Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, January 15, 1890, Image 3

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*£ • . - - ... It is Absurd for people to expert a cure tor lodigee tion, n 11 Ice* tliey refrain from eating l» unwholesome; hot if anything will sharpen the appetite ami give ton* to tbe digestive organ*. St is Ayer's Bar. Mptrilla Thousanda all over t lie laou teuily to the merits of this mcllrine. Mn. Sarah Burroughs, of SIS Eighth street. South Boston, writes : “My hue. bwtil has taken Ayer's Sarsajiarilia, for Djepepsls amt torpid liver, and baa been greatly benefited." A Confirmed Dyspeptic. C. Canterbury, of 111 Franklin st., Boston, Mass., writes, that, suffering for years from Indigestion, he was at last Induced to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla •ml, by Its use, was entirely cured. Mrs. Joseph Antiin, of High street. Holyoke, Mass., snlfered for over s'year from Dyspepsia, so Uiat she could not est substantia) food, became very weak, and was unable to care for family. Neither the medicines prescribed by physicians, nor any of the remedies advertised for the cure of Dyspepsia, hvljicd her, until she commenced the nse of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. “Three bottles of this medicine,” she writes, “ cured me.” Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, « mrutD nr Dr. J. C. Ayer It Cth, Lowell, Mats. FrijsSl; six bottles, fit. Worth s* a bottle. $525|E’; ♦+; "t- profits per month twill pr-vett o fet k.w portraits Just out Sample sent rnr.r. to all. W. U.chldrsterR eon,ts Bond st. N.Y ■PARKER’S* HAIR BALSAM! Bi And beautifies the hair. A luxuriant growth. ■ kw Fails lo Restore GA I Hair to its Youthful Color.] rwvcnts l>nn InUf and h-.lrfalld ■Mo. and >1 final |—J eHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. Bed Cross Diamond Brand. • MMr.lOnwIL (Mta Udlm S«.. nildslh Sffiss Condensed Milk Co. RICI BRAND 3ENUINE SWISS CONDENSED MILK. Guaranteed llie richest and purest milk man- ufsetured, rontatnlng over 10 per cent of butter. ( lill lr.-n mill lmalliir. will thrive monilirfully. s»vl families will find it* use moio economical than o'dluary cum milk. See your grocer gives joS ttljri Swisscomlcnned Milk, import Agent, J v tIKS ■*. s.tllTII, New York and Chicago. THE VERY BEST MU S I CAL Instruction to lie seemed at the METROPOLITAN CONSERVATORY 21 Host 14th Street. New York City. Book giving foil particulars sent free. Can enter at any lime. Board fum shed in connec tion with the school. H. W. Grkrn k. General Manager. ASTHMA CURED [semmitmrs asthma corn J InctatiOy rr Its vet* thi* rinlont attack. No I 1 wait* nfc for rooulta. Its action is inunaai. I I Uo.niroct. and oortain v and tear* ia the rwaltl | in all ourabla r.tana A eitvtIo trial cooTtooaal llhamnat ak«r*ticnl PricntMK?. and S I.OO, of I Ivor by m*n Trial pd.:ka«o/Vr«toany| MADE WITH BCIUNC WATER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. i favorably knows, sad do wtaemre highly msnscri thaa that if tka Governor Perry, of Sooth Carolina. Foraoeea lime previses la his des&. Governor Perry was s eafierer from indigestom. Be took l»r. WestmoreiaciTs Caliseye Tonic and wrote the following Ittiaf: SassSocci. Geatlemen.—I mast cordially reeamss.nd Dr. eeimatalaad’a Caliaava Toaie. Foraev- I here beta troubled with mdi- mb. Dr. Best M nows the ingred ients which compoise your Tonic, spoke fsv- orsblv id It. la the coarse of two aseaths past I have aacd fusr bottles, sod I am entire, ly relieved. Yours truly, sic., B. F. PlBIT. Dr. Westmoreland's Caliaaya Toaie is sold by L. D. 8 ledge * Co, at We sad $1 a battla. rharaasthstAchts Angek food vtgD* are kerptea. WhOe Bttfe ssasfcss kre parptag. Aad my avert baby is skepfa*. Safe ta fare warm Bttk neet era! years past I have bees tro geetioa sad dyspepsia. My sc Perry, of Philadelphia, who hi RICHES If yea desire them no use fooling away time an things that don’t pay : bat send $1.00 st ones for b magnificent outfit of oar Great New Stanley hook. If book sad terms are not satisfactory we will refund yoar money. No nsk. No capital erded. Bath ladies and geatlemen employed— Don’t lone time ia writing. “Step io while tue water* are troub led." Days are worth dollars. Address, B. F JOHNSON A CO., If09 Main St., Richmond, Vs. Dec. 2S-d-lmo. FOB SALE. Onnd house and lot on corner of 8troog and Lmnpkio streets. Call and see us right sway. Shackleford & Hattaway, Real Estate Agents. Bucklcn's Arnica Salve. The best Salvo in the wutld for Cots, Brulsea. Sorea, Uiccra, Salt Rheum, Fever, Surer, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblaiur, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and pos- iiivtly cures Piles, or no pav required. It is guaranteed lo give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by John Crawford A Oa, and L. D. Sledge & Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists. For lame hack, side or chest, use Shiloh’s Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by John Crawford A Co. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shi loh's Cure. For sale by John Crawford A Co. SHILOb'S VITALIZES is wbst you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75cents per bottle. For sale by John Crawford & Co. SHILOH’S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on * guarantee. It cures Consumption. For sale by John Crawford It Co. B007 Is tfrod with play; Mmber in weary, love. tan Altar tba day's kbar ceded* God from his throes of tore bredasfc. And. in his many, ought saodath, Giving OSS sCraagh for the dog. Write Ihs soft naoefight tor Over Ute mother and child. —Katherine Hamilton ta Good Horn BLOTTED OUT. [ ventured to inquire LUCY HINTON IS QUEEN OF THE TOBACCO WORLD. Tnlrr.adge Bros.' are headquarters and factory agents Tor T. C. Williams A Co.’s Lucy Hinton. Matlaponi, Jay Bird and Panther lobuccoa. Tliey are always relia ble, uniform, and best on earth, for prices at which they arc sold. Try them. 18-8m The best razors and Ibe best pocket- knives, at tbe lowest prices, at Talmage & Brightwell’8. dec7lf C'onlagron* Blood Dlaease*. Unleers, sores, pimples, itch, salt rheum, etc are evidences ot conugeous blood disease. It is manifestly a duty to eradbate blood poison troni the system by a use ol B. U. B. (Uatunic Blood Halm) thus enabling the tore places to heal, and t .ereby removing all possibility of other members of the family becoming like wise afllcted. Send to Blood Balm Co , Atlanta, Ga., for book that will convince. J. H. Outlaw, Mt. Olive, N. C., writes: “ . had running sorts on my shoulders and armsl One battle B. K. B. cured me entirely." L. Johnson, Belmont Station, Miss., rites: ”B. B. B. has worked on me like a charm. My bead and body were covered with sores.and my hair came out, B. B. B. healed me quickly.” W. J. Kinnui, Hutches, lexss, writes: “B. B. B. has cured my wile of a large ulecr on her leg, that doctors and all other medicine could not cure.” M. J. Rossman, a prominent merchant of Greensboro, Ga., writes: “I know of several eases of Blood disease speedily cured by II. U. B. Two bottles cured a lady of ugly scrofu lous skin sores. W. C. Bircbmoie A Co., of Maxey, Ga, writes: ”1). B. B. in curing Mr. Robert Ward ofblood poison, effected one of the m .st won derful cures that ever came to our knowl edge.” TO WEAK MEN •art; decay, wastingweakness. lastmnhood.ete.Iwin send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing fun yartieulan for borne cam, FREE of charge. A splendid medical work; ehouhTbe read by every zun who la nervous and debilitated. Addrssa, FmL F. C. FOWLER. Hoodn.. Conn. FOR MEN ONLY! 1 DftemVF For LOST rr FAILING MANHOOD: BrWIIlIEonailsii NERVOUS DEBILITY: S ^m 'Weakness of Error* or S Klimt. XoMv VlMIOODf.1l. Hr.,rMUTCUllUn XWluIrlf u.lkllta* 1II1XK TKl t gw twWy ftty 4lllgN^ ftwlJBMpBMIiMBM^ M^YficAkMLTulMunr MHKI^ asnm a rear* of soot. Booknf ?zr> mr.E. &M.WOOLLKT.MJX oicueuir val *atlsf*r tK.u la the •ore of GonoiThfes anf Gleet. I prsaenue it aar feel aaf * in reeouureee lag It to all auflhraR 1. J. STOXF.K, MJh, Deastar, III PRICK, 81.00. Mold hv P-nswIab C. F.Kohlruss, Manufacturer and Deler In Foreign * Domestic Marble nml Granite Monuments, Headstones. Statues, Copings, etc. Ccmeteiy and building w ork of all Deecrlptloa made to order. All or ders promptly attended to and executed In the neatest manner ptesible. Original Dmlgna Executed. Corner Washington and Kills Sts. AUGUSTA GEORGIA. , GENTS wanted stance for Life and Remi- Lnkcences of Jefferson Davis. Edited by Jus- ^e Lamar, U. 8. Supreme Court. Part cf pro ceeds riven to erect a monument to Mr. Davis. Complete outfit *1. Address R. H. WOODWARD A CO., Bsltimore. Md. * few general agents wanted. d-Janfi JOHN -GO TO- L. ARNOLD House and Sign Painting Paper Hanging, Etc. -GO TO— JOHN L. ARNOLD, ■ BROAD STREET, Catarrh Can’t be Cured, with I-ocal adplication, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh ia a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you have to take internal remedies. Mail’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aud seta di rectly on the blood and mneus surface. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is no quack medicine. It was prescribed by one ot the best physicians in this country lor years sod is a prescription. It i* composed ot the best tonics known com bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucus surface. The perfect combination orthe two ingredients is wbst pio- duees such wondertul results in earing cs tarrh. Send for testimonials free- F. J. Chsxkt A Co., Prop., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, price 75c. The king of sism his just married twenty new wives. When yon have nsed Uradycrotine and it has failed to cure yoar Headache, call on any Drag- gist for s return of yoar money. A move in the right direction—to the front No snilererfrom any aerotnlons disease, who will fairly try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, need des pair ol a care. This remedy purges tbe blood of mil impurities, destroys tbe germs of scrof ula, and infuses nsw life sad vigor throughout the physical organization. The defective boiler is s volcano of danger. Stop that cough, by the nse of Ayer's Cber- ry Pectoral!—the best specific for all throat and long diseases. It will allay inflammation, aid respiration, and strengthen the vocal organs. Ayer,* Almanacs are free to slL Ask for one, Combination, not competition, strangles the spirits of trade. That tired, languid feeling and doll headache U vary dissgreable. Take two of Carter’s Lit- tie Liver Pill* before retiring, and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. Send tiS Elkano, Nev., for ioe, Thermome kr SO degrees below aero. Eupepsy This ia what yon ought to have, in fact, you mast have it, to fully enjoy life. Tbouasods are searching for it only, and morning because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent nasally by onr people in the hope that they may attain this boou. And ▼etit maybe had by all. Wegaaisnteo that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and tbe nse persisted in, will bring yon Good Digestion and oust ths demon Dyspepsia sad install instead Enpepsy. Ws recommend Elec- trie Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of the Stomach sad Kidneys. Sold at 50, and $100 per botUs by John Crawford A Co. or L. D. Sledge Co. Whole sak and Retail Druggist Athens, Ga. A transaction in hearts—Playing the donee. Always avoid harsh purgative pills They first mmkt you aiek and then leave constipated Carter’s Littls Liver Pills regulate the bowek and anko yon well. Dose, one pilL The gnat cock k always pretty well keeled when be goes out on n business trip. All cases or weak or fauna beck, backache, rhenmatiam, wiUfind relief by wearing onsCar ter’s Smart weed and Belladonna Backache I’laetors. Price 28 cants. Try them.*.. “He isn’t worth a cent In tba world, and lie siia'n't have her.” Tills is what my husband. CoL Lee, said to me one morning, as 1 endeavored to bring him to reason in regard to tbe love affair of our ouly daughter. I did not contradict my husband, al though I felt that lie was utterly in the dark aliout the whole matter. No one ever did that. 1 doubt if his opinion had ever been disputed in the whole course of bis life 1 v mildly: “But what have you against the man?” “His poverty, for the first item," lie answered; “but this would not influence me a particle If I saw any way under the heavens l>y which he could earn a re- spectablo living for a family. Archibald Harris is an artist and a dreamer; and if dial combination is not enough to con demn him. 1 should like to know what isT “But, husband” “No buts to me, Eflie. I have made up my mind. That landscape dnuber shall not have my daughter. Tell Ma rion that this h my ultimatum, and on no account to mention the subject again to mo." This was a hard message to take to my child, and, 1 feared, an entirely unex- pected one; for to this “artist," “dream er" and “dauber" my husband had been unusually polito. By his Invitation he had become a constant visitor at our house, and through his instrumentality the young folks had fallen in love. That Marion would obey her father I had not the slightest doubt. Never in her life had she given us a moment's concern. The giving up would be hard, of course, and my heart shrank from the trial the dear child would he compelled to meet; but that she would yield in stant submission I was quite sura. My face must itave told the whole story, for she gave me a keen glance aa 1 entered her room and said: “Don’t feel bad about ft, mother. I was quite sure he would say no. Did lie state hla objections?” she continued, qui- etly. “He does not like Mr. Harris’ profes sion: or. at least, has 110 confidence in it as a means of maintenance." How very quiet the girl waa* I looked and wondered. “Docs he know anything against Mr. Harris' character?" she resumed. “Certainly not," I answered. “I think he believes him to be a thorough gentle- man, but lacking sufficient business en terprise to insure your future comfort and happiness." “Mother!" and now my ehUil’a tones were very Arm—“I beg you will say this to father: If he will prove Archibald Harris a liar, a thief, a gambler, a loose society man. or a piece of one of these, 1 will promise never to think of him again in this way; but upon no other condi tions. If he is unable to do tills, I shall share my lover’s future with him, what ever tliat future may her And you will marry without your father's consent?" “Yes, ma’am." “And break my heart?" Marion smiled sadly, and replied: "’Don’t use that weapon with me, mother, please, because under these cir cumstances it is not on honorable one. If Archie Harris is not tlve upright man 1 think him, I want nothing of him. If there is no black mark found against him, I shall marry him. if 1 were not to do this, 1 should lie unworthy to be your child, because we love each other. “But your father will never forgive you—never in the whole world’ Let him not, then," she interrupted, as quietly as before. “That matter ia be- tween him and God." My daughter was right and my hus band was wrong. 1 must sympathize with one honestly and fully (and oppose the other—a difficult position, and my heart tailed me at the prospect The colonel would. I knew, continue obdu rate, and of course, after the above inter view, what else could I predict of Marion? A day or two after these memorable interviews we found that Mr. Harris had been very formally but very politely re quested to discontinue bis visits at our house. Grieved at this insult, Marion sought her father, but the attempt to draw him into conversation on the subject was en tirely ineffectuaL He dismissed her with this “flea in her ear," aa he facetiously called it: “I don’t know anything against Harris’ character, and sha’n’t trouble myself to go round hunting up his antecedents. It’s enough for me to know that he is a pauper and will always remain one. I have fixed the whole matter for you, and now you’ve nothing to do but make love to your mother and your' ugly old father for a while. It’ll do just as well, if you've only a mind to think so. A few weeks passed, and one evening I found on my toilet table the following communication: “Darling Mother—Don't blame me, for no other course waa open to me. Wouid to heaven there had been. I ac cidentally heard yesterday that Archi bald was very ilL 1 immediately made it my business to find out how ill. To my utter horror and amazement, 1 dis covered that his physician had ordered him to go either to California or abroad. He has an acute bronchial difficulty, which the doctor declares will not vield in this climate. 1 found, too, that he was delaying this trip firstly on my count, and secondly because he really h$d not the means to defray the expenses of a long journey and a protracted (per- haps> period of invalidism. When I had gleaned all the facts I came home and hunb*l up every jewel I possessed and sold them. Yes, mother, I can do with out jewels; but I cannot, must not, let the man 1 love suffer. This morning wo were married (1 did It all myself—Archie fatty rebelled against the whole ar- Sak from thereto mmSB-. I reckon Tell father ptrsne to try end think weli of me and forgive m If i y other manner In as dire an emergency I should not have ree-j worthy lo have retained the Lev. »Mco looks very prettily now sandwiched be tween Marion and Harris.' By the way. this was the dm Mt of impudence £ had ever known ray daugh ter guilty of toward her father. Her foe ter ended in this style: Love me and vray for me. dear thar. I will keep you informed of our whereabouts Hoping and believing that everything will come right before long, 1 am yours and dear papa's loving ••Marion." Oh. the storm that followed this, or ratlier the awful calm that preceded the whirlwind of a few days later My hus band neither ate nor slept for two days and nights, and we hardly spoke. When his rage found words, then he cursed and left me—cursed me in lan guage 1 can never forget. “You have done this, madam! Your be ho*?led. “Now reap your reward Five minutes more and you wiU have neither daughter nor husband. This house is yours, and you will find your self provided for economically, madam— not a cent will you have |o spare for the child you have aided and abetted in ill*, honoring me!" Then the door slammed and I was alone. Twenty years of married life, and the very first quarrel followed by a separa tion! I drained that cup of bitterness to the dregs. For weeks I heard nothing from my daughter, and for twelve long months not a word from my husband. The colonel’s lawyer took charge of all financial affaire, and my comfort was strictly attended tot In this respect there was nothing to find fault with; but, oh I the utter bleakness and barren ness of my life! How plainly the whole past stood out before mo! During ail the yean 1 had spent with Francis Lee, I bad never ones asserted myself. By entire conformity to his wishes and implicit obedience to hi* will, I had managed never to come In contact with the angularities of Ids im petuous nature. My love for him had kept me entirely passive, allowing my hushsnd and my master to rule me as absolutely and Imperiously as ever a domineering king ruled over the weak est of his subjects. To be sure, love kept the chains from clanking, but they were there all the same; and now they cut into my very soul. The first ray of light tliat penetrated my gloomy home was a letter from Marion. “Do not grieve any more about this unfortunate business," she wrote. “I Hty, do not, because such grief in wicked. You have done no wrong. Let that thought comfort you first of all; and then do try and be happy in the thought of my happiness. Archie is gaining strength every day—In fact, he is almost well; and tie has received an order to paint a picture for one of the wealthiest men in^the whole west. He is to be paid splendidly for it. and we are so happy about it and everything else. God only knows I tow glad 1 am tliat I went to my husband in his misfortune^ He just needed me; and together, dear mother, wo can do anything — paint pictures, write poems and get rich, perhaps; who knows?. Father .wilj cotqe bock to you before long, and we shall evermore be a happy family. 1 am sure of it." Much more my darling wrote,and every line infused fresh strength and courage into my veins. At the end of the year I visited them at their temporary home in California. Orders for pictures had been crowded upon Archibald so fast that they had found it necessary to move to a moro public part of tlie city of Francisco and were then boarding at a hotel. One dny, after dinner, Marlon, who had re turned from a short stopping excursion, burst Into the room where Archie and 1 sat talking, with a face pule os that ef a corpee. “Come with me, softly," said she. In a whisper. “As true as 1 live, I have this moment seen father in a room just down the corridor. Tlie door waa open a way, and, as I passed, I saw him sitting In a choir with his back toward me?" ‘But. perhaps." 1 answered trem blingly, “It may not be he” “Comer she interrupted, gaining con fidence as she saw my excitement ^JlATKCALFsflOlL All wade la Congress, Dutton sod Lam. 83 & $2 SHOES uSIEs. •1.75 SHOE FOR MISSES. JtT £SKK-»!!S«iJr s Sri?*- W. C. & ff. fl. $f/EAD. Some people agree with Tins Site’s opinions about men and things, and some people don’t; blit everybody likes to get hold of the newspaper which is never dull and never afraid to speak its mind. Democrats know that for twenty vears Tub Sun has fought in the front line for Democratic principles, never wavering or weakening in its loyalty to the true interests of the party* it serves with fearless intelligence and disinterested vigor. At times opinions have differed as to the best means of ac complishing the common purpose; it is notJTHE Sun’s fault, for it has seen further into the millstone. Eighteen hundred and ninety is tlie year that will probably determine the result of the Presidential election of 1892, and perhaps the fortunes of the Democracy for the rest of tlie century. Vietory in 1892 is a duty, and the be ginning of 1890 is the best time to start out in company with The Sun. Daily, per month $0 50 Daily,per year 6.00 Sunday, per year... 2.00 Daily and Sunday,per year S.00 Daily and Sunday, per month .. .’0.70 Weekly Sun, oue year 1.00 res TI*K NUN. Nr-ur York. guess 1 know father. Come! we’ll sur prise him.” “But, Morion" “No buts. I tell you to follow me. If ever & man’s back expressed sorrow and homesickness and remorse generally, my father's back did. as I passed it a mo ment ago." She led me out of the room and through the corridor, and never once halted until she had thrown the door wide open, and finally pushed me in. Marion and Archie followed. A second more and I had passed around the chair, and was kneeling before my husband. “Effiet” said he with a shout of joy, "you here? Ood be praised!" “And can you” I was going to say forgive, but he interrupted me. “Don’t say that word to me, Effie Lecff “But the children, Marion arid Archie?” I stammered. “Oh, yee," bo smiled, “the children! Where ore they? I have nothing to for give even there. I wonder if tliey can ever forgive their obstinate old fathor!' Then Archie and Marion came for ward and the poskwas blotted ouL—Sun and Voice. A Scrap of Paper Saved Her Life. It was' jost an ordinaiy scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved her life. Sbe was ia the last stages of consumption, told by physicii that she was incurable and conld live only abort time: sbe ‘weighed leas than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper sbe read of Dr. King’s New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped bar, sbe bought a large bottle, it helped her maze, bought an other .and grew better fast, continued its use and ia now strong, healthy, rosy, plnmp, weighing 140 pound*. For foller particulars send stamp to W; H. Cola, Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Discov ery Free at John Crawford A Co, or L. D. Sledge A Co. Whole sale and Retail Druggists Athens,Ga. The livery stable man ia so mad at this weather that he feels like sleighing some one. Church lotteries may be wrong, but the chorister gets his money by chants. Notiee of Stockholder*’ Meeting. An adjornned meeting of the stock holders of the Georgia Carolina Northern Railway Company will be held in Athens, ;6a. Wednesday, Jan nary 15th 1880 at 18M. ta A. h. HoMqSocretwy, W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. iCnir. Heavy Leced Grain sad Creed. \VKL> WELT SHOE. LNI> FARMKRH* KHOl ngesvo! FOR 4890. ELECTRIC GOODS. Julius Dornblatt, Cayton Street, Athens, Ga. OCtJdtf THE Lee Range It Stands on its Merits. The following twenty well known citizens of Athens are selected front my list of purchasers to whom 1 refer as to the merits of the Lee Range. Consult the references, see the Range and if you want a first-class cooking apparatus you are my customer. in Timext r Dr S C Benedict F B Lucas H N Taylor Prof H C White Prof E C Branson Julius Cohen I H Allen J BToomer Industrial Home Thomas Fleming A H Hodgson Casper Morris Win Ware M B McGinty C D Flanigen Mrs Blackwell Mrs Olive Mrs Lucy Mathews E R Brumby A D Mathews. In the Coxmtry: Dr Watkins, Sandy Cross ^ W O Fluker, Union Point Mr. Stovall, Oeoneecounty J W Arnold, Wilkes county Andrew & Glenn, Oglethorpe county J M Brisendim, “ ‘ James Young, “ “ Hob Jas M Smith, “ “ M Mathew's, •* “ James Hutcheson “ “ T A Hanie. “ “ JR Shields, Jackson county. Woods Ashford, Watkiusville James Freeman, Antioch G A Potter, Supt. Ga. Factory. Mr Card, Supt. Barnett Shoals. in addition to the LEE RANGE I keep the best and largest selected stock Stoves and Goods in my Line Of any house in this city. convince. A call will s mss 3-311 n Or tbe Liquor Habit, PoMtlvely Cared BT JUWaiSTttlM M. HAWES’ ««UU HEClf 1C. Hcle?5'lto5d!^l^oat I the knowledgerfj'tlicpcr- sra tridag It; It to absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient li* moderate drinkeroran ricoholio Address In confidence. SPECIFIC CR.13B On—«.CIncfamriLa. New-:- Opera-:-House ATHENS, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Jan. 16,17 and 18. FAMILY MATINEE Saturday 2:30. Prof. D. M. Bristol’s C . BODE S Cor. College Avenue aud C ayton St. Has always on hand • FRESH _BREAD, CAKE PURE CONFECTIONERIES. Has Received a Full Assortment of Toys, such as Dolls, Bedroom Parlor, Kitchen, Toilet & Wash Sets, Carriages, Drums, Horns, Jumping Jacks, Clowns, Toy Carts and Wagons, Drawing Slates Velocipedes, Decorated Cups Saucers and Mugs. G. BODE, Athens, - Ga. tv tf Galloway, Lambert & Co. Headquarters for FARCY w FAMILY We have just received a shipment of French Peas, J ooke y Club Sar lines, Plum Puddings, Layer Figs, Tnurber’s Canned Peaches, Pears, Apri cots, and Dunbar’s Pre served Figs. Our Olive Oil, Teas, Extracts and Spices ARE THE REST No. 19 E. Clayton St., _A.TK[£:iSrB, GLA.. MAXWELL’S Livery and Feed Stables SPECIAL TO DROVERS. Lexington, Georgia. Hrere*, Buggies Hack, sad Surreys for Hire. Gentle Horses. Safu Drivers. Customer* serv ed Day or Night. Slock In luy One receive* Rot of Attaulion. Rates Res*ouable. E. Maxwell, Prop’r. Ike Keeps on hand at nil times a full line of FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES Full Measure, Honest Weights autl Good Quality Guaranteed. IF YOU WANT Good Vinegar, Syrup, or Sugar Give Him a Call. A very fine lino of CRACKERS, and a Fancy Braud of Which will always satisfy. Always Jfiesli. Bestof Lard, Hams, Dried Beef and Breakfast Bacon. Come and See. OATS, CORN, HAY and STOCK FEED. GALLOWAY, LAMBERT & CO. Telephone No. 73. Geo. C.TnoMAs; .Tno. J. Stricki an- THOMAS & STRICKLAND. ATTORNEYS Mis, Georuia Georgia, Railroad Co Stone Mountain Home. Orrios GaKKUALM/h.fjiE 1 Augusta, Ua., Sept, ilst, ItCO. J The following ache Julo will be opvzat .d un til further uotice: ATHENS BRANCH. 90th Meridian Time. 0 8 10 18 24 27 35 40 Fas'. Train. Day Mail. Fast Train. Lv. Athens. Winterville Dunlap.... Crawlord.. Antioch ... Maxeys.... Wooarille. Ar. Union Pt. 8.30 a ra 8.46 a m 8 50 a m 8.07 a m 9.23 a m 9.30 a m 9.47 a m 9.55 a m 8.40 a m 9.12 a m 9210 a in 10.00 a m 10.29 a m 10.52 a m 11.22 a m 11.35 a m 5.50 p m 4.06 p m 4.10 p m 4.27 p m 4.43 p m 4.50 p u- 5.07 p m 5.15 p m Lv. Union Pt. Ai. Atlanta . Gainesville 10,04 a tn 1,90 p in 8.25 p m 2.10 p m 5.45 p m Lv. UnionPt. Ar. Augusta. Washing! n V aeon Mill’dgvlle 12.17 p m 3.35 p m 2.20 p m 3.00 p m 4.11 p m B 35 p m 8.15 p m 7.20 p m TRAINS WESTWARD. Lv. Augusta. Macon .... Mill’d" vile W ashmgt n Ar. UnionPt. l.v. Atlanta.. Gainesville Ar. Union Pt. 7.45 a m 7.20 a m 10.01 a m 11.05 a m 7.10 a m 9.13 a m 11.10 a m 1.55 p m 8.00 a m 5.55 a m 11.46 p m 2.45 p tn 5.39 p m Lv. Union Pt. WoodviUe. Maxeys. .. Antioch.. Crawford.. Dnnlap.... Winierville Ar. Athens. 7.0.15 a m 10 £4 a m 10.41 a m 10.48 a m 11.04 a m 11.20 a m 11.25 a m 11.40 a m 2.10 p m 2.31 p m 3.06 p m 3.21 p m 4 03 p m 4.39 p m 4.51 p m 5.15 p tn 5.35 p m 5.44 p m 6.01 p m ,.08 p m 6.24 p m 6.40 p m 6.45 p m 7.00 p m ATHENS ACCOMMODATION Leave Athens* S 15 p m Arrive Union Point. 8 45 p m Lett e Union Point* 5 45 p m Arrive Athens •Except Sunday. 9 SO * m UNION POINT A WHITE PLAINS B. R. Leave Union Point**... Arrive at Stloxm Arrive at White Plaint.. Horses, Ponies and Mules, DENVER, the Famous Mule Comedian andjthe entire company. The comedy of The Horse School. A Horse Mathematician, A Class of Equine Swiss Bell Ringers. [Amazing, Amusing and Instructive. Night Prices.—25, 50 and 76c. Matinee.—25 and 50c. MSS Leave White Plains Arrive at Siloam Arrive at Union Point.... •Except Sunday. 10.10 a m 10.35 a m 11.10 a m *5.40 p m 6.05 p rn 6.40 p m *S 00 a m 8.35 a m Si .00 a m Keep Warn in Winter —and— Cool in Summer. Tk Mb Its Copy Is prepared to furnish the Best Black Diamond Coal and Wood During the winter and Ey*“ICK,«(GES thc’Sum- mer. Order*left nt 5IS***124^gJ Clnvton Street will receive pr rapt attention. ATHENS JcK CO. fecpttklly. 1890, JANUARY, 1890. 14th, 15th and 16th Are the dates selected for the MYSTIC CARNIVAL Under King Cotton Assisted by his Loyal Subjects and the Grand Trades Display, At Augusta, Ga. The Carnival will lie the prandcst ever seen East of New Orleans or South of Now York. The Chariots, Floats, and Co-tumcs will bo magnificent.' Yon cannot afford to miss the display. From the present outlook the Trades Display will be Tltrec illles Long. The Grand CARNIVAL BALL Takes place night of January 181h. Poultry and Fet Stock Show opens January 13th, and continues until and Including Jannary 19th. THE GEORGIA RAILROAD will sell, round trip tickets as stated below. Tickets include admission to Poultry and Pet Stock Show. The first column of figure's belo. are round trip rates for Jan. 14, IS and 16, good to return until 17th Inclusive. The second column round trip rates for Jan. 11,12, 13,17,18. Good to re turn until 19 inclusive: Athens, 2 55 8 70 winterville 240 350 Dunlap 2 35 8 45 Crawford 2 20 8 20 Antioch 210 3 00 Maxeys 2 05 290 Bairdstown 190 2 75 WoodviUe 185 2 70 Unless yon purchase your tickets, conductor wjU charge full train rates. Secure tickets ear • ly and avoid Ibe rush. JOE. w. WHITE, E. R. DORSRY, Travelling Pass. Agt. Gen’l Pass. Agt. San 5—dO-8-11-12-14-15-16, One two-story house on Foundry street, lot extending back to Covington & Macon Railroad. A splendid lot for a warehouse. Also, one large dwelling on Oconee st., now used by Public SchooL This prop erty is valuable. Shackleford A Hattaway, Real Estate Agents. *3.30 p m 4.05 p m 4. 40p m SLEEPING AND PARLOR CABS. Fast train : Sleeping cars between Atlanta Augusta and Charleston. Night express: Steeping ears between Charleston and Atlanta, Augusta and Atlanta, Angusta and .Macon. Trains No. 27 and 28 will stop at and receive, passengers to and from the following stations only: Grovetown, Harlem, Bearing, Thomson, Norwood, Barnett,Crawtordvilte, union Point Greenesboro, Madison, Rutledge, Social Circle Coring!on, Conyers, Lithouia, Stone Moun tain and Decatur. Trains to and from Athena connect with trains 27, 28, 1' and 2. J. ff. GREEN, E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt, JOE W. WHITE, Trev. Pare. Agt. 6 : gj ■ MONEY TO LOAN s - fryfs. AT SIX PER CENT. X ATLANTA TRUST 'BANKlNfiT:<37 C. C. Chandler, Agent, Jefferson, Ga. The firm of Mitchell andChandler has dfsolved by mutual consent. I will con tinue to negotiate loans ou farm mort- guages in ;n mi■ >* of Jack* Banks, Oconee, Madison and other pla ces by special contract. An extension of flve years will be allowed, but the borrower can pay back the money at any time. Partial payments can also be made at any time. Money can be secured at very short notice ~ fail to see me before borrowing. 12-6-dw.0m ‘ l0lir c. , <?. a CHANDLEa, SB