Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, January 14, 1890, Image 3

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I -- jk * Mjr bn*. For to far ImJijre* Ilmi. wale** they n-fraia Iron. ntlr B what in unwholesome: bit U anytiifng • ill sharpen Ilia appetite and give ton* to the digestive organ*. it fa. Ayer's Sar- uiwUla. Thousands alt over (lie had testify to the merit* of this medicine. Mr*. 6*r*tr ]t Street, South lit baud ha* Dyspepsia ami boon greatly benefited ” A Confirmed Dyspeptic- C. Canterbury, of l«l Itmlon, Mas*., write*, that, Buffering lor years from fndlgeatloa, be wa» at la*t to tty Ayes'* 8awnpariUa an.l. by it* tue.'Wa* entirely cured. Mrs. Jo*eph Aobin, of High afreet. ITolyolte, Mam., enffered for brer a year fr«,m Dyepejoia, *o that aba could not eat milatantial food, bmuistiy weak, and Urns unable to care for her family. KelUier tl* madicinaa praacrtbed by physicians, nor any of the remedies advertl*od for the eura of Dyapepata, helped her, until aha commenced tl.a u*e of Ayer** BaniaparlUa. "Three buttle* of this medicine,” aha write*, • cured me.” Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, 9 niruiD bt Dr. J. 0. Ayar A Co, LotraO, Mass, lUregt: • Worth «8 a bottle. ■.PARKER'S ■ • luxuriant growth. Rfriort Or CHICHESftlt'S ENGLISH raraMSt Far* and f f t:.< IHn. llaessigusss Swiss Condensed Milk Co. RICI BRAND GSNOINI SWISS C0NDBN8BD MILK. (iiVMiantoed the richest and puivst milk man- nfuctim-d, containing over 10 per cent of hotter. Children and tuvaltd* will thrive wonderfully, O'<1 fainllle* will find It* ute more economical than o dlnnrj Oowi milk. • See your grocer give* yo.s Jtigl swi*.Ceadeiwcd Milk. Import Agent, JtflKN H. KUtlTSf, New York and Chicago. >rry. of Philadelphia, who kaowa the ingrad- lent* wMeb cowpoaa <yoar Tease, spake fav orably of It la the eoaraa of two moatba peat I bava aaad four bouiea.aad 1 am entire- Tmara truly, ^ BFpw Dr. WeatmoreUad’s Caliaay a Tooie it Bold by L. D. Sladga A Co, at Xc and gl a bottle. RICHES- Ifyoa daaira theta ao am tim* on thing* that don't pay : bat acid $1.00 at onea far a magnificent outfit of oar Groat New Stanley book. If book aad tanaa are not satisfactory wa will rtfcad yoar moaey. So nak. Fa capital aadad. Both, lad is* and gentlemen employed. Don't loo* time in writing. “Hup in while toe waters am troub- ” Day* ax* worth dollars. Address. B. 8. JOHNSON A CO, 10<S Main Bt, Richmond, Va. Dae. XS-d-lmo. «*_ ltd.” FOB SALE. Good house and iot on corner of and Lumpkin street*. Call nod right sway. SUACKLKPOBD A H ATT A WAT, Kent Estate Agent*. Baeklcn's Arnica Salve. The beat Halve in the world for Cut*, Bruise*. Bures, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever, Airea, Teller, Cnapptd Hand*. Chilblains, Corn*, and all Hkto Eruption* and pos itively cure* Pile*, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Pr*ce 25 cent* per box. For sale by John Cinwfurd A Co, and L. D. Sledge A Co, Wholesale and Retail Druggists. For lame back, side or, use Shiloh’s Plaster. Price *5 cents; For sale by Juhu Crawford A Co. CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shi. loh’s Cure. For sale by John Crawford A Co. SHILOH'S VITALIZES is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 76 cents per bottle. For Sale by John Crawford A Co. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure i* sold by u* on * guarantee. It cures Consumption. For sale by John Crawford A Co. -THE VERY BEST- S I CAL Instruction to be secured at the METROPOLITAN CONSERVATORY 81 Mast 11th Street. New York City. Honk giving full particulars sent free. Can eater at any time. Hoard furn.shed In connec tion w lih too school. It. W. Greeks, .General Manager. Iasthma C! ISCHIFFHANH’S ASTHMA CURE\ I Instant)? tallows tb* meat violent attack. I waUlna for results. Kan " l«M,<1ir*ct andoertuin.aada MADE WITH BOIUNG WATER. EPPS’S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. MADE WITH BOIUNG MILK. WEAK MEN LUCY HINTON IB QUEEN OF THE TOBACCO WORLD. Tnlmadce Bros.’ are headquarters and factory agents for T. C. Williams A Co.’e Lucy Hinton. Msttapooi, Jay Bird and Panther iobaecos. They are always relia ble, uniform, and best on earth, for prices at which they arc sold. Try them. 18-6m The best razors and the best : pocket- knives, at the lowest prices, at Talnraire A BrightweU's. dec7tf Far Ih* UsbS ami tbs Ufa «f a Aad oh: toe sorrow of a uwatt Aad toe ■ Waa softly faUagoa all below. And the world, like a ghost of what had beea. From tboa* dying Ups that spoka ao word Bars of love aad pardon from oaa who had enad. CORPORAL NICK BROWN. CoatagraaaBIaad Disease*. Unlcer.1, sores, pimples, itch, salt rheum, etc are evidences ol conmgeous blood disease. It it manifestly a duty to eradicate blood poison trom the system by a use of H. B. B. (Battuic Blood Bfclnt) thus enabling the sore places to hesl, and t .ereby removing all possibility of other members of the family becoming like wise affleted. Send to Blood Balm Co , Atlanta, Ga., for book that will convince. J. H. Outlaw, Ut. Olive, K. C, writes: “ . had running sores on my shoulder* and arms! One bottle B. If. B.'cured me entirely.’* L. Johnson, Belmont Hutton, Mist., rites' B. B. B. baa worked on me like s charm. My head and body were covarod with sores,snd ray hair cam* out, B. B. B. healed me quickly.” VV. J. Kinmu. Hulebea, Texas, writes: “B. B. B. has cured my wile of a large ulcer on her leg, that doctors sod all other medicine could not cure.” Jl. j.Kossman, a prominent merchant oi Greensbiro, Go, writ**: “I know of several cases of Blood disease speedily cured by B. B. U. Two bottles cured a lady of ugly scrofu lous skin sores. W. C. Birclimore A Co.’, of Matey, Go, writes: *'B. B. B. in earing Mr. Robert Word of blood poison, effected one of tbe arrst won- derfot cures tost ever cam* to our knowl edge.” . . , , Catarrh Can’t be Cored. with Local adplicatJon, as they cannot reach the seat of tb* disease. Catarrh tsa blood or oouatitutional disease, and in order to core it yon have to Uke internal iSmediea. Ball’s Catarrh Core i* token internally, and acta di-*- raetiy on the blood and mucus surface. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is no ; qaaek medicine; It' whs 8 rescribed by one of tbebaat physicians ih lis coantry for years and is a prescription. It to composed off blued with the recily on the combination of tbe the beat topie* known com- daces such wonderful results in curing • ea Adann *- tairb. Send fartestimonials free- F. J. Cbekst A Co., Prop.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, price 73c. FOR MEN ONLY; rBodyaal Mind:£ Excesses in Older Y< i.l No sufferer from toy serofuhnn disease, who Will fairly try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, need ' des~ n3. peirot scare. This remedy purgesthe blood K; of adl iraparitiea, dastroye tb* germs of acrof- aMw uls, and iefoses usw life auto vigor throughout tb* physical organization. SSj j.iiY.M.n. Ayer^ C.F.Kohlruss, Vaiufacturer aad Delerto Fasaiga m ffnasasH* Marble and Granite . JH , dcri promptly attended to and executed In — Original Meet Kxucntad. Corner Washington and Kills Sts. l GKHTS wanted at once for Life and Remt- Jt ldneenoeecf Jstorssa Itovii. Kditedby Jus- tire LamarvU.S.SupremeOourt- Partcf ui - “ 1U H. WOODWARD A CO, BMUmore^ Kd. •JnnS — «0 TV- L. ARNOLD and Sign I Painting Hanging, Etc. M • —<30 TO— JOHN L. ARNOLD, Ji': BROAD STREET, i FOR fancy and Famil Strange. Ian't it that a stately woman’s ear. riag^sboors to the beat .advantage whan aha Probably the earliest recorded case ol ion- any was time out.oi mind. ' ' Stop that cough, by the use of rv Pectoral!—the beat specific for fcr onsi E Tia altar the nnretorned salutation that the nan who to “cut" fools Uke a YleR bower. That' ihng and dull 'aka two ofr lU Livsr Pirti before retiring, and yon wlH find raliet They never tail to do gCod. There 1s mete billing than cooking in', the householdwbere thera toaa extravagant wife at this season ol the year. It was strange that Capt. John Wood —the title being one of coartcay—should have sent for hia daughter Ethel to join him in camp on the Rio Gmnde, where he was hard at work u a contractor bn the Sonnet extension of the Southern Pa cific railroad: but be did. and when the fact became known, tbe cnptkin of tbe Ranger company at Kurdertiile detailed three of his best men toesbort the young lady from (he “end of the track” at Del Rio to her father's camp. Renegade Indiana from Mexico—Tou- kawas, Li pons, Comanchee, Kiowaa, Kickapooa and some few Meecak-ro Apaches, the remnant of Victorio's bond —had been making occasional predatory raids upon the camps of the contractors from the time tlint they crossed the Fecas river and entered upon the heavy work that mokes this portiqq of the Southern Pacific road so grandly picturesque. These thieving Indiana would dash across the river in the dark of the moon, steal all the horses and mule* they could conveniently drive, and be book again acroea the river before the Rangers oould be notified and a scout ordered out to pursue the raaeala. The Mexican Rangers, or ru rales, were never on hand when these raids took place, and the Indians, emboldened by success is escaping capture of battle even, attacked travelers going to and from thocoostructloo camp. This fact more than any other Induced the Ranger captain to'tender an escort to his friend, Capt. 'Wood, and when Miss Ethel, barely 17 and fresh from an ern boarding school, alighted 1 from the traih at Del Rio, aha was considerably surprised, and not a little alarmed, at be ing greeted by a tall, handsomely pro portioned man, with a drooping mus tache and dark eyes, who was clad hr the picturesque garb of the Ranger eervioe, booted, spurred and girdled with A cart ridge belt, from widen depended a scab bard containing an ivory handled six ■hooter. * „ “You are Miss Ethel Wood?” Inquired thoEtranger. “Y-e-fl!” faltered the maiden, shrink ing back at sight of his pistol and Win- Chester rifle. “I am Corporal Nick Brown, of Ute Texas Rangera,” continued the' barbar ously aoooutered young man, lifting his sombrero politely, and with it new li in his eyes at eight of Ethel's wondi beauty. “The captain sent the and' my men down to eeoorFyou to your father's camp, which, if we travel by ambulance, is a good'two days’ march from here. If you oould ride horeehock, though,” he continued, “and wo niado tin early start to-morrow, wo might make. Ik by night. F •II just dote bn horseback riding,” an swered Ethel, and-her cheeks grew rosier with anticipation. "At school I consideredahiexcellent kntssapnmsn.i J. *ui dying, to gallop over oce .of your ’prairifS’V*-—I dtodsxilH .-.k). “We have no prairies out here," cor- rected tho cofponiL' **Our courso lies across ah arid alkali piahw” .Tii: t r At this -'Ethel’ laughed, atoFobhfeSBed that ehewas only ah ignorant girl rrom “the states;" She had caught the latter expression Item her father’s letters. The corporal laughed also ot her nai vete, and they- instantly became jgood friends. It was Ssrly 111 tho> afternoon, and ae- curing accommodations fbr Ethel at the Sunset hotel, an edifice port adobe, part wood and part etone, with a canvas roof, be “went into camp” with hia own little squad, purchased fodder and corn Tor the horsea, and took such an' Interest in securing comfort for Ethel that tbB~lat-~ ter dreamed of him all night, and the Mexican' girl wib wii the g; factotum of the Sunset called her,-while the night shadows still clung to th« earth, she arose without, a murmur, al though ordinarily shewed to lie in. bed late. At early dawn the party was in the saddle, and trotted * off up the " ment road” to the Pecos and bey< As commander-of the soosit Oorpornl Brown rode beside Ethel, white the es cort and the single pack rnqia followed behind. They were Rye all told, and-as there ka* ; 'be£e no- Indfaba depredatimi lately omitted, Corporal Brown felt remark- ly sure of turnihg Mis*' Ethel over to her father withi In liis secret heart, however, heartotsad that the IsJIss, might a«yiyh.Al«asi». ^ that he wanted to charge’s safety, but ximply to how Rangera could fight. Tlssy camped for dinner at Moawa^; , Euptpsy This is what 70a ought to hava, to fact, yo* rauathsra it, tq fully enjoy ~ are searching lor it only, and they find it not. Thousands upon of dollar* ars spent annally by onr people in lOtADmi L the hope tbdk (key may attain Ms'hoaB. And and the use persisted in, will bung jou Good Digestion and oust ths demon Dyspepsia and install instead Knpepdy: We reomnraend Bee- trie Bitters tor Dyspepiid aad all - diseases of the Slomseh end Kidnejs. Held at to, and (100 per bottle hy John Crawford A.Co. oc Sledge-Co. Whole ssls and k*tail Athens,Ga. •, 1 ' humor have rbo say that last* tly failed to notice how a Always avoid harsh purgative pills ’ hen leave const first mate v on sick and then Carter’s little IJver Pills and make you well. Dose, one constipated the bowels Have you been cared of Headiiche by using Brsdycrotine? Xi so,tell yourneigliboi All cases of weak or-lame back, backache, rheumatism, wil. find relief by wr»ring one Car ter’s Smart weed and Belladonna Backache Fioatcrs. Price M cents. Try thorn. regret that the journey would be, so eoon over., ,i ... It was 5 o'clock in thqs/tmriiCKUVwheri the crossed the Pecoowk Dead Stear ford, and there were si - ‘sough riding before j.lUktfMlf'fas jaded, and^wbenldto corporal ordereda gallop,and setrthe ex ample by spurring ahead on.his'black w ^ w at his side, the other horse* responded reluctantly, and it. re quired a liberal use of the spur to keep them at that gait. “We’U get to your- father’s -camp by dark,” said the corporal, leaning over in bis saddle. But just then his Bight that ' grow white Op a rise not more than half a mile distant was a largo body of Indians, ap> patently awaiting th>nr approach. “Los Indios!” he cried to his men, and wheeled out of the tnuL Then he glanced apprehensively at ’|k She looked back at him Binfllnglyi nl And then an involuntary cry at alarm mas to bar lips, for the Indiana, discov- sring that their expected prey bad left the trail, set up a chorus of shrill yells, and dashed down toward them. “To dark's, boy*!” cried the corporal, unalinging hia Winchester rifle. “Ussy outnumber us twenty to one. .Ride tor your life—never mind the pack mule— and shout an you gallop.” On they dashed, with the Indians gain ing upon them at every step, for their horaes were fresh, and the animals rid den by the rangers had been hard poshed all day. In vain-the Rangers, discharged volley after volley into the ranks of their pur- Their telling aim did not check the advance. Down a gently sloping dry water coons they dashed, and jpst ahead Cor poral Brown saw a low roofed building of stout plank, which he knew was the powder . and dynamite magazine for Clark’s cainp. ■ "If we can hold out for twenty miiv ntes”— he-was thinking. But just then Ethel's horse stumbled and fell. Had be not reached out quickly and seized 1 her in hia strong arms; she abo would have- been dashed to the ground. Still galloping, he lifted her to a place on the saddle before him, and hia horse das tied past the magazine, and com menced to pant and slacken its paceaa they began todimb tbe divide, "Wo can never hold out. It must b* a fight to the death I” he gasped; Fur his men were already In the lead, with only tbe heavy laden pack mule behind hint. In passing the magazine the mule fell to the ground and lay there helpless. This momentarily checked the ad! vance of the Indians, tat the-band halted to rob the pack. The delay enabled the Rangers to ■each the top of tho divide. Corporal Brown looked back. The entire Indian band was grouped about tbe fallen niule and thib magazine. He reined up his panting horse, set Ethel upon the ground, and leaping from tho saddle himself, oried: “Halt, mpn—lie low—the magazine!” Tho Indians were already mounting, when he raised his rifle to liis .shoulder, took quick aim at the magazine below, and with a prayer that the shot might prove effectual, pulled the trigger. Almost simultaneously with the crack of the rifle was ’another - report, that seemed tif Pend the earth. ’ . The-entire party was thrown down by the explosion, and even the horses stag gered and fell. For on" instant they lay there, and then Corporal Brown, with a. confused buz zing.In his ears, rose slowly to his feet. In (iio dry water course below a cloud of dust tor a moment Obscured Ida vision; -hut when it settled he.saw only a gaping hole. on. the edgeaof which were the con fuse^ fragments of what-might be the bodies of Indians or horses, he could not teSL Hid bullet had exploded the dynamite in the magarind and they were safe. "Thank God!” was his fervent prayer, as he helped Ethel to her feet. He did not mount again, but, holding her.Jmhd, walked Across the divide to ward Clark’s cainp. They were- met presently- by a big gang of. lhe/_ navvies; who (had been 'alarmed by the explosion, which, so it was- etiUed,- ' way-heard” tfcdtrfy toflea 1 hway.'^* w *'» « 5 »« H '>»••• F* Rto»r--*“ jporal- Brown explained matters; but He made a longer explanation to Ethel, and a still longer one to her father afterwafd, who iaty in reply: "She's young to marry, corpora^, and I’d thought to keep her with me several years yet«- -but • you've- fairly won her. andriie'siyours.:-1 only exact from you one 1 jftemlse-4eave the Ranger service and go back east With‘tsk’ My contract w91be,6nish«I)h about three months.” Who can', blame, that, corporal for promising, when .such & treasure as Ethel was the.staked—Apache George in Philsdeipiiia Saturday Night. W. L. DOUGLAS <3 & $2 SHOES t/Fils. •1.78 SHOI MOM MUSKS. ^SSXSSrJSiSS^JtSVK- W.C.& If. Jf. SJtEAD. FOR 4890. Some, people agree with The Sum’s opinion* about men and things, and some people don’t; but everybody likes to get hold of the newspaper which is never doll and never afraid to speak its mind. Democrats know that for twenty years Thb Sun has fought in the front line for Democratic principles, never wavering or weakening in its loyalty to the true interests of the party ft serves With fearless intelligence and disinterested vigor. At times opinions have differed as to the best means of ac complishing the. common'purpose; it is not*THK Sum’s fault, for it has seen further into the millstone. .Eighteen hundred and ninety is the year that will probably determine the result of the Presidential election of 1892, and perhaps the fortunes of tlie Democracy for the rest of the 'century. Victory in 1892 is s duty, and the be ginning of 189019 the best time to start out in company with Thk Hum, Daily, per month ........6060 Daily,per year 6.00 Sunday, per year.. 2.00 Daily and Sunday,per year 8,00 Daily and Sunday, per month .. .£0.70 Weekly Sun, one year.;..... .1.00 'aaa TUB SUM, WiiW Vsrk. Cor. College Avenue aad Ciayton SL Hat always on baud FRESH BREAD; CAKE and—- PURE CONFECTIONERIES. Has Received a Full Assortment of Toys, such as Dolls, Bedroom Parlor, Kitchen, Toflet A Wash Sets, Carriages, Drums, Horns, Jumping Jackal Clowns, Toy Carts suit Wagons, Drawing Slates Velocipede^ Decorated Cups Saucers and Mugs. O. BOXDJ5, Athens, - - - - Ga. wtf fA ROY Am FAMIL Y si THE It Stands on its Merits. The following twenty well known citizens of Athens are selected from my list of purchasers to whom 1 refer as to •the merits or the Lee Range. Consult the references, sue t he Range and if.y0u want • a first-class cooking apparatus you are my customer. IN THJKCIT Dr SC Benedict F B Lucas A H Hodgson Casper Morris :W m Ware . M B McGinty C D Flauigen Mrs Blackwell . Mrs-Olive Mrs Luoy; Mathews Industrial' Home £ R Brumby -1 Thomas Fleming: AD Mathews. H N Taylor Prof H O White Prof E C Branson Julius Cohen I H Allen J BToomer In the Ocnxntrv: Dr Watkins, Sandy Cross ** W O Fluker,; Uu'qn Point. , , Mr.StovalhOconeccounty - J W Arnold, .Wilkes county; g Andrew & Glenn, Oglethorpe county J M Brisendim,' !“ * Janies Young, “• ' ** Hon Jiis M Smith, “ “ M Mathews, u “ James Hutcheson “ “ A Hanie. “ “ R Shields, Jackson county, oods Ashford, Watkinsville James Freeman, Antioch G A 1 Potter, Biipt. Ga. Factory. Mr Card, Supt. Barnett Shoals. Mnnagtn* an Aqaartam. ■ I have a .very handapme aquarium filled with gold fishes, and until, lately it kept a bov In thq dtore busy. I had 1 the water changed every other day, and, of course, deAhedroufc tha whole aquarium, whenever the fresh water was put in. job tobklto ’muchI trouble; awl time I began to^’think that the fish weroo nuisance, and Was thinking of getting rid' of them, when I happened to meet another fish fancier and told him bftpxj trouble. Ho sent me off to geteomelqag s which Ifutinto the aquarium and to attend‘to , ‘tlto i puriachtiib' l of the watec.-' It* work- walk . I clean ouv the 1 aquarium only twite a mouth now, and : tho fish are juet -as’ lively and as healthy os when f. changed the water three times a we**. * ; Tbe grass seems to absorb the 4 carbonic acid : in the Water •ssi Democrat. kBeitoMIhllff .Sowed Her,Ufa. H srreijust aUbrdtoaryaeap of wrapping paperjbut last stag —er. hoUls, it M1| OthWlZMlgqBW' and is now at erv Frtsa at 8lad(toAC*t! Athens, Ga. wrapploR . Discovery; ', and got a J her, she "ns ole, Druggist, Fort this wonderful Discov- A Vo, or h. D. Ip addition to the I keep the best andlargeataeleotedstock Stoves and Goods m my Line Of any house in this city. convince. A call will s mss ma.-aii it i;• • v 664 MULBERRY ST., GA., (Neit'Door toOpera Hohsei) This house "is 1 'pleasantly located. Rooms'4ar«s and "nicily furnished* Table famished-with the best ttie mar ket affords. Good {servants and attention. Mrs. T: Ml BUTNER, PROPRIETRESS. ——■ '.t New-:- Opera-:-House .i-'fe wV Athens;, Thursday, Fridiay, S^aHay,, FAMiLT'MATINFe SaTukdat Prof.'D. M. Bristol’s DENVER; the Famous Mule Comedian Swift’s Specific has a'brisk and eosstant sale vith us,and the uhfverBal verdict is, that ns ft no il has no rival. Lankford Toyman, Sherman, though her lips quivered and her color 1 Northern Railway suddenly fled. "I understand you,” she nid^ waving Yotiso of Stockholders’ Meeting. An adjornned meeting of the si yHi 'Vlere of the" Georgia Carolio Compfthy wll adt he.din Athens, Ga. Wednesday, Jan- d try 16th J890 at 12 - W ' A. L. Ht;«.,S«gretftr7, '• :Z'' ELECTRIC GOODS. Julius Domblatt, Csyton Street, Athens, Ga. oct-Idtf — — , , Headquabtkus for We have just received' a shipment of French PpaS, Jockey Club Sardines, urn Puddings, Laydfr-Figs, Thurber^. Canned Peaches^ Peats, Aprb cots, and Dunbar's Pre served Figs. Our Olive Qu," Teas, Extraote^Rnd'Spiee8 ARETHEBESt\ lo , :-j .. . 0ATB k CORN.HAY’: , and STOCK FEED. Telephone No. 73. GgtojC.flilWAaio:, :JffQ-J. Stukuci am*. TH.0to;«t STRhCFLAND. ATTORNEYS. jAiwuHojaa .uQamm Borgui Railroad Co Stone Mountain Routo.- Orricft.GftXSBALMijiicxB. I Aooosta, GaJ, Sept. £lst,-ll£9. j ■jssassst^ ATHEM3 HUM™- 90th Meridian Thus. p i'wsassiii Dunlap... r " Crawlord. Antioch... 24 ' "*liSL No. 19 E. Clayton St., ATSflUSGA, s E.. Maxwell^ Prop*r. on,hand at *U times.* fall line of AND FAMILY Full Measure, Honest Weights and Good Quality Guaranteed. IE YOU-WANT Good Vinegar, Syrup, or £ugai Give,; Him at Call A veyy fine line of C^ACKRR9, and V Fancy Brand of FLOUR Which will always satisfy. [fresh. Bast of Always Lard, Hams, Dried and Breakfast Beef dome ancC See. Keep Warn‘iff filter' Cooi*in i Summer* Ice Copy Bed Black Daring the winter and the and Wood 1CK_4S In theJSum- 124 My Clayton Street wiU ATHENS ICK CO. IS -V. ft r tt-.. a: *■■■. ■■■■- '- 14th, 15ttrand-16th Are tbe dates selected for tbe .: S7 itJOam 85 .9.47 am A . 40 .tti an Union PL ‘Ar. Ar gusts Washingti TBATftB ixm: n&- 16th m1 for tha mg Cotton Bslsted by his Loyal Subjects an4 the Grand Trades Display, At-Augusta,’ 'Xja*u Tbo Carnival will bo tbe grandest ' ~~ rath of N New Orleans or South of New York, iota, Floats, and Costumes win ba it. You cannot afford to miss tbe . From the-present oetlook the Trades ip will be Three Miles Long. Tbe Grand CARNIVAL BALL _ M *o Poultry and Pot Show. The first column of figures below ar* round grates for Jan. 14,1* and is, good to return intervine Daihpan 1,146a to]l A siefl it 'vWAadfTioamp ' * ; I ufiSh ’Tisyta I 8X»*m 143 pm itifisani ><ii: ,tul .n'-. r A IL46 p«l» 18372V 10.43 a id ( _ 11.04 a m 4.0#rvm 6.24 11.20 am 4A0pm AAOpm itioeh ’ood ville Unless you wjn ' ‘ L46 p«.«n :LM P.m a purchase your tidcsts^ a _ _ _ _ ftflkfnitosatasjj Secure tickets eas- E. B.1301 Gen’i !■; One two-4ity bouse on! Jot extending back to Go via fleudtd dry street, ou A Macon AT^NSj^CtatMqpATtpN. An(to : 4tttosfiV... tt-townr •EicepCBuqday. Railroad. A splendid lot for a warehouse. A^o, one lan;e dwelling on Ocosee sL, nowtosed by Public School. This prop^ erty is valuable Shackleford & Hattawat,. Real Estate Ageats. . 11 Horses, : rJ?bw5^,aSOf«le8. DENVER; tho Famous MulaComediat- and;the entire company. The comedy of The Horse School:;, A Hotse Mathematician, A Class of Equine. Swiss Bell Ringers. [Amazing, Amusing and Instructive. 60 and 75c,J .heave White Plains,... JtKKssssS ■•Except Sunday. -Li—i.U ‘ •Wft* ja *8A0 p ra 1 4.85 a m 4.05 pm (MIOam 4.40pm SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS. Night Prices.—2 MsUftee.—25 qnc Fast train : Sleeping cars betweern Atlanta Augusta and - Charleston. Night express: Sleeping cars between Charleston and Atlanta. Charleston and Atlanta, Augusta and Atlanta, Augusta and Macon. Trains No. 27 and 23 will and receive, and.from the following stations only: Grovetown, Harlem, Deanng, Thomson, Norwood, BametqprewfbrdTille, union Point Grecnesboro, Madison, Rutledge,XocialCirele Covington, Conyers, Lithonia,-Stone Moun tain aud Decatur. Trains to aud from Athena connect with trams 27, 28,1 and 2; ■■ >•*;> axauliA J, W. GREEN. £. R. DORSEY, Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Aat, JOE W; WHITS, Tr%v. Paw, Agt. — MOSEY TO LOAN AT six PER^IlS. 3*lir r T is ust‘bxkkt^o"cu: . CHANDEMR.-Agdat, v LTZi'S.*:'- . Jefferson, Qfc’4 The firm of Mitchell andChandlrr hae disolved by mutual conient. I will oon- tinue tq negotiate loans on farm mort- guagea in : i_» uni of'- Jaeke - Banks, Oconee, Madison anil other pla ces by special contract. An extension of five years will be allowed, but ths borrower can pay back the money at any tithed Partial payments can also be made at any time. Moneyi can be secured at very short notice Don’t fail to see me before borrowing. YQUrs Truly 12.a-dw-Qw 0, .t- .v :v • i*