked gravely at her. "Tastes differ.' said he gravely. ‘‘What a woman can And to fascinate her iu assuming the dress and personal ity of somebody who died and was buried a century ago, in putting on a mask and mingling in an indiscriminate crowd”— “Mrs. Ltuldon Lloyd's guests can hard ly be called an indiscriminate crowd." pouted Letty. “In five hundred people there must be some jarring element: and, under any circumstances, Fd rather choose my own associates.” retorted Mr. HalL “You can do as you please.” “And you? Dear little Letty—my ‘queen rose of the garden 'of girkr ” coaxingly quoted Dallas, ”yoa, also, will do os I please in this matter? I can't en dure the idea of your mingling in this fashionable crowd, in a black satin mask, and an outlandish costume. Promise me. love!” “I—suppose—I—shall—have—to,” un willingly conceded Letty, still with the fresh young face turned away. It was only half a victory, yet, with such os it was. Dallas ITall was forced to be content. When he was gone, Letty Ogilvie went up stairs, and looked sorrowfully at a coquettish little costume of black velvet, plentifully slashed with pink satin, and accompanied by n Gainsboro’ hat of black velvet, overshadowed with pink plumes. A lace mantilla and a monster rose colored fan lay beside it. It would have made such a lovely Spanish maiden.” said Letty to herself. And now there's an end of it.” She took.up tier scissors to rip the gay little combination apart: for Letty Ogil- vio was no pampered child of wealth, who can afford to keep a pretty thing merely to look at it. In the Ogilvie family things were twisted and turned in a variety of ways before they were pronounced to have outlived their usefulness. But she dropped them again. “1 can’t do itf* said she. “It’s too pretty. I'll wait until bessy Mordaunt has seen it—and Lulu Payne!” So she folded the bright colored trifles away in lavender and rose leaves in her bureau drawer, not to count a tear or two that fell among the pink plumes and glittered on the silver lacings of the black velvet bodice. What a sltamoP cried Lucetta Va rtan. -You’re not going, after all? Good ness me. I wish 1 were two sizes smaller! I’d go as the Spanish maiden mvseif. But what sort of a fad has Mr. Hall got ten into his head now? They say he is a genius, but geniuses do get into such un comfortable grooves! Of course, he's coming to read poetry to you all the eveningf’ “Indeed he’s not!” said Letty. "He has got to work day sod night at his law business, to get things in shape for—for tbe wedding.” “Oh. I seeP cried Miss Varian, jump ing up and executing a low courtesy. Niagara—the rapids of the St. Lawrence —Montreal—Quebec—all that sort of thing. Don’t I wish 1 was von? Well good-by my dearl If my Neapolitan flower girl's costume is to be ready; 1 must prod up that snail of a dressmaker. That some evening Lucetta come back, her big, black eyes glaring, her lips cure ed in sarcastic smiles. “Letty Ogilvie,” said she, ’‘I’ve got such a joke to tell you! Where do you supppose Mr. Dallas Hall is going to spend Thursday evening?” “At work. I suppose,” said Letty, al most inclined to be offended at Lucetta'* tone and manner. “Oh. yes—pretty work Indeedl But. Letty—mind, this is a pro-found secret! I’d no business to be prying and listen ing: but. out of friendship to you. 1 got close to the shadow of the stair door, where Dallas Hall was telling some young man good-by. You know Hiss McCracken, my dressmaker, has her rooms on the top floor of the Belknap building, where Mr. Pink-of-perfection’s law office is located?” But. Lucetta,” stammered bewildered Letty, “do you think it is quite honor able to' “Honorable. Indeed! Oh, you egregious goose!" cried Lucetta, “do you know what a dupe you are? Listen! This is what 1 heard the knight errant say to his friend as they parted; ’Very wrfll; on Thursday evening next, at the Laddon Lloyd’s.' And a friend On Thursday evening next at the Lad don Lloyd’s So you see, Letty, he’s going to the masquerade, and he means to haven jolly good time—a sort of wind up to his bachelor bliss, 1 suppose—while you are moping at home, because, mas querade balls aren't the proper tiling, indeed!”—with a fierce satirical em phasis. Letty’e eyes flashed, her cheeks red dened. “If it’s proper for him. it’s proper for me." said site. “I'U go, Lucetta. The S)ianish costume sha’n't be wasted, after alL Lucetta clapped her hands, with a gay peal of laughter. “Will he know y-u?” she cried. “Has Lloyd’s graceful tuine than that of Ur •■Hiwniali maiden." LW to iicr hoveml tin* “Neapolitan flower girl.”"with l»er shallow wicket tray of tosebuda and her scarlet sash And a stately Austrian halhcniier had attoclu-d himself to their pnrty with a certain pertinacity. The Spanish maiden said never a word —she hardly dared to truxl her voice- hut her heart bent high an tiie halbrr (tier stooped his plumed helmet to whis per in Iter ear. “You arc well disguised but I know you.” Site shook Iter head. Tlie rosy eoku flooded the round chin, the curve of tlie milk white threat, that were visible be Death site satin mask. For whom did lie take her. then? To wlrnt other woman liesides liersrlf did he dare to speak in accents of such honeyed softness? At last came the moment of unmask ing. Letty flung wide the black satin domino and stood revealed, with eyes alight and cheeks dyed with angry crim- Gnrden Hose, SPECIALTIES All eases of weak or I-me back, rheumatism, wit fiod reliei by we ‘ Smart weed and BeUa-lin.— z5 cents. Try them. ol young corn.bat there is no is olivaya found tu 1 o> year we need” said the leaier of the choir quartet, “ia a change of base.' In the same second the Austrian hal berdier dashed hla.tinsel helmet on tlie floor. He was a perfect *tranger! With a smothered exclamation Letty vanished in the crowd. It was some time before Lucetta could find her. “Olt. Lucetta,” cried the girl, “we have been lauglting and whispering with a man we never saw before! This is what cornea of masquerades!” “Well, where’s the harm?” breathless ly retorted less punctilious. Lucetta. “Don’t everybody do the same thing? Come back, you silly child—we haven’t fouud Dallas Hail yet?” “I don’t want to find him,” almost sobbed Letty. “I’m afraid to stay here alone. That halberdier looked so inso lently at me!” . “Nonsense, girll he can’t eat you. We are all Mrs. Laddon Lloyd's guests. Come back to the supper ruom. 1 sayl There's such a crowd—and everything fit to cat will be gone directly.” But Letty refused to stir. In the shadow of a group of monster palms in i the hall she cowered, a brilliant bit of color, while all the hungry pleasure seekers were converging toward the sup per rooms. If it luul not been for her fantastic costume she would have hast ened home at once. As she stood there, perplexed and ter rified, u step sounded on the now desert ed stairway. A tall 'figure, dressed in black, came swiftly down, with a roll of papers in its band. “Oh, Dallas! Dallas!" “Letty, can it be possible that this is you?” “After all your advice to mei” she wailed. “After your promise to me, Letty,” he said, glancing with a strong disap proval at her rococo dress and clustering pink plumes. “ Dallas, what are you doing here?’ “1 came, Letty, td receive instructions for the last will and testament of old Myron Liovd, Mrs. Laddon Lloyd's un cle. who is now lying il) upstairs, and who desired the document to tie exe cuted as privately a* possible u-lille his niece's attention was absorbed with her guests. And you. I jetty?” She flushed to the very roots of her liair. How was she to tell him that she luul cotne there to defy hfi authority— to be a spy upon his’ actions? He looked keenly at her. “Have you a cloak here?” he asked. “Yea.” she murmured—“iu the dress ing room.” “Oo upstairs and get it quick, before the crowd comes bock to interrupt our egrets. 1 must take you home.” As obedient os a child she complied and clung, half laughing, half sobbing, to his arm as she related the story of how she had allowed herself to be influenced by Lucetta Vartan’s officious tattling, of her injudicious resolve and of her own hearty repentance. “Ami ail the time,” she said, “you were only in "the path of your profes sional duty.” “I certainly wasn't attending Mrs. Lndilon Lloyd’s masquerade bull, in any historical capacity.” said he dryly. Dallas.” she murmured. “wUl you forgive me?" My own dear love, there is nothing to forgive.” lie answered. “You have learned one of life's lessons, that isalL Now kiss me. and let’s forget all this nonsense.” “But i will never disobey you again." she pleaded. 1 wish i could be certain of that," said he. with a laugh And tlie next day Letty Ogilvie ripped the Spanish maiden’* dress apart, kept the black velvet to trim a winter gown nnd sent the gaudy pink satin toolil Aunt Jemima Berryfield. up the street, who was making a crazy quilt of the craziest description ’’For 1 never want to see theliai.iul thing again.” said site.—Helen Forrest Graves in Philadelphia ffaturdav Night ms? FOR 4890. Some people agree with The Sun's opinion* about men and tiling*, and some people don’t; but everybody likes to get hold of the newspaper which i* never dull and never afraid to speak its mind. Democrats know that for twenty- years Thk 8dm has fought in tlie front line for I>emocratic principles, never wavering or weakening in its loyalty to the true interests of tlie party it serves with fearless intelligence and disinterested vigor. At times opinion* have differed as to the best mean* of uc- eomi lishing the common purpose; it is not’.THK Sun’s fault, for it has seen further into the millstone. Eighteen hundred and ninety is the year that will probably determine the result of the Presidential election of 1802, and perhaps the fortunes of the Democracy for the rest of the century. Victory in 1892 is a duty, and the be ginning of 1890 is the (test time to start out in company with Thk Sun. Daily, per month Dtiily.per year Sunday, per year Daily and Sunday,per year ... Daily anti Sunday, per month Weekly Sun, one year ELECTRIC GOODS. Julius Domblatt, Cay ton Street, Athens, Ga. nel-tdtf C. BODES Cor. College Avenue aatl C ay ton St. Has a)wavs on hand FRESH _BREAD. CaKE PURE CONFECTIONERIES. Has Received a Full Assortment of Toys, such os Dolls, Bedroom Parlor, Kitchen, Toilet & Wash Sets, Carriages, Drums, Horns, J moping Jnel 8, Clowns, Toy Carts and Wagons, Drawing Slates Velocipedes, Decorated Cups Saucers and Mugs. C. BODE, Atiiknm, - - - - - wtf No. 19 E. Clayton St., ATHENS, GA, MAXWELL’S Livery and Feed Stables SPECIAL TO DROVERS. Lexington, Georgia. H.iraea, Borgiea Hack..amt Surrey* for Hire. Gent). Harare. Kefs Drivers. I'a.uaneraaerv- a t Day or Night. ha B*r t»r S2(3?SL%S.&2!^; E. Maxwell, Prop’r. Keep* on hand at all time* a full §0 50 ti.OU 2.00 S.00 •0.70 *1.00 cm TUB Ht’.t. Wcw York. THE Loo Range It Stands on its Merits. The following twenty well known citizens of Athens are selected front tny list of purchasers to whom 1 reter as to the merits of the Lee Range. Consult the references, see the liauge and if you want a first-class cooking apparatus you are my customer. IoST THECIT r Dr S C Benedict F B Luca* H N Tayjor l’rof 11 C White Prof K C Branson Julius Cohen I II Allen J BToomer Industrial Home Thomas Fleming A II Hodgson Casper Morris Win Ware M B Mcointy O D Flauigcn Mrs Blackwell Mrs Olive Mrs Lucy Mathews E R Brumby A D Mathews. Ga. Galloway, Lambert & Co. Hkadquautkks KOR FANCY and FAMILY We have just received a shipment ot*. French Peas, Jocke y Clult Sar lines, Plum Puddings, Layer Figs, Thurher’s Canned Peaches, Pears, Apri cots, and Dunhar’s Pre served Figs. Oftr Olive Oil, Teas, Extracts and Spiees ARE THE BEST Full Measure, Honest Weights and Good Qnsllty Guaranteed. IF YOU WANT Good Vinegar, Syrup, or Sugar Give Him a Call. A very fine line of CRACKERS, and a Fancy Brand of Which will always satisfy, fresh. Beat of Always Lard, Hams, Dried and Breakfast Bacon. Come and See. 0AT3, COEN, HAY aad STOCK FEED. GALLOWAY, LAMBERT t CO. Telephone No. 73. In tlie Conntry: Dr Watkins, Sandy Cros* W O Fluker, Union Point Mr. Stovall, Oconee county J W Arnold, W ilkes county Andrew A Glenn, Oglethorpe county J M Brisendim, “ Janie* Young, Hon Jas M Smith, “ M Mathews, ** James Hutcheson “ T A Hattie. “ J R Shields, Jackson county. Wood* Ashford, Watkinsville James Freeman, Antioch G A Potter, Supt. Ga. Factory. Mr Card, Supt. Barnett Shoals. Xu Ttui. UMt. Scribbler— When is that review of my novel coming out. Scather? When 1 brought the book to you. you assured me that you would Lise no time in reading it. Scather—So I did. Well. I have lost no. time in readit g it yet.—America. We have mold Swift’s Specific Tor six year in sd the good have bean entirely quantity lota,and — „ , s*ti*fsery, and without a complaint bfo"? » gls customer. Hutcherson Llliott, Parts, 1 All sleeve,- are loose abon : «"• In addition to the LEE RANGE I keep the best and largest selected stock Stoves and Goods my Line m Of any house in this city. convince. A call will Stubblefield House, CGI MULBERRY ST.. MACON, - GLA_., (Next Door toOfiera House.) This house is pleasantly located. Rooms large anti nicely furnished. Table furnished'witli the best the mar ket affords. Good servants and polite attention. Mrs. T. M. BUTNEB, PROPRIETRESS A Sc rap of Pap«r Saved Her Lifs. It was lost an ordinary scrap or wrapping paper, bo. ft saved hrrjile. ~ Lot, ’ ... r She waa in the stages of consumption, told by physicians- that she was incurable and could live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy New-:- Opera-:-House ATHENS, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Jan. 16,17 and 18. FAMILY" MATINEE Saturday 2::». Prof. D. M. Bristol’s Geo. C.Timmas. J.vo J Stuicki an* THOMAS Sl STRICKLAND. ATTORNEYS >n s. Georgia Georgia Railroad Co Stone Mountain Route Ornci Gucbral k,.* /c**- I Aoqusta, Ua., SepU Slst, lt£9. f The following achedula will be opt rated un til further notice: ATHENS BRANCH. 90th Meridian a Fast Dav Fast Time. ? Train. Mail. Train. Lv Athens. 0 8.80 a m 8.40 a m S.’ftt) p m WinterviUe 8 8.40 a m 9.12 a m 4.00 p m Dunlap.... lb 9 SO a in 9.20 am 4.10 p m Crawford.. 18 V.07 ti «o !0.«f0 a in 4.27 p nt Autiocb ... ll 9.23 a m 10.29 a m 4.13 p m Maxey*.... 27 9.30 a w 10 52 a m 4 50 p Woodviile. 25 9.47 a in 11.22 am 5.07 p m Ar. i.nion ft. 40 0.5* r > a ui 1..35 a tn 5.15 p tr. Lv. Union Pt. 10,04 a m 2.10 p m Ar Atlaut.i . 1.00 p m 5.45 p in Gainesville 8.25 p m £ Lv. Union Pt. 1-t.lf p m 5 85 p m Ar. Augusta. 3 35pm 8.15 p Ul Washingln 2 20 p m 7.20 p m UCJU .... d.uO p m Mili’dgvlle 4 11 p m TRAINS WESTtVARD. Lv Aovusta. 7.45 a m 11.05 a in MihCoi] .... 7.10 a m Mill’dg rlie 9.18 a tu Washingt it 7.20 a m 11.10 a m Ar. Union ft 10.01 a in 1.55 p tn . Ti Atlam».. 3.00 a nt 2.45 pm Gainesville 5.55 m in Ar. Uuion Pt U.48 p m 5.89 p m Lv. Union Pt 10.15 a m 2.10 p m 5.85 p m Woodviile 10 24 1 m 2.81 p m 5.44 p m Maxeys. .. 10.41 a m 3.06 p m *.01 p m Antioch... 10.43 a m 3.21 p m 6.08 p a. Crawford.. 11.04 a n 4 03 pm 6.24 p in Dunlap.... 11.20 a n 4.39 p n 6.40 p tu Will’d ville 11.25 a rr 4.51 p tn 6 45 p tr. Ar. Athens. 11.40 a ui 5.15 p o 7.00 p tn ATHENS ACCOMMODATION. Leave Athens* 6 15 pm Arrivj Union Point 8 45 p tn l.uu e UiiiuO Point* ft 4.. p in Artiru Athens 9 SO •Except Sunday. atiuiu iiimv, auv "v.g..*-- -- ' pound*. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King’s New Dizeovery, and got a sample bottle; ft. helped her, she bought a sample bottle; it. helped her, she boogl Urge bottle, it helped her more, bought other and grew better fast, continued it* use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pound*. For fuller particular* sena stamp to W; H. Cole, Druggist. Fort Smith. Trial bottle* of thi* wonderful Discov- „ .— cry Free at John Crawford 4 Go, or L. D. he any idea what you are going to vveariT j Sledge * Co. Whole sale aud Retail Druggists “No. I had meant it for a surprise.’ “My dear," whispered Lucetta.’’things are happening providentially. If I could only bo by at supper time, when every body unmasks, and see tbe expres sion of his face! What character do you suppose he will represent? Edgar Rav- enswood? Ivanlioe? Never miud; I’ve Athens, Ga. Horses, Ponies and Mules, DENVER, the Famous Mule Comedian and the entire company. The comedy of j ONION POINT 4 WHITE PLAINS K. R. Leave 0uiuii Point*.... Arrive ul Si loam Ariir- at White flatus. Leave W'liite Plains ... \rtive at Siloan Airive at Union Point). •Except Sunday. l'J.10 a n>|*5.40 p in 10.35 a nil tt.Oft p n> ll It’ a uil 6.40 p ui Cool in Summer. Tkita h Is prepared to furnish the Best BlaeL Diamond. Coal and Wood Daring tbe winter and HTltXolEi tn the^Sum- wlll receive prompt attcntion^^LT ttlgToS. 1 SeptSdly. 1890, JANUARY, 1890; 14th, 15th and J 6th At* the date* selected for fits MYSTIC CARNIVAL Under King Cotton Assisted by his ^I 8uhjw.t* and the Grand At Augusta, Ga. The Carnival will be the grandest ever seen Itof New urieaaa or. aeuth of .New York. Display WuYbeTtuevMllae Long. -The Grand Tlie <J hanots. Floats, magnificent. You cannot display. From the present "**’--* .411 l^’ UHn. ‘1 CARNIVAL BALL Take* place night of January letti. Poultry 1 Pet Stock show qaeunralanmuy tilth, and Unites, until and Including Jvuuuy loth. THE GEORGIA.-RAILROAD will sell round trip tickets a* atatud below. Tickets include. admission. to Poultry and l’et Stock Shnv. ■ P" 5 ’ until 17th Inclusive. Tb trip rates for Jan. It, 12, U, If, IA. i Good to re turn until 19 Inclusive: Athens ..168 810 winterviUe 8 SI Antioch *10 BOO Maaeys.. Balrdstow Wooitville w,'i“rW l fn^r re r^ 0 es n . r SS&iSSStt ..80S 280 2 75 tn "MBV. San6—dJ-4-11-12-11-15-10, Par Male. One two-story house on Foundry street, lot ryteiidin i back to CJoviogton & Macon -PP.r.itdi to Gavuun_ Railroad. A. splemlid^bt’for a warehouse. Also, one large dwelling on Oconee SL, now used by Public School. Thia prop erty ia valuable. Shackleford & Hatxawat. Urn I Estate Agents. *8 no a mj*8Jfi0 p in b.SS a m 4.0ft p in V.W) a tu} 4. 40p m SLEEPING AND PARLOR OARS. Fast train : Sleeping cara between Atlanta Notice of Stockholders’ Meeting. An a orn ico meeting of the stock- • holders of the Georgia Carolina & ; Northern R.ilway Company will he held in Athe is, Ga. Wednesday, Jan-1 nary 15>U 18-tO at 12 M. I id A. L. HuLL,Secretafy. The Horse School. A Horse Mathematician, i Class of Equine Swiss Bell Riegers. I Augusti and Chartrai'on. Night . express: I Sleeping cut a between Charleston and Atlanta, [Amazing, Amusing and Instructive d Macon. ruiua No. 27 aud' 2b wrtl stop at and receive, pasneugera to aud fruw the following station* I>uiy: Urovelowu, llarh-m, Hearing, t'hoinson, Norwood, liar Dell,!’raw turd villa, union Point Madison, Bulled ce, Social tkt ele I 1,1 ... Cln... u. nn . Night Prices.—25, 50 Matiuee.—25 and 50c. Gen. Manager IDE W. Will Lithonia, Stone Moun Athens connect witL E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Pass. Agt, ill'fE, f rav. Pass. Agt, MONEY TO LOAN g AT SIX PER CENT. X ATLANTA TRUST RANKING 06~. C. C. Chandlkr, Agent, Jefferson. Ua.- Tlie firm of Mitchell nndCliamlier has disolvcd by mutual consent. I will con tinue to uegotinte loans on farm niort- guagea in * •* ' ,>f A*elu Banks, Oconeo, if i li-on and other pla cea by special contract. An extension of live years will he allowed,- but the borrower can pay back the money at any time. Partial payments can also be'tnaile at any time. Mou«y can be secured at very short notic e Don’t fail to see me befote borrowing. Your* Truly, 12-C-dw-Gm C. C. (/handleRt